HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-04-05, Page 36Page 36 Tirnes-Advocate, April 5, 1989 4118'°Q from Stephen Central. nixoa� Wildlife Essay Winners Two of Stephen Central's grade 8 students, Jennifer Weigand and Jodi Desjardine won second and third in a wildlife essay contest. An essay assigned in November on "How I Can Help Wildlife' was written in nine schools by grade 7 and 8 students then some were sent to Wingham for the final judging. Six winners were then chosen. Jen- nifer and Jodi will be travelling to London April 29 on a bus trip to see some interesting places and will be presented with an autographed wildlife print by Glen Loates. Science Fair Biological, phys- ical, it's all here at the Science -Fair at Stephen Central School during March 28 to 31. There were 50 fas- cinating exhibits in the halls. On Wednesday, Jane Muegge from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Patti Haist from the Aus- able Bayfield Conservation Authori- ty, Mr. Siertsema from Stephen Central and Mr. Negrijn also from Stephen Central judged the projects and interviewed students involved. At the end of the day their final decision was made at the end of the day. The winners were in alphabeti- cal order: Grade 8 Jodi Desjardine, David Morlock,-Chris Neil and Jen- ny Robertson. From Gr. 7 Steven Hendrick, Erin O'Rourke and Jeff Patterson. Jodi Desjardine, David Morlock and Chris Neil are advancing to the county fair in Clinton on April 22. Senior boy's basketball houseleague - Just recently we finished this year's segment of sen- ior boys houseleague. There were four teams and each team played three games. In the end the winning team was Team C. The players in that group were Bill Wuerth, Den- nis Hodgins, Cary Gallant, Chad Pickering, Brian Inch, Jamie Chalmers and Blake Schade. - Mat- thew Miller. Public Speaking - On Wed- nesday, February 22, the top two public speakers at our school went on and said their speeches in Credi- ton. The speaking was sponsored by the Crediton and District Social Club. The two students were Ste- ven Hendrick (Gr. 7) and myself. As a result, Steven placed fust and I was third. The top three winners from our school (Steven myself and Jennifer Weigand), said our speech- es on Thursday, March 2, at the speak off in Grand Bend, sponsored by the Grand Bend Lions Club. I placed third at this speak off. - Chris Neil. The Easter assembly - Our class was in the Easter assembly. We did five poems. They were Sir Blushington Bloone Boing! Boing! Squeak! I found a Four Leaf Clover and Eggs. Three boys did Duck Facts. In. my group were Sarah, Melanie, Robin, Karen and I. We did Sir Blushington Bloone. Bo- ing! Boing! Squeak! was my favor- ite, but I liked them all. I hope the audience likes our poems as much as I did. - Lisa Stewardson Medieval Times and Life - Our class is doing Medieval Times and Life. I think it was cool to learn about their castles, the ar- mour the knights wore, the way the knights first started out, etc. We are doing group activities right now. There are 6 groups in our class. We go from box to box un- til we're finished. We are almost finished. I enjoy it very much. - Danny Gielnik. The Break - 1 had a good March break, what about you? I spent at least half of mine at sleepovers and slumber parties with my friends. No piano lessons over the break, not only that but it would give me another week to practice, and I think I needed it too! Even though I had a preuy nice break before I knew it was 7:00 a.m. Monday morning, and I was oh so tired. I hope you had a good March break until 7:00 Monday morning! - Melanie Neil. Partner Reading - I read a book to my partner and then read another to Kevin. They were "Jelly in the Bowl" and the other book was "1, 2, Buckle my Shoe". My favourite book was "Jelly in the bowl' and my other favourite book - was "1, 2, Buckle My Shoe" and then it was time to go home. - Brent Hoffman. A New Girl in Our Class - Ali MO'IMO 111/t',-ts Ira Iris. MIN to 1 rill 1101 mei .,;e.,t .rm.,.N�.. cotipuTER ', .•s,.....Na "mw'M sx� . t., nnprre inortely rer meek •fr :� ,el roil. On . t.;er,rnMr oce J0,/ am ., jtn M;e 4.: n. .... •4 ,,e ren o. re I�% � ul r. '.'•j.a,tn Ow yar.t�atsore for y.Je7• - 1,.•Mr'oe u''—"y ii eery ,i f, ra, M vs•d 7erefrech He „ iV l . F, A T U a\ outer j3o�r rut► • •, ,•,, ref ^i j e. e • COMPUTER WORLD - David Morlock was a winner in the comput- er division of the recent Science Fair at Stephen Central School. We have a new girl in our class and her name is Stephanie and she is a nice girl too. I like her because she is my best friend. She is seven years old. She used to live up north. - Kimberly Powell. Icons - I like playing on the Ic- ons. I like math and sometimes you get some wrong. When the gun shoots the race begins. You have to answer the questions. - Sa- rah Stire Crack the Egg - We played crack the egg. Whoever has 3 xs doesn't get any candies. If you don't get 3 xs then you get a candy when you go home. - Matthew Klingenberg. Computers - We played two games Logo and Math race every- day. My friends and I won the first three times on the computer. It's getting fun. We've been practicing . - Ryan Wuerth Horse Back Riding - I went to horseback riding and it was fun because I like to ride on my own horse and I get to put her in her own stall. - Brandie Marshall. Partner Reading - I read "1, 2, Buckle My Shoe" to my partner and "One by One". My partner liked it. It was fun. - Robbie Con- nor. Reading - Yesterday me and Shawn and Brad were reading to some kindergartens. Then we had to go home. One story was "Yes or No?" The other one was "Where do you go?" - Aaron Heywood. Spring Flowers - Lilies are in a row. Lilies are white. Lilies are big. - Chauntelle Ducharme. A New Girt - We have a new girl at school,. Her names is Steph- anie and she missed a day of school. I like her, She is my best friend. - Meredith Palen. A New Girl - We have a new girl in our room. She is nice. Her name is Stephanie. I like her. She is nice to me. I like her and she likes me too. I like her because she plays with me out side. That is why I like her. She has a pretty name. She is a pretty girl. - Krista Dearing. Partner Reading - I read to Matthew and we had lots of fun and Todd came and he read to Matthew and me. - Dean Brown. Easter - I like Easter because we get eggs from the Easter bunny when we wake up. - Steven Grant. Funds purchase food SEAFORTH - The slogan of the work involves: emergency food aid Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) and the use of food for work in is "A Christian Response to Hun- long-term development projects. A ger" - and Christians in this com- careful and exact accounting is made munity have certainly responded! of all shipments with less than 519,073 was donated to the local three percent of the funds raised be - grain drive by the following congre- ing used for administration costs. gations: Brucefield United Church; This is possible because the anBsoffs-Vnitcd C.tlucch, W_aLkyp;,,Fg;: rA- .- An_the overseas net- mondville United Church; Hensall works and connections of its nine United Church; Holmesville United partner churches. Without congrega- Church; Kippen United Church; tions' faithful support of their own Northside United Church, Scaforth; denomination's mission fund, the Ontario United Church, Clinton; "'work of the CFGB would be seri- St. Andrew's United Church, Bay- 'ously crippled. field; St. Thomas Anglican Church, But, as the participating congre- Seaforth; Wesley -Willis United gations concluded at their evalua- Church, Clinton, as well as by oth- titan meeting, the CFGB drive rais- er interested individuals in the com- es people's awareness of the needs munity. of the world and encourages them to 'm"`•"fe-num . ooi 'L. used to pus- consider the many ways in which chase two boxcar loads (with 1,400- they can respond. Such a generous 50 kg. bags in each car) of corn. response far exceeded the original The Hensall Co -Op again gracious- dream of a communis. e; ly offered the use of their staff and and it gave birth i , • r. their facility in support of this el': next year even s - Cl, ,!-r•s'a.,t ns fort. and individuals will chunk Our local effort will be matched • ui it •hiv project. Congratulat,oi,., 3:1 by the Canadian Internat. m• ' all wt. ticipated in this year's Development Agency resulting f r t drive. total of - 76.0no helm; directed to- "Well done good and faithful ser - Irk 01 the CFGB. That vani" (Mau. 25:23) yuu need to remember .bout home comfort is SYSTEMS By LENNOX Serving from lucan to Myth INSTALLED BY of Hsnsill Ltd. • HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING? /r1ENSALL "We're proud to be your Lennox Dealer" 1 HE AMOUNT WATER TO I PLANT THE NSPIRATIO 1141 OBSERVATIONS ri 1 CONCLUSIONS ttrafriqajoir STEPHEN WINNERS Shown with their projects at Stephen Central School's recent Science Fair are grade eight winners Jenny Robertson and Jodi Desjardine. 'National Quackgrass Week' HENSALL - This spring marks the beginning of a quackgrass awareness campaign that organizers hope will create a greater under- standing of what has been described as Canada's most under estimated weed. The campaign, "National Quack- grass uackgrass Week," will consist of a num- ber of activities all coming to a peak during the week of April 3, 1989. Participating locally in the pro- gram rogram is Dale Good, Manager of W.G. Thompson and Sons Ltd., in Hensall. •"Quackgrass,is a very seri- ous problem," Good explains. "Every year it robs Hensall farmers of thousands of dollars in lost yield. It's estimated that overall in Cana- da, farmers may be losing $200 million annually to the weed," Good says. That loss is the result of a combi- nation of factors, Good says. "Many farmers aren't aware of how damaging quackgrass can really be, some are unaware of the latest in- formation on control methods and still others have resigned them- selves to accept quackgrass as an in- evitable part of farming." But campaign organizers hope to overcome as many these problems re" as possible. Quackgrass can effec- tively and economically managed, they contend, which is the main point they hope to make during this spring's campaign. Some of the activities scheduled as part of National Quackgrass Week are educational meetings, quackgrass literature distribution through ag-products retailers and mailing of news material to news- papers, farm publications and radio stations. Supporters hope that focusing the attention of the farming community on the quackgrass problem will. create a higher level of awareness of technical and educational resources available to farmers. The campaign is being supported by the Quackgrass Action Commit- tee, Monsanto'Canada, Inc. and ag- ricultural retailers across the coun- try. d‘P•FP,:co\‘. FANG 10 - 15% off on All Chain Link And Residential Pressure Treated Fencing and Decks. Early Bookings (519) 227-4160 BOB HARDY, R.R. 1, LUCAN, ONT. NOM 2J0 You're Invited to our annual- Opel' nnual ()pelz House ill US for-ok aTthe exciting line up of equipment for 1989. We will have on display the ALL NEW AMERICAN SERIES WHITE TRACTOR. Plusyou'll have a chance to win some exciting door prizes. Don't miss it. WHERE: Zurich Community Centre WHEN: April 6, 1989 TIME: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Refreshments Sausage on a bun served 11:30 - 3:00 e - Discount on all parts '1 Open House Special - one day only Up to 50% off selected items Limited quantities �w.,.,cr Farm Supply. Limited Sales and Service - Repair Phono 236-4934 22 Main Street E., Zurich Ont. ryA