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Page 2 Times -Advocate, January 25, 1989
Plan "horsing around" at 1989 Exeter Fall Fair
EXETER - Directors and mem-
bers of the Exeter Agriculture Soci-
cly at Friday's annual meeting de-
cided on a number of changes for
the 1989 Exctcr Fall Fair.
The theme will be Focus- on
Horses and president Adriaan Brand
himself an avid horseman said Fri- .
• day night, We sure Will be hor-
sin' around and •Irope to pull togeth-
. er.'
• - in referring to -pulling together,
Brand was talking about a proposed
heavy horse pull as the main aurae-.
tiori-lx.thc Sunday afternoon per- • •
tion of the fair. .
Director Wayne Shapton said he . - On this subject, Wayne Shapton Her speech topic was Fairs which
has been in touch with officials of said,:" It was a new adventure when she described as Fun, Abilities, In-
• the horse pull competition- and we moved the - stage into the arena. volvcment, Risks and Support.
,Sunday, .September 2 is`open to portion of the Rec. Centre and it_ • Also in attendance were retiring
include Exeter on their circuit. proved 'successfuSo, let's give District 8 directors Sylvia Knechtel
About 20 heavy teams would be this a try." .- , of.Shakcspearc and Roy Pepper of
expected to participate. Homccraft division president Ka- "'Exeter... •_
The 1959 fair is scheduled for thy Seip- was concerned_ about get-- Mrs. Knechtel. said Exeter's prize
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Scp- ting enough. help to clean up after list compares favourably with •those
t' niber 22, 23 and 2-1'- . exhibitors leave Sunday afternoon.. of other fairs in the district. _•
Brand commented, 'Thc work- - The current main executive will
load in recent years has magnified be in office for one more year. It
fdr few people. I would guess consists of president-Adriaan Brand,
there won't be a fight for brooms to- vice-president Alan Powe and ,
lean u . Personall , I ani content -Wayne Shapton, secretary -treasurer
One of the other changes ap- was an increase in admisison to b.i.
proved by directors will be moving _ In. talking about the provincial
the data of the annual fair dance to .. convention slated' for the Royal
Saturday, August 19. It will be York Hotel in Toronto on February
held at the South Huron Rec Cen- .-14,15 and 16, Dolores Shaapton
-. who is in charge of the Queen com-
Thc-membership fcc in the Soci- eptition said,. " This years theme is
ety will be 'increased to S3 per year • Changes and Challenges and we.
and admission prices will remain at will have dynamic speakers to moti-
S3 for adults: • • vale delegates and directors.'
At the next meeting, directors` .: Thc guest speaker.was Miss CNE
will be deciding whether exhibits Kathy MacNaughton of Ilderton.
will be kept at the Rcc Centre until She was also Ilderton.Fair Queen in
Sunday afternoon. At previous 1987. MacNaughton urged the for -
fairs, exhibitors took their displays mation of a fair youth committee to
home late Saturday afternoon. - plan their. own events. •
• Dear Sir:
I am writing to clarify the tcrmi-
nology that has been uscd in. recent
articles about the homemaker agen-
cies'. deficits and the homemaker
rates -
The. workers employed - by, home- -
Maker agencies are called homemak-
ers not home cart workers.
Thc Home Care Program is "the -
name .of. the. 100 percent funded •
government program, administered
in Huron. County by the Board of
Health. - .
I tome care presently buys home-.
Maker services from Town and
Country Homemakers and Para -Med
Health- Services. Other services pro-
.vidcd by Home Carc may include
visiting nursing, physiotherapy, oc-
cupational therapy, speech therapy
and other- professional and support
_ services. These services arc provided -
to qualified clients: Thc client does
not pay forany of these services as
long as they meet program guidc-
lines: - - - -
It is important to understand that
the Huron County Home Carc Pro -
grans is not out of money„
- Thc Home Care office is located
at .80 Mary Street in Clinton. If
you would like any further informa-
tion, please phone: 1-800-265-5591
or 482-3411. - Yours truly
Mrs. Elizabeth Cardno,
Director, Home Care Program.
c P y
the way it is. Gwen Coward, Homecralt president
The president indicated the Suri- Kathy .Seip and-ISchool division -
day Appaloosa horse" show would president RuthanncNegrijn.'
he continued on the Sunday. He Directors named for three.years arc -
added," We started a double point Phil McEwen, Roy Pepper, Dale
system last year and that will be "
carried on. •
Ontario Agriculture Society
Homccral't president Dolores Shap -
ton suggested the annual- Fair.
Queen competition be started at the
August 19 d ncc. She added, " We
need to make improvements in the
Queen contest including prepared
speeches,"- -
Brand 'indicated directors_ would
be taking steps. to shorten the Fri-
day evening show to allow more
time for visitors to view the exhib-
Thc midway which has been a- fi-
nancial success in the last -couple of
years has been booked againand the -
operators would like to see more
people at the fairon the Sunday.
In presenting the -financial state-
ment which included receipts. of
. S9,363.61 gross. revenue • froin the •
. midway, secretary -treasurer Gwen.
Coward said, "That's.a lot.ride-tick-
_ cts." Expenses for the midway were
Thc-overall financial -picture for
the 1988 fair was- bright with a sur-
plus of S3,193.98. Gate admissions
wcrc up by S1,5(}0, but part of this
Bruce Shaw
e all know that a great deal of humour is created when we
mix phrases, change meanings, mispronounce words and,
in short, do the unexpected. Let'slook at a few "Yogi
Bcrraisms" a phrase that could or should bc used instead
of the dated "Malapropism". or "balderdash". • Thc essence is the
Same. Here arc a few - many will no doubt be familiar,
"Baseball is 90 percent mental and 50 percent ability." "Nobody
goes there any more; it's too crowded" (i like that one because we
know exactly what he means.) "The similarities between him an
me arc different." And one that isn't Yogi's but could bc, "I forgot
tosay something last night that bears repeating today. And "Any-
one who.is popular is bound to be disliked."
Here's a good one from Bob Rac, which will Iivc in the records of
the Provincial Legislature, "1 think the Premier's abandoned the
fight completely. You could visibly hear"the sound of a towel hit-
ting the floor."' (As one may put it, the-PPrcmier may next be ac-
cused -of turrniin��g��a blind eartothe probl , - ,�.:: 4
for 130 , F-t-rT';y �.d.fr. 'rr `�+.•'.F.s!!;^, ...7a. ... w^^ ...
others use words deliberately to mislead; the U.S. government has
- hecnslpihs fore,;lrs, Nagler, words and phrases arc used to
protect, shelter and obscure. A patient's death in a hospital was re-
cently called a "diagnostic misadventure of •high magnitude".
Thc CiA refers to assassinations as "extermination with extreme
prejudices." Firing is called"de-hiring""career alternative enhance-
ment". Last October's stock market crash when billions of dollars
wcrc lost was "a fourth quarter equity retreat". 1f you ever get a
chancc, read Russell Baker's' interfacing with a Wolf' or most of
Art Buchwald s articles. Thcy arc good..
Now'the trick is to translate verbage into real language. Here is
what we really mean when we use certain phrases: reliable source"
- the guy you just met;"informed•source' - the guy who told the guy
you just met"; "what do you think?" - it really doesn't master as
on - as ou don't interfere with what we've already decided; "will
..a v . r ' " r ' ' e ti : urc it out,%%%.1l-rall you; -a
consultant" - anyone carrying a brie case; 'iiTExpert" - anyone car-
rying brief case in Tixonto;:we'll look into it" - by the time all
the red tape has been used, you and 1 wig U have forgotten about
"under consideration" - never heard of it; "it's on the agenda" - we
haven't a clue as to what % 'm-jPi tide --•ma be it will o away
before the meeting.
Lot of humour centres around your newspaper. - Read "101) Years
Ago" in the TA. Thc often quaint language belies mayhem, as-
sault, injury, life - many arc very good. Hcrc arc a few headlines
that 1 found amusing(?) "War dims hops for peace", "Lucky man
sees pal die", "Dead expected to rise", "Stiff opposition expected to
CaSheLICSN luncral piait , weeks lime Ilo okers , LeSS IIIISIlapti tllail
expected mar holiday", "Teenage prostitution problem is mounting".
These are real!
A few aphorisms that are cute: "in any sentence, everything after
'but' is the truth", "A fool and his money arc soon elected", "No
man's life, liberty, or properly arc safe while the provincial legisla-
tion is in session", "He who laughs last probably didn't get the
joke"; "for every action, there's an equal and opposite criticism"
"Everybody lies; but it doesn't matter since nobody listens".
"Never argue with a fool - people might not know the difference",
"Thc best trade plans of mice and men are equal", "The secret of
success is sincerity. Once you can find that, you've got it made".
and Mark Twain's "Always do right. it will gratify some".
End of the witty stuff. New topic next week.
Marsnau, Dianne Shapton, Wayne
Hem, Kathy Scip, Adriaan Brand
and Christine Gould. -.
Two year term directors are Les.
Cudmore, Tom Ellcrington, Linda Cann, Don Dearing, Cliff Hicks,
John -4, Alan Powe, Allan Relining', Elson Lynn, Ruthannc Ncgrjjn,
Mike Ryan and Bob Tindall while Barb Passmore, Wayne Shapton and
those serving for one year are Ray Doris Weigand.
Fair Board Executive - The .1989 executive of the Exeter Agriculture Society was named Friday night.
Back, left, Homecraft Divison president Kathy Seip,- secretary -treasurer Gwen Coward and School Fair
president "Ruthannc Negrijn. Front, first vice-president Alan Powe, president Adriaan Brand. and sec- •
and vice-president Wayne Shapton.
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