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Times -Advocate, January 25, 1989
See video- on South Africa
President Ruth Butler led our
business session. Contributions
were given for our Child of Com-,
passion from Haiti. Our Executive
for 1989 will be president - Ruth
Butler, Treasurer- Willie Yule,
Secretary: Kit Hearn.
Upcoming events of our church
were discussed and all were urged
to attend as many as possible.
January 29 - Congregational
g meeting, 7:30 p.m. Februaiy 2
St. Patrick School Marg McRoberts from the church starting at 4 p.m.
•February 7 - Pancake supper, 5 -.7
p.m. February 9 = Presbyterial
meeting at Metropolitan Church,
London; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. March 15
- Lunch out for seniors at arena at
12 noon. April 14 - beef supper at
arena, 5 - 7 p.m. •
LUCAN - The Friendship Unit of bible'story of the Samaritan woman
the U.C.W. met January 18 with meeting Jesus at the well, after
16 present including our minister, Ruth had read the scripture verses
Rev. Susan' Shclstad. President from John Chapter 4.
Ruth Butler welcomed everyone to Our U.C.W. Purpose was read by
,the first meeting in 1989. • all present. Gwen spoke on four
Gwen Lynn led in a very mean- ideas cohccrning ow purpose, Mes-
ingful and interesting worship ser- sage, Attitudes, Opportunities and
vice. Florence Young, Dorothy Activities. A lovely article on
Lankin and Gwen dramatized the Friends was read. The hymn, "What
a Friend we have In Jesus," was
n to close our Worship.
Marguerite was in
charge of the study on South Afri-
LUCAN - 1989 has begun and .ca. This was/presented with the aid
things are on the move again at St. of a video. We heard messages from -
Patrick School. The Junior Kinder- Bishop Tutu, Winnie Mandela plus
garten, Kindergarten and Grade 1 . seveial ministers and leaders of van -
classes will be visiting Fanshawe ous groups who told of the terrible
Park soon. They will be participat- hardships and challenges of the Af-
ing in some winter activities such rican people.
as :Inuit games and walking down
some nature trails.
Mrs. Laurie Doherty -Donnelly
has returned to the Grade two class-
room after having had a baby last
summbr. Welcome back! The chil-
dren in Grade two are preparing for
the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Students from the junior division,
Grades 4, 5 and.6 are enjoying their
skating program at the Lucan Arena
once a week. Also, the children in '
the Grade 4 class will soon be pre-
paring for the Sacrament of Recon-
ciliation. The intermediate classes
are busy with sports this term.
Sports: 'Volleyball - The win-
intermediate house league vol-
leyball team participated in a tour-
nament in London on December 6.
They came in first place. Congratu-
lations go to Micah Bourdcau (cap-
tain), David Damen, Christine Elli-
ott, Fraser Gatt, Laura Goertz,
Mike Haygarth, Dawne Kelly, Jo-
Anne Linehan, Paul O'Shea, Randy
Reymer and Becky VanGeel.
Basketball -_ Both the- boys' and
girls' intermediate teams have be-
gun their league games. The mem-
bers of the girls' teams are Amy
Damen, Lyndsay Dick, Laura Dus- .
kocy, Hotly Fairweather, Angela
Flanigan, Julie Jemec, Jennie Mal-
one, Kellie Maslen, Meghan
Shortt, Meghan Stansell and Lisa
Theunissen, They are coached by
Mr. Don Coleman. The boys' team
includes Micah Bourdeau, Nathan
Brown, Shaun Fairweather, Jason
Fcddema, Richard Garagozzo, Joe
Gullo, Michael Haygarth, Brian
Maslen, Paul O'Shea, Rob Pattyn,
Alan Prefontaine and Randy Reym-
er. Matt Playford is the manager
and their coach is Miss Anita Rend
Gymnastics: Members of all lev-
els - Primary, junior and intermedi-
ate have started practicing their rou-
tines for the London and Middlesex
gymnastics meet to be held at the
end of February at Fanshawe Col-
Saintsbury news
SAINTSBURY - Communion
Service was held at 11 a.m. Sun-
day. Rev. Wheeler was in charge.
Rose Cunningham was server,
Pam Greenlee read the two lessons
and Mary Davis provided music for
the hymns.
Rev. Wheeler announced the ser-
vice next Sunday will be held at
St. Thomas church , Granton at 10
o'clock followed by a breakfast
served by the men of that church.
Rev. Wheeler spoke to the chil-
dren on•cach member of our body,
how much we iced them, she il-
lustrated with a cardboard puzzle of
Mickey Mouse, each piece is need-
ed to complete the perfect picture.
She took her text from the 12
chapter of St. Paul's first letter to
the Corinthians verses 12 to 30.
`'For the body does not consist of
one member but of many." After
the service the congregation en-
joycd a coffee hour, Rose Cun-
ningham and a couple of helpers
provided the refreshments.
Visitors this week with Mrs.
Hugh Davis were Mr. George
Miller Flint, Michigan, Ralph and
$iuoii, London. Mrs.
D+r, Y• ARrre
Wheeler and Mrs. Nadene Bedell.
Mrs. Voyle Jordan entertained
her friends Mrs. Dorothy Wood-
cock and Brada and Mr. and Mrs.
Jeffrey Beaudoin of London to din-
ner. on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Davis attended a
quilting at the home of her cousin
Mrs. Greta Gibson, Lucan last
week. Mts. Mabel Needham also
attended. •
Please note the place and time of
the service. next. S't : `r•.- . •
4-H annual
dcrs' Association is holding
its annual meeting on Thursday,
January 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hu-
ronvicw Auditorium.
Reg Crossman, Direct& of Edu-
cation and Public Relations, UCO
will speak on "How the 4-H leader
can encourage a positive winning
attitude in 4-1 members".
The rest of the evening will in
elude a review of 1988 with a num •
ber of 4-H members sharing some
of their highlights, a look ahead at
1989, and the election of the new
executive. Alt 4-H leaders arc en-
couraged to attend.
Nick Getcynse
Rural Organization Specialist
Three generation Masons - The. Irving Maconic Lodge in Lucan now boasts three generations of
membership. Shown from the left are Alex Young, his son Jim, grandson Jeff and son-in-law Charles
abies Lamps,sSofas, Chairs, B P d d i g,,-=Orcasiona 1 Ch irs,Tre&iiiitti
Suites, Diningroom Suites, Sofa Beds, Entertainment Unis, Carpet
and Vinyl. Flooring, Sewing Machines, Etc.