Times Advocate, 1989-03-22, Page 8Page 8
Times -Advocate, March 22, 1989
Easter Friends - Sabrina and Jonathan
cuddle a pair of baby rabbits.
Brand of Crediton are getting into the Easter mood as they
Concerts at
GRAND BEND Kim and Jerry
Brodcy have been delighting audi-
ences since 1984: They have four.
records,a_vidco, a ton of awards and -
a JUNO nomination to their credit.
But most of all they have happy au-
- Kim and Jerry use a combination
of original music and theatre ap-
proaching issues such as step -
parenting, ecology and global is-
sues with sensitivity and great hu-
mour, appealing to young imagina-
tions and leaving lots of room for
When they arc not touring North
America, Kim and Jerry live in To -
the Playhouse
ronto withtheir two sons, Joshua
-and Oliver, -and as a family recently
were featured in Stepdancing, a film
about step families, appearing on
both CBC and TVO.
Their concert sizzles with music,
comedy and many surprises. You
will love -their theatrical approach
making music and their sensitive
and timely songs.
This is a family show, with sub--
ub-stance, music, and lots of audience
Come and enjoy Kim and Jerry
Brodey at the Huron Country Play-
Monday, August 21, 11:00
a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Graduate - Charlotte Anne Mill-
er, daughter of Fred and June
Miller, Granton. graduated Jan-
uary 19, 1989 as a Registered
Nurse from Conestoga College,
Stratford. She is presently em-
ployed at Credit Valley Hospi-
tal, Mississauga in Pediatrics.
Charlotte is a former graduate
of South Huron District High
School, Exeter. Congratulations
Graduate Teresa Taziar gradu-
ated December 9, 1988, from
the nursing program at Mohawk
College, Hamilton. She has suc-
cessfully completed her Regis-
tered Nurse's exams and has ac-
cepted a position at University
Hospital, London. She is the
daughter of Joe and Mary Tazi-
ar, RR6, St. Marys.
Spring Perm Special
Starts Tuesday, •
Bch 21 till Sat., April 1
Celebration, and Design''"'~
Freedom Perms
Regular: ""25
on special for
live. a.f
Great Feeling Perms
wRectulat►: $40 $3 5.
on special for
Get a perm and receive a coupon worth $1.00 off
on your next professional service. Ask Maryhelen
and Sylvia about specialized perming and colour-
ing techniques.
-Sylvia & Maryhelen
Tues., Wed., Fri. 8:30 - 6;00
Thurs. 9:00 - 9:00 - Sat. 8:30 - 4:00
Shalom Haft Fashions would like to wish
you and yours a Happy Eater
Tickets and information, call the
Playhouse 238-8451.
Eric Nagler coming
GRAND BEND - Eric Nagler,
since 1978, has devoted his hcart
and soul to the art of family music.
With lots of musical background
gained in New York and Toronto,
he continues to perform before live
audiences throughout North Ameri-
ca. _
Most recently, Eric.has become a
recognized television personality
wjth his guest appearances on Mr.
Dressup, Sesame Street, and The
Elephant Show.
He is a master of homemade in-
struments from the well known
(banjo, mandolin, guitar and fiddle),
to the not so well known (psalter,
nose flute, spoons and badhran), to
the truly bizarre (sewcrphone). Eric
shares the joy of music making
withkids-- ofallages!
Eric has two award winning fami-
ly record albums to his credit and a
third underway which is slated for
release sometime in 1989, and for
the instrument enthusiast, you will
be interested in his first literary en-
deavor; an unique combination of
stories, personal anecdotes and' in-
structions on "how to" make musi-
cal instruments.
Come and enjoy Eric Nagler in
concert at the Huron Country Play-
house, Monday July 10, 11:00 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m. You too can learn to
make music with bleach bottles,
combs, spoons and washtubs! and --
be sure to share the performance and
the fun with.the entire family.
Ailsa Craig
by Doug McNair
AILSA CRAIG - Betty Suther-
land presented an Easter worship
service at the March meeting of the
Ailsa Craig United Church Women.
Donna Cox rcad some scripture
passages and with Sylvia Thirlwall
as pianist the hymns Go to Dark
Gethseme and When I Survey the
Wondrous Cross were sung..
Rev. Anne Beatte Stokes chpse
the story of. the Triumphal Entry
into Jerusalem for'hcr Bible Study.
inicd out that the -sta . p -
pears in can -of -the f
She had the group consider the -
eStory as written in the Book of"
Matthew Chapter 21, verses 1-11.
Since the U.C.W. supports Cana-
da Save -A -Child newsletter outlin-
ing conditions in Peru was read—
Lena Stokes appealed for more quil-
Annual Huron Presbyterial
STRATFORD - George Bullen,
Godcrich, was the guest spcaker at
the annual meeting ofthe Stratford -
Huron Presbyterial, W.M.S.; held
in Knox Presbyterian Church,
Stratford, Mr. Bullen spent a year
in China teaching English at Nanj-
ing, formerly Nanking, where the
Chinese government provides a
place for foreign students, mainly
from third world countries, 'to
study. He said that Christians make
up less than four percent of the
population and they are very careful
not to offend other religions. His
'presentationincluded slides show-
ing the scenery, architectural struc-
tures, Chinese culture, and the peo-
ple with whonm he worked. Mr.
Bullen was- introduced by Mrs.
Robert McAllister of Auburn and
Mrs. Stuart Peebles of Atwood
thanked him. -
im.Mrs.. Robert, J: McTavish,
Shakespeare, presided for the morn-
ing and afternoon sessions which
were .based on the theme, Go and
Tell. The morning devotions were
conducted by Mrs. Iva Jack -and
Mrs. Catherine Blatch, Milverton.
Mrs. Mary Scott brought greetings,
from the Knox W.M.S., groups .
.and Rev. David Thompson repro-
sentingStratford-Huron Presbytery.
encouraged the ladies to work and
pray. 1.
Annual reports were given by the
various. secretaries. Mrs. Fred Sal-
ter, Goderich, gave the treasurer's
report showing approximately
549,000.00 .had been . sent to the ..
W.M.S., treasurer in Toronto.
Mrs. Floyd Willows and Mrs.
Alvin MacKay,. representing- the
Emily Garden of St. Andrews,
Stratford, gave the afternoon devo—
tions. A skit, written by Mrs. Gor-
don Alexander of Listowel and pre-
sented by Ayonton W.M.S.,
groups portrayed the organization
of the first Stratford Presbyterial
groups, Harrington, Knox, Strat-
ford, Motherwell and Avonbank,
Mitchell and South Nissouri in the
year 1884.
The roll call, a verse on the
theme and number of years your
group has been going and telling,
was answered by 95 women.
Mrs. Grace Severs, Stratford,
(Exeter Only)
Lawn Care
sang a lovely solo, accompanied by •President Mrs. Robert Edmunds,
the pianist for the day, Mrs. Marga- Mitchell; Recording Secretary Mrs.
ret McIntyre. The In Mcmorium Robert Laing, Staffa; Correspond-.
Service was conducted by Mrs. ing Secretary Mrs: John Gibson,
Madeline Edward of Godcrich. . St. Marys; Treasurer Miss Jean Is -
The annual presentation of tho bister, Stratford; and the following
MacErspcy Award was made with secretaries: Press Mrs. Muriel Shel-
the award going to the Avonton don, St. (Marys; Adult Groups Mrs.
COC, and The Helen Gowlett Charles Corry, Atwood; Children's
Award to Atwood Explorers. Groups, Mrs. Larry White, Gode-
Mrs. Elmer Rivers, Seaforth, pre- rich; Friendship and Service Mrs:
sented the new slate of. officers, Floyd Willows, Stratford; Glad Tid-
who were installed by Mrs. Edward. ings Mrs. Alex Nichol, Atwood;
Courtesy remarks were given by Literature- Carpenter Shop Miss
Mrs. pon Webb, St. Marys. - Isabel McTavish, Stratford;
The officers for 1989 are as fol- W.M.S. Bookroom - Mrs. C. Pat-
lows: Past President Mrs. Robert J. terson, Scbringville; Without Port -
McTavish, RR 1, Stratford; Presi- folio Mrs. R. McAllister, Auburn,
dent Mrs. Stuart Stevenson, Brus- Mrs. Fred Salter, Godcrich; Audi-
scls;. 1st Vicc President Mrs. Gor- tors Mrs. Gerald Richards, Strat-
don Alexander, Listowel#2nd Vice ford, Mrs. Fred Kipfer, Stratford.
News from Exeter United Church
EXETER - The congregation at
Exeter United Church this past
Sunday were invited to "join God's
parade". and the Sunday School chil-
dren led thecelebration of Palm
Sunday with a parade of palms.
Palm Su • ' arked the re-
ception of 26 members to the
family of Exeter United, six by
transfer and 20 by Confirmation. A
social hour folletving the service
gave the congregbtion an opportu
nity to meet and welcome our new
As we continue on our journey to
-Easter this Holy Week, the Maundy
Thursday Communion Service,
.Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. and
the Good Friday Community Ser-
vie.e, Friday morning at 11 a.m.
will help us to prepare for the cele-
bration of Easter.
Also on the calendar for this week
is the Official Board Meeting on
Wednesday evening at 9 p.m. with
the Executive meeting at 7 p.m.
and The Committee meetings at
7:30 p.m. ' .
Thc Senior Youth Group will.
meet at the church Saturday, March
25 at 6(p.m.
Be sure to join us for our special
Easter. Sunday Celebration, either at.
the 8 a.m. Sunrise Service, the 9
a.m. Fellowship Breakfast or the 11
a.m. Easter. Service. Ifyou are una-
ble to join us please take note that
altlof our services are taped and you
m y obtain a copy of these tapes
and a cassette player if you need
one, by calling the church office
and making your request krown.
Fresh for
10- 141b
Also available for Easter
• Turkey Hams • Breast Roasts
• Smoked turkey breast
Hours This Week
Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Sat.
10:00 - 5:30
Store Location
Hwy. 83, just west of Dashwood 237-3561
193 Main Street
ters to helpwith the quilting of AmK.`
several quilts. ...r..R
In the business portion of the
meeting the members voted to give
a donation of money to the Canadi-
an Foodgrains Bank and to the relief
of the Ethiopian Meningitis _
dem ic. -,
The president reminded everyone
to begin working on Bazaar projects
especially "My Mother's Rose
Quilt block".
During the social time Betty Su-
therland and her helpers from Unit
One served a cup of tea and tea bis-
The Ailsa Craig U.C.W, will
meet again on April 11 at 8 p.m. in
the Sunday school room of the
JOIN IN TIE FUN in the Family
Prizes and Surprises for tti1 - ,f11
DATE: 10.2.0 M-22. 22 TIME:
Get your picture
taken with Buggs