HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-01-11, Page 3Development in Grand Bend
Continued from front page
Several residents expressed opposition to the pro-
ject because all areas -around the site are single-family
units and they didn't like the impact an apartment
might have on the area, calling it a major infringe-
ment on quality of life in the area.
Because of the opposition to a high level apart-
ment, Hevey was asked about replacing the proposed
apartment with more single family dwelling units and
to do that the developer said he would have to cut
down more of the existing trees and he wanted to
leave the area in as much a natural state as possible.
Other people voiced objection to the project be-
cause of the extra traffic flow it would create. Under
the current plan all of the traffic from that area would
exit onto Lake Road and they felt that the traffic was
already bad enough during summer months.
Beach owners in the area said they were against the
proposal because of the extra people that would be
using the beach, having an extra 130 families mov-
ing into the area. 1t was suggested to have signs in
the area to point to what parts of the beach were pub-
lic and which parts were private.
- The development will be completed in phases, if
given approval. The first phase will construct the
cluster houses, then townhouses, followed by the
apartment. One resident was told that if after one
, phase was completed, Hevey could decide to abandon
the rest but Sharen told him if that happens another
developer would likely buy the site and take over.
The restaurant was brought into question by Sharen
and others because of the the noise and air pollution
it would create on Alberta Street. The original plan
was for a fast-food type restaurant but Hevey said he
would consider making it exclusively a sit-down type
which would eliminate the excess car exhaust and lit-
ter that is created by fast food establishments.
Another issue raised by residents was traffic safety.
Children use the area everyday to go to school. Hevey
said he was not prepared to install a traffic light at the
intersection of Lake Road and Highway 21. Sharen
said the village has applied to have another set of
lights installed at the corner of Highway 81 and 21
and if that happens the current lights at that corner
would be moved to Lake Road and Highway 21.
Other minor concerns also surfaced and Hevey said
he would take them all into consideration before com-
ing up with a final solution. He said his original plan
was to start selling the units this summer, with a -fall
start on construction of phase one with hopes for a
summer of 1990 occupancy.
Sharen told residents that council has three options
on this issue. The first was to pass the amendment as
recommended. The second was to turn down the pro-
posal and face the possibility of being overruled by
the Ontario Municipal Board, because the official
plan does allow for multi -family dwellings and future
development. Finally, Sharen said council might do
nothing, but Hevey still has the option of going to
the OMB.
"The present council has h4too short of time to
make any affirmative or negative decision on this is-
sue," said Sharen
Talks stall
HENSALL - Strikers continue to
walk the picket lines around Gener-
al Coach, while negotiations be-
tween the company and union have
yet tobegin:
Adam Salvona of the United Car-
penters and Joiners Local 305 dis-
puted the company's earlier claims
to be seeking a quick resolution to
the strike.
"I haven't heard a word from the
company, not a thing," said Salvo-
na, who said that as of Friday he
had been told General Coach's posi-
tion had not changed.
Workers found themselves locked
out from work nearly two weeks
ago after rejecting a two-year con-
tract offer that included a six-month
pay freeze, a 250 an hour increase
in April, and another 200 in April
1990. The workers voted against
the offer by a margin of 94 percent,
and the union described the offer as
not keeping wages in pace with in-
Salvona said the 209 picketers
were "determined" to see the strike
through to a contract "that's reason-
able and we can live with".
"Morale on the picket line is ex-
cellent," he claimed. "It would ap-
pear the company is testing the
unity and solidarity of the union."
New policing system proposed for Hensall
HENSALL - Hensall council at
their January meeting Monday
evening dealt with two delegations,
the first of which was an OPP pro-
posal to create a community-based
policing system for the village.
Exeter OPP Staff Sergeant Don
McInnes and Sergeant Wayne
Burke attended council to outline
the new system.
"It's no secret to anyone in this
room that the OPP have been per-
ceived as a drive-through police
force," said McInnes, explaining a
lack of portable radios ties officers
to their cars. A new province -wide
S128 million portable radio system
is expected to come on line by
April 20, when the, Exeter OPP
hopes to begin its community-
based policing with an officer per-
manently assigned to Hensall and
Usbome Township.
McInnes said the police only
have problems with three to five
percent of the population, and com-
munity-based policing aims at get-
ting the other 95 percent to help
deal with them.
"What we perceive as the prob-
lem may not be what you perceive
to be the problem," said McInnes,
suggesting a local problem with a
rash of stolen bicycles might affect
the quality of life in Hensall more
than a bank robbery.
The idea is to get a pul' is com-
mittee to evaluate and highlight
problems with policing in Hensall,
relay those concerns to their liaison
officer, Burke, who will in turn in-
struct the assigned officer.
"It's basically working smarter,
that's what it boils down to," said
McInnes, noting the committee
should consist of a cross section of
the community at all age levels.
He said a 13 year old might be able
to fill the police in on more prob-
lems than many adults. A represen-
tative from the local student council
often works well.
"It's the old cop -on -the -beat scen-
ario again," echoed Burke, saying
that the portable radios will give
the OPP the chance to get out of
their cars, walk the street and meet
the community. The greater pres-
ence is often a good deterrent for
crime, even if a permanent office is
financially out of the question at
the time.
Similar community-based polic-
ing arrangements are planned for
Zurich and Hay Township, and
Grand Bend and Stephen Township.
Council listened to the proposal
and agreed to discuss the appoint -
hent of a committee within the
next two or three months.
Another delegation presented an
eight -name petition to council, rais-
ing concern over a neighbours' bark-
ing dog.
"I didn't move to Hensall to hear
dogs bark,", said Larry Wood, who
has only lived in the village for a
month and a half. His complaint is
a neighbour keeps a pair of dogs in
a pen outside, and they keep him
awake at night with barking. One
of his neighbours said the dogs have
been a problem fOr about two years,
but no one has discussed it with the
dogs' owner.
Councillor Cecil Pepper, chairing
the meeting in absence of reeve Jim
Robinson, said Hensall does not
have a noise bylaw and that council
could be of little help except to
bring the problem to the attention
of the dogs' owner
Picketers dig in
HURON PARK - Ninety work-
ers at the EMAB plant are still
walking the picket line after going
on strike a week ago. Local 1620
of the Canadian Auto Workers re-
jected the chainsaw manufacturer's
contract offer of 400 payraises for
two years.
"The company is not prepared at
this point to change its mind and
the workers on the picket line
aren't about to change their mind,"
said union president Bert Rover.
"We have a stalemate at this point
and no meetings arc scheduled."
Rover said the strike might need
time before EMAB feels its effects.
Last week, management was tak-
ing inventory and no shipments
were leaving the plant.
At EMAB, Mau Berg said his
company is trying to retain a posi-
tive attitude.
"We hope that a settlement will
be reached soon," said Berg, adding
the company plans to ship its in-
ventory out and begin a limited
production schedule. He said this
meant trucks would have to cross
picket lines.
"We are definitely not looking
forward to it," he said.
The average wage of the EMAB
workers is $9.20 an hour with ben-
Times -Advocate, January 11, 1989
Page 3
Saying goodbye - With a new fire truck in the bay, Exeter fire
chief Gary Middleton (right) turns the keys for the 1961 pumper
over, to Webbwood fire chief Dan Hill (seated), and mayor Ray Ken-
nedy. Webbwood is a small community west of Espanola, where
Exeter's old pumper will replace their aging 1958 model.
Council Briefs
EXETER -Town officials are re-
minding local residents that dog
tags for 1989 must be purchased
prior to March 15.
If the status of your dog has
changed since 1988 , a call to the
municipal office at 235-0310
would be appreciated.
* * * *
As the result of a notice from
the county of Huron that a plan-
ning application fee will be in-
creased by $125 to include a
charge for an OMB hearing, coun-
cil is recommending that the local
planning advisory committee re-
view Exeter's fees for processing
applications for official plan
amendments, zoning bylaw
amendments, severances or minor
* * * *
At the request of the PUC,
council will writeoff 18 uncollect-
able sewage surcharge accounts in
the amount of $310.53.
In reply to a councillor's ques-
Mayor Bruce Shaw said,"
Some of these accounts may still
be collected. If anyone wishes to
return to town and be hooked up
for water and sewer services, these
bills must be paid first."
* * * *
In reply to a copy of a brief
from the town of Goderich con-
cerning the possible county ad-
ministrative move to Huronview
at Clinton, Reeve Bill Mickle
suggested all council members
should read it and have their views
and Concerns ready for the next
council meeting.
The brief from Goderich indicat-
ed the county seat had been there
since incorporation in 1841 and if
this historic relationship is to be
severed, it should be done only for
the most compelling reasons and
-for major and lasting public advan-
It continued, " If the county of-
fices would move to Huronview,
who benefits and who loses? Since
all the county's municipalities
would pay for the related costs,
what would be the advantages and
benefits to them and to Huron
county in general.
* * *
While discussing attendance at
annual Small Urban Municipali-
ties section of the AMO confer-
ence in Toronto in May, Deputy
Reeve Lossy Fuller urged all
councillors to attend at least one
conference or convention. She add-
ed, " It's not only the convention
that is important, but the informa-
tion one receives from respresenta-
tives of other municipalities in be-
tween sessions.
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