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Times -Advocate, March 1, 1989
Hay ride - The Grand Bend Alhambra Caravan hosted the annual
hay ride for. ARC Industry employees. Members. taking part were
(front left) Casey Bax, Phil Walker, Martin Stokkermans, Martin
Kelders and Cor Vandenberk.
ARC employees enjoy Alhambra
By Roberta Walker .
GRAND BEND - Winter Wonder-
land is here, if only for a brief visit,
to the utter delight of winter sports
fans and children -everywhere. It.
may not be great to drive in, but it
beats black ice, and muddy, gray
days anytime.
The ladies of St. John's Anglican
Church will be hosting the Easter
Ecumenical on Tuesday, March 21
at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to at-
tend the service. •
Alhambra News
Aigarva #168 of the Order of Al-
hambra had guest speakers at their
monthly meeting, last Thursday in
the Alhambra Hall.
Phil Brooks and Marg'Kehn of
People First gave a video presenta-
tion and talk on the origin, and
goals of their group. Brooks is the
Regional Representative of People
First, and has been very involved in
organizing a seminar to be held
March 11, in Goderich. -
On Friday afternoon, about 55
clients and staff of ARC Industries
joined about a dozen Alhambrans
and their Sultanas for their annual
hay ride. They were served a hot
lunch of hot dogs- and chili, then
• ■
treated to. a hay ride around Crescent •
Park and Van Dongen Subdivision.
After the cold ride and some spir-
war snowball up fights, evsand ne
of 4_H Knit Wits meet
warmed up with doughnuts and hot
chocolate before getting back on
Beavers are busy
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Members of the
Grand Bend Beavers, Cubs, and
their leaders and parents gathered for
a pot luck banquet at 'the Legion
Hall last Thursday evening to cele-
brate Scout Week.
Committee chairman Paul Ma-
guire announced his retirement after
eight years of involvement with
scouting, and thanked his commit-
tee, Jim Karry, Christie McIndoe,
John Musser, Mary Barbe, Rick
Reabum and Larry Taylor.
Taylor, -also involved with scout-
ing for many years, has branched
into the next level as a member of
the Strict Service•Team.
Maguire also thanked the leaders
of the Beavers, Anna Relouw, Mar-
lene Lane and Bev Brown, and Cub
leader Don Hagle, for all their time
and guidance invested in Scouting.
Some of these leaders will -also be
leaving at the end of the year, crcat-
a real need for new leadersto
begin training during the summer ••
so as to be ready for thc 1989 fall
Naugle reported the winners of
the. Kub Kar Rally in which nine
Grand Bend Cubs had competed.
Judd Desjardine won the first prize
trophy, donated by Bitter Clark.
Brian Lovie won the second prize
trophy, donated by Denny's Drive-
in and Corey Hagle got the third
place trophy, donated by%"J.T, Karry
The Cubs had marched= in the
Winter Carnival parade, together
with the Beavers. They competed a
10 km. hike in the Pinery Park, and
competed'a variety of crafts so far
this season.
They will be involved with the
"Trees for Canada" project on April
22, a fund raiser for scouting, *ere
trees are planted in local communi-
The Benmiller camp out weekend
takes place in late May. The Bea-
vers will be joining them in both
the tree planting day, and for part of
the Benmiller weekend.
Anna Relouw gave a own of
future outings for the vers. A
Canine Officer of the O will be
visiting the Beavers with 's dog
and a film on their wor . They
hope' to tour the Water Plant in
April and visit the Grand Bend OPP
station in May.
In early May, there wilLbe a spe-
cial- ceremony for -the ;Beavers to
"Swim up" to the Cub level. A
Beaver meet is planned for the end
of May, and a nature trail hike
planned for June at an arca farm.
Talk about ''Busy as Beavers!"
Parents .were invited to inspect.
various crafts and projects on dis-
play that the boys have completed.
The Cubs have been working on
badges as well. ,
The evening concluded with a
fascinating slide show by Case
Vandenbygaart, of nature on dis-
play in the Pinery Park. The boys
and their parents watched as he ex-
plained about the wide variety of
birds and animals found in the
park, and the services available to
the public, especially during the
summer months.
Scouting has a lot to offer the
young lads of our community. All
we need are the good leaders to
make it possible. Won't you con-
sider investing some of your time
and talent in Canada's future? Call
238-2899 or 238=8817..
the buses, headed for home.
This annual event is always a
great time shared by the Alham-
brans and ARC, eagerly anticipated
each year.
News from Grand Bend churches
By Robert Walker
GRAND BEND - Don't forget the
World Day of Prayer.Service on
Friday, March 3 at 2 p.m. All la-
dies are invited to attend this Ecu-
menical service at Immaculate Heart
of Mary Church.
The high school students group
met at Father Paul Beck's residence
on Sunday afternoon for a video on
drinking and driving.
The Sacred Heart Youth Group,
Parkhill, is sponsoring a St. Pa-
trick's Day Dance on March 17, at
the Parkhill school, from 8 to ,12.
There will be confessions on Sat-
urday, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon;
and Stations of the Cross plus Ben-
ediction each Wednesday in Leat at
Church of God
The Church of God congregation
in Grand Bcnd welcomed the Bea-
vers, Cubs, Scouts,. Brownics,
Guidcs and Pathfinders who attend-
ed the morning service as part of
their Scout Week. Members of the
Grand Bend Legion also attended
the service.
The call to worship was taken
from Psalm 134 "Come Bless the
• Lord, All S ervants- of the Lord."
Special music was provided by
Morley and Millie Desjardine, who
sang "Neither Do I Condemn
Thee," Millie led the singing of
hymns that were enjoyed by their
young guests.
Pastor Desjardine's sermon cen-
tered around the idea of the Seeing
Eye Dog that guides a blind per-
son. The blind trust their dog to
lead thcm as young .people need to
trust their parents, teachers and
group leaders to guide them. God
also wants to guide people through
the Bible and the Holy Spirit into
making right choices in our lives.
The evening service was led by
Ileen Desjardine, with Tom and
Alex Desjardine singing a special
"When f Survey the Wondrous
The pastor's message gave
guildclines in practicing the pres-
ence of God in our devotional life.
Coming events'
Thursday March 2 at 7:30 p.m.
Women of the Church of God
Friday March 3 at 7 p.m. Youth
Video #4 "No! The Positive An-
Monday March 6 at 6:30 p.m.
Beaconaires meet with a carry -in
supper and guest speaker Stan Wal-
lace of St. Marys, to sing and
play his guitar. All sepiors wel-
Sunday March 12 and 19 - Mr.
Eugene Fox in the morning and
Rev. Bob Peebles in the evening
United Church
In his children's :story at the
Grand Bend United Church service,
Rev. Ted Smits told of some ani-
mals who held an "at home" in one
of the woodland caves. They were
roasting chestnuts, and the clever
fox persuaded the cat to rake the
nuts out of the fire. The cat got.
badly burned paws and ran for cold
water while the fox enjoyed the
It is never right to persuade oth-
ers to do work we wouldn't do our-
In his sermon text, Rev. Smits
quoted Matthew 27:24. Pilate
washed his hands of the guilt of
Christ's cruicifixion, ratherthan
follow his conscience. He didn't
want to risk the comfort and secur-
ity of his position by protecting
By Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - Eight tables of pro-
gressive euchre were in play at
Shipka Community Centre last
Wednesday evening, with 12 games
Prize winners wcrc: ladies lone
played at Shipka
hands, Doris Pfaff Crediton, mens
lone hands; Fred Gibson, Shipka,
men high,, Allan Pfaff, Crediton,
mens low, Jean Finkbeiner,, Ship-
ka, ladies low, Martha Weigand,
Dashwood, ladies high, Annie Mo-
renz, Shipka,
The cast group was in charge of
arrangments and lunch refresh-
There will be another euchre here
in two weeks on March 8."
Visiting Sunday with Lorne and
Second place - This creation took second place at Grand Bend Public School's Winter Activity Day,
snow sculpting contest*jast Thursday. Left to right, Shannon Went, Kristi McIntyre, Eilis Went, Josh
Vermeullen, Toby Wootont Michael Stanlake, Troy Stellingwerff, Bobi-Jo Whiting.
Dorothy Fenner, were his. sister
Marian and Orval Irwin, Niagara
Falls, ,and daughter Virginia and
Norm Cates, of Forest.
A good number from this com-
munity called at the R.C. Dinney
Funeral Home, Exeter last•Sunday,
to pay their respects to the late
Mrs. Gordon (Helen) Ratz. Sincere
sympathy is expressed to Helen's
family and grandchildren, her broth-
ers, sisters and Qheir families.
Lorne and Dtlrothy Fenner auend-
.ed the wedding, Saturday of their
granddaughter, Brenda Fenner,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fen-
ner, of Carolachie, to Michael
Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Saunders, of Petrolia, at •fhe Camla-
chic Presbyterian church. Reception.
and dinner was at the Wyoming
Fair building.
February was designated as Heart.
-arid-Stroke Month. Captain for this
a Nbfa Raiz. Her volunteer
canvassers were Vicky Clarke,
Marg Sweitzer and Annie Morenz.
Areas canvassed included 14th and
15th concessions, and 16th and
17th conecssier►s,-bAtb..suattlsagk ,
south of Shipka. The amount col-
lected was 5466.00. Nola wishes to
convey sincere thanks to her can-
Nifty Knitters
work with wool
GRAND BEND - The Eight
Nifty Kniuers, of thc Grand Bend 1
41-1 club met at Heather Hutchin-
son's place on Tucsday February
21, for the third meeting of work-
ing with wool. Just about *everyone
had their first sampler done.
Brenda gave everyone a piece of
raw wool, and ,gave us some lano-
lin. Pat, Brenda and all the helpers
taught us'how to increase stitches
and decrease stitches.
Our next meeting will be held at
Elizabeth and Connie Rtissell's
house at 6:30 on February 28.
What is meant by "To fleece
some one"? (answer next week):
Press reporter - Lori Finkbciner
GRAND BEND - Welcome back,
4H fans! Here's the scoop on Grand
Bend II's progress. On Monday,
February 13 the "Knit Wits" met at
the Lovie home for meeting two of
the 'new 411 club, "Working with
The meeting began with the 4H
pledge, the roll call and progress re-
ports: Each member had.successful-
ly completed : her goal, mastering
the basic stitches of knitting and
purling, plus the stocking stitch.
Now we were to learn ribbing,
and how t� change the colour of the
yarn. Knowing the basic stitches
made that a little less frustrating.
Once we had finished the knitting
for our sampler, we learned how to
cast off and weave in the loose ends
with a darning needle.
Here's where* total frustration set
in; it's not as easy as our leaders
make it look! Most girls had fin-
ished their sampler by the end of the
meeting, their first "Barbie Doll
Meeting #3.
Hello again fellow 4H fans! This
week I have a riddle for you!
• Q. What do the fairy talcs Sleep-
-ing Beauty and Rumplcstilkin have
in common?
A. A spinning wheel. -
Meeting #3 of the Grand Bend II
4H club, "Working with Wool" was
held at the Desjardine home.
We had a guest, Mrs. Jan Hay-
wood, who showed us thc different
types of fleece and hair which can
be spun, and the making of fleece
into yarn. This process involved
washing, drying, teasing, carding
and spinning of the fleece.
After seeing how it was done,
each member tried her hand at the
art of spinning. Not only do you
have to work your feet but also you
have to work your hands which
(supposedly) feed the fleece in even-
ly! What coordination!
The end product was a bobbin of
bumpy, thick yarn. The rest of the
time was spent working: on our
knitting project.
By Karen McKay
1089 022.1
Speak off winners - Grand Bend Public School held their annual
speak off Friday to test the public speaking skills of their stu-
dents. Winners will be going to the Lambton ,County speak off
and some will attend the Lion's sponsored event in Grand Bend.
From the top are winners Eric Clay, second place junior, top inter-
mediate Keith Crawford, second intermediate Jason Clay, and top
junior Sarah Bannister.
Winning public speakers
By Roberta Walker extrcmcl
GRAND BEND - Out Lady of
Mount Carmel School announced
the winners of their public speak-
ing contest. In the Junior Divi-
sion, the top four,wcre Anne Con-
lin, Jennifer Reaburn, Adam Jean
and Jason Glavin. The Senior Di-
vision winners wcrc Danny Mart-
ens, Ian Jcan, Jim Button and
Amanda Morgan.
Last Monday., the top three com-
peted against Precious Blood and
St. Boniface Schools at Mount
Carmel school, and all speakers did
y wen.
Winners of the three school com-
petition in ,the Junior Division
were: First Anne Conlin of Mt,
Carmel; second, Jennifer Reabum
of Mt. Carmel; and third, Julie
Koricina of Precious Blood.
In the senior division, the winner
were: first, Erin Karftcheck of Pre-
chMis Blood; second, Ian Jcan of
Mount Carmel, third, Daanny Mart-
ens of Mount Carmel.
The top two from each division
will be competing on March 30 at
Dublin for the Huron -Perth finals.