Times Advocate, 1989-02-08, Page 2Page 2
Times -Advocate, February 8, 1989
Impasse - EMAB strikers, members of CAW Local= 27, refused to
let a truck leave the company property last Wednesday after-
noon. Despite requests from OPP staff sergeant Don McInnes,
Strikers, police clash at EMAB
the picketers held tight all afternoon, saying they would rather
be arrested than let the truck pass.
HURON PARK - Striking work-
ers and police clashed last Wednes-
day afternoon .when EMAB em-
ployees refused to let a truck cross
the picket line toleave the compa-•
ny property: After several . hours,
police' convinced the strikers to let
the truck pass without incident.
Early in die afternoon, strikers
BIA ready for bid year
EXETER - The Exeter Business
Improvement Association is rcady
to launch another successful season
with new chairman:Bob_ Lammie in
Chairman for the past three
years, Karen Pfaff will remain ori
the executive in "a past chairman's
Other directors arc secretary Kim
Genttncr, treasurer Don Thompson,
Susan Moore, Ben Hoogcnboom
• and Exctcr council representative
Dave Urlin.
Manager Dolly Crcces reports the
`BIA is in the process of compiling
da'a for Exeter's "very own" infor-
mation booklet. Creccs adds; If
all goes well you will be seeing a
copy by May 15." -
Only one objection to. the BIA's
proposed expansion to all business-
es in the town was received. This
'will be dealt with at an OMB hcar-
ing expected in April or May of
this year, -
The newest BIA associate .mem-
bcr is Club Huron,. a branch of.
W.O.T,C.H: designed to meet the.
needs of Homes for Special Care
members in- Exeter, St. Marys and
Strathroy. •
The group also serves adults who
have disability or chronic phsychi-
atric problems from Exeter and sur-
rounding arcus. -
Onc of the projects of Club Hu'-.
ron is collecting newspapers for re-
cycling. Anyone wishing to con-
tribute should call Doug Ruhl at
235-0335 or Dolly Crcces at 235-
The next meeting of the. Exeter
Business Improvement Association
is set for Wednesday, Fcbruary 15
at 7.30 p.m. in the town council.
chambers. Everyone is welcome.
blocked exits from the EMAB.
chainsaw manufacturing plant with
disabled cars, claiming the truck
contained parts from one of the as- .
scmbly lines.
OPP officers arrived on the scene
and asked that the cars be moved,
but strikers then positioned them-
selves before the wheels of the
truck. Onc told the .driver "the
truck can go if you just leave the
trailer here." •
of EMAB strikers who had arrived
during the blockade quickly dis=
persed, restoring thc picket line to
its original size.
" Theimpasse lasted all afternoon, ' EXETER •--Council will proceed
as some the strikers remained scat-- with acomplcte, energy audit to be
cd on the ground, including CAW : done by -D & S Consulting at a
Local chairperson Helen MacGre- - cost of S 1,000. A provincial grant
gor, who said they wcrc willing to will cover half the cost.
• be arrested to prove their point to • • - Onc thing council will be
company officials, some of whom
were present during the dispute.
She said the workers did not want
to see their livelihood:trucked off
to.other assembly plants. .
One of the picketers suggested
the rumour the truck cbntained an
assembly line was -likely a compa-
ny ploy to speed up the negotiating
process. .
When OPP- Staff Sergeant Don
McInnes returned to thescene
around 4:20 p.m. he convinced the
strikers. they had made their point
and should lea, the truck pass.
Once the truck had left, the crowd
Stephen gets approval for free calling
for ratepayers from Parkhill exchange
CREDITON - Beginning Febru-
ary 16, Stephen township residents
on the Parkhill telephone exchange
will be able to call the township
office in Crcditon without charge.
At the January 31 regular meet-
ing, council' announced that ar-
• rangements had been completed
with Bell Canada to allow toll-free
calls. •
The municipality will pick up
the charge when a ratepayer on the
Parkhill exchange useys .lie .
-number-for'toins rp business. The
number is Zenith -81600.
Similar arrangements arc bcing
made with Hay Municipal Tele-
phone System to provide free calls
for township residents from the
Grand Bend exchange to Crediton.
• It is hoped these calls which will
be routed through a Dashwood for-
warding numbcr will be in place
later this ycar.
Council is in favour of asking
..the Huron -Perth Emergency Health .
- Service Study Committee to con-
. tinue a study on the possibility of
• obtaining a 911 emergency tele-
phone number for thc *municipali-
A bylaw has been passed • author- building lots for Larry Marsh in the
izing the half -load limit signs on police village of Crediton and one
all paved roads in the.township be- •for Daniel Hunt at Oakwood Park.
twcen March 1 and April 30. A zoning amendment to allow •
Council approved the payment of property owned by Mark Darling in
a $5,000 grant in February to the the hamlet of Mount Carmel to -
'South Huron Rec Centre Board. In change. from village residential to
previous, years, the same amount village commercial was -approved.
was split into two.payments. - Staff Sergeant Don McInnes and
A bylaw was passed t� revise the Sergeant Al Quinn of the Exeter
Exeter and arca fire board agreement OPP detachment attended the coun-
as far as cost sharing is concernjeefing to. rli c•t ,; ' cSiii nunity
. to t -and Iray Riftns�r`rptirwiII based policing to increase awareness
each pay five percent while Exeter and involvement by the public.
will contribute 53.71 pert' nt and
Usborne township 36.29 percent.
A public meeting to hear the re-
port of the Wcin municipal drain
will -be held on February 14 at 7
Council supported two resolu-
tions from other Ontario munici-
palities. Onc•from the city of Paris
asks for the charging. of a tax on Finkbcincr and one road depart -
cable companies on gross receipts ' meet 'employee will be attending
and Iroquois Falls requests availa- . the Anderson Road School in
bility of grants for municipal ad- Guelph. te.- _
ministration on faciliiiev fqj.,:twotoi
cm erstiip was approved ip the
capped persons. Ontario •Municipal Watcr-As socia -
Township approval was given to •tion and the Huron County Farm
a severance application for three and Home Safety Association.
One member of council will be
named to a committee for the Exeter
OPP detachment arca.
Road superintendent Elie Fink-
bciner has been instructed to call
tenders for the supply.of fuel for all
township needs for a two year peri-
Set up community-based policing
Sgt. Don Mclnnin and Sgt.. Waync
Burke from -the Exeter OPP detach-
ment attended the re alar Janua
•meeting to discuss a recently creat-
,,_- cdort�4munity based lici__n$$,pro-
gram• dc�i`gtle TO 'CS Ti l` tiff freer
fecuvely to people's needs; and to
develop a better system of commu-
nication between citizens and the
The. two,Difiee s,,,t> :iattst, ._.
attended a Hensall council meeting
for the :same purpose. At that
time, McInnes explained that a lack
of portable radios presently ties of-
ficers to their cars. The Exctcr
OPP hopes to begin the program
with an officer permanently as-
signed to Hensall and Usborne
when a new province -wide $128
million portable radio system is
put into operation in late April.
A combined committee represent=
ing the two communities is being
set up composed of both elected
representatives and the public.
Councillor William J. Rowcliffe continuing to operate the land fill
volunteered to act as the representa site in accordance with MOE stan-
tive. from Usborne, and Robert dards, or closing it.
Morlc -will sit .r a. . -s rha I,
g side and Associates, engineers on
• Councillors were asked to find the Mitchell drain, passing on the
out if other agencies such as, the concerns of the Ausable Anglers
nhn„"dui ip In the 11.tbitat
dent bodies would be interested. brown trout. "
Persons in the community wanting Last year thc Anglers spent time
to serve on the committee may improving the part of Black Creek
leave their names with the town- that is home• t� the brown liner,
.: -;4- C c-rigcombr-
Engineer Robert Hughes from nation of cold water and gravel base
Sprict Associates, London, came to
the meeting to discuss the plan of
development and operation of the
Kirkton waste disposal site.
Hughes recommended installation
of additional test wells at the site,
and spring and fall sampling of wa-
ter from Spring Creek. Anannual
report on the site will be prepared at
the end of the year.
A detailed monitoring program
was approved. If the costs out-
weigh the benefits of keeping the
site open, council has the option of
for this increasingly rare species,
and The Anglers arc worried im-
provements to thc drain may affect
the fish.
Kirkton Agricultural Society was
given a grant of 5150. Council
will ask that all events sponsored
by the group are adequately insured.
Other grants were $30 to the Hen-
sall Calf Club, $50 to the Hensall
South Huron Agricultural Society
and $50 to the Huron County Farm
and Home Safety Association.
checking out over the,- next few
months is the possibility of tieing
part of a 911. emergency system
with the Huron and Perth Emergen-
cy. Health Services:" .- ' - -
A spccial'mecting will be held
Friday morning ac 10:30_ with
•MPPJack Riddell. ' -
-The -Exctcr Planning Advisory
Committee will hold a public
meeting March 8 to hear: A zoning
amendment for Trevor Boyle and.
-. Wcndy Smith and: another amcnd-
mentfor builder Ted Voogd:
- Planning Board .meets tonight
at 7:30- p.m.
• -The Police Committee meets
this afternoon (Wed:) at 4:00 p.m: .
—The next regular council meet-
.ing is Monday, Fcbruary 20 at
.7:30 p.m.
- The Ontario Good Roads Con-
vention is February 20 to 22:
Councillors Sillcry, Klungcl and
works superintendent Glenn Kclls
will attend,
- The Fire Board Mecting•is Wed-
nesday, March 1.
ou le
by . .
- Bruce Shaw
ell, you missed quito.a night!. - Iots'of drama, tension;
accusations, anger and even, fortunately, some humour.
I'm going to use this week's article to respond to three
items raised at Monday night's Council meeting: what
the Town is planning to do, what "injustices" were perpetrated and a
personal note: _ .
1. The Town, in deliberation in camera ("secret" •session:'] dis- • .
cussedsover the last several months the acquisition of property for a
new fire hall and new town offices. As I stated in an earlier article,
we explor d several sites but had hopes of locating a new building ,
to house both facilities. In November, that alternative fell through.
We then decided, in December, to hear a presentation of what we
might do and what would be involved. On January 26th, Council
decided to determine the costs involved in renovating the Old Town
Hall, modifying the Public Works bdilding and building a new Pub-
lic Works facility. The estimated costs were about $800. What was not clear to the public was that no commitment "was . or
has been made until we see the final costs.. On Monday, Council,
with new information, decided to build a new fire hall on property
owned by Exeter Co-op. What exactly is built -will be determined
by costs; Similarly a design and estimates will be presented for the
01d Town Hall, and when we have the data, we will.detcrmine if and
when we will proceed. But as far'as costs are concerned, in total,
Exeter's taxes,to.my knowledge have never increased sharply in any
one year even when we built a 1.3 million dollar sewage treatment
plant, and they will not increase this year more than the approxi-
mate 5 percent as in past years.
--2. If mistakes were perceived to have happened, then they did hap-
pen even ifverylittle were changed if we could turn back the clock. -
All discussions concerning property are handled in camera until final
. decisions are made. In the case of the Old Town Hall, the Clerk
talked to members of the Heritage Society concerning the terms of
the lease after it was decided that this was probably the one we
would have to make. In the "old days" I would have probably asked.
permission of Council to. discuss the matter with thc-tenant since
we were friends, but "in business" atcourtesy may or may not be -
extended - at any rate, we made the motion at the-publicmccting and
authorized -the Clerk to notify the Heritage Foundation of our deci-- -
sion and as a courtesy sent a copy of the letter to the tenant..
The tenor of the letter was quite "cold" in that it paraphrased part
of the lease signed by the tenant. A•clause at the end was obviously
not sufficient. The intent ofthe letter was to advise the Heritage
'Society that we would (probably) be taking over the Old Town Hall".
at some time in the future - we can not be more specific until we
sec the plans and determine the actual costs. Mistake? I don't
3. Much of the drama of the evening centered on a personal attack
on me.. If you're in the public eye, you're fair game. I was accused -
of conflict of interest. By definition, according to Provincial law, • .
there has to be some monetary gain. Sorry, no money on or under
the table. The perception in the eyes of some is that I have waged
some sort of_ personal battle against a former friend and have used
my position as Mayor to my advantage. If he or anyone else wants_
to believe that garbage, "frankly, folks, I don't give -a damn." As I
said Monday, I neither initiated the idca to move the the Old Town
Hall nor did -I vote on the proposal. To suggest that -Council took •
this action to please mcinsults them.
Several other accusations probably bordering on slander; were laid -
by the gentleman who wasobviously full of anger, buttheyreally
are not -worthy of rebuttal,
-With excitement like this, I can't sec why more of you don't run -
for Council. •
PUC remuneration
EXETER - The statement of re-
muneration for 1988 for the three
commissioners comprising . the
board of the Exeter PUC was re-
leased last week.
Cann blasts council
on garbage policy
EXETER - Retired businessman
Art Cann vocally told councillors
Monday night that is was absolute-
ly ridiculous the way the town re-
quires people put out their garbage.
He was referring to the plan in
effect for several years that calls for -
garbage on most streets to be
placed on the same side, making it
easier and morc economical to col •
lect. -
"It's a disgrace that seniors have
to carry garbage across -the road," he
said. Cann threatened to sue if he
slipped or hurt himseif'while carry-
ing garbage across . the ' street.
"There's. something personal about
'garbage, you shouldn't have to put
yours with somconc else's," .he
said. . -
Each Commissioner received a
$1,200 honorarium for the year.
In addition, chairman Murray
Greene was reimbursed $770.90 for
mileage and meals, S940.90 for
registration fees and $567.58 for
lodging, for a total of $3,479. In .
addition to his duties on the Exctcr
PUC, Greene is a director of the -.
Orio.Municipal Electrical Asso-
ciation, and chairman of District 7
of the MEA, and a director of the
. Ontario Municipal Waterworks As-
sociation. -
PUC vice-chairman. Harry De
Vries claimed $348.75 in mileage
and meals, S772 in registration fees
and $433.40 for lodging, for a to-
tal of $2,754.15.
Mayor and Commissioner Bruce
Shaw's S1,244 'remuneration in-
cluded $24 for mileage and meals
and S20 in registration fccs.
DeclsLons on variety of charges
EXETER - Four people were
found guilty on a variety of vehi-
cle -related charges when JP Doug
Wedlakepresidcd in Exeter court on
January 31... '•
Samuel G. Thompson, 11121
Woodham, was given six months
to pay a S500 fine for having no
insurance at the time he was
stopped for a noisy muffler on Jan-
uary 8 on Highway 23 in Usbornc
township. lie now has insurance.
tD A.M E I
contravention of a town bylaw . Cornish struck the rear of a vehicle
Ile did not payhim $4.1. •r, _ T Esed•stopped to turn into Kcn-
Murray's lawyer argued that the tuckyFric, ,C'h -He was fined
maximum fine of $53.75 fine was $53.75, with 15 days to pay.
too much. Wedlakc lowered the. Kathy Jolly, Exctcr, was found
amount to $18 inconsideration of guilty of not turning in safety after
the fact the acctised was a 21 -year- she turned left in front of a vehicle
old student who will graduate from driven by Dave- Robinson, as he
a London business school in Was pulling out to go around her.
March. Both cars wcrc dania god in the acci-
Bruce Cornish, Lucan, pleaded b
guilty when a charge -was amended dent. The investigating officer tcs-
f rifled the road
Dean arra Exeter, leaded
ffti ToscTy�"�n' cm's while •
rom careless drivin to s `�
on Main St: on June 28, 1988, in travelling north on Highway 4, Jolly was fined S53.75.
-_-•- -. aa..w-. paw.etucatWzil - -- r +� +-!�"`- _
�.- . � •.. ''zeas oLExeter-.and .ArkeraiL,
Continued from front page
from other Nabisco lartts r� anal y
out. Councillor Ben Hoogenboom
wanted to know if the PCB's stored
at the Exeter PUC and those stored
by Nabisco should be kept in the
same secure arca.
Micklc did not have the answer to
that question.
w "fix' .,..+�l iii':5'?`17: T.. - .
responsible to the people?
2) Do you want improved service at your r 1
local Post Office? • - l_.J
3) Do you want to have a say in the choice
of service?
4) Are you in favour of super mail boxes?
Please return to Box 67P, Exeter TA
Signature (optional) Thank you
❑ ❑
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