HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-02-22, Page 29Rec Board disbands washroom committee • EXETER - At their monthly meeting last Wednesday night, the South Huroh Rec Centre Board passed a numbers of recommenda- tiorrs set forth by the Facilities Committee. . The board passed a motion to have the Agriculture Building Washroom Committee disbanded because their mandate had been completed and .a letter of apprecia- tion be sent to all members of the committee. A motion was also passed to al- low two staff members, Cam Ste- wardson and .Keith Bowen attend training sessions at the University of Guelph -at an estimated cost. of 5900. If Bowen could not attend an • other would go. The courses would be on Multi -Facility Management and Department of Labor Refrigera- tion and that costs be assigned to staffdevelopment budget. At the Facilities- Committee meeting. the" maintenance budget was reviewed, and it was recom- mended that the Building item be revised to S45,000 down S36,000 - because it was originally thought the roof would need major repairs and' it later decided to do only mirror repairs instead. The board agreed. - The Committee passed a list of - priorities for building maintenance -and renovation. The first was the enclosure of the press box, the sec- ._ and was- the= arena boards, then doors in the arena boards, followed by automatically controlled louvers and finally the arena roof. .At_ the. meeting, Dave. Urlin re- ported that the Exeter Works De- partment plans to add one or two street lights at the. Victoria Street parking lot entrance of the Rec Centre, depending upon budget ap- proval. Facilities Committee chair- ' Ina Jim Chaprnan noted the one presently there doesn't seem to be doing a good enough job. _ The Committee was in favor of installing a protective netting at the south end of thearena but added it should observe things over the next few weeks to determine size and best location before making a rec- - ommendation. The committee also reported -that engineers are continuing {vork on the steel cladding program. Mem- bers.werc assured that plans and- paper work are on track in the weather. Rec Director Lynne Farquhar also presented a swimming pool report at the meeting. The most important thing she felt needed improving at the pool was the replacement of the diving board. The present board is 25 years old and the surface has deteriorated over the last few years. The board agreed and passed a resolution approving the purchase of the new board: Farquhar also said she recom- mcnded the purchase of tot docks, allowing adults to work with small children in the water who are under the minimum height of the pool, rather than carrying them around. A number of special days are planned at the pool this year as well. A Cool Dude Day will be held July 13. A Water Polo Clinic will be held July 19, a swim meet is scheduled for July 26 and a mid- - night swim is planned August 4. Last year all special events were well remixed especially the mid- night swim which surprisingly drew 100 swimmers. The General Government Com- mittee recommcnded that Farquhar make an application to Challenge 89 program for a Senior Games -Co- ordinator.- The regional- senior games are planned for this area for the summer. Programs at the Rec Centre were also under review and Farquhar re- ported that only Kindergym will be dropped from the curriculum next year because of de lining enroll- ment, but she had also considered dropping first aid and C:P.R. cours- es. - During board member reports, Mike Soldan felt the Rec Centre should do more to promote the use of its meeting rooms. He felt other arenas in the area were doing well with it and the SHRC should do more to advertise itself. Most mem- bers agreed and board chairman Pat Down thought it should be brought up at the next General'Govemment Committee meeting. Plat' •t i•re "• .184-0Po-r�fs«tf4 4.e.$. ioCtt '• a93 y.,st4ifs 4i�1ztu I �ea•eeeas .[i Public speaking winners - The winners in the public speaking contest at Precious Blood Separate School pose with one of the judges, Father Gary Goyeau. --Shown (from left) are junior runner-up Ke- vin Coolman, winner of the junior division Julie Koricina, Erin Kraftcheck, senior division winner, and senior runner-up Marie Mittelholtz. Scott Rasenberg was third in the junior competition, and Christie -Bedard came third -in the senior contest. _ Theother judges were Phil Walker_and Yvonne Reynolds. III Briefs from Monday council meeting EXETER - Council Monday night tabled until the March 6 meeting, a request from the Ausa- blc-Bayfield Conservation Authori- ty to participate in preparing an Ex- eter -Morrison Corridor Master Plan. " The Authority has asked the town to pay one=third of tic cost of hir- ing a student up to $4,000 to pre- pare these plans.- - Working space and supervision would be supplied by _the Authori- ty. - - . • The Exeter Lions Club and the Conservation Authority would each also pay up to $4,000. The town's -share would be taken from a reserve fund for parkland. Councilor Ben Hoogcnboom said he had -reservations in paying $12,000 just to put something on paper. Mayor Shaw reported that the candidates for the new positions of town administration had been cut to two. - - - Interviews will be held shortly with the -two remaining in conten- tion. Shaw said "It's now- up to you to decide." * * * * * * Clerk Liz. Bell showed council 'members an Audubon's Birds book which has been donated to the Exet- er Library by the family of the late Lcn Harvey. It will available for viewing at the library, but can not be loaned out. *. * * * * * - The lease on 'the -old fire hall building will be extended to July 1. * * * * * * On- the suggestion of Deputy - reeve Lossy Fuller, council will provide an Exeter crest to be placed on a sweater to be worn by Julia Mcrncr of town who will be play- ing in the upcoming Ringette Win- ter Games. She will also be trying out for a team to play in the 1991.Canadian Games -in Fredericton, _New Brun- swick. Reeve Bill Mickle said "We should also send along a couple dozen Exeter pins and- councilor Dave Urlin jokingly added, "Why not throw in fcw White Squirrel 1r -cords." * * * * * * Council will be giving notice to the present contractor Harold Wolfe that the town intends to re -tender the janitorial sevices for the munic- ipal building, police -station and li- brary. - - - The present contract will be ter- minated May 1 of this year and Wolfe will be encouraged to bid on the new contract. * * * *.* * The police committee recom- mended a school bicycle program to update students on proper bicycle operation and safety since :many complaints have been raisedby sen- iors of improper use of bikes on sidewalks. *-* _* * * * -.Donations were approved as fol- lows: Huron County Town and Country Homemakers and the Va- nastra Swim Pool- S500 each and $100 each to the Huron County Playhouse and the Blyth Festival. * * * * * * The proposal contract for the pickup of garbage and recycling is being circulated to all councillors for comment and it will be placed on the council agenda for March 6. * * -* * .* * Council concurred with two reso- . Iutions from other Ontario munici- palities. One from Godcrich object- ed to nuclear submarines and the town of Fergus is opposed to the decrease of rail service ill Ontario. * * * * * * The week of April 9-15 will be declared as National Wildlife Week and May will be proclaimed as Foundation for Diabetes Month. QUEEN'S- • $1APO TN 16 Thum., Fri., Sat. P4 TY sows WITH "THE DISTANCE" - Accepting the challenge • The Hensall Fire Department was just one of four local departments to take part in the Big Brother Bowl For Milli at the Town and Country Lanes in Zurich Sunday after Exeter issued a challenge to all in the ar . Front, Don McClinchey. Back, from left, Greg Campbell, Fred Dayman, Terry Haugh. The South uron Chapter of Big Brother and Big Sister had over $5,000 raised just on Sunday's ,Challenge Da Exeter, Huron Park and Dashwood's fire departments were the others that took the challenge. - • • - Hensall Feb,, 22 730-3:3o p.m. Moms 8. Tots 5:30 p m. Hensall Minor Hockey Goderich vs. Novice • - Brussels vs Atom Belgrave vs Pee Wee ..Thurs. Feb. 23 5:30 p.m. Ringette 8:15 p.m. Rec. Hockey Fr$. Feb. 24 386 Public Skating 4:15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 7:30 p.m. Goderich vs Mensal' Old Timers Sat. Feb.25 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Zurich vs Tyke 100-3:00 p.m. Public Stinting 3:30-6:30 p.m. Ringette 7:39.111.01,,kiR sale drs. vs Old Timers Sun. Feb. 26 1:00-3:00 p.m. Public Skating 3:30-5:30 p.m Ringette Mon. Feb. 27 5:15 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey Tues. Feb. 28 4:15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 8:00 p.m. Broomball This advertisement sponsorecl by Hensall District `O.OP� Tit'nes-Advocate, February 22, 1989 Page 29 Town and Country BowliQg ZURICH - The scores for the Town and Country Bowling Lanes. SUNDAY MELNICK RES. TOM BROOIE 493-186, MARTIN TYLER 445-172, GRANT HARPER 463-172, STAN BRIGGS 484-234. MONDAY • GRAND COVE • • VICKY TAYLOR 564.206 -BILL TAYLOR 553-195, MOLLJE WORTON 544-202, BUD R!IEUBOTTOM 526- 219. , MONDAY LADIES Red Devils - SANDRA DICKERT 700-299, Town & Country Six = IVA REID -569, Near Mrs. - JOYCE BAI- LEY 587-270, Starlites - DIANE' BECKER - 587.214, Strike & Mrs. - DENISE SCHROEDER -481, floppy. Gang - SHERRIE STADE - 586-212, Basket Cases .- MARLENE BEDARD 620-254, Oddn'Ends - KAREN CAMP- BELL 597-218, Pin Poppers - JUNE FISHER 658-228, Packers - MONA KRAFT 716-314, Jolly Six - NELL MCCANN - 528-236. TUESDAY MENS Family Affair - TONY BEDARD 715- 320, Teatoulers - JOHN GASCIIO 250- 666, General Coach • RON DiCKERT 714-264, Klondyke - LUKE MOM MERSTEEG 624-221, Ilighrollers - PAUL ROOD 631-242, Pin Rockers - GLEN .RITCHIE 662-258, Newcomers • DOUG SMiTH SR. 613-222, Da- shound's Too TERRY SWEiGER 591- 229, Rockets - JACK FUBLER 726- 275, Sign's & Shirts - GARY HUSTON 722-271, RON DANN 710-358, FRANK .PALEN686-306. WEDNESDAY DAY LA- DIES LEAGUE" . EDlTII BOWEN 517-220, ROSA- LEEN BERENDS 470-167, GERT BEA- VER 479-175, BERYL ELGIE. 465- 201, MARION DELINE 547-205, - MONA TRAQUAIR 564-232. ADIESWEDNESDAY NITE LA- DIES Bosome Buddies - MARJ ROBERTS 632, Totally Awesome - CORR!E RE- LOUW 549-213, TRY 1IARDS - PAT REDMAN 246-666, Smorgasbords LINDA -WEBBER 656-263, G. Bee's - BETTY DATARS 742-345, .Golden Girls • LAURA SHAW -528, H.S. JEAN DANN- 363, /1.T.- LiNDA WEBBER - 810, 11A. -LINDA WEBBER -214. THURSDAY - GOLDEN AGERS • ' • - - NORA HEARD 317-169, iLA O ROURKE 302-178, MARY JACOBE 228-123, F.RIEDA MOORE 218-116, BILL BURR 288-146, LYDA GANDIER 264-141. . THURSDAY MIXED LEAGUE. Gutter Busters - DAVE GROOT 480- 169, Party Pak-- BARB RESCIIKE 513• 184, Dirty I/2 Dozen - TERESA JE- ROMKIN 512.198, A -Tram • CLASINA DEBONT 65-226; Odd Couples - BEV BiERLiNG 690-258, GMD's -LEROY MELOCIIE 649-242. THURSDAY GRA -ND COVE SALLY- FOSTER 538-196, PAT PATCIIL7T 442-134, TED DAY 564- 200, NANCY LOUCKS 550-193;193, OLE OLEKSON 469-187. SATURDAY MENS IN- TERTOWN ZURiCII 19 SEAFORTiI - 29. RON DANN 257-1116, TONY BEDARD 269-1102, TOM SMITS 257-1030, CHARLIE BRIGHT -255, LUKE MOM - MER STEED - 226. - SATURDAY LADIES IN- TERTOWN ZURICH #1 - 11 PTS. CLINTON - 19 PTS. JUNE FISIIER 638-245, ViKI TAYLOR 589-220, JEAN. DANN 563- 210.LUCAN MARC ELSON 690.295. ZURICII #2 BETTY-DATERS -633, ZELDA INTIIOUT 562-218. SATURDAY Y.B.C. SCOTT REID -156, JOEY DENOMME - 142, HEATH PALEN - 160, STEVEN FORREST - .101, BRAD BROWN - 130, NATIIAN ZiMMERMAN • 116, GREG QUICK - 202, JONATHAN IIARDY - 100, BECKY KIRK 127,. ADAM FACII 71, KRISTIE PAL1:N -- 202, DAVE KiRK - 231, DOUG HILLIER?' • 175, MICHAEL FUNK - 174, CARO- LYN UPSIIALL - 134, JEREMY REID - 151, JENNIFER GROOT' - 135, DWAYNE MCNAB - 188, BRIAN FUNK - ' 177, DANIEL BENGOUGH - 171, KELLY LANSBERGEN - 150. r • nla11d Country Inn Winter Hours OPEN • Fri., Sat., Sun. each week Sunday Brunch l 236-7707. Reservations appreciated Hwy. #21, just north of St. Joseph °r(le BARN DANCE 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Friday, Feb. 24 Country Versatiles Saturday, Feb.25 Music by Roger Long & Ambush Coming. Friday. Mar. 17 (:ordie Tapp & The Golden 'Fiddle Music Co. Show & Dance No BlueJeans, Please! 349-2678 -Group Reservations Welcome R.E. Pooley Branch Ontario 167 itrop . Exeter, Ontario M 2-)0 COMING EVENTS • February 23rd - General Meeting 8:30 p.m. Lunch afterwards Any Veteran or family of a Veteran seeking assistance is urged to contact the Branch Service Officer at 235-1550. THE VILLA HOME OF RETIREMENT - LUCAN • Day Care $20./D • Long Term Care • Short term, Vacation, and Convalescent Stay • Individual and Group Activities • • -. • Supervision of Medications • Registered staff on duty • 24 hour supervision, • Government Assistance Available -� v'f• �� -•r� t,.r. v 1:22 l On Highway 4 just 20 minutes North of London For more information call Mrs. Jardine 227-1073 Clinton and District Christian School. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATPO will be held on ... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st, from 1 - 3 P.M. in the schstal.. Studerus�ausi.,bv9-44.y: jeer-, age on or before December 31, 1989. The Clinton and District Christian School is on independent Christian school wholly finonced by parents and other supporters The Clinton and District Christian School does not receive any financial support from the government. We believe that the Christion School is unique in 'hot each teacher in each classroom shores his or her commitment to Christ with the students and teaches all subjects from o Christion point of view. If you would like more information, please feel free to call the principal, Mr. R. Schuurman, at the school's office at 482-7851. I