HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-03, Page 16Page 16 May 3, 1989
Plan new
rec centre
for Craig
AILSA CRAIG - A group of citi-
zens from Ailsa Craig and two ad-
joining townships have formed a
committee to raise $200,000 for a
recreation centre. That sum of
money is required before ground can
be broken on an $800,000 struc-
Gerald Naumann of East Wil-
liams Township, chairman of the
committee, said the money will be
raised by early spring of 1990 so
construction can start towards an
opening in late 1990. The recrea-
tion complex will serve the needs
of a rapidly -growing Ailsa Craig
and the neighboring townships of
East Williams and McGillivray.
The committee resulted from a
public meeting called by Reeve
Don Shipway last month to advise
residents that funds promised by the
provincial government had not been
forthcoming. Shipway explained
the only way such a centre can be
•built is for the people who would
make use of it to raise approximate-
ly $200,000. Shipway said
S200,000 has been raised over the
years and is available. He said the
town of Ailsa Craig could debenture
another $200,000..
"This is not some sort of palace
to hold parties in," Shipway said.
"It is a basic recreation centre for
people of all ages from Ailsa Craig,
East Williams and McGillivray
Townships. It is a place where
anyone from youngsters to seniors
can met and hold activities. Right
now we have no public place for
.our young people to do anything
except on the street corners.".
The Reeve said the project re-
ceived funding several years ago to
complete phase one -- preparation
of the building site -- but when the
site had been acquired and prepared,
the village was refused funds with
which to build.
At a meeting last week Nau-
mann, a real estate agent, was elect-
ed chairman. Other members of his
committee include Shelley Steeper
and Shirley Hodgson as co -
secretaries and Terry Shipway and
Dinie Twynstra as co -treasurers.
Bruce Fraser is chairman of the pro-
motion and publicity committee
with Sandy Anderson.
The new committee will have
seed money from the S200,000 now
in a town bank account and one of
its first moves was to launch 'a
"Name The Recreation Complex"
competition open to students at area
The competition is being adver-
tised in the schools and a winner
will be announced during the week
of July 10. The winning entry will
contain the word "recreation," but
no other guidelines must be fol-
Haumann said a "spectacular"
iaunch of the fund-raising program
will co-incide with the town's Gala
Days Weekend, the third weekend in
July. A number of proposals from
committee members are being stud-
ied and will be announced as details
are worked out.
The committee will co-ordinate
all fund-raising efforts for the recre-
ation complex, Naumann said, so
arca residents will not have their
doorbells worn out during the next
year by people trying to sell tickets
on various raffles or other such pro-
"5200,000 is simply too much
money for 900 men, women and
children to pull out of their pock-
ets," Haumann said. "We have to
broaden the base from which dona-
tions can be solicited and received.
Those are the ideas my committee
is trying to come up with between
now and July. As we finalize the
various mays and means of raising
the funds. we'll let everybody know
through the Local media, a commu-
nity notice board, or a newsletter to
every home."
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Legion fish fry - Members of the R.E. Pooley Exeter branch of the
Royal Canadian Legion celebrated the first anniversary of their
new renovations with a Saturday fish fry. Shown. getting their
generous servings are vice-president Lorne Kleinstiver and presi-
dent Vera Armstrong.
Legion fish fry is successful,
approve hall air conditioning
EXETER - Branch 167 of the
Royal Canadian Legion has had an
active winter with sh�see eral events
which were " impalt5nt to our
Branch. The local paper, the Exeter
Times -Advocate was recognized by
Command and an award was pre-
sented. A submission to the Legion
Magazine will be forthcoming.
Also our Legion sponsored Ban-
tam Hockey Team played host to a
team from Sweden. A first for the
area to have international hockey,
our Branch was represented by one
Colour Party and our treasurer
dropped the opening puck. Unfortu-
nately, our team lost, however the
friendship and fellowship which oc-
curred will be long remembered.
Membership at our branch has
stayed almost constant with the ini-
tiation of 3 Ordinary Members, 7
Associate Members of which 3
were spouses of Associates and ap-
proved of 5 Fraternal Members. Our
Branch lost one of our W.W.I Vets
- Vic Hogarth just prior to Remem-
brance Day and several other mem-
bers have passed away also.
Comrade Mel Harper has been to
our Branch on several occasions to
aid veterans and their families, and
we publish this information in eve-
ry monthly notice in the paper.
The Branch itself with our Ser-
vice Officer aided sixteen families
over the Christmas season plus
gave assistance to others in different
The R.G. Pooley Branch has do-
nated over $10,500 to organizations
responsible for youth and minor
sports and has promised over
$7,500 to the Exeter Lions Club in
their new Youth Centre.
Other donations were over.
$2,200.00 to organizations for
community services while $200.00
was given to charitable organiza-
Branch 167 is honoured to be
hosting the W.W. 1 Veterans Din-
ner this year and more will follow
on this.
Presently we are accepting nomi-
nations for next years Executive and
at -our last General Meeting our
members gave us approval to in-
stall air conditioning in our upstairs
On Saturday night April 29, we
sponsored a very successful fish fry
as, part of our renovations first an-
re amiss. w�� �1-�I'+'-, ,until May 29th
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