HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-02-01, Page 7Pioneer LUCAN - The Pioneer Club pre- sented their music and skits Sunday morning. Pastor Pieter Schinkle- shoek opened the> service with prayer. Ms, Gail Damon conducted the Pidneer Club program. Under the leadership of -Wilf • Skillings the Duckies sang the sto- ry from Matthew 19:14 of the disci- ples sending the children away, but Jesus said for the little children to come unto Him. Next tt•e Scooters, led by Dan and Cheryl Wuerch, sang with gestures Deep Down in my Heart. They Times -Advocate, club presents skits at Revival q• uoted the verse from Psalm 119;11, thy word have I hid in my heart • The Voyagers, the class of Gilles. and Vivienne Rancourt, led by Ms. Damon, sang an action song Fish- ers of Mcn, before They quoted John 3:16. The Trailblazers, led by Rev. Roger Mason and Cathy Mason, presented a skit. While one•girl read the skit, others demonstfated in action that God gave us hands for . good but some use them for wrong, The skit told we are to use our CO.OP hands for God. They quoted John 3:16. The Shikaris and Couriers groups presented a court judge trying for the people against the World Bible Society. The prosecutor questioned each witness for the Bible Society ow am ommi im Er am I MINI MINI fid iiMk XIII MI OPP' IMO / AMMI�' .Sr IMO 1 to pfove the truth of the Bible. This was done from literature, and archeology. The judge declared the Bible Society innocent, and said everyone should read the Bible and decide for themselves. • All the younger children classes Legion donates to Youth Centre - The R,E. Pooley Exeter branch of the Royal Canadian Legion will be donating more than $8,500 to the Exeter Lions s Youth Centre over• the next three years. Above, Legion treasurer Glenn Robinson presents the first cheque to Li- ons Don Thompson and Paul Anstett. . Prices in effect Feb. 1 - 8" 1989 CO-OP SPECIAL Sunflower Seeds 50 Ib. 96 it, tea. w RURAL FROSTED LIGHT BULBS Designed to last significantly longer than standard voltage bulbs. 40 w. 587-204; 60 w. 587-205; OUR REG. PRICE 2.89 100 w. 587-206. �. ? NOW Pkg. of2 February 1, 1989 Page 7 centre gathered at the front to sing the Pi- oneer .Club theme verse Psalm 119:109. While the offering was being tak- en up, Kevin Dance played an organ solo. Miss, Meagen Henry read Titus 2:11-14. Pastor. Pieter Schinkle- shoek said these verses teach us that grace is being favoured by God. From each -letter of the word grace, he showed how first G. is. God's grace that gives us joy and peace. R is how to live rightly. A is for the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ. C is for Christ who gave himself for. us. E is to exhort oth- ers with the knowledge Jesus died to give us eternal life. . Upcoming events, Valentines Day party at 6:30: p.m. when the Pioneer Clubs invite their families to join them for fun, food, and fclhowship. Area accidents down LUCAN - Mild weather and good road'conditions have helped reduce the number of motor vehicle acci. dents over the past week in the Lu - can OPP detachment area. However that number of acci-, dents have actually increased to date over last year. - Fiveminor accidents with no in- juries reported were investigated last week, bringing the total to 34 accidents for the year. This is nine more accidents than last year's total of 25. Only ten percent of the ac- cidents this year are attributed to infractions of. the Highway Traffic Act laws. The remainder of accidents were caused by excessive speed for road and weather conditions and by los- ing control on slippery roads. Please drive carefully when win= tcr'driving conditions prevail. As the above statistics show, even generally good winter weather con- ditions can result in high accident numbers. Drivers are fooled because they. do not get accustomed to the win- ter roads.- Good -roads prevail, but . when roads turn slippery drivers forget to take care and slow down. Keep your insurance rates good by avoiding accidents. Slow down and take your time. General occurrences' have re- _ mained consistent with past years'. Last week, thirty-seven general occurrences were investigated. This brings the yearly total to 132 occurrences. Four break, enter and thefts were investigated in the area. The activity involving this oppor- tunistic crime reported in neighbor- ing areas has began to,spread to the • Lucan O.P,P. jurisdiction. Police are advising home owners. and business people to be aware of the potential of becoming a victim of this crime. Ensure you have put into practise crime prevention measures to protect your property. use proper locks, lighting, and have your neighbours watch your home_orbusiness. Crime prevention is everybody's ; business - please make your contri- - bution and help the community. you live in. Lucan United Church gets part-time pastor LUCAN - Barb and Wayne Gib- son greeted the people as they ar- .rived for service at the Lucan Unit- cd Church on -Sunday, Mr. Chris Punter of London served as organ- ist and Beth Cowdrey told the chil- dren's story. Marj Park accompa- nied the choir foriheir anthem. Rev: Sus_an Shelstad chose as the title of her sermon, "Excuses, Ex- cuses." It is so easy to say "I'm too busy," "get someone else to do it." Her message must have had a good effect on everyone, as the an- nual meeting on Sunday evening was well attended and the many of- fices were willingly filled. The meeting was chaired by Rev. August Meecham of London who is the supervising minister for Lu - can. Linda Froats served as secre- tary. An agreement was made with Rev. Susan Shelstad to be part- time minister for Lucan United Church until June 30. It was de- cided to apply to Presbytery to de- clare a vacancy in the Lucan charge as soon as possible. A long discussion on how funds to Mission and Service should be distributed was decided by a vote, by all present, for each individual to make their own decision by marking their church envelope as to where they wished their givings to go, Local Church Expenses, World Development, Mission and Service or Building and Memorial Fund. Rcv. Shclstad will be in Lucan on :Wednesdays and Thursdays at thc church office.* The church phone number is 227-1702. If you • need her in an emergencyher home phone number 641-1412. Don't forget the Pancake and- Sausage supper in the United Church 'February 7 from 5 to 7 ' p.tn. The U.C.W. arc making beef and turkey pies this week and they will be on sale at the church on - Thursday February 2 from 4-7 p.m. Lots of help is needed on Thursday morning to put the pies together, so please come and help. In last week's paper it gave a wrong date for the upcoming beef supper in April. It should have read, Thursday, April 13. Dashwood News . By Linda Gent"tner DASHWOOD - The Dashwood Business Association held a very successful dance Saturday Night. Winners of the Dashwood Fire- men's 50-50 Draw were Jenny, Darryl and Jacob Romphf, children of Terry and Sharon Romphf. The Dashwood Institute is hold- ing a Euchre Party on Wednesday February 1 at 8 p.m. at the Com- munity Centre. Aaron Curtis infant son of Cur- tis and Rosemary Necb was bap- tized on Sunday at the Calvary United -Church by Rcv. Bob Sina- sac. GENERAL INSTRUMENT Complete Satellite Systems INSTALLATION - 10' Mesh - Full Remote - Programmable GENERAL INSTRUMENT BIG RED NUGGETS Nutritionally complete and bal-> anced food. Formulated to keen normally active adult do^e ?MAI ~ 0 kg. bag. 39-9C' CO.Or\ NOW L'IL RED PURR -FELT CAT FOOD licjl It •tic i11 n the SI( lit Advertising Correction On Page 4 of our„ Do It Yourself Value” .t kttf ' .6d2- tc.nat.a_C t..2taiL let as advertised. It is a standard unit. We - apologize for any inconvenience. ysifa all cats. 10 kg. bag wi 0' i, approximately 100 days. 539-301 NOW VIDEO _ = _ 2400R SATELLITE RECEIVER • Illustrations nat exactly as shown All itvtts. "c. ia.ctkt,^,e•tt^z-:- "Service You Can Depend On" EVERYONE WELCOME TO SHOP Al O-OPI Exeter District Co-op Exeter 235-2081 Ailsa Craig 293-3282 Mos tev C and .r 111k, eDODO QCC:�;:..1 Specral and Complete System s2995 or $81.00 per month 40en Stabla Audio. & NAO. 301 Main St.,Exeter 235-1520 11110118111 t irA% Gaiser-Kneale Insurance vi ms GIC RATES Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-84841 Clinton 482-9747 HensaIl 262-2119 1 30(JPO '/ 1 YR. 1 "� 25 % 1 1 5 .. YRS. • CALL L TODAY FOR THE HIGHEST RATE AVAILABLE Rates subject to verification ' G.I.C.'s may be registered as R.R.S.P.'s' CO.OP hands for God. They quoted John 3:16. The Shikaris and Couriers groups presented a court judge trying for the people against the World Bible Society. The prosecutor questioned each witness for the Bible Society ow am ommi im Er am I MINI MINI fid iiMk XIII MI OPP' IMO / AMMI�' .Sr IMO 1 to pfove the truth of the Bible. This was done from literature, and archeology. The judge declared the Bible Society innocent, and said everyone should read the Bible and decide for themselves. • All the younger children classes Legion donates to Youth Centre - The R,E. Pooley Exeter branch of the Royal Canadian Legion will be donating more than $8,500 to the Exeter Lions s Youth Centre over• the next three years. Above, Legion treasurer Glenn Robinson presents the first cheque to Li- ons Don Thompson and Paul Anstett. . Prices in effect Feb. 1 - 8" 1989 CO-OP SPECIAL Sunflower Seeds 50 Ib. 96 it, tea. w RURAL FROSTED LIGHT BULBS Designed to last significantly longer than standard voltage bulbs. 40 w. 587-204; 60 w. 587-205; OUR REG. PRICE 2.89 100 w. 587-206. �. ? NOW Pkg. of2 February 1, 1989 Page 7 centre gathered at the front to sing the Pi- oneer .Club theme verse Psalm 119:109. While the offering was being tak- en up, Kevin Dance played an organ solo. Miss, Meagen Henry read Titus 2:11-14. Pastor. Pieter Schinkle- shoek said these verses teach us that grace is being favoured by God. From each -letter of the word grace, he showed how first G. is. God's grace that gives us joy and peace. R is how to live rightly. A is for the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ. C is for Christ who gave himself for. us. E is to exhort oth- ers with the knowledge Jesus died to give us eternal life. . Upcoming events, Valentines Day party at 6:30: p.m. when the Pioneer Clubs invite their families to join them for fun, food, and fclhowship. Area accidents down LUCAN - Mild weather and good road'conditions have helped reduce the number of motor vehicle acci. dents over the past week in the Lu - can OPP detachment area. However that number of acci-, dents have actually increased to date over last year. - Fiveminor accidents with no in- juries reported were investigated last week, bringing the total to 34 accidents for the year. This is nine more accidents than last year's total of 25. Only ten percent of the ac- cidents this year are attributed to infractions of. the Highway Traffic Act laws. The remainder of accidents were caused by excessive speed for road and weather conditions and by los- ing control on slippery roads. Please drive carefully when win= tcr'driving conditions prevail. As the above statistics show, even generally good winter weather con- ditions can result in high accident numbers. Drivers are fooled because they. do not get accustomed to the win- ter roads.- Good -roads prevail, but . when roads turn slippery drivers forget to take care and slow down. Keep your insurance rates good by avoiding accidents. Slow down and take your time. General occurrences' have re- _ mained consistent with past years'. Last week, thirty-seven general occurrences were investigated. This brings the yearly total to 132 occurrences. Four break, enter and thefts were investigated in the area. The activity involving this oppor- tunistic crime reported in neighbor- ing areas has began to,spread to the • Lucan O.P,P. jurisdiction. Police are advising home owners. and business people to be aware of the potential of becoming a victim of this crime. Ensure you have put into practise crime prevention measures to protect your property. use proper locks, lighting, and have your neighbours watch your home_orbusiness. Crime prevention is everybody's ; business - please make your contri- - bution and help the community. you live in. Lucan United Church gets part-time pastor LUCAN - Barb and Wayne Gib- son greeted the people as they ar- .rived for service at the Lucan Unit- cd Church on -Sunday, Mr. Chris Punter of London served as organ- ist and Beth Cowdrey told the chil- dren's story. Marj Park accompa- nied the choir foriheir anthem. Rev: Sus_an Shelstad chose as the title of her sermon, "Excuses, Ex- cuses." It is so easy to say "I'm too busy," "get someone else to do it." Her message must have had a good effect on everyone, as the an- nual meeting on Sunday evening was well attended and the many of- fices were willingly filled. The meeting was chaired by Rev. August Meecham of London who is the supervising minister for Lu - can. Linda Froats served as secre- tary. An agreement was made with Rev. Susan Shelstad to be part- time minister for Lucan United Church until June 30. It was de- cided to apply to Presbytery to de- clare a vacancy in the Lucan charge as soon as possible. A long discussion on how funds to Mission and Service should be distributed was decided by a vote, by all present, for each individual to make their own decision by marking their church envelope as to where they wished their givings to go, Local Church Expenses, World Development, Mission and Service or Building and Memorial Fund. Rcv. Shclstad will be in Lucan on :Wednesdays and Thursdays at thc church office.* The church phone number is 227-1702. If you • need her in an emergencyher home phone number 641-1412. Don't forget the Pancake and- Sausage supper in the United Church 'February 7 from 5 to 7 ' p.tn. The U.C.W. arc making beef and turkey pies this week and they will be on sale at the church on - Thursday February 2 from 4-7 p.m. Lots of help is needed on Thursday morning to put the pies together, so please come and help. In last week's paper it gave a wrong date for the upcoming beef supper in April. It should have read, Thursday, April 13. Dashwood News . By Linda Gent"tner DASHWOOD - The Dashwood Business Association held a very successful dance Saturday Night. Winners of the Dashwood Fire- men's 50-50 Draw were Jenny, Darryl and Jacob Romphf, children of Terry and Sharon Romphf. The Dashwood Institute is hold- ing a Euchre Party on Wednesday February 1 at 8 p.m. at the Com- munity Centre. Aaron Curtis infant son of Cur- tis and Rosemary Necb was bap- tized on Sunday at the Calvary United -Church by Rcv. Bob Sina- sac. GENERAL INSTRUMENT Complete Satellite Systems INSTALLATION - 10' Mesh - Full Remote - Programmable GENERAL INSTRUMENT BIG RED NUGGETS Nutritionally complete and bal-> anced food. Formulated to keen normally active adult do^e ?MAI ~ 0 kg. bag. 39-9C' CO.Or\ NOW L'IL RED PURR -FELT CAT FOOD licjl It •tic i11 n the SI( lit Advertising Correction On Page 4 of our„ Do It Yourself Value” .t kttf ' .6d2- tc.nat.a_C t..2taiL let as advertised. It is a standard unit. We - apologize for any inconvenience. ysifa all cats. 10 kg. bag wi 0' i, approximately 100 days. 539-301 NOW VIDEO _ = _ 2400R SATELLITE RECEIVER • Illustrations nat exactly as shown All itvtts. "c. ia.ctkt,^,e•tt^z-:- "Service You Can Depend On" EVERYONE WELCOME TO SHOP Al O-OPI Exeter District Co-op Exeter 235-2081 Ailsa Craig 293-3282 Mos tev C and .r 111k, eDODO QCC:�;:..1 Specral and Complete System s2995 or $81.00 per month 40en Stabla Audio. & NAO. 301 Main St.,Exeter 235-1520 11110118111 t