HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-22, Page 33Hensall tykes - The Hensall. Tyke hockeyteam claimed the runner-up title at a tournament in Clinton last weekend. Front row," (left to "right), Darryl Weiss, Greg Monk, Jeremy Willert, Tanner Ingram, Ke- vin Munn, Kevin Dickins. Second row, (l -r), Casey O'Brien, Jeff Campbell, Jonathan. Keys7Gerald Cor- bett, Adam Miller, Ryan DeGroot. Back row, (1-r), coaches, Wayne Dickins, Bob Campbell, Bill Munn. °C0 Dior® Ontario Automobile Insurance Board Commission de I'assurance- automobile de ('Ontario IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Automobile Insurance Board Act, 1988. S.O. 1988, c.18. AND IN THE MATTER OF a reference made by the Lieutentant Governor in Council pursuant to -. section 28 of the said Act. NOTICE OF HEARING THE ONTARIO- AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE BOARD (the "Board''), at therequest of the Lieutenant Governorin Council, will hold a.Hearing pursuant to section 28 of the Ontario Automo- bile Insurance Board Act, 1988, S.O. 1988, c.18. Purpose of the Hearing The Lieutenant Governor in 'Council has ordered the Board to conduct public hearings to examine the threshold no fault sys- tem of privately -delivered automobile insurance (with two speci- fied thresholds), and the choice no fault system of privately delivered automobile insurance. The Order in Council dated March.2. 1989 (the "I;3eference"). containing the details of the systems under consideration, is available upon request. The Lieutenant Governor in Council has specifically ordered the Board to report on the following: 1. An estimation of the average prices that would be charged for automobile insurance policies within the referred systems, -based on the mandatory classification system, the determi- nations of fact and rates established by the Ontario Automo- bile Insurance Board under its decision of February 13, 1989: 2. The feasibility of extending the systems to public -and commer- cial vehicles: . 3. The cost impact. if any, of the implementation of an alterna- tive dispute resolution involving mediation and, if necessary, binding arbitration, for the settlement of no-fault compensation; 4. The administrative barriers that exist in relation to the systems that could result in significant additional costs either in im- plementation or in the continuing. operation of the systems; ' 5.- Whether there would be greater stability in the average prices. charged for automobile insurance policies after implementa- • tion of the systems: and t 6, An estimation of the level.ofrecovery to injured persons that would be achieved underthesystems. . The Board is to commence public hearings and report back to the Lieutenant Governor in Council as soon as is practicable. -The Hearing • .THE HEARING will beheld under File No. R-89-1. and will com- mence on Wednesday, April 12. 1989 at 9 o'clock a.m. in the Board's Hearing Room. 2nd Floor. 5 Park Home Avenue, North • York. - - A PRE -HEARING CONFERENCE will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 1989 at 2:30 p.m..in the Board's Hearing Room to deal with preliminary matters, including, but not limited to the following: •' written evidence to be. pre -filed • .the interrogatory process • • the hearing -process • issues • The Board -has engaged a consultant to assist the Board. The consultant will price the two systems of privately delivered automobile insurance as set out in the Reference. This evidence will be pre -filed on or before Monday, April 3, 1989. A SECOND PRE -HEARING CONFERENCE will be held on Friday. April 7 1989 at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Hearing Room to settle the issues and to deal with qny other procedural matters. IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE ASA PARTY IN THE HEAR- ING, you (or your lawyer or agent) must file with the Board a writ- ten notice of your intention to participate as a party on or before Tuesday. March 21. 1989. A person who files such a notice in- tends to participate fully in the hearing. - INSTEAD OF PARTICIPATING AS A PARTY IN THE HEAR- ING. you may comment on any of the issues as a LIMITED IN- TERVENOR by -filing a letter of comment with the Board. A letter of comment should clearly state your views, set out the grounds and the factual•basis.for your position, and indicate whether you intend to make an oral presentation to the Board. Letters of com• April 20, 1989, - ALL DOCUMENTS FILED IN THIS PF B&L are avail- ' 'able for viewing at the Board's office durin • .office hours Mo - PROCEDURAL ORDERS as to how the matter will proceed may be issued from time to time. Copies of any procedural ord- ers will be sent to all parties. • IF YOU DO NOT -BECOME A PARTY TO THE HEARING OR INDICATE THAT YOU WISH TO MAKE AN ORAL PRESENTA- XIIO -TO THE B RO MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FUR- THER NOTICE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS. • DATED AT NORTH YORK this 9th day of March, 1989. ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE 4NSURANCE BOARD 4th Floor. 5 Park -Home Avenue North York, Ontario M2N 6L4 Phone No. (416).222-2886 Fax No. (416) 730-7761 Toll Free: 1-(800)-668-0128 • (English) • 1-(800)-668.0249 (French) Attn: SophiaCoroyannakis Board Secretary Ces avis est disponible en version francaise. Ontario ' Carmel Presbyterian HENSALL - On Palm Sunday, "The Journey Toward the Cross" was observed at Carmel Presbyteri- an Church at 11:15 a.m. The choir sang the anthem "This -couldbe the Dawning of the Day" with Carolyn Love presiding at the organ. ` The Thursday in Holy Week is called "Maunday Thursday" mean- ing "Command." A special even- ing -Church Service will be held on this day March 23 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. On the Sunday evening of April 30 "The Torchmen" a singing Gos- pel ospel Group will perform in concert in the Church Sanctuary. Tickets are available from several members of the congregation. - - Tides -Advocate, March 22, 1989 Page 33 The search is on for Hensall Fair talent By Susan Hartman HENSALL - The Hensall Spring fair talent show will ba field this year on June, 9: If you arca young person who -would. like to show. your talents to an appreciative audi- - ence call Jen .Taylor at 262-2325 for information. Entries must be re- ccived by May 1.4. •" -. March 26 is the last day for Hen - salt Public Skating until next sea- son. Strap on your skates and join in tilt fun. The Hensall Figure Skating Club has ended their.i988-89 season and Minor Hockcy will soon be wind- ing down. Don't forget the Minor Hockey Pot -luck and family dance" on April 8 at the Arena. Scouting . The Hensall Venturers attended the Sportsman Show" in Toronto re- cently and also went on a winter -. camp -out. The scouts went swimming at Vanastra, attended .a town council meeting and will soon he hiking at_ Bannockburn conservation arca. The Cubs "have been very busy - lately making clothespin crafts, at- tending the District Cub Car Rally - and swimming. They arc planning a camping trip to Canada's Wonder- land early in June. The Beavers held their own Car. Rally last month and held a beach party on March 9. The next meeting of the Hensall Scouting Group Committee will be- held April 13. All parents are wel- come and"encouraged to attend. Library Hensall Library story hour will not be held next Monday (Easter) but will resume the following week. Jaki Blair will be leaving the Library this Friday and Susan Hart- man will be returning to her job as Librarian. Dance Don't forget the Kinette's Suit- MVG - Zurich Atom netminder Kirk Durand received Most Valuable Goalie honors as he helped his team at the Mildmay tournament last week. During the tournament,. Durand stopped 124 of 139 shots in four games and stopped 57 in one game. Gan you get AIDS from a toilet seat? NO! Get the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1.800.668 -AIDS Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire --insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 (Established in 1876), Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications •are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Jack Harrigan AR 3 Lucan ' 227-4305 Larry Gardner, RR2, Slaffa 345-2678 Lloyd Morrison, RR1 St. Marys 229-8277 Lorne Feeney, RR2, Dublin 345-2543 Jack Hodgert, RR1, Kirkton 229-6152 Joseph Chaffs. RRS Mltchell 348-9705 AGENTS Ross Hodgert, Woodham 229.6643 John Moore, Dublin 345.2512 Joseph Uniac, Mitchell 348.9012 Head Ofiloe, Exeter 2354350 A refund from surplus was declared for all policy hold- ers who qualify, are on record, and In good standing as at December 31, 1988" case Dance this Thursday night. Tickets are selling briskly. but there wilt ,bc some available at the door or call Jan at 262-3545. ' Three Links The Three Links Seniors met on March 14 with President Evelynn Flynn presiding. It was decided to work a quilt in .. the Fall, the lining to be donated.' An evening for the Summer Olym- pics and the Euchre Play-offs will - be decided at the April meeting. A card party will be held on March 28. The hosts will be Alf and Vcra Ross. The next meeting will be a Pot- luck supper at 6:30 p.m. on April 11. - - Euchre was played at the meeting and prizewinners were: Ladies high Ruby Bell, 2nd Margaret Mole. Gent's high Mary Broadfoot, 2nd --Gladys Coleman, Lone Hands -Pearl . Taylor. Shuffleboard Dave Woodward. was ,thc high scorer at Hensall -Shuffleboard on March 13 with a 362. Other top scorers were Walter Davis 345., Pearl McKnight 330, and George. Dowson 311. Shuffling. every Tiles- -day at 1 p.m. . - United Church Kay Mock greeted the worship- pers on Sunday. The Junior Choir sang "Hosanna" with Donna St. John assisting. Debbie Wood was at the piano and led the singers. Jennifer McGee and Carrie Consitt read the scripture -lessons. A special offering was made for the Bible Society from the interme- diate class Tie. Annual Beef BBQ will "be held April 12 with sittings at 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. Price is $8 far adults, $4 for children 5-12, under 5 free. Tickets may be purchased at the Flower Basket, Williams Hair- styling,: or Drysdale Appliances in Hensall. Advance sales only. Personals •Dr. John -Goddard celebrated a milestone birthday Saturday eve- ning when his children gathered to take him out to dinner. Upon his return home a large group of friends. was waiting to surprise him, as ar- ranged by his wife Doris. Susan Campbell and children Ja- mie and Lindsey visited in Hensall over the weekend along with John Maurcr - from their new -home in Guelph. They enjoyed the opportu- nity. to visit"lwith many friends in - the area and to attend the surprise party for Dr. Goddard. . Jodie Beaver and Janet Mowat of Hensall spent March.break on vaca- tion in the Dominican Republic. They had a wonderful time and re- turned home with great tans. Andy and Ruth Imanse along with sons Jason, Gary and Ryan spent a week vacationing in thesun on the. Island of Jamaica and another week cruising the Carribbean. A major Canadian first from STANDARD TRUST! ANNOUNCING ARSOLUTELY KO SERVICE CHARGES FOR ANY CUSTOMER WHO MAINTAINS A BALANCE OF $2500 IN THEIR PERSONAL ACCOUNT. Tired of paying bank service charges? Come to Standard Trust and receive all these services FREE: • Free Chequing and Withdrawals • Free Personalized Cheques • Free Transfers between Accounts • Free Payment of Local ., . Utility Bills . • Free Travellers Cheques • Free Money Orders • Free Cheque Certifications :. 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