HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-22, Page 94,4 MI' ae
Ready For Easter - Krista and Sarah Hodge of Crediton are shown
here in their new Easter outfits.
Sew and Save Centre
Our fabric department
is selling out to the bare walls
Everything is Reduced
up to
* All fabrics, patterns, and notions
Fixtures For Sale!
Our fabric dept. will close April 1, 1989
at 5:30 p.m.
We are NOT closing our sewing machine
149 Downie Street, Stratford
Recipe for losing weight
GODERICH - *Eat well-balanced
meals. Choose tasty, nutritious
foods from the four food groups.
* Watch how you prepare your
foods. Do you often cook with or
add extra fat to low caloric foods?
* Before you have that snack,ask
yourself if you• really arc hungry.
* Add some exercise to your life!
Choose activities that you cnjoy
and that make you feel good.
These are the ones you have a bet-
ter chance of maintaining on a reg-
ular basis.
* Don't fall prey to fads and gim-
micks for the sake of an "instant"
* Look for advice from profes-
sionals - talk to your local dieti-
tian/nutritionist and find a program
that is sensible and balanced.
The following recipe comes from
the kitchen of Adele Crocker. It in-
cludes items from three of the four
food groups and is a good source of
fibre, -iron, vitamin A and Vitamin
C. The bonus is that this dish, in-
cluding 1/2 cup of plain tiles or
rice, has only 340 calorics per serv-
Lean Beef and Broccoli
Stir Fry
8 oz lean cooked roast beef, thin-
ly sliced into strips (2 1/2 x 1/2")
4 cups broccoli; broken into flo-
rets 1 L
4 cups small red onion, thinly
sliced into rounds 1
. 2 whole green onions, sliced into
1/2" strips 2
1 small carrot, sliced lengthwise
into 1" x 1/8" sticks 1
1/2 small cucumber,pecled, seed-
ed and cut into triangles, coarsely
chopped 1
1" piece of gingerroot, finely
chopped 1
1 garlic clove, finely chopped 1
1/4 cup soy sauce 50 ml
3 tbsp. sherry or white wine 40
2 tsp. sugar' 10 ml
1 tsp. cornstarch 5 ml
2 tbsp. vegetable oil 25 ml
Slice and measure all ingredients
before starting to stir fry. In a
small bowl, stir soy sauce with
sherry, sugar and cornstarch. Set
aside. When ready to cook, heat oil
in a large frying pan or wok.
When oil is hot add onions, ginger,
carrot and beef. Stir fry for 3 more
minutes. Stir sauce mixture, then
drizzle over vegetables and meat.
Add cucumber and tomato and con-
tinue to stir, fry for about 1 more
minute. Serve over noodles or rice:
Submitted by The Huron County
Nutrition Committee as part of the
1989 National Nutrition Month
Campaign. Questions may be di-
rected to Nutrition Services, Huron
County Health Unit - 1-800-265-
Easter theme of Caven PCW
EXETER - The Devotional Peri-
od was taken from the March issue
of Glad Tidings - written by the ed-
itor L. June Stevenson.
Through serving the Lord faith-
fully we share in the coming of the
Kingdom. We arc assured that the
love of our God goes beyond doubt,
denial, disbelief and even death.
With Job we exclaim "I know that
my Redeemer liveth."
Mrs. Strang showed four of
many crosses that were widely used
as symbols for Christ and His
work. The Cross is short hand for
John 3:16 "For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begot-
ten Son that whosoever believes in
Him should not perish but have ev-
erlasting life."
Mrs Pryde told the story of Mal-
thus - who was in the service of
the High Priest Caiaphas at the
time, relating this story to his
grandchildren, told of having his car
cut off my Peter's sword. The car
was quickly restored by Jesus and
Peter was reprimanded.
The old man is reported as
in conclusion "It takes only a mo-
ment to change your mind but a
lifetime to change your life."
Mrs. Simmons conducted the
Business and announced our Than-
QueensZvay W ws 1
HENSALL - Fun and fitness
helped get everyone moving Tues-
day morning, well enough in fact,
that a few enjoyed walks out in the
fresh air later in the day. Pastor Pe-
ter Steckle of the Blake Conserva-
tive Mennonite Church led our wor-
ship service in the afternoon.
Residents enjoyed visiting afterward
with Pastor Steckle and his wife
Rita over tea and snack.
"Ballad of the Irish Horse" was
our featured film Thursday evening.
This was a National Geographic
film about the thoroughbred horses
raised on Irish soil, and the reputa-
tion they enjoy in the racing field.
Friday evening residents celebrat-
ed St. Patrick's Day to•the music of
George Mathonis, Ivan Norris, Jim
Young and Lloyd Thompson. We
had a lively evening made livelier
by the appearance of several Hensall
Kinettcs and their children. They
danced with the residents who
Discover the difference
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wheel drive, Sierra offers
superb performance, relia-
bility and durability
Either Sierra model can be quick-
ly disassembled, without tools,
and transported comfortably in
the trunk of most cars.
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Our most vatuable asset:
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wished to dance and entertained
those who wished to watch. To end
the evening they helped serve re-
freshments, consisting of green na-
nairno bars, and yes, green punch.
It did taste much better than it
Coming events for Queensway
arc on March 24 Good Friday a
Communion Service at 11 a.m.
with Rev. Wright, special music
featured. March 30 at 2 p.m. is a
Birthday Party with music by Gla-
dys Van Egmond and her Old
Tymc Music Group.
koffcring to be in April.
An invitation was accepted to be
guests of Thames Road U.C.W.
Mrs. Ersman reported on the an-
nual meeting of Stratford Huron
Presbyterial. Hot Cross Buns and
fruit were served at the conclusion
of the meeting.
March 22, 1989
Page 9
Forthcoming marriage - Mr
and Mrs. John Forrest are
pleased to announce the forth-
coming marriage of their daugh
ter, Debra Colleen to Mr: James
Whitmore of London. Their wed-
ding is to take place May 20,,
1989 at London Gospel Temple,
London, Ontario.
This special price is
available through our Di-
rect Ship Program only.
Shipping, handling and
insurance extra.
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Capture the Excitement!
Come join us, and 'THE MERRY WANDERER"
during our introduction sale of the
M.I. Hummel Collectibles
See a video
on the gifted
Sister Maria
and how
and how
are made.
World's largest Hummel 32" high,
in our store now!!!
We're proud to have an irresistible selection
now on hand, and to celebrate .the
-------A+•• r ` occasion we are offering....
•-M.I. Hummel figurines ___.
• Giftware - includes new arrivals -
spring stock
• Large selection of decorative lamps
Open Thurs. Night March 23 till 9:00 p.m.
Decorators Touch Plus
412 Main St., Exeter, Ontario 235-2511