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Times Advocate, 1989-02-08, Page 18
(nLmAR) Page 18 Times -Advocate, February 8, 1989 orestead Agriculture Computer Software Local Dealers Mac MacRae Alvinston, Ont. 519-898-5300 Conestoga Computer Services Wingham 519-357-1225 Bruce Shillinglaw Dealer Rep: Londesboro 519-523-4376 CENTRALIA COLLEGE Part of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food OFFERS CONTINUING EDUCATION to farmers and agri-business people in Huron County and beyond Enroll your firm in the following program MANAGEMENT TRAINING Being a Good Employer This workshop is intended for businesses desiring in- service training for middle management and is tailored to the indi- vidual needs of that business. Managers experience the signifi- cance of two-way communication and effective listening. The program also describes ways to motivate staff and effectively lead. Working together works. Co-ordinator: Jay Campbell, CCAT Lecturer 3 Days - arranged at the convenience of the business booking this course Location: on site or at CCAT Fee: based on numbers Visit our display at Huron Tractor Show or contact Kathryn Biondi for more information Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food CENTRALIA COLLEGE Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0 (519) 228-6691 141n131 CHIPMAN Invites you to visit our information booth at the Huron Tractor Farm Industry Show on February 13th & 14th To discuss your chemical requirements for 1989. with Marty Becker See you there 1 HENSALL. co-op. Invites-v_ta t visit our information centre at the Far-mlndustry rev 314 II %Alf ill* Huron Tractor Exeter "Farmers working together" 6HENSALL DISTRICT COOP Inc` Watts Number 1.800.263.3190 Zurich Seaforth Brucefield 2?6.4393 327.0770 233-9823 • Hnsall 262-3002 1 See you at the 14th edition of the Huron Tractor farm industry show February 13 and 14 PRE -SEASON DISCOUNTS ON • WESTEEL GRAIN BINS • CALDWELL AERATION EQUIPMENT • DMC IN -BIN DRYING SYSTEMS Book Now before Spring price increase Visit our display at the Huron Tractor Farm Industry Show GRAIL SYSTEMS LTD. ! c j i } 263 MAIN STREET N. PO. BOX 550, EXETER. ONTARIO NOM ISO PHONE 0191 235 1919 Gran Bins • Feed Tanks • Dryers • Augers • Elevators • Aeration Floors & Fans Counter* 15-G is the most effective corn rootworm insecticide available. i Find out more about • Counter 15-G andCya- namid's other fine products - talk to John Snowe or Tim Trinier at the Cyanamid booth at the. Huron Tractor Farm Industry Show. al111 CYANAMID Serving those whose business is agriculture. Avenge' T.Counter• 15-G Cygard 15-G GD Counter • 5-Gx Thtmet• • Cygon• • Registered tr.rdtinarks EC,J11.tr11Id1 JnadaIn Letter to the Editor Dear Sir; Wednesday, March 1 is thc kick tiff for thc EaSter •Scat fund raising drive with thc Exctcr Lions Club. We are having a mail in cam- paign in Exeter and surrounding ate - This year we hove- ro tiring in around $3,500.00 to help the physi- cally handicappcl-kids. The money raised is used to assist with a variety of needs in the arca. The rnoncy last year was asci for a variety of different purchases from wheelchair batteries 5190.00; 1 week surrimcr camp S800.00; train ticket, taxi to Toronto and meals. S86.00 (part payment). Parents paid the rest. • There is a case load in thc immc- this time. It can change a lot in one Move out. ...-.^_...._ To dctermihe who receives assis- tance the nursing staff of Easter seals in London examines each cast separately. The level of assistance provided is meant to ensure that a family is not unduly burdened by costs associated with raising a dis- abled child to the age of 19. At the end of each year if there is rnoncy left over it goes into district headquarters, but if we run out we ask for assistance. The Exctcr Lions arc quite fonu- natc to have a Sportsmen's Dinner, to raise money that supplements the fund, so we do not have to ask for assistance very often. Lions Easter Seal Chairman Laverne Hamilton HURON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT We offer farmers technical information and assistance on: - conservation side by side trials - Tillage 2000 trials - conservation tillage equipment - farm planning - erosion control structures - grant applications A joint agricultural soil and water conservation program Come and visit us at the Huron Tractor Show, February 13 and14 ESTABLISHED 1946 ©11-0/kilMti- '9,10 twift See the Complete Line of Karcher Power Washers at our Farm Industry Show L!J HURON TRACTOR �N DEERE Exeter 235-1 1 15 Blyth 523-4244 FARMERS Be sure to visit the Pioneer Hi -Bred display booth at the HURON TRACTOR FARM INDUSTRY SHOW Pioneer sales representatives will be on hand to discuss your spring seed ind silage in- oculant requirements. (PIONEER. BRAND•SEED Pioneer Hi -Bred Limited Chatham, Ontario N7M 5L1 o`cyrutuCaiioni — HURON on their ;�- • --�TST s. 14th Farm Industry Show Visit our booth and discuss your crop inputs - for 1989.. AL\ Technical Sales People in attendance Hensall 262 2527 Pt. Albert 529-7901 Mitchell 348-8433 Ailsa Craig 293.3723 Serving Agriculture for 66 years Seaforth 345-2545 Granton 225 2360