HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-03-15, Page 9Pair of Fiddlers - Six year-old Brent Yearley gets some advice from veteran fiddler Doug Lewis of Crediton. The two were part of the old-fashioned entertainment at Larry's Town and Country Inn in Crediton Saturday night. Two convictions on traffic charges EXETER - JP Doug Wedlake handed down two convictions for driving infractions while presiding over Exeter court on March 7. Manfred Locrzel pleaded guilty to failing to stop for police, but not guilty to careless driving, after be- ing clocked at up to 160 kph on Highway 83 on December 31. The accused slowed after turning onto Concession 4-5, but ignored the police car's siren and activated lights until stopping at his resi- dence. Locrzel was found guilty on both counts, fined $128.75 on the first, and an additional S198.75 and a 30 - day licence suspension on the sec- ond. Court was told Locrzel, 17 at the time, has not been in Canada very long, and was panicked by the en - counter with the police. Don Oakman Rock, RR2 Grand Bend, pleaded guilty to two charges of disobeying a stop sign and fail- ing to stop. He changed his origi- nal plea from not guilty to guilty when the first charge was amended from careless driving. Rock was observed slowing to 10 to 15 kph on January 23 while turning left from Sideroad 20 in Stephen township onto Concession 2-3. He was pulled over by the po- lice officer. Thirteen minutes after first of- fence, the officer following the ac- cused saw Rock drive through a stop sign at County Roads 4 and 21. Rock was fined $53.75 on each charge, and given -6 demerit points. Set fire board .budget EXETER - The Exeter and area fire board recently approved their 1989 budget with expected expendi- tures of $207,825. The proposed budget is being submitted to the four participating arca councils for their stamp of ap- proval. Actual expenditures for 1988 at $293,171 were much higher than those anticipated for the coming year. A new truck was purchased in 1988. The difference between the Dan Meidinger Accounting & Financial Services Authorized agent for most trust companies Income Tax Returns Prepared Contact me today 235-0763 $293,171 fire board expenditures and the expected revenue of $316,825 is the Exeter portion only of $109,000 made up of $25,000 for hydrants, $4,000 for rentals and fire hall capital costs of S80,000. Included in the budget is an amount of $56,000 to be set aside each year for capital equipment pur- poses in the future. This item matches the capital forecast for a seven year period prepared by fire chief Gary Middleton. The Exeter and area fire board is asking some indication whether each municipality is in favour of contributing to a joint reserve fund or looking after this on an individu- al basis. The Exeter Firefighters Associa- tion will be allowed to advertise the 1944 pumper truck for sale. Pro- ceeds will be used to purchase equipment and furnishings for the new fire hall. Exeter council has passed a bylaw to provide for the participation of the Exeter and area fire department in Huron County Mutual Aid. Dr. Linda Steele wishes to announce that tr.borah `Waters will be back in her office March 13 - 17, 489 Main St. S., Exeter 235-0233 re :.k:R Amor.- ...�--....-----^._. - -.. THE VILLA HOME OF RETIREMENT - LUCAN • Day Care $20./D • Long Term Care • Short term, Vacation, and Convalescent Stay • Individual and Group Activities • Support Services - Dietary, Housekeeping, Laundry •_ Supervision of Medications • Registered staff on duty • 24 hour supervision • Government Assistance Available RATES: from $22.00/D ($670./M) On Highway 4 just 20 minutes North of London For more Information call Mrs. Jardine 227-1073 Setting up own reserve fund USBORNE TOWNSHIP - Us - borne councillors decided at their regular March 7 meeting to estab- lish and maintain in municipal cof- ferS a reserve fund for fire equip- ment. Previously, the money was paid to the Exeter and Area Fire Board in advance of capital purchas- es, but now the municipality will keep the reserves in its own fund until needed. Usbome approved the area board's S157,825 budget for 1989. Us- bome's share is $36.29 percent. Clerk Sandy Strang was instruct- ed to request a fret municipal.fire protection survey from the mini- stry of the so4citor general to de- termine the feasibility of acquiring fire protection services from sur- rounding municipalities for certain parts of the township rather than continuing to have the tntirk area protected by the Exeter anarea board. Provision will also be made in the 1989 budget to transfer $20,000 to a reserve fund for a new road shed. A number of grants and other payments were approved at the meeting. The township will provide a grant to Usbome Minor Ball of $1,250 al well as cover the cost of rolling, spraying and seeding other grassed area at the Thames Road Ball Park. Donald Cole will be approached to cut grass at the ball park this sea- son at the 1988 rate. Daniel Verbeke will be paid $100 for using his car for warmth and shelter while in attendance at the Kirkton waste disposal site during the 1988-89 winter season. A 1989 levy of $713 will be paid to the Upper Thames River Conser- vation Authority. The Exeter Agricultural Society was granted $250, and a $600 recre- ation grant will be paid to the vil- lage of Hensall. A public meeting will be held on April 18 at 1:30 p.m. in the ABCA boardroom to deal with a proposed plan amendment and rezoning of property owned by Norman Amos to permit severance of a house and lot from agricultural land, and ex- tend the limits of Kirkton to bring the residence within the village's ur- ban limits. The fine for reclaiming a dog found running at large was increased from 520 to 537.50 to cover the cost of a trip by the dog control of- ficer to pick up a stray. Dave Moore Fuels was awarded the tender to supply fuel to the mu- nicipality. His bid was the second - lowest of four received. Leyser Enterprises will be in- voiced $100, the cost of dumping a mixed load of demolition materials at the Kirkton landfill site which had to be separated by the dump control officer. Reeve Gerald Prout reported that Jake Hovius contacted him about cutting trees in the Willis farm bush. Estimated revenue is expect- ed to be $3,000. Council approved the arrangement, provided Blanshard township council also approves the deal. A draft tender for rental of space in the Weber farm shed was ap- proved. Two SHDHS students in Ottawa EXETER - Geof Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Poole and Marnie Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wacker are South Hu- ron District High School's, repre- sentative to Forum '89. They will be two of some 500 students from all parts of Canada participating in the Forum for Young Canadians 1989 program. Students selected for the Forum program take part in a number of interesting activities in the Nation's capital -- including actually sitting in the Commons and Senate cham- bers, talking to parliamentarians and senior public servants, and vis- its to government House and the Supreme Court of Canada. They will also participate in a mock Cabinet discussion of immigration policy, and take part in a staged de- bate on federal -provincial rela- tions. By the end of the week-long pro- gram,.. the students will have learned a great deal about the chal- lenges and complexities in the way their government operates. As well, and equally important, they will have acquired a better understanding of their fellow Canadians from across the land. Students rely on the support of local organizations to assist in pay- ing their fees for the program, and to help with travel costs not cov- ered by a grant from the Secretary of State. Geof and Marnie thank their parents, SHDHS, the Student Council and the Exeter Legion for their support. Stanley sets '8J remuneration VARNA Stanley township has pay goes to $13.08 ($12.52). Grad- percent to $4070.60 (3,991) and his set the pay scale for 1989 for mu- er operator R. Coleman will be paid mileage allowance increases 20 per nicipal employees. Increases aver- $11.80 ($11.29), and Mark Taylor's kilometre. • age 4.5 percent. The new rates, hourly wage increases to $10 In asking for a raise, Van Wieren with the previous year's in brack- ($9.27). Labourer Bill Consitt will,. reminded council that his fees come' ets, follow. be paid $11.50 ($11), and the casual from the building permits issued. • The clerk -treasurer and tax collec- labour rate is $7.35 ($7). - His year-end report shows that the tor will receive $27,930.76 The annual stipend for the secre- total value of building permits is - ($26,728). This includes car al- tary to the road superintendent is sued in Stanley in 1988 totalled lowance. $1,761 ($1,685), and the Complex $2,186,000, up from $2,030,000 in Salary for the deputy clerk- custodian's rate is $8.36 ($8). 1987 and a substantial jump from treasurer is $15,000 ($13,000). Building inspector Herman Van $928,000 in 1986. The road superintendent's hourly Wieren's annual salary goes up 4.5 Stan -Lee Club meets at Complex VARNA - Twenty-one members of Stan -Lee Club gathered at the complex for their monthly meeting on march 8. • The meeting opened with a read- ing by Grace McClinchey "How Ireland Got Its Name." Anna Keys read an amusing article about hoard- ing plastic containers. and bags sup- posedly by one of their members. It was announced that the spring rally will be held at the Legion Hall in Seaforth on April 13. Registra- tion begins at 10 a.m. President Anna Keys said how pleased they were to have Norene and Elmer Hayter present as that day was a very special occasion for them. March 8 was their forty- eighth wedding anniversary. Attend- ing members had all signed a wed- ding anniversary card which Anna gave to them. Later in the evening everyone en- joyed anniversary cake thanks to two of their members. Norene and Elmer both expressed their appreciation to the club mem- bers for making this evening so special. They felt they had chosen the ideal place to celebrate. The Share the Wealth ticket was drawn. Who was the winner? Elmer Hayter! Several games of euchre were played. Prize winners were Anna Keys, Charles Rcid, Grace McClin- chey and Hugh McBride. Four members enjoyed playing croki- nole. Lunch brought a pleasant evening to a close. The next meeting will be held on Tucsday, April 4 at 8 p.m., their regular meeting night. Experiment with Dyeing The fourth evening of the Varna 4-H Club was, held on Mon&zzy; -- March 6 at 7 p.m., at the Name Coinplcx. President Michelle Turn- er called the meeting to order. They divided into two groups and Vicki took each group separately into the kitchen to demonstrate the dyeing of clean fleece, processed wool and acrylic yarn. Youth Leader Cheryl Turner pre- pared the solution of grape Kool-aid and water and brought it to a boil. They then dipped in some wool do- nated by the Old Mill south of Blyth. The yarn and wool was set aside to dry. The fleece and the pro- cessed wool took on the colour but the acrylic didn't. Gail worked with the group and helped out with any problems the girls were having with knitting. The next meeting will be on March 20 at 7 p.m. in Varna Complex. Press Reporter Cheryl Turner. Dates to remember 'Ihe Varna Orange Lodge's Card Parties start once again, on Friday, March 17 at 8 p.m. at the Stanley Township Complex. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone Welcogie! Varna Youth Group met last Fri- day night for a fun night of games in the school gym. They meet again on March 30 at the Varna Church. Sunday, March 19 will be Palm Sunday. There will be Commun- ion. Thursday, March 23 is Maundy Thursday and the Upper Room Communion will be in Varna Church at 8 p.m. Good Friday Ser- vice is at Goshen Church, March 24 at 11 a.m. Playground additions Spring is in the air and the Stan- ley Township Recreation Commit- tee would like the kids in the area to watch for the arrival of a lion and a horse at the township play- ground, thanks to the success of last July's double dance. These new pieces will enhance our playground. A further thank you goes out to the good folks who pitched in to help serve refreshments on that hot dry July evening. March 15, 1989 4 , N. Page 9 PANTRY New Items Kelloggs Rice Krispies 500 gr. $2.59 Natural Dried Apple Rings 200 gr. $1.95 Whole Wheat Elbows soo gr. $1.50 Banana Chips 200 gr. 890 ... California Figs 400 gr. $3.89 N ew Spices Beau Monde 60 gr. 950 ... Star anise 50 gr. $1.49 Salad Seasoning 60 gr. 750 Personalize your Easter ar w th this y m homeade chocolates. Come to us for your supplies r;\\ Mon. -Sat. 9 - 5:30 Closed Sunday M • M • • H • • • • H erguson. Apiaries Hwy. 84 between Hensall 8 Zurich • 236-4979 • NOWAVAILABLE... WOMEN'S GUIDE TO PROGRAMS AND SERVICES FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA The Government of Canada is com- mitted to helping women achieve full equality and provides many programs and services to help them reach this goal. A new Directory providing informa- tion about those Government Pro- grams and Services for Women is now available through the Status of Women Canada. The directory includes such pro- grams as employment training and retraining, educational assistance and research grants, social services, child roi�,ttstvrr;rb,rerm4r --`'"mettg" its anti family violence protection and cultural programs as well as help for community-based organizations. Special attention is givuen'to the - _ l- C . i+ 1'14 liynmPn in the many multicultural commu- nities across Canada. This directory is available to you free of charge. To obtain a copy, complete the coupon below. • DIRECTORY PROD AMS AND SERVICES FOR WOMEN- return to: The Honourable Barbara McDougall Minister Responsible for the Status of Women 151 Sparks Street RM. 1005 • Ottawa, Ontario K I A ICL_ NAME AF w6MEN C.N•IS• day isriew$0.0 1$14119. ADDRESS CITU PROVIN( F '*'Status of VA,men Canada The Hdn. Barbara McDougall Minister POSTAL CODE Condition feminine Canada L'Hon. Barbara McDougall Ministre 1 11 Canada