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Times Advocate, 1989-03-29, Page 11
Bunny visits Elimville UCW By Shirley Cooper • ELIMVIL..E - The Elimville United Church Women mct Wednesday evening with a good crowd in attendance. Janet Coward opened the meeting with a poem "Easter" which was the theme f .r the meeting. "The Easter Rabbit", Sandra Rowe, paid a special visit and relat- Ld the story of the coloured Easter egg. Sanaa also read a poem "East- er Rabbi;". • An egg hunt was enjoyed by all. On each egg was a number and the bible chapter and verses to be read by eaca member. Of course this was tte Easter story. Janet read "The Miracle of Easter". This part of the meeting closed with the hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen To- day. President Joyce Fulton read a poen "Easter Chickens". All mem- bersrepeated the United Church Women Purpose. The roll call was answered by an Easter poem, or vcse. We were reminded to keep saving • Campbell soup labels and used postage stamps as well as our gro- cery tapes. Several dates to remember are an bvitation to visit Centralia United Church Women on April 8 when Muriel Coulter will be the guest speaker. The April event will be held on April 18 at St. Johns Unit- ed Church in Stratford. There'll be a quilt show held at South Huron District High School on April 7 and 8 sponsored by the Exeter Agriculture Society. There will also be one held in St. Marys on May 3 and 4. Donations were given to the Christian Education Committee and the Huron -Perth Camping Liaison Committee. Grace Pym reported on the World Days of Prayer. Marjorie Johns re ported on Presbytery meeting. It was decided to quilt another quilt very shortly. We'll cater to a wed- ding dinner and reception on Au- gust 26 at Kirkton Woodham Com- munity Centre. Shirley Kerslake passed out the new Regal books and reminded everyone to place any orders from the old book soon. Westminster Weekend will be June 9-11 and Alma College will be August 12. The meeting closed with the United Church Women benediction followed by .a social time. • Good Friday Service A good crowd attended the Good Friday service at Thames Road. The service was "Walking through Holy Week - from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. Reading scripture lessons were Howard Johns, Laurel Miner, Marion Skinner, Margaret Stewart, Murray Dawson and Gerald Johns. Sunday School children taking part were Derek Etherington, Rob Lynn, Erin Coward, Elizabeth Ker- slake, Chad Smith, Trevor Skinner and Laura Skinner. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was partaken of. To close the service'each person held a lit candle and the lights were turned off. The Good Friday scrip- ture lesson was read and Rev. Shei- la Macgregor gave the Amen and a minute of silent prayer followed. About 90 people attended the Sunrise service and breakfast at Thames Road on Sunday morning at 7:30. "Christian News Update: Did you know Jesus?" was the youth group presentation during the worship ser- vice. Taking part were Mark Lynn, Karen Rohde, Crystal Hovius, Jon Passmore, Jeanette Alblas, Ann Delbridge, Elizabeth Kerslake, Su- san Grubb, Tammy Rohde and Lisa Kernick. Everyone enjoyed a lovely Easter breakfast in the basement following the service. During the Easter church service Sunday morning, Emily Alicia Pym, daughter of Brian and Cyn- thia Pym and granddaughter of Mrs. Grace Pym and the late Howard Pym and John and Alicia Swift and Trent Lucas Taylor, son of Larry and Elizabeth Taylor and grandson of Ed and Lillian Noseworthy and William and Mary Taylor were bap- tized and welcomed into our church family. Sunday, April 9 the guest speaker for the church service will be Don Langford with the topic "The Ethiopian Crisis". The Elimville-Thames Road adult fellowship and fun night will be Friday April 14 from 7-9 p.m. at the Zurich Bowling Lanes. For adults all ages. Please contact Mar- jorie Johns if you are planning on attending. Flowers were placed in the sanc- tuary Sunday morning in loving memory of Franklin Skinner, Ho- race Delbridge, Howard and Marga- ret Pym, Bruce and Violet Cooper, Alvin and Lillian Cooper, Clifford E. Swift Harry and Irene Ford, John N. Miners, Mrs. Peggy .An- derson and Alvin Fulton by mem- bers of their families. UCW The Elimville United Church Women catered to the Annual Inde- pendent Order of Oddfellows Friend- ship banquet on Saturday evening at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre. A number from this com- munity attended. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McLellan of northern British Columbia have been visiting in this area and also attended the banquet and dance. They lived south of Elimville a number of years ago along with their three children. Many people were able to have a visit with them. Times -Advocate, Manch 29, 1983 Page 11 Install Beavers - Two new members of the Exeter Beavers were initiated recently. Tying up 'kerchiefs for new Beavers Caleb Johns and Jeffrey Beaver are leaders Barb Dietrich and Debbie Roy. The Best Value in ready to assemble Tudor Oak Cabinets Carry Home and Assemble WhiteGate cabinets include these important features: Highest -quality wrap around hinges • Adjustable shelves • Double magnetic catches • Conveniently located finger pulls • Fully finished, matching interiors • Hand -rubbed, beautifully stained exteriors The WhiteGate Tudor Oak Cabinets have been specially designed for the do-it-yourselfer. The face frame and doors come fully assembled. The only tool you need is a screwdriver. Assem- bles conveniently in 5 to 10 minutes. All holes are pre -drilled, and each cabi- net is preassembled to insure correct fit. It's easy and fun to assemble a WhiteGate cabinet. WhiteGate cabinets are flat -packed in specially designed cartons for easy handling. You can take an erjtire kitch- en home with you today and enjoy it this evening. We'II Be Glad To Help You Choose Your Cabinets Scotia Bank Donates - Lloyd Robison, Scotia Bank manager presents a cheque for $1650 to Lions president Ross Mathers as the bank's contribution toward the new Lions Youth Centre. Now in DA 13EL ANomAcomPANY stock a New 111,401 �,,� Danbel 4 by Noma Light Display Come in . and see our Bath and Plumbing Centre "I know what it s like - to need cash in a hurry. National Trust knows, too." Big Red Nuggets Bird Feed Come in and chock -©t -ewer buys 1 Sunflower Seeds When a career and kids and a social life don't leave much time for Nanking, count on National Trust to make it as fast and easy as possible. b NATIONAL TRUST EXETER 425 Main St., 235-0530 n National Tnrstui Company 47 20 kg. Illustrations not ,hoe i r�iif ►� luxsto1Up.,.‘ 95 ) % 501b. 10 20 kg. . 1010 , Available Now cockatiel, mix, mix, 'canary-~' mix, budgie mix, finch mix 20 kg. bags exactly as shown. All items are not available at —EXETER - 1::`,'.. _ CO.OP jllit11111(''.til(IIl ' Prices in effect :r h 2• Aril 4 all locations. DISTRICT CO-OP Exeter 235-2081 221 Brock St. Ailsa Craig 293-3282 tr.Cordl 1