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Times Advocate, 1989-04-26, Page 31
BUS TRIP Kirkton Horticultural Society Mon. May 29 TO PORT STANLEY PH: Josie Ryckman 235-2291 or Marilyn Robinson 229-6537 Entertainment Night April 29 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. For further information phone 235-2962 or 235-1167 FAMILY DANCE Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre Fri. Apr. 28 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. followed by pot luck lunch . sponsored by K -W Kids Club 63 per person 610 per family Door Prizes Everyone Welcome Lucan Community Bingo Wed., April 26 Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game Total Prizes $2300 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 16 allowed to play Licence #537495 COMING EVENTS i KIRKTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING, Tuesday, May 2, at Kirkton-Woodham Com- munity Centre at 8:15 p.m. Elaine Pym, Guelph, Travelogue on Germa- ny. Bake sale, door prizes. Admis- sion $1.00. 17ci CHILDREN'S FILM - The Land Before Time film May 10, two per- formances 4:15 and 7:15 p.m. Spon- sored by Precious Blood School! P.T.A. Call Wendy 235-0763. 17,18,19c RCMP MUSICAL RIDE - part of Clinton's 9th Annual Klompen Fest. Performances, Friday eve- ning May 19 and Saturday after- noon, May 20. Information and tickets at Hensall - The Hair House; Exeter - Wucrth Shoes. 17,18c KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MONSTER BINGO - $2500 prize money. $1000 jackpot 'to go. At Saltford Valley Hall every Thursday night. Doors open 6:30, bingo 7:30 p.m. 2tfn ti S.D.H.D.S. presents Show Case 89 "Nightbeat". Music, drama, dance, exhibition of fine art...Ti'ckets $8.00 includes refresh- ments. Held at the Rec. Centre on May 10,11,12. Phone 235-0880. 14,15,16,17c THE 1989 ANNUAL MEETING of Family and Children's Services of Huron County will be held on Wednesday, April 26, 1989 at 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Onta- rio at 8:00 p.m. and will feature Kids on the Block, a short puppet show about child abuse prevention. Voting membership (S5) arc availa- ble at the door. Come out and sup- port your Children's Aid Society. • 16,17c DETROIT VS. TORONTO BLUE JAYS, June 10 and 11 at the Sky Dome. Bring the gang out for an afternoon of bird watching. Includes tickets and transportation. Phone Ellison Travel 235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022. 17,c. L 'G CLASS '78/79 10 YEAR RE- UNION - June 24, 1989. For Jnore information phone 235-2850. 17,18,19c SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL - Medicine Cabinet Clean-up May May 16, 1989. 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 17,18,(19)c CELEBRATE 20 YEARS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION! Join staff and friends of the Huron Public Edu- cation System for: Open House Wednesday, May 3, 1989 from 7:00 to 9:00•p.m. at the Education Cen- tre, 103 Albert St., Clinton and the Learning Resources Centre, CHSS Campus, Princess St., Clinton. 20th Anniversary Party Saturday, May 6, 1989. For an evening of dancing, entertainment and refreshments at the Scaforth & District Community Centre. Social 7:00, dancing 9:00 to 1 p.m. to Whiskey Jack. Tickets (S10) available at all public elemen- -tary and secondary schools. See you • there! 17,18c, BUS TRIP TO UNITED AND PRESBYTERIAN ARCHIVES, Toronto, May 3, 1989. Phone 235- 05q. 17* Benefit Dance for Marilyn & Bob Doerr & Family Fri., April 28 Lucan Community Centre Music by Bob Foster Lunch provided Retirement Reception and Dance for John Vanderloo Sat., May 13 7 p.m. at Lucan Sponsored by St. Patrick's C.P.T.A. For tickets call Mary Ann McLaughlin 227-4525 or St. Patrick's School 227-4444 by May 1st Exeter & area Jr. "D" Hawks Hockey Club Annual Meeting Wed., May 10/89 at .8 p.m. South Huron Rec Centre Election of. executive. In or- der to keep Jr. Hockey going in Exeter WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT ior;\rcle 4TH BARN DANCE Fri., Apr. 28 Singles Dance Mary Elliott Freeman & The Blue Roses Sat. Apr. 29 Mery Woods' 9 -piece- band No Blue Jeans, Please! 349-2678 Group Reservations Welcome 4th Annual Garage and Bake Sale Sat, April 29 9:00 - 12:00 277 Andrew St. (Comer Gidley and Andrew) Sponsored by the New Huronia Singers - Spring is Here -- Open Daily Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Sunday Brunch and - Dinner Specials 236-7707 Reservations appreciated Hwy. #21, just north of St. Joseph Albatross Tavern Huron Park 228-6733 Entertainment April 27 & 28 Rick McGee Lucan Lions Club "Dance / Music by Beechwood Lucan Community Centre April 29 9 - 1 $10.00 per couple Lunch provided Tickets available at Fixin's and Lankin Shell (Lucan) All proceeds to Lucan Seniors Complex GOODWILL SPRING SALE with bargains for the whole family. Fantastic values in Spring and Summer clothing, shoes, toys, books, dishes, bikes. Free Admis- sion, Free Babysitting till 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, PROGRESS BLDG. LONDON WESTERN FAIR, 9-9 continuous restocking, watch for Super Special Blue Ticket Items starting at 5:00 p.m. LATE SHOPPERS WELCOMEI WIDMER so, ION D o 0 o 1© os -{d >1\___•47\ 1-1- d"" 74tett DOS Sponsored by Goderich Minor Hockey Inc. May 5, 6; 7, 1989 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY bpm- 10 pm 10 am 10 pm 12noon -5pm GODERICH ARENA ADMISSION PRICES Adults: $2.00 Seniors & Students: $1.00 Children under t2 free when accompanied by an adult STARLITE- Grand Bard 238.2484 Bo. Office Opens al 8 p mIwo .. GRAND BEND CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE PROGRAM FROM APRIL 21 - JUNE 30 FRIDAY a SATURDAY — APRIL 281 20 F.DD11; MIIRPIIY COMING TO AMERICA min •aulunrr. Pinar Akre, -i dlognmrm .tr1s•ri. a. tirgiettenff St.1\ '1 %Rh (.11\\I in IItltrhi\ w PNJ.MtR1 AIIM% LASF. SAN 1-AA.NIJS0). Inaba ' ....-.. e1..- draft darn ~omit ad Iry ▪ iota IN• mks - w a•..-. Oe weed.-... W .ask .en G tSII)fO An Operetta "Mirror, Mirror' on April 26 and 27 at 7:30 p.m. E.P.S. auditorium Admission Adults $2 1 •ren $1 ,Ari. Grade 7 & 8 at Exeter Public School UII Present /,r • Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch 167 Coming Events April 14, 21 and 28 - Dart Playoffs April 27 - General Meeting at 8:30 p.m. . - election of new executive April 29 Anniversary Party - Fish Fry - 5 - 7 p.m. Adults $7.00, Children under 10 $4.00 - Jug Band 7 - 9 p.m. - Mozart Melody Makers 9 - 1 a.m. $5.00 each. Any Legion m9mbers or veterans requiring assis- tance please contact Branch Service Officer. "They served till death! Why not we?" cs: G C Treasure Chest BINGO Thursday April 27 Zurich Community Centre JACKPOT $1,000.nsT Bonanza Game in 58 calls Estimated Value: $1300. Over $2800. In Gash Prizes - Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. No one under 16 eliible to •la Larry own & Countr Restaurant in Crediton 0 1• Enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment with Old Tyme Music by Doug Lewis and the Gang Sat., April 29� at7p:m.-11 p.m., 234-6310 ‘/-\ LADIES SPRING LUNCHEON -Sat. May 6 11:00 am to 1:30 pm Emmanuel Baptist Church 187 Huron Street West Exeter, Ontario For information call: 235-2661 WONDERfUII WOMAN Speaker: June Prentice (wife of former NHL hockey player Dean Prentice) Soloist: Janet Krahn Home Deco- rating Tips with Kathy Allen Cost: $3.00 / Times -Advocate, April 26, 1989 Page 31 To celebrate the coming of Robert and Janet Ballantyne to Downie Twp. in 1839, the 150th Anniversary Reunion of the Ballantyne descendants will be held at the Sebringville Community Centre on Sunday, June 25th, 1989 with registration at 12 Noon and a Pot -Luck Dinner at 1 p.m. Please let distant family members know of this special event. .41111116 Kirkton-Woodham Swimming Pool REGISTRATION (K -W Community Centre) Wed., May 3, 7 to 9 p.m. Sat., May 6, 10 a.m. -122 Noon 3 - 3 Week Sessions Starting July 3rd, July 24th, & Aug. 14th Adult lessons and swim fitness available. Lesson Fees Children & Adults $30.00 NNoTRAVEL SHOW WED1L MAY 3rd MITCHELL & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 'Travel Presentations 0%•w►ENTERTAINMENT HAWAIIAN DANCERS DRAWS - FREE TRIP to Howell In PRt- aburgh or Montreal. JetiC:J Tears a Trowel Ltd. 0 East Coast 5:303:30 Closed for dlnn.r A CellfornW7e.as-A1lzone 6:15 Europe 0 General Tours 7:30 Entertainment 3 Orient Hawaiian Damon 1 hely and Greece 5.30 Alaska • Waal CoasvEdmonton MO`J4 tmtano Rd., MITCHELL Phone: 348-8492 3RD ANNUAL S70NE70WNE, Q'U IJJTSLJ-(OW Wed., May 3 & Thurs., May 4, 1989 St. Marys United Church 85 Church Street South St. Marys 'Something For Everyone' Admission $2.00 re", 198Q-89 Exeter Jr. "D" Hawks Awards Banquet Exeter Legion Branch 167 Fri■, April 28 Social Hour 6:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:00' p.m. Special Guest Speaker: 8:00 p.m. Mr. Will Norris (Former NHL Linesman) Presentation of awards 9:00 p.m. Dance to DJ till 1:00 a.m. Refreshments. Draw for 100 Wintario Tickets Door prizes Tickets available at Gerrard's or phone 235-1973 or 235-2902 WILL NORRIS �• •• •• ■-ti•■ ■• ... • ■-.. ■•U -U •••• •• • ■•r! - WORLD WIDE ESCORTED TOURS... GO WEST WITH FETTES TOURS!! 7 Day Gem of the Canadian Rockies Departs: June 26th Price: $989.00 per person (Twin) A gorgeous tour that features: Calgary, Lake Louise, Banff, Jasper and the Columbia Icefields, Edmonton and SHOPPING AT THE WES.z,-E4 ,,.,,,.iy�fi. F•- t1 Day ,Canadian West Tour Departs:June 29, July .13th, Price: $1699.00 Per Fierson (Twin Senior) Features Vancouver, Victoria and fantastic train ride through the Canadian Rockies to Calgary. Motor Coach eastward home. Fully escorted!!! 27 Day Yukon and Alaska Tour Departs: June 13th Price: $3,099.00 per person (Twin) Motor coach across Canada to see Whitehorse, Anchorage, Dawson City, Jasper, Co- lumbia Icefields. Cruise along the Alsakan coastline. Panlor gold. A truly ex- citing tour!! . 18 Day Yukon and Alaska Tour Departs: June 10th and July 1st Price: $2699.00 per person (Twin Sen, ior) Fly out to Edmonton and continue northwesterly on our deluxe motor coach. Return to Calgary and fly home. Includes cruise on the Alaska State Ferry, tool! 21 Day Frontier West Departs: July 3, 1989 Price: $1899.00 per person (Twin) COME SEE THE CALGARY STAMPEDE on this tour! Motor to Vancouver and retum via Seattle to see Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone Park and much more. Fettes Travel Show : May 3: Mitchell Free Transportation. Phone Ellison Travel Ellison Travel 1-800-265-7022 Exeter 235-2000 i 1