HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-02-01, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, February 1, 1989
Crop and Soil speaker - The guest speaker at Friday's annual awards banquet of the Huron Soil ano
Crop Improvement Assocaition in Seaforth Friday night was Eloert van Donkersgoed of the Christian
Farmers" Federatioon of Ontario. He is shown at the ' left with retiring Soil and Crop president Walter
Mcllwain and Huron's Ag Rep. Don Pullen.
Wins Alexander Award - Brian and Peter Oldridge of Blyth won
the Norman Alexander Conservation Award Friday night at the an-
nual banquet of the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Associa-
tion in Seaforth. Above, Brian Oldridge" accepts the award from
Rick Coghlin.
Growth Fund
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Mail to:
CLINTON - The Huron .County
Soil and Crop Improvement Asso-
ciation_ is sponsoring Herbicide
Application Workshops" which
will address the -reducing of the her-
bicide. rate by applying it more
wisely. The topics include band
spraying, inter -row cultivation,
wick weeding, spot treating prob-
lem weeds, spray. additives and
nozzle selection. We'll meet for the
afternoon in a farmer's- workshop
for some hands on demonstrations.
We'll meet for the afternoon in a
farmer's workshop for some hands
on demonstrations. Experienced
farmers will be present -to answer
your questions on setting up your
planter, cultivator, etc. for these
spray alternatives.
Meetings are scheduled for March -
13 in Stanley. Township, March 20
in South Huron and March 21 in
Turnbcrry Township. The work-
shops are limited to 15 farmers. .
For further information and to
register, please call the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food in
Clinton 482-3428 or 1-800-265-
Brian Hall
Farm Management Specialist,
for Huron County
Safety conference
GUELPH - The 16th annual con-
' fcrence of the Farm Safety Associa-
tion will be held on Monday,
March 13, 1989, at the Howard
Johnson's Toronto Airport Hotel.
This year's program highlights a
number of excellent speakers on
various agricultural health and safe-
ty topics. Dr. Clyde Landsdell, Nia-
gara Assessment and Programming
Services in Jordan Station will be
speaking on "Making Stress Work
for You.'
Dr D.A. Monteith of Shedden,
Ontario, will discuss Rural Health
Bill English of Blenheim, Onta-
rio, will talk on the farm accident
which has changed his life dramati-
"Animal Housing and its Rela-
tionship to Human Respiratory
Problems," will be the topic of Dr.
D.W. Morrison of the Department
of Animal and Poultry Science,
University of Guelph.
Dr. Clare Rennie, Assistant Dep-
uty Minister of the Ontario Mini-
stry of Agriculture and Food will
deliver an update on the Report of
the Ontario Task Force rnr1•ieatttw
and Safety in Agriculture.
Tom Sawyer of CiBA-GEiGY
Canada Limited, Mississauga, ON-
tairo, will address the delegates on
"Pesticides in Water."
"The Role of the Occupational
Therapist in the Rehabilitation of
Disabled Farmers" will be thc sub-
ject of Laurie McGregor, Occupa-
tional Therapist from St. Thomas -
Elgin General Hospital in St.
Thomas, Ontario.
At thc evening banquet, the
of ondon, Ontario, will address
the delegates, Kincaid was blinded
in a tractor accident in 1973.
• TORONTO - A centrally -
controlled markcting system for
fresh wholesale asparagus gown in
Ontario will be established, Minis-
ter of Agriculture and Food Jack
Riddell announced today.
The Ontario Farm Products Mar-
keting Commission recommended
this action following an expression
of opinion poll held in December
1988. Seventy-one percent of
asparagus growers casting a ballot
were in favor of the centrally -
controlled marketing system.
"Fresh asparagus growers have
made this position known on the
need to establish a unified market-
ing system for their product in On-
tario,' Riddell said. "I'm pleased
that the new marketing System
will be in place for the 1989 crop
The Industrial Group of Funds
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Pair win conservation award
. SpAFORTH - Peter and Brian
Oldridge of RR 2, Blyth are the
winners of the 1988 Norm Alexan-
der Memorial Conservation Award.
The presentation was made Fri-
day night at the Seaforth Legion at
the• annual banquet of the Huron
Soil and Crop Improvement Asso-
ciation. -
The Oldridge father and son com-
bination farm 1,061 acres and prac-
tice conservation tilling and crop-
The other nominee was Henry
Hohnstein of RR 1, Clifford. His
main conservation concern is agri-
forestry on his 300 acre farm, of
which 115 acres is wooded area.
• In commenting on the awards,
Rick Coghlin of the Huron Soil
• and Water Conservation District
said, "Both nominees showed great
concern for the environment espe-
. .. •1 and wind erosion."
Outgoing Sot1 and Crop presi-
dent Walter Mellwain presented
Booster Awards to Keith Routston,
Milton Dietz and Murray Adams
and the Project Award was present-
ed to Laurence Taylor by incoming
president Ait Bolton.
Soil and Crop members were
urged by guest speaker Elbert van.
Donkersgoed to "use your land, not
abuse it." •
van Donkersgoed who is research
and policy director for the Christian
Farmers Federation of Ontario said,
"Maintaining soil is just as impor-
tant as how much you produce.'
He went on to say, " Farmers
have done a super job in food pro-
duction in the past 30 years. World
grain yields per hectare have dou-
bled. Production has levelled off
and declined since 1984."
"The feture is not so rosy. The
drought of 1988 wiped out the
cushion in the food system. It's a
mistake to call what we have a sur-
plus because it's gone. We are on
the brink as far as grains produc-
tion is concerned. Good weather
this summer will put us a step
back from the brink," added van
He went on to say, " The average
• Canadian spends $1,500 a year on
food while in some countries they
have less than $500 for all' their
van Donkersgoed concluded with
his thoughts on the future of farm
production saying,." Of 100 houses
built in our country, 85 are on
good farm land. I'm concerned
about our water supplies and what
we will do with our waste. Time of
abundance and plenty has a level of
discomfort undemcath."
Aware/ winners - At Fr• s annual meeting of the I u,•on Soil and Crop Association, a number of
awards were presented. From the left are booster winner Milton Deitz, Norm Alexander minted nomi-
nee, Henry Hohnstein, Rick Coghlin presented Brien Oldrldge with the Alexander award and booster
winner Keith Rouiston.
Dairy .symposium at Woodstock
CLINTON - Dr. Brian McBride,
1 Jniversity of Guelph, .Dairy Nutri-
tionist will be the keynote speaker
at.the annual South Western Onta-
rio dairy Symposium, Thursday,
February 16 at the Oxford Auditori-
um, -Woodstock. Dr. McBride is
well known for his research and
teaching in the area of dairy cattle
nutrition as well as his work with
somatotropin research.
- Dr. McBride will address the topic
"Meeting the Energy and Protcin
Needs of the Dairy Cow." Technol-
ogy has advanced our understanding-
nderstandingof the metabolism of energy and
protein by the cow as well as how
these needs can be met: The chal-
lenge is to use this technology- for
the efficient production of mil' y
the dairy cow.
He will talk about the role of fi-
bre in the diet, measures of energy,
how to getthe most efficient use of
energy, the role of fat and oils. As
well, he will discuss the role of
proteins -and levels of degradability,
protein -supplements, such as roast -
cd soybeans, low degradability pro-
tein supplements and non -protein
Dr. Yvonne Proulx, Quebec dai-
ryman, and consulting economist at
Lave! University has been invited
to examine "Key Management Are-
as That Determine Dairy Profits".
Dr. Proulx has recently completed
studies on the impact of "Free
Trade' on Quebec agriculture.
Dr. Jack Cote, O.M.A.F. bovine
veterinary consultant and former
Ontario Veterinary College Lecturer
will speak on 'Calf Management
Murray Blackie, Agriculture Offi-
cer, Ontario Ministry of the Envi-
ronment, and Bob Milne, Agricul-
tural Engineer, O.M.A.F. will
discuss the handling of"Dairy Man-
ure and Water Water."
The event opens its doors at 9:30
a.m. to provide opportunity to xis.
-ttw exhibits of numerous agribusi-
ness firms. The speaking program
rakes place from 10:30 a.m through
3:15 p.m. Registration is $5. and
approximately 300 buffct meal tick-
ets will be available at $5. each.
The South Western Ontario Dairy
Syumposium is sponsored by arca
Milk Committees, Holstein Clubs,
the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
and Food and numerous Agri-
business firms.
For further information contact J.
Richard Hendry, O.M.A.F., Wood-
stock 537-6621.
Dennis Martin
Farm Management Specialist
for Huron County
The biggest introduction
of new equipment in
John Deere history
is coming to our
14th Annual Farm
Industry Show
Get ready to join
the parade.
Mon., Feb. 13
Tues., Feb. 14
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Blyth 523-4244
Exeter 235-1115
J "Attrention Soybean Growers!
inviting applications for 1989 see
.soybean contracts. Competitive
premiums and an excellent varietal
selection are available.
We are looking for experienced .
growers with high. stable yields.
excellent weed control and good
quality aerated storage.
if you would like to apply or are
interested in finding out more
about our seed soybean program.
please return the response card
as soon as possible.
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Postal Code:
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PO Box 730,
Hwy. #2 West.
Chatham. Ontario.
Attention: Soybean Department