HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-02-01, Page 22(ntmnn) Page 22 Times -Advocate, February 1, 1989 16 For Sale $$LIQUIDATION$$ Buildings priced for. immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30x40x14 53,800; 40x60x14 55,990; 50x80 511,260; 70x120 527,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1(416) 858-2446. BUILDINGS - Save thousands while steel supply lasts. Fall clearance. We over-estimated and are clearing out excess stock. All steel and wood -steel types. Paragon Structures 1-800-263-8499, 24 hours. D&E INCOME TAX SERVICES - income tax preparation by certified personnel - reasonable rates - fast, accurate results - for more information or appointment Call 228-6176 after 4 p.m. The Car Clean Depot Wash, wax and interior cleaning Call Fred Elder for appointment 263-3525 Craig Hardwoods Ltd. - Auburn - Buying bush Tots or selected trees TOP CASH PRICES . Talk to one of our buyers about enjoying the benefits of good Market Prices, CALL (519) 526-7220 FIREWOOD - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Have you considered Hardwood Slabs? They are approximately one-half the price of body wood. We can deliver in 17 cubic yard boxfuls. 16 For Sale FACTORY PRE -SPRING SALE - $teel Buildings. Quonset 19x9x26 $2,099 with endwalls and sliding doors. Stiaightwall 40x14x60 58,899. Wood -steel with endwalls. Discounts on other models.Call Pioneer/Econospan. Call 1-800-668-5422124 hours). GREENHOUSE and hydroponic store. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. (519) 452-3919. Pro Ark Lamps, Allanson Ballast and hydroponic kits, plus much much more. Send 52 for catalogue. STEEL BUILDINGS From our Factory, Farm Equipment Show, many sizes to choose from. Additions for 40 wide quonsets from $777. "S" Model 30x56 $6995. Call Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. ASSORTED MEN'S SUITS and top coats. Size 46 to 48, like new. Call 284-3230 after 5 p.m. ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE STEEL BUILDING Manufacturer is selling 2 commercial buildings - Roof and Sidewall System only for the fantastic price of 52.55 and $3.30 per sq. ft. Will meet all yl1ding codes. Phone today for Mrr. Wilson (416) 678-1303. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old Fashioned Apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue 51. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. No phone. HARDWOOD- Maple, $50 a cord pickup and 55.00 extra for delivery. Phone 237-3207. (3-6c) ATTENTION FARMERS Don't Get Caught in the Dark 1 repossessed 40/80 KW PTO gen- erator trailer driveshaft plugs and 12' cord Total Package $3,800. 1 -Used 15 KW PTO generator $1,450. 1 -High Pressure washer 2 G.P.M. at 1300 P.S.I $875. 1-3 GPM at 1600 P.S.I $1525. T.N.T. Standby Power 235-2364 or 0210 Don or Albert 1st INSTALLMENT. 1989 TAXES DUE: FEBRUARY 15 Our tax notices will be delayed a few days be- cause of delay in forms. Penalty will be waived until February 24. 1989. Elizabeth Bell Tax Collector - New Location as of JANUARY 30th, 1989 16 For Sale Visscher Farms Country Market Open 9-5 Daily Closed Sundays ** Cabbage * Belgium Endive * Potatoes * Apples • Cider 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 DESK, oak double sided, double • pedestal, 2 bar stools, electric hot plate, 6 rice paper blinds, various sizes, child's lamp 3 well stainless steel sink, Xerox 3103 pohtocopy machine for Parts, key cutting machine. Phone 238-2222. CONSOLE STEREO, Zenith Solid State with AM/FM radio - and tape player, cast iron fireplace wood grate, 36 in. brass frame fireplace screen, roof top ski carrier, trunk lid ski carrier. Phone 284-3567. SNOWBLOWER Sears Craftsman 10 h.p, x 32" wide with 6 FWD and 2 REV - 1 year old. 5800. Phone 284-2279. BEER FRIDGE 560, woodstove with ' oven, good for shop or house 525, gas station bell with 100' hose 575. Phone 284-3118. DRY SEASON HARDWOOD firewood 535.00 a . cord picked up. Walter Dunbar 393-5388 in St. Pauls area. MINISTRY of COMMUNITY and SOCIAL SERVICES 75 Wellington Street, Clinton • . 482-..9J LOCAL OFFICE (Famtty Boma*, Mot far•s Atiowance, IN.a.tilij MAILING ADDRESS: Box 1150, Clinton, Ont. - - NOM 1L0 "Thanks to our clients for your patience with our moves over the last few weeks" WOOD STOVE $250. Joe Wilds Phone 237-3207. (4:-7c) HIDE -A -BED SOFA, rust and brown floral; brown leather Lazy Boy Chair; olive green rocker recliner. Good condition. Phone 237-3327. (4:5*) FIREWOOD - Duntp truck loads of maple, beech, ash, oak, slabwood and edgings. Priced from 576.00 to 5130.00 plus delivery. Call R.J. Dungey & Sons 1-348-8477. (5-8c) SOFA AND CHAIR, nicely styled with tan background, navy/dark rust, small pattern, excellent condition. $425.00 for the set. Phone 284-1258. 1)06 HOUSES suitable for police dogs. Call after 6 p.m. 225-2177. OLD TIME FIDDLE and Country Music - The kind you never find in stores. Free catalogues. The Music Barn, Dept. 522, 7305 Woodbine Ave., Markham, Ont. L3R 3V7. STAINED GLASS Hobbyists - Buy your stained glass supplies by mail and save 30% to 50%. To order 100 pg. catalogue send $5 (refundable) to: The Glass Place, 50 Ste. Anne St., Pte. Claire, Quebec. H9S 4P8. Visa, M/C orders call 1-800-363-7855. UNTIL HELP ARRIVES - Easy use invaluable First Aid Book. The Do's and Dont's for emergencies covers from drownings, accidents, poisonings, heart attacks. Send $9.95 to Box 245, Hanover, Ontario. N4N 3C4. TRAVELLER'S PRAYER. A real inspiration. Fits perfectly in driver's license holder to travel with you always. $5 postpaid. Traveller's Prayer, Box 191, Marmora, Ont. KOK 2M0. WILLKIT - Easy fill in the blanks Last Will and Testament Kit. Absolutely valid in Canada. No lawyer visit necessary. Send 59.95 to Willkit, Box 245, Hanover, Ont. N4N 3C4. 1984 HONDA XR80 new rear tire, no rips in seat, great get -around bike. 5400. 1965 Mustang, good body, new tires 53200. Call Mark at 236-4556 aftcr5 p.m. (5c) 2 WAY RADIO, Motorola, Gen. Electric, Marconi, Midland plus others from 5200. with warranty. Buy a reconditioned and guaranteed radio during our Clearance Sale to February 25th. Tenex Communications Inc. 138. Main Street, Ailsa Craig 293-3255. (5-8c) TYPEWRITER, IBM 75 Electronic in excellent condition. Phone 235-0120. (5:6c) 1600 BALES of wheat straw. Easily to load. Call evenings 236-4451. (5:6*0 USED TIRES! Good selection on tire racks ready to go 510 to $20. Also installation available. Call Advanced Auto Wreckers, Exeter 234-6790 or toll free 1-800-265-9209. (5tfn) j.EAVER HANDSAW" 16", Complete with- motor and stand, new condition. Sam Skinner 228-6293. (5:6c) BUNK BEDS, maple set, complete with mattresses. Like new. Phone 236-4148.(5c) COMMOIX/R.E 64 plus key board `"`ilnd'd!sc drive, 8 weeks old; king size waterbed, full motion. Phone 236-7240 or236-4048. (5:6c) GRAFI SYSTEMS LT TITTAnnuil Meeting The annual meeting of the policyholders of the Us - borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company c-- ," ! 1-ris:-ifar rr-`1Noodfiam Community Centre at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 1.3 1489 i„ tekeive citltl urspbse of the Financial and Audi- tor's reports; to elect Directors and to transact any business that may rightly come before the meeting. Nominations will be received for the election of two Directors for a three year term. The Directors. whose term of office expires are Joseph•Chaffe and Lloyd Morrison, both of whom are eligible for re-election. Nominations will be received for the election of a Director for a two year term, necessary because of the resignation of Robert Gardiner. Lome Feeney E.J. Caers President Secretary -Manager 1 Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN • SALES • SERV-JCE j JMA(Nai N 1' 804550R.,.15'9)235I9t9 fxETER 0041*01)0)904150 Res 15'9)3452284 16 For Sale WINTER COAT, mint green, 100% wool, size 8-10; walnut console stereo, both in excellent condition. Call 349-2878. ONE PAIR grey cockatiels, male and female, nice cage included 575 complete. Phone 283-6250. WHEAT STRAW 4'x5' round bales equal to 15 sq. bales 515.00 picked up. Phone 284-3725. WOOD STOVE, damper ring and pipes; kerosene heater. Apply 349-2207. FIREWOOD, split well seasoned hardwood. $42.00 per face cord picked up. Extra for delivery. Call Hensall 263-3034. (5c) 1500 BALES Wheat Straw. Near Wellburn. Phone Bill Pickel 229-6868. SATELLITE - 10 1/2 ft. mesh dish, complete with actuator and receiver. Call Cord 236-4224. (5tfn) MOVING SALE - Boy's BMX blue and gold bicycle $50. Blue metal bunk beds (with mattresses) 5175. Call 235-0514. (5:6x) OVERHEAD DOORS, used, 3-14'6" x14'; • 1-16'6"x14' complete with all hardware, very reasonable, easy lift door system. 349-2355. 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. (3tfn) 555 CASH PAID for cars and trucks For wrecking or resale. 234-6790 or 234-6250. Advanced Auto Wreckers, Guaranteed Used Parts, RR 1 Exeter. (35fn) CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE, tables, chairs, cupboards, washstands, cutters, etc. Antique and oak. Phone 238-5422 or 235-2057. (36tfn) CARS AND TRUCKS for junk. Also complete selection of auto and truck parts for sale. McStephen Auto Wreckers, Crediton. Phone 228-6214.(52-26*) PAYING GOOD CASH for old books, magazines, (National cieographic, Verve), Advertising material, post cards, posters, photographs, water colours, printed nostalgia, etc. Call collect after 6 p.m. (519)579-8015. SCRAP CAR REMOVAL. 234-6790 or toll free 1-800-265-9209. (5tfn) SMALL HAMMERMILL. Phone 234-6227.(5x) 18 Wanted SENIOR GENTLEMAN with his own home looking for a senior female companion. Phone 228-6509. (4tfn) OLDER GENTLEMAN wants to share his home in Exeter in exchange for housekeeping and cooking. Phone 229-6558. (5c) 20 Property For Rent PRIME RETAIL OR OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. (l7tfn) SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. (20tfn) SPACE FOR DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home, Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 238-8638. (43tfn) INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING also office space with ample parking facilities. Phone 263-2928 or 235-2302. (39tfn) • ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, available immediately. Call for application and appointment. Phone 235-0141.(49tfn) INDUSTRIAL SHED 40x60 office space 20x36, wash room, oil and electric heat. Available Jan. 15/89. Phone 227-4217. (51 tfn) FOR LEASE OR RENT - Three bedroom ranch style home and warehouse on paved road. Phonc 263-2928 or after 5 p.m. 262-2540. (3tfn) ONE OR TWO dependable people needed. Needed to share country home. Available March 1st. 5225.00 per month. Only non-smokers need call 227-4645. (3tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Lucan: Fridge, stove, utilities included. 5300. Phone 235-2965. (3tfn) ELIZABETH COURT Apts. Hensall 2 bedroom apartment. Phone 262-3403. (4tfn) IfENS AT.L =' 7 bedroom aartment available March 1, 1989. Phone 262-3022. (4:5c) ONE BEDROOM upper apt. central Exeter. No pets. Prefer non smoker, references. 522-1938 after 6. (5:6*) FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE, 3 miles cast of Hensall. NO pets. Available March 1. References required. Phone 263-5988. (5'6*) THREE BEDROOM country home, recently renovated just off paved road west of Kippen. Available immediately 350 plus utilities. Call for applica •. and appointment. Phone 263-5349 after 6 p.m. (5-8c) THREE BEDROOM farm home, on paved road centrally located between Hensall and Zurich. available mart':!i:,;c:::-.3C0 plug utilities. l.,afl for application and appointment. Phone 263-5349 after,6 p.m. (5-8c) • ONE BEDROOM apartment located on Main St. Heat included. Phone 235-0173 between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (5tfnl HENSALL MOTORS LTD. "Car and Truck Rentals" Leasing - New, all makes Sales - Used Cars and Trucks 198 Main St. N. Exeter (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn 235-2070 20 Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Available now; 1 bedroom aparoment, ground floor, available Jan. 1st. Downtown Hensall, carpeted, bright paved, parking, TV cable. 262-2230 or London 471-9049. (50tfn) CLEAN 2 BEDROOM apartment, broadloom, fridge, stove, heat inc. no children or pets. Call after 6 p.m. 262-3146. (5:6c) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films etc. Kitchen facilities available. phone 235-2365 or 235-1020. (l0tft) TWO CHAINSAWS with man, electric sharpener for chainsaws. Phone 237-3207. (3-6c) 23 Wanted To Rent FARM - Family would like to rent house, barn and land for mixed farming operation. Phone 1-482-9907. (3-5*) LAND TO RENT, any area. Phone 293-3191.(5:6c) PASTURE & ALFALFA HAY for 1989 or longer. Phone 263-5342. (3-7c) CASH CROP FARM LAND for 1989 season or longer. Contact Gary Baker, RR2, Dashwood,238-5585. (3-5*) FAMILY LOOKING for 3 or 4 bedroom home by March 31, preferably in country. Phone 235-2158 after 6 p.m. (4:5*) - LAND WANTED to rent or share crop for 1989 or longer. Phone 229-8841. (4-7c) WANTED TO RENT OR share crop. Good cash crop land in the Kippen, Brucefield or Clinton area for the 1989 season. Phone Keith at 236-4728 or Grant at 263-5349 after 6 p.m. (5-8c) GOOD CASH CROP LAND for 1989. Parsons Farms. Phone 263-2821. (1-6*) 24 Property Wanted PRIVATE CASH BUYER looking for 50 to 100 acres or more. House must be in reasonable condition. Please reply with details to: P.O. Box 2,002, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0. (2tfn) STARTER HOME in Hensall or surrounding area. Please replay to Box 65P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter, NOM 1 SO. (4-6c) PRIVATE BUYER looking for 25-100 acres. Good cash crop land and good buildings. Hensall to Holmesville area. Name your deal. Apply to Box - 65P, c/o Times Advocate, Exeter. (5-7c) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of AARON CONRAD R ESTEMAYER Late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Iluron, who died on or about the 15th day of January, 1989. Credi- tors and others having claims against the above estate are required to file full particulars of such claims with the un- dersigned on or before February 24, 1989, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed. LITTLE, EVANS & GRANT Barristers & Solicitors 71 Main St. N., Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors Count on the Classifieds to Do the Job Phone 235-13.31 Health topic at Kippen East WI KIPPEN - Kippen East Women's Institute met at the home of Mona Alderdice on Wednesday, January 18. President Grace Drummond presided and in her usual humurous manner gave several readings. Ruby Triebner had to pay 400 for failing to wear her institute pin. The topic of theevening was health. Rena Caldwell introduced guest speaker Marlene Price, a pub- lic health nurse from Huron Coun- ty Unit who works out of the Sea - forth office. Mrs. Price spoke on the care of feet, informing us that our feet, which carry our total body weight, travel the equivalent of three times around the world in our lifetime. Mrs. Price touched on problems arising with our feet, and proper care of them. Mary Brdadfoot rendered a very touching reading, "Home is a Price- less Stronghold". It was motioned to give $10 each to Erland Lee, Adelaide Hoodless and Loaf of Bread. The president handed out duties to members regarding the Sportsmen's dinner to be held on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 7. A card was sent to our secretary Helen MacLean who had slipped on some ice and injured her shoulder. Next meeting will be on Wednes- day, February 15 at home of Thea Wisch, to commence at 7 p.m. starting with supper provided by the hostess. Newest Officer - The newest member of the Exeter town po- lice department is Police Cadet Dwight Monck. He has been an auxiliary officer and will be taking training at the Aylmer Police College. Monck with his wife Karen and two sons will be taking up residence in Exet- er in the very near future. Church grant TORONTO - The Parkhill Unit- ed Church has received a $710 Ac- cess Fund grant from .the provin- cial government, announced Doug Reycraft, M.P.P. for Middlesex and Chief Government Whip. This money will be used to pro- vide assistance to the Church to make a washroom accessible to disabled and elderly persons. "I am delighted that the Province has made resources available through this program to enable the Parkhill United Church to be more accessible to all members of the Parkhill community," said Re- ycraft. Acce. s Fund grants arc designed to imprc•ve physical access by disa- bled pci sons and senior citizens to existing community facilities. r BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235-0874 Saturday, Fehrunry 11/Ra.-ni. 11 a.m. at SUuth Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing the entire household of Mrs Beth Batten, Exeter, along with quality additions from a Lucan home, including furnishings, appliances, several beautiful antique pcs., collectable china and misc. items, Also the same day, we are favoured with the instruction to begin dispersal of one of Southwestern Ontario's most prominent collections of antique and collectable china. (Name withheld on fe- quest). Watch next weeks paper for a full listing. AUCTION SALE. 1976 Jimmy, truck topper, antiqques. co�o 1 e nVital and glary- - ... per weights, colk'clors p7aTes, in o, e a`cety/ene torch set, antique engine, radial arm saw etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auc- tion Bam, Clinton, Ontario for Cliff and Charity MacDonald of Gode- rich, Clair Campbell of Seaforth, plus additions. Saturday, February 4 at 10:00 a.m. TRUCK: 1976 GMC Jimmy, 2 wheel drive, 350 automatic, good tires, selling as is; NEW SET -of Acetvlenn tnrchps:-egaftr 04.9;2,44 w®sow on stand; full size truck topper with tool box on one side; small antique horizontal gas engine. ,,A-NTIr)LIF FIIRNITIIRF ETC: Collection of 2b crystal and nlacc paper weights, includes 19/6 White Friers, Selkirk, Mat Jonasson, Caithness, Marcolin; Swarovaski; some collectors plates, small Gone with the Wind style lamp, J.W. RITER WINE SPIRIT MERCHANT, CLINTON ANTIQUE JUG, 10 gallon crock with lid, oxen neck yoke, old kiddy car, 3 - oil lamps, apple peeler, cast iron toy horse drawn firemen ladder wagon, 2 occupied Japan figurines, pictures, many good cups and saucers, sad iron, G.E. Encore fridge, approximately 4 years old, Moffat 30" electric stove, washer and dryer, avocado green fridge, beer fridge, chest freezer, bowed glass china cabinet with mirror, (real nice), dry sink, wool winder, washstand, open washstand, wicker rocking chair, large reclining massage chair, recliner, modern. heavy pine table, 6 ft. long, chesterfield with pull out bed,chesterfield with matching chair and ottoman, modern swivel rocker, set of rock maple bunk beds, love seat chesterfield, 2 office desks and chairs, 2 type- writers, printer for computer, 6 ft. custom built commercial liquor cabi- net with mirror, back and locking doors, artificial fireplace with builtin bar and stereo system, plus our usual offering of small appliances, lamps, pictures, dishes and glassware, etc. TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I.D. AUCTIONEERS: Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb Clinton, Ontario 519-482-7898