HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-29, Page 21Finding eggs - The Lambton Heritage Museum -near Grand Bend held an Easter egg hunt Saturday for the kids but for the ones that couldn't find any, an Easter bunny walked through the" grounds letting kids take the ones from the basket as shown in this photo. Most of the eggs were found within 30 minutes: Around the Bend By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Spring has fi- nally arrived, and the Easter week- end was almost perfect, 'warm enough for spring suits and even a few Easter bonnets at Sunday ser- vices. Gardens are revealing new green leaves, as the bulbs of tulips, daffodils and those spring beauties are coming to life. More and more signs are also popping up, advertising for jobs available this summer, particularly • for students, so if you are in the job market, keep your eyes open. Soccer registration is being held on Saturday, April 1 at the Grand Bend Legion. An information meeting is being held at the Southcott Pines Club house, regarding the Grand Bend Medical Centre, on Saturday April 8. The meeting will be followed by a tour of the facilities. The Thirsty Fox Restaurant is taking reservations for a "Murder Mystery Dinner" slated for April 12. If you enjoy a good mystery as well as a good meal, this may be the evening for you. The sympathyof the community is expressed to Lee Jennison, his family and grandchildren on the death of his wife Dorothy. The funeral service was held at Hoffman's in Dashwood, with buri- al at the Grand Bend -Cemetery, Rev. Tcd Smits officiating. The UCW served the funeral luncheon. Hats off to volunteers Next week is April. Not only is it Cancer month, but, national vol- unteer week is April 9 to the 15th. What a good way to be a volunteer with Grand Bend's Cancer cam- paign. If you can't campaign, just deposit your donations to the fund at the Toronto Dominion Bank. Phone 238-8768 for more details. DON'T FACE THE NEW TAX LAWS ALONE! With the sweeping changes in the tax - laws, many Canadians are confused -f-as-to how their income tax returns will be affected. At H&R Block, we have the answers. Our specially trained tax preparers will alwAys,fl=4„;*,; cieduclicia.a.aildivalkiit4Q-which you are - entitled. Come to H&R Block this year—we'll get you the biggest refund you have coming. IF THERE'S EVER A TIME FOR H&R BLOCK IT'S NOW 383. MAIN ST., (REAR) • OPEN Mon. - Wed. 9 to 6, Thurs. 9 to 8 Fri. 9 to 7 Sat. 10 to 2 235-1153 Times -Advocate, March 29, 1989 Page 21 Special Easter services at GB churches By Roberta Walker Anglican GRAND BEND - An Easter Ecu- menical service was held at St. John's By the Lake Anglican Church on March 21. Ruth McIn- tosh and Edith Chisholm were host- esses for the event. Several local churches participated in the service. Mabel Fraser, of Greenway Unit- ed, provided a beautifully moving scripture and commentary from John, the conversion of the Doubt- ing Thomas. Karen Tieman, UCW president of Dashwood United, con- ' tributed a poem "God Remembers", and a prayer 'The Head That Once was Crowned with Thorns". From Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, CWL members Sally Johnson and Roberta Walker took part. Johnson read "Each Spring God Renews His Promise", and Walker pertormea a vocal solo "Like a Shepherd" with taped accompaniment. Elizabeth Norris from Grand Bend United did a reading "Mama's Easter Crocus," about a crocus blooming in the ashes of an old woman's burned home. From the Church of God, Pat Desjardine read the "Easter Prayer for Peace from Helen Steiner Rice. The Anglican Church Choir sang the anthem "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." Edith Chisholm introduced the guest speaker, Yvonne Reynolds, staff writer for the Exeter Times Ad- vocate and President of "Women Aglow", an Ecumenical group. Her topic was„ The Women in Jesus' Life” and how Jesus unfailingly treated each one with respect, com- passion and forgiveness: the woman taken in adultery, Mary Magdelene, the Samaritan woman at the well, Martha and Mary, and especially, it is our Mother Mary. Today women are still the backbone of the church. She read a poem "Gethsemane", reminding the ladies that as tree sap is boiled of its impurities to be- come pure maple syrup, we are burned in God's fire and cleansed of our impurities. We must surrender to God and put Him in charge of our lives, and then great things hap- pen. Over $100 was collected, to be sent to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, where the Government matches $1 for each dollar raised, to ship corn to Africa. Refreshments were served in the hall by the Anglican ladies during a time of fellowship. Catholic news There was a full schedule of ser- vices during Holy Week at Immacu- late Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend. Father Paul Beck was assisted by Father Bart VanRoyen through- out the week, from Palm Sunday to Easter. During the Mass on Holy Thurs- day, the ceremony of the Washing of the Feet takes place. Father Beck washed the feet of 12 young volun- teers: Adam and Rachel Smith, Shelley and Julie Uniac, Carla and Jason Oud, Sara Michielsens, Jon Carl Smith, Terry Gettner, Brent Johnson and Tammy Rader. Father Beck reminded everyone that we must. become more like Christ, serving our brothers and sisters in the spirit of love, and passing that tradition of love and service on to our children. Good Friday service began at 3 p.m. Rose Van Bruane assisted the priests in reading the Passion of Christ. Rnherta Walker wag cantor and performed a solo, "It Is Fin- ished". The church was crowded with worshippers, who came to kiss the feet of the crucifix and re- ceive communion. The Holy Saturday Service, Eas- ter Vigil, began at 7:15 pin., with the church in darkness, as the Pas- chal Candle was lit, to symbolize the light of Christ. Tiny candles are lit from that flame, and passed to each member in church, while Fa- ther Beck sang the Easter chant "The Exaltet". The Blessing of the new Holy Water concluded with a Baptismal Service for Jon Carl Smith, newly received into the Catholic Faith. Together with Jennifer Borsellino, Smith also received the sacraments of Confirmation, the Eucharist, dur- ing the service. Carol Luther was the reader, and Roberta Walker was cantor, with Dolores Tighe as choir director and Paul Dietrich as organist. Com- munion was offered in both bread and wine for Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Young People provided special music both days as swell, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" and "Amazing Grace," with Roberta Mommersteeg, Jacqueline Vanden- berk and Joanne Grootjens on flute, Cathy Peters and Dave Vrolyk on horn, Patrick Vrolyk on saxophone and Steve Vandenberk playing the tuba. The choir, directed by Dolores Tighe, sang at each service, and sang the beautiful "Gloria of the Bells" for Saturday and Sunday. At least a dozen young boys took part in the liturgy as servers, some par- ticipating in two or three services during Holy week. Young Peter Mennen and Mat- thew Stokkermans received their first Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. Stephanie Smeekens, Thomas Hunter•and Brendan Clut- ton were all baptized during the weekend as well. Congratulations to all of these children and their par- ents. CWL president Rose Vanbruane presented the new adult Catholics with crucifixes, as gifts from the Women's League. Margaret Sch9 ley decorated the altar for Easte - a beautiful job. Father Beck thanks everyone for helping to make the Holy Week Services so memorable. There is a CWL "Fun Night" at St. John Fisher School on Thurs- day, March 30, at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. The 'CWL regional "Reflection Day" is at St. Colum - ban Parish on April 5. United Church Easter began at the Grand Bend United Church with an early Sun Rise Service conducted by the Youth Group. Lessons were read by Alex Russell, Connie Russell, Murray McKay, Susan Ratz, Rob Pearen, Chris Pearen and Karen McKay. Sarah Patterson and Karen McKay also made musical contribu- tions to the program. Ushers were Susan Keyes and Richard Rice. A breakfast followed the early service. For the second service, the scrip- ture reader was Bob Illman. The children's story, told by Rev. Ted Smits, dealt with the cocoons found in nature. The caterpillar makes the cocoon, and after a long sleep, is transformed into a beautiful butter- fly. Jesus died but returned, resur- rected in a heavenly body. Rev. Smits chose I Corinthi- ans:15-22 for his sermon text, "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive." Where we seek to hold on to things perma- nently, we discover that everything changes. One day we will move into a new life and vacate this body. Church of God Easter Sunday services at the Grand Bend Church of God were in celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The congregation welcomed several visitors and each other with the words from Scripture "He Has Risen!" Rev. Stan Desjardine led the re- sponsive reading from Matthew 28, and read Paul's account of the resur- rection from I Corinthians 15:1-12. Special music was provided by Mil- lie Desjardine singing "Jesus, Lord to Me." In his message, Pastor Desjardine proclaimed that the Easter story of the risen Lord was scripturally based and an historical fact. Many people saw Jesus after He had risen from. the grave. The Easter story is also a vital part of our faith, as it gives us hope of a life after death. The evening service was a service of praise in which many members of the congregation took part. There were groups of singers, solo num- bers, readings and stories told, put together by George Winegarden, who conducts this annual event. This Easter Sunday had been a day to say "Truly it has been good to be in the House of the Lord.' Bible study Fourteen ladies auended the Bible study/coffee hour last Tuesday morning at Sauble Court lounge. They opened with a reading by El- eanor Durie, followed by a hymn sing. The session began with Study 4 on "How Can We Turn Feelings Into Actions?" from "A ,Workshop on Philippians". While studying form Phil. 2:12- 30 they learned that Paul wrote this personal letter to the_church at Phi- lippi. It was 10 years since Paul had first witnessed to the people, to trust Christ as their saviour, and to believe the beautiful truth of His death on the Cross for their sins. Christ didn't want them to be concerned about making a good im- pression on others, but rather to let the spirit of God work through them toward love and unity. The discussion leader was Anna- belle Walz, who closed with prayer. Knit -Wits dye wool GRAND BEND - After a week's vacation, the Knit -Wits met for their 5th meeting, which was held at Marg Desjardines home, on Monday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting began with the 4H pledge and roll' call. Theneach member proudly showed their.. progress on their knitting projects. This meeting we learned how to block and sew up scams, and also howto dye different types of yarns and wool. We used Kool-aid and tea to dye the wool, but were told there are unlimited options. Incidentally, did you know that the expression "dyed in the wool" is given to people who are stuck on their ways? Weere shown how to sew up seams using the overcast sea, backstitch seam and the cro- cheted seam, which is the hardest. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. By press reporter Karen McKay 0MPK0� MAKE DIFFERENCE _ a "-"...j ".." ) ura as Vurn s - dour -Best Energy Buys. Choose a high -efficiency natural ifas furnace from Clare, Duomatic Olsen, Grimsby Stove, or Lennox, and you could save hundreds of dollars annually on home heating energy costs when compared with electricity'or oil. - Add ventral air-conditioning system and a Honeywell ' "'�"'�' el ctronic air cleaner for all -season home comfortheat simply can't be beat by any other option. Hot Water Economy That'll Warm Your Heart. Natural gas rental water heaters cost up to 40% less to operate than electric water heaters, heat much faster than electricity, and are available in a variety of sizes to satisfy all your family's hot water needs. Econoitty..- ' o t ,.. - - --'limited Time Banos 89 - and you get: • � before May 19,19 Buy$50 off our Total Home Comfort ••••"teb./M-Y+sCIY:�U'w1R:.'A?a.:t-K package* ui ment payments until .pI,L'Snpeq P July '89** e tac'e 3-ttlir electric water heater • U make no �� ater with gas and payuntil July, '89** rental Pa y 'Call a Union Gas Sales Pro today, and nda s . . about these and other bona 5-4173 44. 1 -pp -268 L41111111 GAS \\ c bring the meta 'The Total Hone Comfort package consist of a high-efficiency-furnai e. central air-condnuomng. and an electronic air cleaner •• Residential customers only. With approved credit. Offer valid between Peb. 13 and May 19. 1989 \lust he installed by June 30. 1989. Tater heater offer • electric water heater customers only. l'mon Gas Deferred Payment Also :I‘aiIabh From Members (if The Union Gas Hearing Dealer Organization. • 1 By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Spring has fi- nally arrived, and the Easter week- end was almost perfect, 'warm enough for spring suits and even a few Easter bonnets at Sunday ser- vices. Gardens are revealing new green leaves, as the bulbs of tulips, daffodils and those spring beauties are coming to life. More and more signs are also popping up, advertising for jobs available this summer, particularly • for students, so if you are in the job market, keep your eyes open. Soccer registration is being held on Saturday, April 1 at the Grand Bend Legion. An information meeting is being held at the Southcott Pines Club house, regarding the Grand Bend Medical Centre, on Saturday April 8. The meeting will be followed by a tour of the facilities. The Thirsty Fox Restaurant is taking reservations for a "Murder Mystery Dinner" slated for April 12. If you enjoy a good mystery as well as a good meal, this may be the evening for you. The sympathyof the community is expressed to Lee Jennison, his family and grandchildren on the death of his wife Dorothy. The funeral service was held at Hoffman's in Dashwood, with buri- al at the Grand Bend -Cemetery, Rev. Tcd Smits officiating. The UCW served the funeral luncheon. Hats off to volunteers Next week is April. Not only is it Cancer month, but, national vol- unteer week is April 9 to the 15th. What a good way to be a volunteer with Grand Bend's Cancer cam- paign. If you can't campaign, just deposit your donations to the fund at the Toronto Dominion Bank. Phone 238-8768 for more details. DON'T FACE THE NEW TAX LAWS ALONE! With the sweeping changes in the tax - laws, many Canadians are confused -f-as-to how their income tax returns will be affected. At H&R Block, we have the answers. Our specially trained tax preparers will alwAys,fl=4„;*,; cieduclicia.a.aildivalkiit4Q-which you are - entitled. Come to H&R Block this year—we'll get you the biggest refund you have coming. IF THERE'S EVER A TIME FOR H&R BLOCK IT'S NOW 383. MAIN ST., (REAR) • OPEN Mon. - Wed. 9 to 6, Thurs. 9 to 8 Fri. 9 to 7 Sat. 10 to 2 235-1153 Times -Advocate, March 29, 1989 Page 21 Special Easter services at GB churches By Roberta Walker Anglican GRAND BEND - An Easter Ecu- menical service was held at St. John's By the Lake Anglican Church on March 21. Ruth McIn- tosh and Edith Chisholm were host- esses for the event. Several local churches participated in the service. Mabel Fraser, of Greenway Unit- ed, provided a beautifully moving scripture and commentary from John, the conversion of the Doubt- ing Thomas. Karen Tieman, UCW president of Dashwood United, con- ' tributed a poem "God Remembers", and a prayer 'The Head That Once was Crowned with Thorns". From Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, CWL members Sally Johnson and Roberta Walker took part. Johnson read "Each Spring God Renews His Promise", and Walker pertormea a vocal solo "Like a Shepherd" with taped accompaniment. Elizabeth Norris from Grand Bend United did a reading "Mama's Easter Crocus," about a crocus blooming in the ashes of an old woman's burned home. From the Church of God, Pat Desjardine read the "Easter Prayer for Peace from Helen Steiner Rice. The Anglican Church Choir sang the anthem "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." Edith Chisholm introduced the guest speaker, Yvonne Reynolds, staff writer for the Exeter Times Ad- vocate and President of "Women Aglow", an Ecumenical group. Her topic was„ The Women in Jesus' Life” and how Jesus unfailingly treated each one with respect, com- passion and forgiveness: the woman taken in adultery, Mary Magdelene, the Samaritan woman at the well, Martha and Mary, and especially, it is our Mother Mary. Today women are still the backbone of the church. She read a poem "Gethsemane", reminding the ladies that as tree sap is boiled of its impurities to be- come pure maple syrup, we are burned in God's fire and cleansed of our impurities. We must surrender to God and put Him in charge of our lives, and then great things hap- pen. Over $100 was collected, to be sent to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, where the Government matches $1 for each dollar raised, to ship corn to Africa. Refreshments were served in the hall by the Anglican ladies during a time of fellowship. Catholic news There was a full schedule of ser- vices during Holy Week at Immacu- late Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend. Father Paul Beck was assisted by Father Bart VanRoyen through- out the week, from Palm Sunday to Easter. During the Mass on Holy Thurs- day, the ceremony of the Washing of the Feet takes place. Father Beck washed the feet of 12 young volun- teers: Adam and Rachel Smith, Shelley and Julie Uniac, Carla and Jason Oud, Sara Michielsens, Jon Carl Smith, Terry Gettner, Brent Johnson and Tammy Rader. Father Beck reminded everyone that we must. become more like Christ, serving our brothers and sisters in the spirit of love, and passing that tradition of love and service on to our children. Good Friday service began at 3 p.m. Rose Van Bruane assisted the priests in reading the Passion of Christ. Rnherta Walker wag cantor and performed a solo, "It Is Fin- ished". The church was crowded with worshippers, who came to kiss the feet of the crucifix and re- ceive communion. The Holy Saturday Service, Eas- ter Vigil, began at 7:15 pin., with the church in darkness, as the Pas- chal Candle was lit, to symbolize the light of Christ. Tiny candles are lit from that flame, and passed to each member in church, while Fa- ther Beck sang the Easter chant "The Exaltet". The Blessing of the new Holy Water concluded with a Baptismal Service for Jon Carl Smith, newly received into the Catholic Faith. Together with Jennifer Borsellino, Smith also received the sacraments of Confirmation, the Eucharist, dur- ing the service. Carol Luther was the reader, and Roberta Walker was cantor, with Dolores Tighe as choir director and Paul Dietrich as organist. Com- munion was offered in both bread and wine for Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Young People provided special music both days as swell, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" and "Amazing Grace," with Roberta Mommersteeg, Jacqueline Vanden- berk and Joanne Grootjens on flute, Cathy Peters and Dave Vrolyk on horn, Patrick Vrolyk on saxophone and Steve Vandenberk playing the tuba. The choir, directed by Dolores Tighe, sang at each service, and sang the beautiful "Gloria of the Bells" for Saturday and Sunday. At least a dozen young boys took part in the liturgy as servers, some par- ticipating in two or three services during Holy week. Young Peter Mennen and Mat- thew Stokkermans received their first Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. Stephanie Smeekens, Thomas Hunter•and Brendan Clut- ton were all baptized during the weekend as well. Congratulations to all of these children and their par- ents. CWL president Rose Vanbruane presented the new adult Catholics with crucifixes, as gifts from the Women's League. Margaret Sch9 ley decorated the altar for Easte - a beautiful job. Father Beck thanks everyone for helping to make the Holy Week Services so memorable. There is a CWL "Fun Night" at St. John Fisher School on Thurs- day, March 30, at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. The 'CWL regional "Reflection Day" is at St. Colum - ban Parish on April 5. United Church Easter began at the Grand Bend United Church with an early Sun Rise Service conducted by the Youth Group. Lessons were read by Alex Russell, Connie Russell, Murray McKay, Susan Ratz, Rob Pearen, Chris Pearen and Karen McKay. Sarah Patterson and Karen McKay also made musical contribu- tions to the program. Ushers were Susan Keyes and Richard Rice. A breakfast followed the early service. For the second service, the scrip- ture reader was Bob Illman. The children's story, told by Rev. Ted Smits, dealt with the cocoons found in nature. The caterpillar makes the cocoon, and after a long sleep, is transformed into a beautiful butter- fly. Jesus died but returned, resur- rected in a heavenly body. Rev. Smits chose I Corinthi- ans:15-22 for his sermon text, "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive." Where we seek to hold on to things perma- nently, we discover that everything changes. One day we will move into a new life and vacate this body. Church of God Easter Sunday services at the Grand Bend Church of God were in celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The congregation welcomed several visitors and each other with the words from Scripture "He Has Risen!" Rev. Stan Desjardine led the re- sponsive reading from Matthew 28, and read Paul's account of the resur- rection from I Corinthians 15:1-12. Special music was provided by Mil- lie Desjardine singing "Jesus, Lord to Me." In his message, Pastor Desjardine proclaimed that the Easter story of the risen Lord was scripturally based and an historical fact. Many people saw Jesus after He had risen from. the grave. The Easter story is also a vital part of our faith, as it gives us hope of a life after death. The evening service was a service of praise in which many members of the congregation took part. There were groups of singers, solo num- bers, readings and stories told, put together by George Winegarden, who conducts this annual event. This Easter Sunday had been a day to say "Truly it has been good to be in the House of the Lord.' Bible study Fourteen ladies auended the Bible study/coffee hour last Tuesday morning at Sauble Court lounge. They opened with a reading by El- eanor Durie, followed by a hymn sing. The session began with Study 4 on "How Can We Turn Feelings Into Actions?" from "A ,Workshop on Philippians". While studying form Phil. 2:12- 30 they learned that Paul wrote this personal letter to the_church at Phi- lippi. It was 10 years since Paul had first witnessed to the people, to trust Christ as their saviour, and to believe the beautiful truth of His death on the Cross for their sins. Christ didn't want them to be concerned about making a good im- pression on others, but rather to let the spirit of God work through them toward love and unity. The discussion leader was Anna- belle Walz, who closed with prayer. Knit -Wits dye wool GRAND BEND - After a week's vacation, the Knit -Wits met for their 5th meeting, which was held at Marg Desjardines home, on Monday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting began with the 4H pledge and roll' call. Theneach member proudly showed their.. progress on their knitting projects. This meeting we learned how to block and sew up scams, and also howto dye different types of yarns and wool. We used Kool-aid and tea to dye the wool, but were told there are unlimited options. Incidentally, did you know that the expression "dyed in the wool" is given to people who are stuck on their ways? Weere shown how to sew up seams using the overcast sea, backstitch seam and the cro- cheted seam, which is the hardest. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. By press reporter Karen McKay 0MPK0� MAKE DIFFERENCE _ a "-"...j ".." ) ura as Vurn s - dour -Best Energy Buys. Choose a high -efficiency natural ifas furnace from Clare, Duomatic Olsen, Grimsby Stove, or Lennox, and you could save hundreds of dollars annually on home heating energy costs when compared with electricity'or oil. - Add ventral air-conditioning system and a Honeywell ' "'�"'�' el ctronic air cleaner for all -season home comfortheat simply can't be beat by any other option. Hot Water Economy That'll Warm Your Heart. Natural gas rental water heaters cost up to 40% less to operate than electric water heaters, heat much faster than electricity, and are available in a variety of sizes to satisfy all your family's hot water needs. Econoitty..- ' o t ,.. - - --'limited Time Banos 89 - and you get: • � before May 19,19 Buy$50 off our Total Home Comfort ••••"teb./M-Y+sCIY:�U'w1R:.'A?a.:t-K package* ui ment payments until .pI,L'Snpeq P July '89** e tac'e 3-ttlir electric water heater • U make no �� ater with gas and payuntil July, '89** rental Pa y 'Call a Union Gas Sales Pro today, and nda s . . about these and other bona 5-4173 44. 1 -pp -268 L41111111 GAS \\ c bring the meta 'The Total Hone Comfort package consist of a high-efficiency-furnai e. central air-condnuomng. and an electronic air cleaner •• Residential customers only. With approved credit. Offer valid between Peb. 13 and May 19. 1989 \lust he installed by June 30. 1989. Tater heater offer • electric water heater customers only. l'mon Gas Deferred Payment Also :I‘aiIabh From Members (if The Union Gas Hearing Dealer Organization. • 1