HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-04-05, Page 1Inside Lillian Campbell Retires after 23 years in jewellery business page 7 Rainbow of Quilts Show at SHDHS this weekend page 8 TV Times. Lucan figure skaters perform page 20. Big Weekend Optimists Home and Garden Show details Special Section tV 11NSI a -. [EXETER TOYOTA 242 Main St. N. Exeter Across from O.P.P. Phone 235-2353 .Lions Youth Centre opens, but fundraising continues YOUTH CENTRE OPENS - A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Friday affternoon to officially open the Exeter Lions Youth Centre on John street west. Holding the ribbon are Lioness president Rosemary Straw and Lion Glenn Kells. From the left . the others are building chairman Don Mousseau, Girl Guide Barbie Mortley, Brow- nie Brianne Czypyha, Scout Mark Weigand, Cub Christopher Straw, contractor. ,• s Af••:,'t:;.fa'.4:6yxil.tR+ J48ry z•n,Q ..z.Md?.ANP,.ab:.ili3:314.12 .16,W40,7,1..A±•?plR.7::V., OntiMN M7K Ski i'-i,ill: trail i9±MtYV Serving South Huron, Large garbage pickups start EXETER -. The town works de- partment will this weck begin the 1989 pickup schedule for large gar- bage articles. Collection will begin tomorrow Thursday, April 6 on the west side of town and pickup on the east side will take place the following Thurs- day, April 13. This schedule will continue each month until November. While tenders close at 4 p.m. on Monday, April 10 for the garbage - recycling contract, works superin- tendent Glenn Kells suggested a look be given at an alternative in recycling. Kells said he has learned of an idea by Bewyse Ecological Systems of London which would adopta kitchen -based recycling program in- stead of the blue box system of curbside garbage separation.. The plan by the London firm would have the recycling program • based in the kitchen instead of the curbside blue box system. The proposal involves a wire rack that would be attached inside kitch- en cupboards with space for news- papers and two garbage bags, one for unrccyclable refuse and the other for reusable glass, metal and plas- tic. Top official starts May 1 ?•i North Middlesex & Lambton John Van Boxmeer, Cub Greg Roy, Brownie Crystal Ann Davis, Mayor Bruce Shaw, Guide Juanita Chappell, Lions president Ross Mathers,Jiin.Fitzgerald exec- utive assistant to Agriculture Minister Jack Ridell, SHDHS Student Council presi- dent Lisa Ellerington and architect Victor Marsh. A story on the opening apppears on page 2. Since 1873 Wednesday, April 5, 1989 .ttsrwam.otie..:. Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Exeter 235-2420 Grand Herd 238-8484 I lcnsall 262-2119 Clinton 482-9747 60 cents .and the rich get richer Warner Marine in Grand Bend re- corded their earliest spring launch date in memory on Monday and de- cided to start the seasoh in a big way by putting $1 million worth of boats into the water. How many boats is that?.. Two. One diesel and one -gasoline pow- ered 'motor yacht were hoist ed into the Ausable River mouth by crane. Neither of the boats is. yet sold and at a price of $600, 000 for one and just under r half a million for the other, no one expects too long a lineup.. • Just by themselves, how- ever, owever, the b afs might hay o thing to say a t Ontafio'co o-. my. am* Administrator - Rick Hundey was named administra- tor for the town of Exeter Moh- day night. He has been a senior planner for the past two years in Southampton in' the county of Bruce and previous to that was a senior planner in Lamb - ton county. He and his wife Jane and children Eric 10, Tim 7 and Beth 4 plan to move to Ex - .Ater in the near future. He be- gins his new duties on May 1. His salary will be $50,000 per year. Break-in at Mount Carmel EXETER .. Officers of the Ex- eter detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police are investigat- ing a break-in sometime during Saaturday night at Mount Car- mel. . Thieves made off with about $3700 In cash when they broke into the Country Comers Ren- tals Store in the hamlet of Mount. Carmel. Entry was made by kicking in irear walla During the week, officers in- vestigated ated 54 feneral occurrenc- es. Charges laid included 76 un- der the Highway Traffic Act, three Criminal Code infractions, nine Liquor Licence Act and one for not having insurance. In addition one impaired driver was apprehended and 12 hour driving licence suspensions were issued to six drivers. First time ever PUC -releases top salaries The mayor compared the Commission members to the school board, noting -both arc public, elected bod- ies, and all board salary ranges arc made public. . Shaw's view that "the public payS; and whether it's legal or not, it is right; the information will eventual - ly be revealed so why not do it now" prevailed. Davis said no one is paid at the top end of the scale. In other business, Davis informed commissioners that a discussion with South Huron Hospital adminis- trator -Don Currcll had resolved the problem of Contin- wing to supply an answering service after the retire= ment of Dr. Eckcr meant the PUC was the hospital service's only client.. • The -commission agreed to ac- cept •the hospital's offer to carry on with the pro- gram for a monthly S150 charge to the PUC. Davis had-'hcen•Linable to_find any alternative de- . - spite a thorough 'investigation. Talks with the fire chicf and the police chicf showed neither was prepared to participate in a joint answering service at present. A truck tender was acceptedironi Huron -Motors. The gross charge was S16,644.56 and with trade the figure was -$9,624.56: A second tender was incom- plete. - ' . Derck Coolman, who asked to have water set -vice costed for a property ;fronting Mill and Waterloo • streets, will be told the charge will be calculated on the same basis as was done whenservicewas provided for another property owner, Gus Grcgus, under simi- lar circumstances. EXETER - The sajaryrange of the top -three per- sonnel at the Exeter PUC was made public at the regular March meeting over the objections of PUC chairman Murray Greene. The pay scale. for the- manager's. position is $47,539 -, $58,732, for the foreman 536,592 - -545,193 and` the range for the secretary -treasurer is $24,679 - $27,878. The issue, raised by Maycir Bruce Shaw, sparked a lively discussion before the motion to reveal thc sal- ary ranges was moved bpi Shaw and seconded by Cotnmissioner Harry De Vries. rccne argued that salary_ranges do not have to be. divulged by law until 1991. He could sec no reason for "rushing' into it". De Vries speculated that the information would be the subject of town gossip, and create bad feelings. He was also concerned that eventually, aftcr Davis retires, a successor who isnot as experienced or qual- ified as Davis might expect to start at .the same sal- ary as his predecessor. • Davis pointed out that the previous London com- • mission had been legally right in initially withhold- ing their salaries, but had been hurt extensively at the polls in the last election. He thought that refus- .ing to give out the information might create a bigger furore than releasing it. "Town employees could resent leaving their salar- ies revealed, and ours not", Davis add&d. "If we don't, we have a cloud hanging over us, and seem to have something to hide", Shaw said. Still seek fire hall site EXETER - It's back to square one as far as plans are concerned for construction of a new fire hall in the town of Exeter. • After an in -camera session of council' Monday night, . Mayor Bruce Shaw said, " We have decided not to continue negotiations at this time with the Exeter and District Co -Op for the acquisition of land". A -committee of council will be- gin today, Wednesday in checking Sentence EXETER -Three Nen pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis when each appeared before Judge RGE Hunter in Exeter provincial court on March 28. Edward W. Coleman, 413 An- drew St. Exctcr, was a passenger in a car stopped in a routine police check on Sideroad 20 in Stephen township on March 11. He admit- ted ownership of two rolled mari- juana cigarettes, and was fine -- 5100. A plastic bag of marijuana was found in the glove compartment when Donald Wayne Wolfe, 315 Andrew St. Exeter, was stopped at a RIDE check on Thames Road on December 31.. Wolfe was given 60 days t� pay a $250 fine. He had previouslybeen convicted in Feb- ruary 1979 for poi ,sten-and-gli; en 10 months for trafficking in New premises for Laidlaw EXETER - Laidlaw Transport will be building a new repair centre andoffice on property they present- ly own across from the .Masonic Hall. Manager Jim Scott told the T -A property presently occupied by Laidlaw has been sold. Thc new building will occupy 17,500 sq. ft. and is expected to be completed by the end of July. out five other possible locations as a fire hall site: • • Tn. present fire hall has been leased hack from the new own: r un- • til July 1 of this year. . three dor- possession September 1980. • by Broadway Leasing on October Darryl Joseph Boudreau, London, was fined $400 forpossessing can- nibus resin seized aftcr he was stopped in Usborrle township on December 31 in a RIDE chcck near Kirkton. He had been fined on two previous occasions on the same charge. Piercing the tire of a truck owned 2, 1988 during the labour dispute • at Fleck cost former Fleck employ- . ce Eliza J. 'Rees, RR8 Parkhill,•a S200 fine. She had pleaded guilty to a charge of mischief. , .;' William Edward Fluskcy,'I5t Huron St. West, Dieter, was fined S1,000 and had his licence suspend- • Please turn to page 2 Eastern Avenue stays EXETER - Exeter council Mon- day night accepted a recommenda- tion 'from the executive committee to make no change on the name of Eastcm Avenue. Eastern 'Avenue was among a number of streets suggested for change to possibly a, name with heritage connection before the new super mail boxes arc installed. At the same time, mayor Bruce Shaw was instructed to write to the residents of Carling street north, William street north and Andrew street north regarding proposed changes in those areas. Shaw will be passing otLedun- cil's concern that operators of emer- gency vehicles often have difficulty finding a call because of confusion with the southem counterpart of the same street. The letter will also ask for further input from residents. Clerk Liz Bell has been author- ized to look into the possibility of the purchase or lease of a mobile unit to hoifse the building and plan- ning department. 1t was also agreed to forward thc consolidated subdivision agreement made up of the original agreement and the two amendments to 5D Re- alty for signature. The agreement is to cover the balance of the unsold lots. 5D Realty Limited will be given thc option of furnishing the towh with a performance bond, letter of credit or bond lot/s prior to the commencement of any construction mi tllcnext phase or phases. Wage inorcase proposals for town employees have been forwarded to • department heads and feedback from the employees will be discussed. An offer to purchase the north- west corner lot in the industrial Park on Highway 83 cast will not be accepted as the price offered was below the town's cost. Optimist Home and Garden Show this Fri. Sati. and Sun.