HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-22, Page 14Pane 14 Times -Advocate, March 22, 1989 Lucan Legion news by Sid Daley Now hear this!! Now hear this!! the following important- bulletin just received from the dept. of Vete- rans affairs - Quote. - "• Are you a Canada Service Vete- ran? You may be eligible for the Veterans Independence Program (V.I.P.) You must be 65 or over, with at least 365 days service in Canada' in the First or Second. World War, be in economic need and have health needs. - " To find out if you arc eligible call toll free Ontario Residents in area code 519-1-800-387-0919. End quote. • Good news indeed Comrades let's kecpthe.telephone line Busy!!! The members of the Lucan Le- gion were sadden indeed with the. passing of Comrade Jean Skolly - Comrade Jean was one of our most dedicated members, had will be sore- . ly missed. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to her family. You must mark your calendar on this one -- Sunday, April 2. Brunch will be servedat the Legion Hall between 10. a.m. and 2 p.m. The menu - orange juice, bacon, saus- age, scrambled eggs, pancakes and syrup, choice of 3 salads, toast, muff ins, tea and coffee and the cost is only. $4.00 for adults; 12 and un- der $2.00, pre-schoolers free. How's this for a deal!! See yu there. • It was a fine sight to behold all the 'Irish' folk gathered together to • celebrate 'St. Patrick's Day'. The 'Old Country' tunes "supplied by Len Maslen had my feet a tappin' or was it cloggin' and Irish Jim Mur- phy's famous stew, two grand large pots of it, were 'gone in the twinkle of an Irishman's eyes. All in all 1 must say a grand time was had by all and a Gain tribute to St. Patrick himself. Did you know the Legion spon- sors over 3,500 separate youth pro- grams groups, including, cadets; scouts and sports of all types. It is. the largest single sponsor of scout- ing in Canada and sponsors more hockey teams and leagues than any other one organization in the coup-. try, (over 700 branches sponsor hockey). The president and members of the Lucan Legion wish one and all a Happy Easter and" may the Easter Bunny be good"to you. And that's 30 for this week = Re- member - Minds are like parachutes -- they function only when open.. Back a Fighter ..f Timbres de v:1ws EQster Salk cs J.1., is GIVE TO Easter Seals Tyke champs . Bill Brock and Tom McCann, back of the Exet• - er Minor Hockey Association.. present the championship tro- phy of the Exeter Tyke tourna- ment to Sean Smith and David. Parks, captains of the champi- on hampion.Lucan Tykes. Lucan won three times on. -Saturday to take the title. Mason back from Haiti LUCAN - Pietc.r Schinkleshock Sunday morning read Psalm 24:1, .John 3:16, and Philippians -4::19, saying God-isour source to supply. all our needs, while it is necessary for us to give for God to bless us. key: Roger Mason, hack from Haiti, ministered. from. Luke. 21:1- 1 1. Before this triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, He had been quiet about who Nc really:.was. But the time had come to declare He - was the Messiah. Some believed while.somc just went along with. it, while others didn't know, and the religious rulers.xejected Jesus. Sunday evening Rev. Roger Ma- son conducted the service. Rev: Ma- son told of a baptismal service they drove over mountain roads to sec in - Haiti. The whole church` marched down to the riverside, singing as they went. The pastors baptized the converts in the river, with thc vil- lagers watching behind the bushes. Keith Dance, read a prayer from a prayer book he had picked up in a Baptist Mission in Haiti, written by Haitian Christians. The prayer -says that although they are poor, when they have Jesus they feel they arc rich. Harold Porter, also returned from Haiti, stated he cricd a lot in Haiti from seeing the poor little children share what little thcy had. These children were in the Christian school where they were .building, Each child can be sponsored for only S15.00 a month. Many chil- dren with no sponsor have no clothes to wear'. The men . were building part of a school: in St. Mark in Haiti. Upcoming events -- April 17 to April 21 -.Spiritual Renewal Week. Rev Gordon Williams, and Rev Stanley Hammond will. be speak- ing. Peter's Point . continued from page 4 ing. The weather is warmer than it was in DisneyWorld last March. With a high in the low tw.entics. Centigrade that is. Thcrt arc flowering fruit trees and spring flowers everywhere. Today we're going to climb 500 steps up into the.towcr"of Frei: burg cathedral. Then the kjds want to do some shopping. They Haven't quite figured out thc dif- ference between dollars, pounds, francs and marks, and their little purses arc bulging with all kinds or coins. Somebody will have to sort it all out. i don't know what they really think about Europe.. 1 know they're confused much of the time, and when they wake up in the morning, they don't know whcrc they are: Duncan asked last night: "Will Weever go back • home to; my house?" The next , column, hopclulry,will come all goes well, rtt-% , p can't lake a turn in crnta= , ny without seeing Ifft-alrfkir castles on the horiron. t'aJLL6IC, i11&,1p1216. country inns, and we -all cnjo sampling many di l fcrcnt region, l dishes, except Duncan..Ile gc s very -nervous every time we ap- t. another c. r" . 'I,don't like t its p ace he announce for all to hear, and we pray'that no one understands . English. "Try this, Duncan, just try it once, you won't have to cat it if yODUVIIl iUL ,,.,nu„ ;„u,,., cr try anything, you'll never find out what you like". it's no use. 11e could easily live for the 'rest of his life on peanut butter sand- wiches with strawberry jam. Now we'rc alt rcady to go hik- G for year end, Into reduce our inventory for MERCHANDISE. MI we order MA, MI'' sofas, chairs, have reduced including room inventory beds, dining mat- tresses, hide -a -way units, tables, suites a e suites, wall lefties, suites, bedroom loungers, lamps, P tresses, recliners, l flooring; will be carpet and vinyl s value price. reduced daccessories,670 off Dinney 17°10. best reduced merchandise reduced 17%. the All other our opportunity topurchase home at ° sfor y This is your in quality believable Prices. i 1