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Times -Advocate, May 3, 1989
Education week dinner - Two dinners were held at St. Patrick's Separate School at Lucan last week
for students to celebrate Education Week. Above, chief chef, teacher Jack. Gardiner gets help from
senior students Sean Ryan, Meghan Stansell, Lisa Theunissen, Jennie Malone and Renee Petty -
News from Lucan
LUCAN - Rev. Susan Shelstad,
in her call to worship, chose Jesus'
words "This is my commandment,
Love One Another". The choir an-
them the Family of God was led by
organist Chris Punter.
The children's story told by the
minister was a lesson in math. The
children knew that the minus sign
means to take away and is a nega-
tive symbol. The plus sign means
that we are to add something. When
the vertical line of the plus sign is
extended, it becomes the cross and
reminds us of Jesus.
The coffee hour, sponsored by the
Sunday School Teachers, provided a
time of fellowship.
Stewards arc to meet May 4 at 8
p.m., Session May 11,- Official
Board May 18.
Anyone who has household arti-
cles, clothes for women and chil-
dren (toys also) for Women's Com-
munity House, London is asked to
leave them at Francis St. door of
Lucan United .Church by end of
May or phone 227-4879.
LUCAN - Members of Dorcas
unit of Lucan United Church met at
1 p.m. to tie a quilt for Women's
Community House, London and to'
quilt the provincial flowers one.
Unit leader Mabel Froats read a
poem "Talents" followed by roll
call with a verse from Bible on
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A bake, sew or grow sale proved
interesting and financially reward-
ing. Kae Thompson led in worship
on the Lord's prayer.
Iola Goring introduced Beth An-
derson who told us of her work
with W.O.T.C.H., Western Ontario
Therapeutic Community Hostel.
The video showed their club rooms
on highway 83 East in Exeter and
how those attending learn to work
and look after themselves.
Apartments are maintained in
-London and the people can live on
their own with supervision. One of
their jobs consists of rolling news-
papers which are saved for them by
Exeter church and then rolls are sent
for shredding for packing.
Verna Ibbitson thanked the speak-
er and presented her with a gift.
Group 2 will be in charge of the
May meeting - Ruthann Curtis,
Doreen Smith, Kay Armstrong and
Helen Banging with roll call to be a
Bible verse with Mother in it.
LUCAN -. The Women's Minis-
tries of Lucan Revival Centre held
their monthly meeting Wednesday
evening in Graham Chapel. Mrs.
Tina Sumner, vice president, led in
worship singing. Mrs. Jane Bend
sang The Crucified Arose. Miss.
Lauren Harrison read a poem she
had written about God Loves Wom-
en as Much as He Loves Men.
Rev. Mrs. Emma Crouch, retir-
ing teacher at Christianview Bible
College, was guest speaker. From
1 Corinthians 14:34-35, she read
women were to keep silence in the
churches. This was written because
of confusion in churches in Paul's
• day.
Pieter Sckinkleshoek ministered
from Luke 7:26-50. Wile Jesus
was a dinner guest at a Pharisee's
house, a sinner woman came in,
anointed Jesus' feet with perfumed
oil..Crying, she washed his feet
with her tears, then dried his feet
with her hair.
Rev. Roger Mason spoke Sunday
evening from Ephesians 5:15-21.
Just as small termites can eat away
to destroy a house, so little things
• . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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can destroy a marriage. - The first
termite that can destroy a marriage
is confusion in how we live. Have
you used God's word to assess how
you are living?
Upcoming events May 14-16 -
Anniversary Services with Rev.
Ray Brewster, former pastor, now
Missionary supervisor for Asia.
May 17 - Annual Blossom Tea.
Sunday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. - An-
niversary Service. Monday, May
15 at 730 p.m. - Mortgage Burn-
ing Service. Tuesday, May 16 at
7:30 p.m. - Celebration Service.
Wednesday, May 17 at 7 p.m. - An-
nual Blossom Tea.
LUCAN - Love, Joy and Peace!
The greatest gifts we can give and
receive. Many of us openly give
but how well do we receive gifts in
this real world? Most people find it
hard to receive, looking at it suspi-
ciously or in the light of charity.
But Exodus 4:1-17 shows us how
to accept gifts for He controls all.
Every believer has a gift given by
God and one should use them as di-
rected to. Therefore as we need one
another and their gift we must re-
member to receive and give with a
humble heart.
Bible study groups and music fel-
lowship meet this week and the
youth group survived their bike
ride. But did the Pastor?
Sunday night, May 7 is the kick
off night for this seasons "Let's
Play Ball". Come one and all to
the Market street diamond at 7 p.m.
Remember our gigantic garage
and bake sale at Don and Beth Mill-
er's home on Lewis Avenue, Satur-
day, May 13 from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. For donation pick-up please
call Dennis and Mary Maguire at
227-4323.- •
Further information on any
church activity can be obtained
from the pastor, Rev. Darrell
Shaule at 227-1296 or any church
by Mrs. Stan Preszcator
Show concern for Legion veterans
By Sid Daley
LUCAN - My friends the Vete-
rans of Districts A, B, and C of the
Royal 'Canadian Legion are con-
cerned of what the future holds for
our -veterans in the Psychiatric In-
stitute of Victoria Hospital. Man
of these veterans have lived here
since the war years. Not of their
own choosing however, but as a re-
sult of the war which left them
with psychiatric disorders. Now for
some reason they vb'ish to move
them to other accommodations and
we, the veterans of Districts A, B,
and C are against such a move. It
has been documented such a move
would be devastating resulting in
the demise of many.
In our attempts to avert such a
move, members of Districts A, B
and C Hospital Committee made up
a letter which has been distributed
to the many Branches and Auxiliar-
ys in the three Districts requesting
they also have it duplicated and dis-
tributed among their members re-
questing they mail same to their
M.P. and M.P.P. We are request-
ing the assistance of the public, if
you are in agreement with our
views then please let the politicians
The following is the message we
sent: "Sir: We seek your support
in joining the voices of the mem-
bers of the Royal Canadian Legion
Hospital Committee for Ontario
Districts A, B, and C.
We are totally opposed to the
transfer for those veterans who are
patients in the Psychiatric Institute
of Victoria Hospital Corporation in
London, Ontario, to the new wing
of Parkwood Hospital opened in
April 1989, or to any other facility
for the treatment of psychiatric dis-
It is our contention that funding
to refurnish and renovate the Psy-
chiatric Institute is the responsibili-
ty of Victoria Hospital Corpora-
tion, the Ministry of Health for
Ontario and Veterans Affairs Cana-
The Present Psychiatric Institute
facility can truly be described as the
only home many •of these patients
have ever known. The mortality
rate risk that could bo associated
with their proposed transfer is not
Yours respectively".
They need your support Now
won't you help them!!!
And that's 30 for this week re-
member - Little things console us
because little things afflict us.
Designs Crest - Biddulph Central School principal Arnold Hull
presents a plaque to Eric Schatzler for designing a new school
Honour retiring custodian - Students at St. Patrick's Separate School at Lucan planted an oak tree
Friday morning to honour the retirement of custodian John VanderLoo after 23 years of service. Stu-
dents Rob Pattyn and Paul O'Shea, Father Capitano and Bryan Williams of the London -Middlesex
Separate School Board watch as VanderLoo finishes off the planting.
Lucan OPP
LUCAN As reported in an earli-
er news release, damage complaints
and thefts usually increase in the
spring and last week was no excep-
tion for the O.P.P. Lucan detach-
ment area.
Out of a total of 42 occurrences
reported, 12 were damages and
thefts. The eight damage com-
plaints were split between the Lu -
can and Arva areas and involved
damage to lawns and to vehicles.
Other investigations included three
CREDITON - The sermon topic liquor violations, one impaired driv-
was taken from Deuteronomy 7: 7- er, two trespasses and two assault
13 and Hebrew 6: 1-12 titled The complaints.
Bible and Its Truth. Four injury, one property damage
U.C.W. meeting will be held and two non -reportable motor vehi-
Thursday night May 4 at 8:00 p.m. cle accidents were in this reporting
It will be Appreciation Night for all period. No major injuries resulted
the ladies who work for funerals, but four persons were listed as re-
decorating etc. Come and bring a . ceiving minor injuries.
Choir practice is Wednesday -4w .,3t an seniors
fling at 8:00 p.m.
' Personals - LUCAN - Lucan Seniors and
Last week's visitors with Mr. and Busy Buddies met in the Scout Hall
Mrs. Stan Preszcator were Mr. and opening in the usual manner.
Mrs. Carl Farr and Jeremy, St. Birthday greetings were extended
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. 'David Isaac to Jean Hodgins. Merle Bright of
and Tasha, Exeter, Ed Preszcator Burlington was welcomed as a
and Judy Young, Denfield. guest. We were reminded of the
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator' 50th wedding anniversary of Chris
were Wednesday supper guests with and Wilhelmina Hessel which is to
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hubley, Sea- be held Saturday evening.
4.1(. rt1s. We all dined at the Steak We were also reminded of the
house in Scaforth and spent the eve- Benefit Dance for the Seniors Com-
,.ning .at the Home and Garden plex also to be held Saturday eve-
OShow, which we enjoyed. nin .
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Aid Canine Vision - Saturday night the Lucan Lions presented a
$12,000 cheque to Canine Vision of Canada. Above, Lions Rick
Blatchford and Larry Hotson present the cheque to Ed Kincaid
and dog Casey.
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