HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-15, Page 29(AtmAn) YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (33tfn) FIREWOOD.- delivered by cord or by larger truck loads. `Phone 236-4457 or 235-1678.(11tfn) FIREWOOD split mixed seasoned hardwood, sold by the standard cord. (128 cu; ft.) $150 each. Phone 238-2943.(34tfn) BUILDING - Factory Inventory 28x40 = 53986.00; 40x60 = 55450.00; 46x90 = 58900.00; 60x120 = 517,000.00. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-387-2203 or 1(416) 792-2704. BUILDINGS Final Clearance Sale - We have limited steel left over from our largest winter sale ever - Save thousands while supply lasts - Paragon - 1-800-263-8499, 24 hours. SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvania Lamps. Hydroponic kits and books plus much more. Send 52 for catalogue. Greenouse and hydroponic S..,re, 63 Clarke Sidcroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7 (519) 452-3919. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old Fashioned Apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontt. KOK 2L0. No phone. ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy EXETER • TIMES -ADVOCATE WATER PROBLEMS? Water that causes iiron staining; smell and taste problems and possibly contains bacteria and chemicals can now be treated successfully. New State -of -the -Art technology can eliminate these problems thus providing clean safe water throughout your entire water system. For information on this unique system write Aztec Water Systems, #5-6380 Tomken Rd., or call toll free 1-800-387-3423. Sales and Service represented throughout Ontario. PERSIAN LAMB COAT, black with mink collar, size 12, in excellent condition. Call 284-3548 after 5 p.m. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9(604)_ 682-6636. ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff joints? Sleeping hands? "Beulah Oil" Helps!! Send - 51 for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man., R1N 3C5. GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% by subscribing to 'l'he Gunrunner". The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new, used: modern and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscription $20/yr to: Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample copy $1.75. FIREWOOD - dry seasoned hard maple and white birch, inside storage. 238-2773. ask for Wayne. (8-11c) ,House in excellent condition, new windows, commercial property, will sell for $125,000.00 firm. Located behind Times Advocate. Phone 653-7572 or 653- 6055 Farm Cred.t Soc.eTe du credit Coroorat'on agncoe Canada Canada FARM FOR SALE 16 for Sole Visscher Farms Country Market ' Open 9-5 Daily Closed Sundays ** Cabbage • Belgium Endive * Potatoes * Apples * Cider 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 FILTER QUEEN vacuum with attachments. Brand new motor and rebuilt power nozzle. Phone 228-6531. BUILDING SALE - Quonsets from $3/sq. ft. Straightwalls from $4,40/sq.ft. Complete building - Limited time offer due to upcoming steel mill price increases. Order from our factory and save. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). FARMERS make your own foam markers, 'less than half price. Call or write Dick's Wickweeder and Foam Markers, (519) 887-9463, Richard Harris, RR2, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1HO. STRAW - 1000 square bales tight packed wheat straw, easy loading. John den Otter Kirkton 229-8232. WATCH FOR Annual Opening of Hensall Co-op Garden Centres, Hensall and Seaforth location (10-12c) MAGAZINES AND PARTS for Remington, Winchester, Savage, Ithaca, Marlin, Mossberg and Stevens guns. Phone 235-1907. (10-12*) TWO OAKFRAMED MIRRORS approx. 4'x3'. Two cabinets, arborite tops. Asking 5450 complete. Make an offer. Will sell separately. Phone 235-1497.(l0tfn) . SOFA and matching. chair, very comfortable 5175.00. Call after 6 p.m. 237-3796. (11:12c) OIL FURNACE, duct work, oil tank, 17 years old. Complete. 5250.00. Phone235-0823 or 235-0218. (11*) SOYBEAN SEED, certified KG60. Phone Vem Alderdice 263-5988. (1lc) 18-4=30 DUAL WHEELS with hardware. Emmerson Penhale 229-8203.(11;12*) BIKES - girl's Blue Angel $60 and one girl's 20" bike $30. Phone 284-3155 after 5 p.m. ..CANON T70, 3 lenses, flash and manual 5750; side mirrors for truck $20, lady's leather roller skates size 5 $25; bright yellow healthy budgie 510. Phone 284-3118. CRAFTSMAN 5 h.p. self propelled 18" rear tine tiller. Briggs and Stratton engine, 3 yrs. old, excellent condition. 5575.00 or best offer. Phone 461-0709 after 5 p.m. Lot 7, Aux Sauble Conces- sion, Stephen Township, Huron County. Three kilome- ters south of Grand Bend, Ontario on a gravel road. Ap- proximately 107 acres of To- -d.do-clay loam with 80 acres workable. No buildings. NOTES: - s 1) Approximately $4,762.00 tile drainage loan calling for payments of $1,847.60 is to be taken over in addition to the• purchase price. Loan due November 1991. 2) Offers should be made on forms obtainable on request from any office of the Corpo- ration and must be received by. March 20, 1989 at the field office listed below. ,A certified deposit of $4,000.00 must accompany the offer. For further information contact: Farm Credit Corporation, Att: Paul Scholten, Box 151, Ooderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Phone: 519-524.8381 Canad"a RIDING LAWNMOWER 8 h.p. Murray, $450, Craftsman 5 h.p. rototiller 5250; golf clubs 575.00; D.S.S. sink, 525.00. No Sunday calls. Phone 284-4086. TIRES FOR SALE: P215 - Radial 14" Firestone (4) $150, (2) are like new, (2) are used. Call 284-3895 after 6 p.m. or 284-3347. STEREO CONSOLE SET. 8 track, record player. Good shape. Best offer. Phone 228-6233. ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE, large oak, ' new condition. Evenings 235-1556.(11:12c) CREDITON 589.900 1' 1/2 storey brick, 3 bed- rooms, 4 pc. washroom, dou- ble living room, 21 x 18 kitch- en, main floor laundry room, lot 81 x 159, town water, well maintained, move -in condi- tion. Call 451-5017 Audrey Gleed MLS Realtor - London Farm Crede Societe du cred,1 Coroorat.on agrrcole Canada Canada ANNOUNCEMENT FARMS FOR SALE Four kilometers southwest of Crediton on a gravel road. part S.1/2 Lot 8, Concession 8, Stephen township, Huron County and Part Lot 5, Con- cession 8, Stephen Town- ship, Huron County. Two parcels of bareland: 1) approximately 48 acres with 47 acres workable. 2) approximately 96 acres with 86 acres workable. Both are Perth Clay Loam soil Offer review date March 28, 19:, Notes: 1) Offers may be submitted on above parcel individually or together. 2) Offers should be made on forms obtainable on request from any office of the Corpo- ration'and must be received by March' 28, 1989 at the field office list below. A certified deposit of $41000.00 must accompany the offer. For further information con- tact: Farm Credit Corporation Att: Paul Scholten Box 155, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephone No.: 519-524.8381 Canada 16 For Sale TOP QUALFi'Y alfalfa mixed hay, large square bales, easy loading. Call 461-1457. MEN'S CLOTHING, like new. Charcoal suede sport coat size 46; pair black pants size 44; tan corduroy sport coat size 46; pair dark brown pants size 44; light brown fine strip three pc suit size 46; black 3 pc. suit size 46; light tan leather top coat size 46; beige top coat size 46. Phone 284-3230 after. 5 p.m. BIKES - two man's 10 speed bikes, 575.00 each; twin babystroller 560. Phone 284-2716. 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. (3tfn) $55 CASH PAID for cars and trucks for wrecking or resale. 234-6790 or 234-6250 or 1-800-265-9209. Advanced Auto Wreckers, Guaranteed Used Parts, RR 1 Exeter. (35fn) CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE, tables, chairs, cupboards, washstands, cutters, etc. Antique and oak. Phone 238-5422 or 235-2057. (36tfn) CARS AND TRUCKS for junk. Also complete selection of auto and truck parts for sale. McStephen Auto Wreckers, Crediton. Phone 228-6214.(52-26*) SET OF BUNK BEDS in good condition. Call 229-6434 after 6 p.m. (llc) TRACTOR with or without loader, preferably running. Also 100-130 h.p. tractor. Phone 523-4260. (11:12*) USED CEMENT MIXER (electric, or gas motor) used wheel barrel. Phone 227-1233 after 4 p.m. (11c) 18 Wanted IMMEDIATELY ride leaving downtown London at 5 p.m. Monday to Friday north to Clandeboye. Phone 227-4203 after 6 p.m. (1lc) 19 Property For Sale FIVE-PLEX, Brucefield- one -3 bedroom, two -2 bedroom, two -1 bedroom units. Showing excellent return. Two storey brick, new propane furnace, parking for 10 cars on 1/2 acre lot. Call Dennis Dicks 663-9694 Community Realty Corp. 5114,900.00. (11c)• Farm For Sale Approx. 100 acres, lot 7, Con. 8 Blanshard Twp. 75 acres workable, 20 acres pasture. Plus good barn. Beef, dairy or cash crop p0- tential - Contact 1 (416) 689-5135 1• Commercial Property For Lease Prime location with 2,100 sq. ft. building in Exeter. Zoned C-5. . Available March 1. For information call Roger Wallis` at 235-0660 19 Property For Sale LUCAN 5124.900. 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick and aluminum, 1 1/2 bathrooms. Newer shingles, privacy fences, 5 appliances. Large mortgage assumable at 11 1/4%. Phone 227-1769.(11*) CONSIDER THE ^PRICE ' of a 60'x100' lot in Exeter. Then consider the price of 10 acres just a 2 minute drive from downtown. Yes for 5120,000 you can own this valuable acreage with a four bedroom home fund a large barn. Owner is interested in a leaseback situation. Reply to Box 70P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOM 1S0. (9tfn) EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT 100'x166'. VanDongen Subdivision. south of Grand Bend. Asking 523,900. Call 238-8195. (10:11c) EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 46 acres in the heart of Huron County zoned commercial sales and service and recreational. Rolling land ideal for camping with one -acre spring -fed pond, LLBO approved chalet, huge barn and shed - offering countless opportunities. There are also some serviced campsites on the property. The living is easy in a comfortable, totally renovated three bedroom home highlighted by a main floor family room. For additional information call Wayne at 262-2644 or Randy at 685-8045. (11c) 20 Property For Rent SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. (20tfn) WANTED Iron Beds Phone Bud Mclvor 227-4210 Craig Hardwoods Ltd. - Auburn - Buying bush Tots or selected trees TOP CASH PRICES Talk to one of our buyers about enjoying the benefits of good Market Prices, CALL (519) 526-7220 FIREWOOD - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Have you considered Hardwood Slabs? They are approximatelyone-half the price of body wood We can deliver in 17 cubic yard boxfuls. GRAM SYST'EMS LTD .Quality Gran Storage Drying & Handling Products' DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE ✓ L -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. 263 MAIN ST 11. P.0 80X 550 EXETERONTARIO NOM ISO Phone: Rue. (519) 236-1919 RM. (519) 235-2019 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. "Car and Truck Rentals" Leasing - New, ail makes Sales - Used Cars and Trucks 198 Main St. N. Exeter (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn 235-2070 INVITATION TO TENDER Nal <..-.. y5- -• «if rise rt&tu,ri CEreict - Sealed tenders-forilhet:°fdiltrfririgivafsportafion service will be received at the address below until 15:00 on the specified closing date. - Service Provision of mail collection, -delivery and related servic- es for Rural Route No. 1 Hensall Specifications Full details as to specifications, schedule of service and tender form may be obtained from: p.:':: - f • Hensall, Ontario or from Transportation Contracting 955 Highbury Avunuc London Ontario N5Y 1A3 Closing Date: April 3, 1989 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. CANADA POST CORPORATION SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES POSIES Times -Advocate, March 15, 1989 Page 29 Township of Usborne Webber Farm Shed Tender Usbome Township Council invite tenders for the rental of a 40 foot by 32 foot storage space, as designated by the Road Su- perintendent, in the Webber Farm shed at Part Lot 25, Con- cession 8, Usborne Township for a 2 year period from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990. Appointment to view the shed should be arranged with the Road Superintendent. Sealed tenders, submitted on your own tender form and marked as to con- tents, will be received by the Clerk at the Usborne Township Office at Morrison Dam until 12:00 noon on April 4, 1989. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sandra Strang, Clerk, Township of Usborne P.O. Box 1420 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S0 1 TOWN OF EXETER TENDER' FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. Monday. April 10. 1989 tor: (a) Garbage collection and recycling (b) Garbage collection only (c) Recycling only Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further infor- mation and tender forms may be obtained from the: Exeter Municipal Office, 406 Main Street South • EXETER, Ontario, NOM 1S0 (519) 235-0310 Elizabeth Bell, AMCT, CMO Clerk -Treasurer - 406 Main Street South Box 759 EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 • t. Ontario POLICE TACTICAL UNITS INQUIRY NOTICE The Ontario Police Commission was directed by the Solicitor General on January 4, 1989 to examine the use of police tactical units in Ontario. The Commission was asked to examine and make recommendations on the following: 1. the historical operation and utilization of such units, since their inception, by police forces in Ontario; 2. the selection and training of the personnel comprising suph units; 3. the equipment used by such units, including weapons and communications equipment; 4. the functions assigned to such units; 5. the rationale and need for such units. The Commission will review oral and written suamissions related to its mandate. Written submissions from members of the public are now invited. They should be forwarded to the Ontario Police Commission, 9th Floor, 25 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, M7A 2H3, by Friday, April 21, 1989. The Commission is currently arranging a series of public hearings at which interested citizens and organizations will have the opportunity to personally state their views. Those citizens and groups who submit written briefs will have an opportunity, if desired, to expand on their submissions at these hearings. Further information may be obtained by contacting Gordon Hampson or Cathy Boxer at the Commission offices in Toronto (416) 965-6071. W.D: Drinkwalter, Q.C. Chairman APPEL D'OFFRES Service de transport tera a I'adress ci'dessous, iusQu'a 15h, le • - ...�!!��e�..,._..,............,.,�•. - 18 ser= ' -.lour de,clotul:e vice de transport suivant - Service! Essectuer in livraison, la lever du courrier ainsi que les services oonnexes sur la route 1 de Hensall. Cahier des charges Pour obtenir de plus amples details sur le cahier des charges, le calendrier de travail e1 les torntules de s6o1 ' , le demande a; Bureaux de poste suivante Hensall, Ontario ou a I'adresse surivance ` Services des contrats de transport 955 avenue Highbury _ - London Ontario N5Y 1A3 Date de cloture: 3 avril, 1989 La Societe se reserve le droit de refusar toute soumission, y copris la plus basse. SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES POSIES CANADA POST CORPORATION 1