HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-02-22, Page 31Lucan Revival Centre LUCAN - Pieter Schinkleshoek conducted the Sunday morning ser- vice. Tim Kritzer led the singing, accompanied by Mrs. Armitage on the piano, and Mr. Dan Wuerch playing his trumpet. Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Jo tua 3:14-17, the crossing of the Jordan ver into thc prom- ised land. Th were over 2 mil- lion Hebrews crossing the Jordan while in I1(x)d. As the priest's feet touched the waters, the river stopped flowing. Then the Hebrews crossed over the dry river bed at God's command into the promised land. Israel had a focused vision to watch when the priests carried the ark of the Covenant into the river, they were to follow. The ark was the symbol of God's presence. Christians are to keep their eyes on God also. Just as the Hebrews had to be ready to move as God led them,•so Christians are to be ready to follow God's leading. To follow God Christians need to have a right rela- tionship with God. Joshua called the Hebrews to prepare themselves for God to lead them. Because there were obedient lead- ers in Joshua and the priests , the people followed them as they fol- lowed God. It should be the same today. Because Israel had an expec- tant faith, the people followed their leaders to the Jordan, then,over the dry river bed. When Joshua believed God would take them across the Jordan, the Hebrews followed their leaders in faith. We are called to make advancement in God's work in faith. Rev. Roger Mason led the wor- Ailsa Craig Gala AILSA CRAIG - For sure there's going to be Gala Days this -year on July 14, 15, 16. Thursday Night at a meeting is the Ailsa Craig Town Hall, Chairman Phil Jones had. most of his committee members re- porting what's done and what is yet to be organized. For sure the Bun- ny Bingo on March 16 is a go. The reason for this Bingo is to help meet expenses on the cost of the fireworks. Presbyterian .Church Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church warm); welcomed the Ailsa Craig and District Scout and Guide. Church parade. The various groups of Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts, Pathfinders, Venturers. and Rovers, along with their leaders repeated their promises and then joined with Rev. Barbara Young in a special Scout and Guide Litany. Scout Ben Beacock and Girl Guide Karen Robson read the scrip- ture lessons and Rev. Young preached about the "real thing" generation, our youth. She stressed that our youth arc vibrant, alive and sincere and we. as adults must show our young people a faith that is, intellectually honest, morally.dcmanding, and spiritually challenging. The collection was taken up by Beaver Leader/Wayne McCallum, Pathfinder Karen McCallum, Path- finder Janine Curtis and Venturer Ross. McCallum. The colour Par- ty did an admirable job.as theyled the young people into the service. The groups were definitely a credit to their leaders and parents. In two weeks, on March 5, the Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church will be welcoming Rev. Bruce Wiles, Moderator of the Presbyteri- an Church in Canada as he leads in worship. All are welcome to at- tend this service and stay for a light lunch afterwards and to meet with the moderator. United Church Sunday February 12, Pirie Mitch- ell was in the pulpit for the Ailsa Craig United Church Charge. Rev. Anne Beattie Stokes was with her confirmation class on a weekend retreat in Paris, Ontario: It was re- ported to be a learning experience plus fun was had by all. The past Sunday February 19 at 10:15 in the absence of Rev. Anne Beattie Stokes, the U.C.W. took the Craig Service. Greeting and call to worship by Margaret Twed- dle with Barb Rosser telling the Children's Story. First lesson and Psalm selection was directed by Wilma McIntosh and Margaret Wilson had the second lesson reading. Mary Sutherland gave thc Sermon, while Yvette MacGregor finished the service in- cluding the Commissioning and Benediction. Rev. Anne Beattie Stokes is to be back with us for next week's service. Dorcas Unit meets LUCAN - Fourteen members of Dorcas Unit of Lucan United Church met on Valentine's Day to entertain their secret pals of last year, the Crestwood ladies. Games and relays were played after an ex- change of gifts. Ruthann Curtis and Greta Gipson chose as theme of worship "Love." Verses ;rorn Bible were read on love of family, husband, children, neigh- bour, friends and God. Three hymns on love were sung. Roll call contained the word "heart" from the Bible. The United Church will host the Icntcn medita- tion on March 1 at 12 noon and minister Rev. Susan Shelstad will be speaking March 8 whcn Icntcn service will be held at Community Bible Church, No. Highway 7. New groups of four were formed to look after program, worship and lunch at meetings. These groups also rotate looking after funeral lunches. We will also be choosing new se- cret pals for 1989. Several Lex - pressed interest in attending thc Monday night series at Granton United Church March 6, 13, 20 , 27. . • Thank you letters wcrc received froin Women's Community House for quilts We are to save Canada Packers labels and—Ff. wiar'Th ►r:acircfkd. • ..-- Red hearts, bouquets of red and white flowers decorated the tea ta- bles for the attractive Valentine Lunch. May 2 the Northwest Re. Lucan Seniors LUCAN - Lucan Seniors and _Busy Buddies met. in the Scout - • 'niQ! with singing Oh Canada, wit ' . >.'d: • no. - Jackie Welts, V.O.N., co- ordinator for Palliative Care. spoke to the group regarding Palliative Carc for our loved ones. She ex- plained how, with Volunteers from Lk community, people were ahlc to stay in their home rather than hos- pital or nursing homes. it was very informative and en- joyed by one and all. We wcrc re- minded that our meeting next week is set for 1 p.m. and there is no lunch committee as the Scouts arc holding their Poor Boy Supper that evening and most of the Seniors at- tend it. It was decided to give finan- cial help to the Palliative Carc pro- gram. We adjourned for cards and :.rafts. The winners being lady's high Gla- dys Atkirrsun; mnan's htgh Harty - Noels; lady's lone Wilcmina Hes- sels; man's lone Murray Carter; lady's low Mrs. Daamen; man's low Mr. Daamcn. Crafts Mona Maybu- gional U.C.W. will meet at Ailsa Craig. There will be quilting this week 9:30 a.m. on. An interdenominational Bible Study on Proverbs continues every other Thursday, 10 to 11:30 a.m. and next is March 2. On location or Studio Bart DeVrie�° PHOTOGRAPHY (()MMIRCIAI • WEDDINGS PORTRAITS - GROUPS PLJRIICITY Telephone 21i-1298 1r ihames Rd.. rani. hetet. Onl. ship service Sunday evening. Mr. Pieter Schinkleshoek spoke. from Numbers 9:15-23, where God guid- ed the Israelites with supernatural guidance. The cloud that covered the tabernacle by day was shelter from the hot sun. The pillar of fire that covered by night provided heat in the desert cold. There were 2 mil- lion Israelites divided by their tribes living in tents around the taberna- cle, beside their animals. Whenever the cloud lifted up from the tabernacle, the _people had to pack up and move in obedience. The glory of the Lord was in the cloud, guiding them in the wilder- ness. Christians have to be ready to move in obedience to God's leading. Today the Holy Spirit is our guid- ing light from God. Because people do not trust God's guidance, they miss out on so many blessings from God. Upcoming events - February 23 to 25 - Healing Seminar con- ducted by Rev. Roger Mason at Lu - can Revival Centre. Call 227-4877 for details. All welcome. Sunday, February 26 at 7:00 p.m. - A Service of Recognition for the Living Word Congregation with Pastor Darrell Shaule at Lucan Pub- lic School. Times -Advocate, February 22, 1989 Page 31 Donation The Exeter Lions' Youth Centre building fund received a donation Royal Bank. Lion John Norris (centre) accepts the cheque from Exeter Royal Bank Baskett while Cliff Shewfelt, Huron County and area manager, looks on. of $1,650 from the manager Garry N. A NEW SERVICE IN EXETER Graduate - Scott D. Kyle, Hali- fax, N.S., son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle, Chilliwack, B.C. graduated recently from the Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N.S. with his Bachelor of Engineering• degree with Distinction in Civil Engi- neering. Previous to this, he gained his Bachelor of Science degree and Certificate in Engi- neering from Mount t Allison Uni- versity, Sackville, N.B. Scott is the grandson of Mrs. Mabel and the late Emerson Kyle of Kippen and of Mrs. Alice and the late Earl Thiel of Zurich. Can you get AIDS from sharing a Needle while Cluing drug.' YES! ,! Gct the tact.. Let'."lalk. (.all the ( )Mario Ministryot Health AIDS Huilinc I ->it 10.668- AI I )S SODERBERG Nur t/rvflee Argicultural Centre 235-0322 INSTANT 1 ■ The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - new Fax machine has been installed in our office enabling you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. The Times Ad- vocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus $1.00 per additional sheet. Overseas Rates are $7.50 for the 1st three minutes plus. $1.50 per additional minute). In addition our number is yours so if you want to be reached instantly - we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. (Confidential services available). THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-0766 Plus we can suggest a few benefits... 1. INSTANT FAX... 2. INSTANT FAX.... 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Please feel free to call on us to assist you in this re- gard. Finally, through this open letter, we wish to acknowledge and thank everyone who has al- ready or will be shortly investing in one of our funds. Your confidence in our Bank is much ap- preciated. • mall----_ W. LEGAULT Goderich Br. Representative 524-2626 ry. JOHN SIMS Manager, Clinton 482-3926 Awaiting your call THF ROYAI. RANK STAFF OF CLIN TON, EXE f ER -AND UUUEHi(.;H P.S. OUR BRANCHES WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 8:00 PM. ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1989 FOR R.S.P. BUSINESS CINDY BAZINET Clinton Br. Representative 482-3926 :tea 1