HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-04-05, Page 11P
Annual Hensall Legio huffleboard
Legion Shuffleboard - The Hensall Legion held their annual shuffleboard contest Friday evening. Eu-
dora Caldwell (right) won the top spot in the ladies division with Nancy Campbell as runner up. Al
Kyle won the men's title, dethroning runner up Len Lovell. But when all is said and done Donna
Smale and Peter Timmerman were the overall year-end top female and male Legion shufflers.
Annual Hensall yard sale
planned for late May
By Susan Hartman
HENSALL - Little more than a
month remains before Hensall resi-
dents once again make the village a
haven for garage sale fanatics.
Villagers who plan to join in the
5th Annual Village -Wide Yard Sale
on May 27 are asked to register
their sale location at the Village Of-
fice by April 28. There is no regis-
tration fee.
In case of rain, the Hensall BIA
and Economic Development Com- ;
mittee sponsored event will be re-
scheduled to June 3.
11PS i
•Hensall Public School welcomed
spring last week as did most of us.
The staff and students would like to
thank Mr. and Mrs. Crerar and Mr.
and Mrs. Koehler for their special
cleaning efforts over the March
Break. There will be a meeting of
the Parent-Teacher Committee on
Wednesday, April 12.
A volunteer committee of Kay
Gardner, Shirley Thomson, Marilyn
Bengough, Marlene Taylor and Ja-
nis Bisback will be reviewing the
Code of Behaviour handbook over
the next couple of months.
The Science Fair for Hensall Pub-
lic School will be held on the 11
and 12 of April with an open house
on April 12 from 7-8:30.
On Wednesday, April 19 there
will be a meeting of next year's
Kindergarten Class's parents at 7:30
at the School. The children will
register at the School and receive
their Health Screening on Thursday,
April 27 from 9 a.m. till noon.
The Spring concert is approach-
ing on May 4 and May 5 will be a
Professional Development Day.
The Hensall Branch of the Huron
County Library announces a contest
as part of National Book Festival
Week, April 15-22. Enter your
name in the draw every time you
borrow a Canadian book or maga-
zine. The winners will receive qual-
ity Canadian books that have ap-
peared on the short list for The
Governor General's Awards. The
winners will be drawn on Saturday,
April 22.
United Church
There are still some tickets..JGft..�.�
for the Beef BBQ available at The
Flower. Basket, Williams Hairsty-
ling and Drysdale Appliances.
The afternoon Ladies Group will
meet April 6 at 2:30 p.m.
Three Links
There was a good attendance at
the last euchre of the season for the
Three Links Seniors with 12 tables
in play.
Those winning prizes were: La-
dies High Emma Campbell, second
Ruby Be1I,.Men's High Joyce Wil-
lert, Second, Mary Broadfoot and
Lone Hands Hugh McKay.
The Seniors from Three Links
would like to see you all in the fall
.0 draris1“.-vctiyulse great sum rim. _.__.
Northcrest news
Easter weekend guests- with Mr,
and Mrs. Glen McKnight wcrc--Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McKnight of Ottawa,
and Mts. I)on Gravctt of Ilan- —
ver, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gravett and
Ashley of port Elgin, Mr. Mark
Gravett and his friend Cathy Wil-
liams of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Batkin of Clinton.
Visiting with Sadie Hoy over the
long weekend were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Piekos (formerly Kim Fink) of
ron. Alyson and Jordan Hoy of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fink of
Goderich, Eileen and Bill Hoy of
Kincardine, Bob and Blanch Socket
of Edmonton, Bernice Socket of
Palmerston and Sadie Socket of
Nan Britton was in Kitchener
over the holiday with her son David
and Jane Britton and family.
Doug, Karen and Bryan of Tavis-
tock visited last Sunday with
Doug's mother Mrs. Mabel Shir-
-Wayne and Iris Payne enjoyed a
pleasant visit with Wayne's parents,
Carl and Hilda Payne on Saturday.
Highest scores at Shuffleboard in
Hensall on March 28 were: Wilma
Davis with 421, Lorne Shelton
384, Harold Davis 379, Glen Dav-
idson 340, Dave Kyle 325 and John
Pepper at 317.
Main St., Exeter
There is
a difference
• grocery items
• fresh produce
• scooped rce .cream
• friendly service
See Linda and the girls
Auto Body
R.R. 3
News from
HENSALL - Monday morning
as an aftermath to Easter, residents
viewed the film Jerusalem, an ex-
cellent National Geographic pro-
duction about the history and rich
culture of that city.
Rev. Clayton Kuepfer led our
worthip service on Tuesday. Eve-
ryone enjoyed the service and the.
special music provided by Harry
Hoffman with Idella Gabel as pia-
Our monthly Birthday Party was
held Thursday afternoon with Gla-
dys Van Egmond and Elgin Nott
entertaining. Asa special treat we
welcomed as guest Bluewater Rest
Home residents with their adjuvent
Catherine Shantz and volunteer
Molly Gowdy. Birthday greetings
to Isabel Sproat, Grace Dinney, Art
Gibson and James East.
Our big day was Saturday's April
Fools Dance, with entertainment
by Ed and Donna Lesperance, Gord
Bleck, Max Ducharme and Carolyn
Love. Everyone had a great time.
We enjoyed having many visitors
in. The Kinettes helped see that all
those with itchy feet had the oppor-
Times-Advocate, April 5, 1989 Page 11
tunity to, dance to their hearts con-
tent. We, at Queensway feel fortu-
nate to have these wonderful
groups and volunteers to help make
life more pleasant for our seniors.
Coming events for Queensway
April 14 at 2 p.m. is International
Day featuring New Zealand. April
21 Agri Club trip to - Penhales
Wagon and Harness Shop.
Bob Lammie
Life Home
When reviewing your busi-
ness insurance needs, con-
sider The Co-operators. Our
Commercial -Guard program
offers some of the broadest
coverages available any-
where. CaII today for com-
plete details.
Exeter: 472 Main St.,
• Auto • Commerical • Farm • Travel
The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a new Fax machine has been installed in
our office enabling you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. The Times Ad-
vocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus
$1.00 per additional sheet. (Overseas Rates are $7:50 for the 1st three minutes plus $1.50 per
additional minute). In addition our number is yours so if you want to be reached instantly - we
will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. (Confidential services available).
Plus we can suggest a few benefits...
Your financials have been dratted... send a copy before the
final statement is printed.
The deal's closing and you need a signature... send the pa-
perwork by FAX and relax.
The list is 300 items long (ie, auctioneer) and the long dis-
tance charge will be horrendous...FAX it and relax
Your daughter needs a favourite recipe (or any information)
for an important engagement... FAX it to any Purolator of-
fice where they will contact her for a charge o1$1.00 - in-
It's mom and dad's first grandchild - send a copy of baby's
first picture.
There's been a death in the family, send the complete de-
tails for the obituary by FAX.
Fall's stock order is complete and they'd better not ship the
wrong goods.... try FAXING and relaxing so everything will
be correct.
Your prize winning hogs have interested buyers in Brazil....
relax and FAX the registration to verify blood lines.
Call us
at 2351331
for details
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