HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-22, Page 27Gilmore Auction
Listowel & Zurich Ontario
Phone for Spring Sale Dates
Bob 291-3489
or 236-4152
or Doug 291-3421
Welding &
Manufacturers of Custom
Built Trailers and Truck
Welding Ltd.
Finally arriving - The recent
cold weather has kept the tun-
dra swans from coming later
than expected this year but
several hundred have been
seen last weekend along the
Greenway Road. Naturalists
from the Pinery Provincial Park
said the birds should be coming
in in droves once it warms up
for any length of time and
should stay in the area until
the end of the month.
Farm Estate Auction
Saturday April 1/89 at. 11 a.m.
For the estate of the late Arnold Gaiser, on Hwy. 21, 5 miles
north of Grand Bend or 2 1/2 miles south of St. Joseph.
PARTIAL LISTING: 3 tractors, riding lawn mower, a full line
of tillage and planting equipment, baler, Honda 3 wheel ATV,
air compressor and hundreds of shop•and farm related tools
and items, old bob sleigh and cutter, guns, and a 1985 Chev S
with topper,- certified in excellent condition. Watch next weeks
paper for a full list.
John Finlay 236-4814 Bob Heywood 235-0874
Clearing auction of tractor, implements and misc.items to be
held a 1/2 mile west of Fullarton village or 1 1/4 miles east of
Russeldale on
Monday, March 27 at 1:00 p.m.
EQUIPMENT: J.D. 3020 gas tractor (chains to fit) J.D. 7000
four row narrow planter with insecticides and monitor, M.F. 33
seventeen run double plate grain drill, Kongskilde 18 1/2 ft. trail
cultivator with harrows, M.F. 13 ft. forty-four plate trail disc,
Kongskilde 9 ft. 3 pth. culitvator, Weber -Lane hydraulic dump
trailer, N.H. 513 spreader with top beater, Calsa 200 gal. trail
sprayer with drop nozzles, N.H. 268 Hayliner baler, Turnco
#225 bin on heavy gear, George White 33 ft. bale elevator,
Kools 48 in. blower, N.H. 451 seven ft. 3 pth mower, hydraulic
fertilizer auger (10 ft.), 6 ft. scraper blade, flat rack and gear, N.H.
crimper, 5 sections of harrow and pole, Int. 4 bar rake, 12 ft.
chain harrow, 10 ft. Wic-Weeder, Seed -Easy 3 pth Cyclone
grass seeder (new), Onan 15 KW generator on trailer.
MISC.: J.D. 66 riding mower, MTD 3 1/2 hp roto -tiller, racks and
tarp for Ford 1/2 ton truck, steel fence posts, Poulan chain saw,
gas driven water pump and a small wagon load of useful articles.
NOTE: Machinery is in excellent condition. Lunch booth. Pro-
prietor and auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale.
TERMS; Cash or cheque with I.D.
PROPRIETOR: Don Gettler 348-8733 (evenings)
Douglas Jacob 271-7894 & Wallie Ross 539-5077
Friday, Mar. 24
Monday, Mar. 27
Thurs. Mar. 23
Tues. Mar. 28
Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00
EXETER RESIDENTS require a Dump Pass avail-
able at Exeter Municipal Office
COMMENCE - April 6th on West side
- April 13th on East side
and continue until November, 1989
Glenn Kells
Town Superintendent
Transportation. Service
Sealed tenders for the following transportation service will be
received at the address below until 15:00 on the specified ,
Service Provision of mail collection, delivery and related servic-
es for Riiral Route No. 3 Exeter
Full details as to specifications, schedule of service and tender
....jgrawrile obtained from:...
Exeter, Ontario Post Office ..
or from Transportation Contracting
955 Highbury Avenue
London Ontario
Closing Date: April 10, 1989
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
by Mrs. Tom Kooy
CENTRALIA - The sympathy of
the community is extended to Karen
Knip and family following the
death of her husband the late Harry
Knip. The funeral service was held
on Saturday at the Christian Re-
formed Church in Exeter of which
he was a member.
Palm Sunday was observed in the
United Church on Sunday when
Rev. Carter chose as her topic "The
Palm Is a Time Machine".
Following the service a hot dog
meal was served by the young peo-
ple with the money going for
World Development and Relief.
On Thursday of this week Junior
Young People gather from 6:30 to
8 p.m. at Centralia Church. Choir
practice will follow at 8 p.m. Good
Friday service will be held at Zion
Church at 8 p.m. Car pooling at
Centralia church at 7:20. Easter
Sunday service will be blessed by
the music of the joint choir with
Holy Communion.
Don't forget the Confirmation
classes for Teens and Adults to be-
gin soon after Easter. Contact Rev.
Carter if interested. •
The Euchre at Heywoods Restau-
rant on Monday, March 13 was
well attended again with prizes go-
ing to: High score Grace Wurm,
Murray Carter; Lone Hands Eliza-
beth Conlin, Chris Hesse/; Low
score Margaret Lawson, Alfred
During the dinner hour, best
wishes were extended to Ed and Kay ,
Armstrong on their 49th wedding
anniversary. A lovely decorated
cake with ice cream was -served to
all present.
Next euchre is March 27 at 2:30
At Neil's schoolhouse on the
same evening prizes went to High
score Lula Culbert, Andy Thomp- ,
son; Lone Hands Helen MacDo-
nald, Otto -Darling; Low score Liz
Conlin Tom Kooy.
Next euchre on March 27 at 8
_-- i/ A♦ HURON
S.F.T. (HC) 89-09
For janitorial Services and
Snow Removal at Queen St.,
Blyth OH1
Tenders will be received for
the above until 11:00 a.m. lo-
cal time, Wednesday. April
5.. 1989 by the Huron Coun-
ty Housing Authority, 48 The
Square, GODERICH, Ontario
N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637
from whom details and speci-
fications may be obtained,
quoting reference number
as above.
* *
* Mar. 31 H. Datars - Farm
* Mach. - N. of Dashwood - 1:00
* Apr. 1 J. Haerinck - Farm
* Mach. - 7th Con. Mossa - 10:00
* a.m.
* Apr. 4 & Every Tuesday - Den-
* field Livestock Sales - 11:30
* a.m. -
* Apr 5 V Baker - Clearing Farm -
* N.E. of Granton - 10:30 a.m.
* Apr. 6 M. Cooper Est. - Clear-
* ing Farm Con. 10 - London
* Apr. 8 J. Henderson - Farm
* Mach - Con. 7 Caradoc - 11:00
*Apr. 12 County Property - Ko-
* moka - 11:00 a.m.
* Apr. 13 M. Toohill - Farm
Mach. Etc. - 5th Con. Metcalfe -
*Apr. 14
*Apr. 14 K. Robinson - Farm
* Mach. Etc. - N. of. Ailsa Craig
*Apr. 15 A. Wakem - Clearing
* Farm - Con 7 Zorra Twp. - 10:00
15 F. Varley - Antiques,
* Lumber, Etc. - Komoka - 1:00
* p.m.
* Apr. 19 M. Keys - Farm Mach.
N. of Exeter
*Apr. 20 & May 4 Stocker
*Sales - Denfield Livestock
Sales 7:30 p.m.
* May 6 L. Mellin - Implements &
* Household - Corbett
*May 11 D.- McGre9or - Race
* Horse Equip., Furniture, Imple-
* ments - Corbett
*May 19 Limousin Bull Sale -
* Belidoon Farms - lona Stn. 7:00
*June 2 - Ontario Limousin -
*Denfield Livestock Sales - 6:00
* if you have property, machin-
* ery, antiques, .household, etc.
* give the auctioneers with 35
* years experience a call
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson*
* 666-0833 (519) 666-1967 *
Times -Advocate, March 22, 1989
Bob Heywood,
Page 27
Friday Evening, March 31/89 at 6:15, p.m.
at South Huron .Rec Centre
We will be dispersing by auction for Mr. and Mrs. Alan Westcott along
with additions from a Sanders St. home - quality furnishings, antiques
and interesting collectibles, fine china, and misc. Both homes have
been sold. Watch next weeks paper for a full listing.
Vegetable tillage, planting, harvesting and irrigation equipment, 2 -
Honda 3 wheel ATC, Bob Cat, bulldozer, misc. etc. to be held 4 miles
south of Grand Bend on Highway #21, turn left at Cold Storage and go
1 1/2 miles for Edward Mommersteeg
Friday, April7 at 10:30 a.m.
Richard Lobb Clinton, Ontario 519-482-7898
OWNER: Edward Mommersteeg 519-243-3856
Combine, 4 tractors, irrigation equipment, trucks, grain buggy, bean
equipment, 12 row planter and a full line of cash crop farm machinery, rid-
ing mower, to be held 3 1/2 miles west of Seaforth on Highway #8 for
John Segeren.
Thursday, March 30th at 11 a.m.
COMBINE: International 1460 diesel axial flow with 3 heads, run 21551
TRACTORS: Versatile 895 with duals, run 1486 hours, Ford 9600, Ford'
7600, Ford 4000. LGT Ford 125 hydrostatic lawn mower.
IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: L & H manuragation reel with 950 feet of
4 inch hoses and Bauer booster pump, pumps 30,000 gallons per hour, 2
Wright Rain 4 inch pumps, 100 ft. of 4 inch x 30 ft. Wade Rain irrigation
pipes plus other equipment.
MACHINERY: John Deere 7100, i2 row folding corn planter, Wilrich 45
ft. cultivator with harrows, IHC 8 furrow trail plow, Kinze 400 bushel grain
buggy, Bean pullers and 4 windrowers, 4 trucks plus a full line of farm ma-
chinery etc.
See last weeks paper for full listing.
Farms are sold.
AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898
OWNER: John Segeren 519-393-6838 after 6 p.m.
Jim Segeren 519-233-5569 after 6:00 p.m.
Service de transport
La Societe acceptera a I'adresse ci'dessous, jusqu'a 15h, le
jour de cloture prescrit, les soumissions cachetees pour le ser-
vice de transpurtat ' '"
Service: Essectuer in livraison, la lever du courrier ainsi que •
les services connexes sur la route 3 de Exeter.-- -
Cahier des charges
Pour obtenir de plus amples details sur le cahier des charges,
le calendrier de travail et les formules de soumission, en faire ,
te.demancte a; •
Bureaux de poste suivante Exeter, Ontario
ou a I'adresse surivance
Services des contrats de transport
955 avenue Highbury
Lyndon Ontario
N5Y 1A3
Date de cloture: 10 avril, 1989
La Societe se reserve le droit de refusar toute soumission, y
compris la plusbasse.
of 7 tractors and full line of well cared for farm machin-
ery, some household effects, etc.
For Mr. Vernon Baker, 6 miles N. W. of St. Marys, 5 miles S.E. of
Woodham, 6 miles E. of Granton
Wednesday April 5 - 10:30 a.m.
Full List next week
Filson & Robson
* *
* *
* I *
* *
* *
* of Farm Machinery, House Trailer, etc. *
* For Mr. Howard Datars, Lot 5, Concession 12, Hay Twp. *
* 1 Mile N. of Dashwood *
* Friday March 31 - 1:00 p.m. *
* TRACTORS: Int. 986 diesel tractor with cab, extra tank, low hours, *
* digital instrument panel; Int. B414 diesel tractor with loader; Int. super *
* C gas tractor with 3 pt. h. 8& 4 row bean cult. & 4 row bean puller; 18.4 x *
* 38 duals; 12.4 x 38 duals. *
* COMBINES: Int. 715 self propelled, cab, air, spring tooth cylinder, *
* 23.1 x 26 tires; Int. 843 4 row corn head; automatic 13 1/2' header; *
* 810 pickup; Int. 91 self propelled, spring tooth cylinder, good motor. *
* MACHINERY: Int. 730 4 fur. variable width plow; Int. 4500 18 1/2' *
* vibrashank cult.; 151/2' rotory hoe 3 pt. h.; Int. 12' wheel disc; Kongs- *
* kilde 4 row 3 pt. h. cult.; Int. 56 4 row corn planter; Int. 4 row N planter; *
* Innis windrower with cross conveyor; also an older one for parts; Triple *
* K 13 1/2' cult.; 12' cultipacker; Int. 46 baler; Gehl forage blower; Rex *
* forage box; Int. C32 7' mower; Kools KB30 blower; Owatanna 10' *
* swather; Kong SGB 20' cult.; Int. 550 5 fur. plow; Dunham 12 tooth *
* chisel plow; Wetmore grinder blower; 3 gravity bins & wagons; 3 pt. h. *
* sprayer with boom for 12 row; Int. double auger snow blower; 3 pt. h. *
* blade; Int. 1 row corn picker; 10' pull type swather; harrows; 12', fart. *
* auger; grain augers; Little Giant single chain elevator; Int. 45 hammer- *
* mill; 50' endless belt; 700 PSI power washer; 50' 7" blower pipe; used . *
* steel roofing; old barn siding boards; few tools and misc. articles. *
* Please be on time as there are very few small articles. Further info *
* (519) 237-3567 *
* HOUSETRAILER: Citation travel trailer, 24', sleeps 6, fridge, fur- *
* Hake, bathroom, (like new). - *
* TERMS: Cash Sale Day Booth *
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson *
* 666-0833 519 666-1967 *
1974 Car like hew, farm wagon, riding lawn mower, flat to wall cup-
board, furniture, modern appliances; etc to be held at Richard Lobb's
Auction Barn Clinton for the Estate of Nettie McClinchey plus addi-
Saturday, March 25 at 10 a.m.
Car sells at 11:30 a.m.
1974 Dodge Dart 4 door, vinyl roof slant 6 automatic, radio, new tires,
run 31,520, sells certified, looks like new: Ford R8 8 HP 30" riding
lawn mower w/electric start, 3 yr. old. Farm wagon, fanning,mill.
APPLIANCES & ANTIQUES Zenith 26" floor model colour TV,
Inglis Superb harvest gold fridge, Inglis harvest gold 30" electric
stove, Woods upright freezer 1 yr. old, wringer washer, Westing-
house clothes dryer, Clare Jewel cook stove, large antique flat to the
wall cupboard w/6 pane glass doors (real nice), antique bag cart
scale, large modern beautiful hutch china cabinet w/beveled glass
doors and panels (extra nice), nine piece dining suite, dining table w/
4 leaves, six matching chairs, antique chest of drawers, large oak
desk, three piece bedroom suite, double box spring and mattress,
like new, single o )or washstand, 2 wooden barrels, antique drop leaf
kitchen table, 2 dicker rockers, hump back trunk, antique kitchen
table w/drawer, 4 matching wooden chairs, gun stock chair, modern
chesterfield w/pull out.bed, antique lamp table, upholstered gliding
rocker, odd wooden chairs, crocks and jugs, vacuum cleaner, Alad-
din Tamp w/shade, chest of silver, old signal lantern, old tins, milk
bottle w/names, cheese box, Wishing well sign, lantern, old bottles,
binoculars, steel boot jack , sad irons, cherry pitter, some bedding, 5
new steel covered doors, dishes, small appliances, extension lad-
der,oil furnace, 4 cement planters, cistern pump, grass whip, old
ton's, battery charger, wooden wheel barrow, plus many more items
Jo numerous to mention.
Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID.
Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb,Clinton, 482-7898
-Farm Rented
Clearing auction sale of tractors and machinery
for Mrs. Hazel Scott
on Saturday, April 1. at one o'clock sharp
Lot 9, Conc. 10, Hibbert Township, 6 miles south of Dublin to
Cromarty or 1 1/2 miles east of Cromarty.
TRACTORS: 270 Massey Ferguson tractor and cab with 300
hours, 35 Massey Ferguson tractor with Allied loader, recently
overhauled', WI) 45 Allis Chalmers'tfaLltr'251f'Honda 4 wheel-
'er (ne tea.."..-.— ,-,--
FARM MACHINERY: 3 furrow Kongskilde mounted plow
adjustable and trip beam (new), 14 foot Kongskilde cultivator
with finger harrows (new), 5 foot rotary mower, New Idea single
auger snow blower, Massey Ferguson hay mower, New Hol-
land hay crimper, McKee forage harvester and wagon, hay
wagon and flat rack, International side rake, double disc, 2 row
mounted scuffler, 13 run grain drill, 4 section of diamond har-
rows, New Idea ground driven manure spreader, 3 furrow Allis
plow, 2 walking plows, 2 aluminum wheel b6rrows, 2 steel wa-
ter troughs, Turnco 12 foot land packers (new), fanning mill, 4
inch grain auger, 16" Poulin chain saw, PTO post hole auger, 3
point hitch weed sprayer, electric grinder, Gehl hammer mill, 2
wheel trailer, "Perfection" small modern maple syrup evapora-
tor, 8 loot x 28" pans, 3 horse gas engine and pump (new), Hy -
pro roller pump, 70 Chev car as is, 500 bales of wheat straw, 10
inch planer, 7 1/2 inch band saw, table saw. Note: anyone in-
terested in lumber - several piles, cut for 2 years consisting of
cherry, basswood, black ash, and butternut, an assortment of
tools and miscellaneous items.
Not responsible for accidents on day of sale.
Larry and Steve Gardiner, Auctioneers.