HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-02-01, Page 25.0
New 4-H club for Zurich
We ollcr our.mecm sympathy' 11-y Carmel .Sweeney
ZURICH - There will be a 4-11
organizational meeting at the Zu-
rich Public School on Tuesday,
February '7 at 7:00 p.m. for any
'girls between the ages of 11 and 21
who are interested in joining the 4-
H' and "working with wool". Phone
Judy Morrison at 236-4453 or Sil-
. via Neeb (236-4042)•bcfore Febru-
-ary 2 because the four leaders must
know the amount of books needed -
for. their group.
Skating party
St. Boniface Parish P.T.A. are
sponsoring a skating party at the
arena this Sunda}; from 1-3 in the
afternoon. Admission is only SI
per person or S5 a family. Games
and cards will also be available in
the auditorium for those who don't
want to skate.
We offer sincere sympathy
the family of John and• Bern De-
nomme for the Toss of their grand-
son •Chris Dcnomme whose funeral
was Monday at St. Peter's Church,
St. Joseph.
Also to the relatives of Lucille
Brisson who ,passed away last
Father Gary Ducharme of London
recently visited with his parents
'Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Ducharme after
returning from a tour and pilgrim-
age of the Holy Land in Israel.
Moms and Tots
Six moms and 10 pre-school chil-
dren were out at the Moms and Tots
weekly skating at the arena on
Mdrnday morning from- 10:30 to
11:30 .
There is no charge and it's a great
way for the kids to learn how to
skate at a quiet time.
Golden Agers
Zurich Golden Agers arc sponsor -
ing a Euchre Party Monday Febru-
ary 13 at 8 p.m. in the Zurich
Town Hall. Lunch is provided.
There will also be door prizes.
The Golden Agers will also be
meeting February 13 at 2 p.m.
Annual bingo
A reminder that the annual Broth-
er Bob's Bingo will be held at the
Zurich arena on February 26 from
2-4 in the afternoon. Everyone is
C.W.L. members interested in go-
ing to a pot luck supper in Hasson,
Ont.* on February 6 followed by a
"fun night" are .fo phone Helen
Creces at 236-4708.
Story Hour
It's Story Hour at the Library
again this Thursday from 2-3 p.m.
with Librarian Helene Ducharme for
pre-school children. The theme will
be "On the Farm".
Guilty pleas to mischief, driving charges
EXETER - Only one case was
hoard when Judge RGE limiter pre-
sided in provincial court in Exeter
on January 24.
Danny A. Hennessey, Exeter,
plcaded•guilty to causing damage of
Icss than S1,000 to the windows of
Zurich Wood Products, and to driv-
ing with a BAC ovcr80.
Hennessey was in- a car which
was stopped by police on Zurich's
main street on July 31, 1988. The
driver failed the ALERT test, as did
1-fennessey when he asked to take
the test.. Police told Hennessey not
to drive, and the car was parked in
the Zurich Wood Products lot.
A short time later, neighbours
called police to say the accused was
smashing the building's windows.
Hennessey was seen driving away
before police arrived. He was
Dear Sir:
I would like to comment on the
upcoming Supermail boxes. Have
people thought of some of the con-
sequences and facts? -
a) Except for those people in the
.core arca you will no longer be
meeting friends and neighbours in
the lobby of the existing Post Of-
b) Have- business people
thought, that with pet)plc not corn-
ing to downtown to the post office
to pick up -mail it may affect -their
business - I can surely see an in-
crease in convenience stores further
away from downtown.
c) This venture is not saving the
Post Office any money whatsoev-
dj The Exeter Post Office is a
proven money maker for 1987-8K
total revenue S430,338. Total Sal-
ary and November Salary expendi-
tures S245,2(X).00.
c) How much is all this plan-
ning and erecting of Supermail
boxes costing?
f) Approximately 75% of the
boxes presently at the Post Office
will become vacant, collecting dust
after the installation of superboxes.
Murray Cardiff in a front page ar-
ticle, headline dated January 14,
1987 "No Superboxes Here". If
you -don't call Mr. Cardiff to ex-
press your views it will no doubt
be assumed you fully agree.
Nlurray Cardiff can he called Gee
of charge -dial the operator and ask
for Zenith 31020 or write him free
of charge, Murray Cardiff 1v1P.,
House of Commons, Ottawa, On-
tario K I A 0A6.
Harry C. Young,
Postal Clerk,
Exeter P.O.
found, and a fight ensued during his
arrest. -
Two breath samples gave readings
of 110 and 100.
Hennessey was fined S250 on the
mischief charge,and 5750 on the
drinking/driving charge. His li-
cence was suspended for 12 months.
Ile had already made restitution for
tlrc S78 damage he had caused.
Dates set
Scott Burton, Exeter, was ar-
raigned on a charge of failing to
stop for police on December 6. 'A
trial is scheduled for February 14.
Edward William Wilkinson,
Stratford, has been charged with
driving with a BAC over 80. He
Exeter ViCCa
EXETER - Hello from everyone
at the Villa. February is upon us
and we'll soon know the ground-
hog's predictions about the winter.
Considering our season so far, the
threat of winter might not be so
Happy birthday to Cora Wein,
Cora celebrates her 94th birthday on
the first day of February. Best wish-
We enjoyed the _ monthly bingo
hosted by the senior citizens.
Thanks to everyone who participat-
ed. It was a great way to start the
Rev. Sheila MacGregor of
Thames Road and Elimville United
Church conducted our weekly wor-
ship service. Thanks to the ladies
for the singing and Marjorie Johns
for playing the piano.
Ladies in the nursing home have
started our regular Thursday morn-
ing baking. This past week we
made chocolate chip oatmeal cook-
ies. They were really enjoyed at our
afternoon bingo. Our nurses sure
are hungry when it comes to cook-
Though for the week: Nothing
cooks your goose more quickly
than a boiling temper.
was stopped by police on Highway
83 in Stephen township on Sep-
tember 11. Ile will appear for trial
on April 25.
Rebekahs official
visiting tonight
EXETER - Pride of Huron Rebe-
kah Lodge opened the meeting with
Noble Grand Elaine Skinner and
Vice Grand Elly VanBergen presid-
ing. First order of business on the
agenda was draping the charter.
J.P.N.G. Mavis Atthill reported
on the previous euchre and reminded
everyone of the euchre on Wednes-
day February 8.
Sister Elly reported from -the visi-
tation committee. Get well wishes
went to Sisters Belva Rowe and
Marg Cook.
Secretary Audrey MacGregor re-
ported the communications. A than-
kyou.came from Olive Baker and
Helen Wasnidge. Ruth Rebekah
Lodge, Stratford, invited Pridc of
Huron to visit their lodge for dinner
and evening on February 21 to cele-
brate the- Assembly Warden's offi-
cial visit in the district.
District Deputy president Lillian
Moses will be making her official
visit to Pride of Huron on Wednes-
day, February 1. Brothers and sis-
ters are invited to a pot luck dinner
to begin at 6:30 in the lodge hall.
Birthday wishes were sung for
Sister Beatrice Richardson.
Sister Alice Bowen, P.G. in-
formed the members of a program
being brought to Exctcr, hopefully
by March, for senior citizens. It is
called "Dining Out for Seniors".
Volunteers of all ages arc required.
For more information call Sister
' Alice or Bev Brown at Town and
Country Homemakers, Wingham.
Sister Mary Fisher P.G. read a
poem "You know when you're
growing old when..." and the lunch
committee served a light luncheon
of fruited jcllos on lettuce.
.Teen Dance
Holiday Plaza
50 Main St., Grand Bend
Saturday, Feb. 4
9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Admission $4.00
+ .. tr r'tst` me f ownship
for information"
of McGillivray are offering a
reward of $250.00 for infor-
mation leading to the arrest
and conviction of the person
pcfsons responsible for
tl n (t; r; til t'61. vr4ersTrm44- 7 4.."
various signs throughout our -
Township. The disburse-
ment of all or any part of this
reward will be decided on by
the Council of the Township
of McGillivray. This offer ex-
pires on June 1, 1989. 'nfor-
mation may be given in confi-
dence to Parkhill Ontario
Provincial Police 294-6242,
Lucan Ontario Provincial Po-
lice 227-4423, or Reeve
Charles Corbett 293-3274.
R.E. Pooley Branch
ntario 167
Exeter, Ontario
February 4th - Legion Dance
with DJ 9 - 1 a.m.
Any Veteran or family of a Veteran seeking assistance is urged
to contact the Branch Service Officer at 235-1550. -:7.-.711-7
Daily Breakfast & Luncheon
Fish_900_ jaijJ ps
CaII 235 -2773 -
r -
February Is
� I 1 Heart and Month Stroke
Please elite.
ImP^n'in6. ou adds against Canada i 1 I kith
4th Annual
Sat., Feb. 11
Prizes for the
best costumes
Come in
No admission
Live Entertainment
Winter Hours
Fri., Sat., Sun.
each week
Sunday Brunch
Reservations appreciated
Hwy. #21, Just north of
St. Joseph
Times -Advocate, February 1, 1989
Page 25
BeetS Pub & Deli
Grand Bend
Feb. 1
Winter Carnival is here Feb. 3 - 12.
Stop in ' for some eats and a hot toddy
to Doug -Jennison, Contractor, Dan Stan -
lake, Grand Bend Plymouth Chrysler, Zu-
rich Advance, Exeter Times Advocate, and
Grand Bend Winter Carnival.
For sponsoring and supporting us on our adven-
turous trip to the International- Snow Sculpting
Competition in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We have ex-
panded our world wide Family ' of Friends and
memories that we will treasure for the rest of our
lives.. We thank you again for making this possible.
Jackie, Sharon and Cam
Exeter Figure
Skating Club
"Through the
Looking Glass"
Ice Carnival
Sun., Feb. 12
South Huron Rec Centre
2:00 p.m.
Admission at the door. Adults $3.00,
Students $2.00, Children $1.00
Guest skaters
C.F.S.A. Sanctioned
This weeks feature: Chicken Ballentine
(boneless chicken stuffed with wild rice)
Includes: all you can eat salad bar, fresh roll, vege-
table, potato, coffee, dessert, cocktails in the pub.
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Reservations required before
Thursday Noon 238-2328
10u11 DID !PHIL VD.
Departs: March 20
Price: $1499 per person (twin)
Tour included: Graceland, Houston, Corpus Christi, Brownsville,
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TOURS - 27days and 18 days
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Both tours feature overnight Ferry Tour down the Alaska Coastline
27 Day Price per person: $3099 per person (twin)
18 Day Price per person: $2699 per person (twin) Special senior
Departs: April 21, 1989 —
Price: $1999 per person (twin)
This tour features everything you've dreamed of: Los Angeles, Uni-
versal Studios, Disneyland, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, San Fran-
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14 Day and 13 Day optoins also available
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