HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-01-04, Page 19?4. i GUARANTEED RESULTS /►`` S - STE SHr VA°ISA a0 CiU RCARDr N•4~wive, ber Y°-„,,, •rd nuT NOW You Can Place Your Ad Anytime aur F al od 10 9've YOU 014 10 us roress.orr. !sono • Mon to rn e f 1 el .1. nor conreNe r ansk us .voce howe•er Ofd onyrime a" we 11 hove then c0ll anywQY r message omit PonlrO,�,ro leave your o e n t netts oder ro for your odse the meas nsue ass and charge ca your ourornottc&Hog A. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT • SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.25 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS $6.25 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pric- es count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $8.00. 150 per word there- after. SUBSEQUENT INSER- TiONS - No copy changes, 150 per word, minimum $4.00. BIRTHS 30 words $8.00. 15c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $8.00, each additional word 15c. IN MEMORIAMS - $9.00 plus 25c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $8.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $8.00, additional words 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. ViSA Phone 235-1331 WITH OUR $8 SUPER AD!! (Private non-commercial ads only) Advertisers want ono thing ... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of S7.00 we 1 run your ad in our newspa- per until you get the results you want. All you do is cal( us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use o price for whatever you are advertising. it you do not get results by the fol- lowing weekend. call us on Monday and wo'll gaol y re- peat the ad at no charge. And well keep running the ad as long as you want. (Excluding real estate), Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers At No In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus Charge! I. CALL YS AT 435.1331 Ihs+d VISA classifications 1 lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Ilclp Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vch. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 I.cgal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 1 Lost, Strayed STILL LOST: Lost one year ago in the Kirkton area, small grey and black striped female cat. Would the lady who called Dec. 31 please call back. Phone 227-4874.(51:52c) 3 Situations Wanted 9-5 MAiD SERVICE 7 days a week. Phone 235-2187. (52-3c) FREE: 1988 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. PART TIME CUSTODIAN required for Kirkton-Woodham Community , Centre Hall Applications in writing will be re- ceived until January 14th, 1989 b Albert Weernink, RR1, Kirkton, Ont. NOK 1K0 Telephone 229-8219 Manager/Owner Local automotive -related business has an excellent opportunity for someone who has a mechanical apti- tude. This position represents good potential for the right individual. Please apply in complete confirian • tsox 62P • Exeter Times -Advocate, P.O. box 850, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 , Godfather Pizza Franchise Opportunity Now 50 Locations across Ontario ' Turnkey operations • Easy Bank Financing • Complete training & ongoing support Earn from $40,000.00 to $80,000.00 per year A new location now available in Exeter CaII John Meert Franchise Department (519) 652-2271 4 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED PAINTER required temporary. Call 238-2555. (1*) MEDICAL OFFICE AID required please send resume to Box 101, Grand Bend, NOM 1TO. (lc) CEMENT FINISHER. Responsible individual wanted for cement placing and finishing, driver's licence with good record a must. Experience preferred but willing to train. Competitive wages based on experience and full benefit plan. Call 1-800-265-1776 or 1-482-3431 Annette. (1-4c) ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL FLOOR CLEANERS - Darlings IGA Exeter and LUcan arc accepting bids for floor cleaning on a weekly basis. For -more information contact Jeff Darling 235-0429 (lc) • CAREER IN TRUCKING - transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A licence. For free information session and job placement • information contact Mery Orr's London 1-800-265-3559. (35tfn) POSITIONS OPEN for experienced bar help. Apply in person at Exeter Tavern, 58 Main St. N. Exeter. (47tfn) MATURE PERSON to work in Pinery Park store for winter skiing. Must be capable of handling fast food service. Must be. flexible. Can work into full time after June 1st. Send resume to Memcr's Meats, Dashwood. Phone 237-3677. (52-2c) TELEMARKETING Directors. Fulltime positions, no experience necessary. Possible earnings 5750/week and up. Vehicle required due to some travel. Couples, students welcome. Phone (416) 476-2307. ATTENTION: Mothers and Homemakers. No. 1 company in Education field has openings now, due to Special - 7 Week Promotion. Outstanding income opportunity; full or part time hours. Test this potential career during the high income generating period. Equal opportunity employer. Call or write (416) 624-5774 , London (519) 657-1891. J.. 1lleth, 966 Pantcra Dr. #15, Mississauga, Ont. L4W 2S1. PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSISTANT Do you like meeting people - Can you type - Lay out Theatre programs and sell advertising -. Do you enjoy working with the media? Huron Country Playhouse has a job for you. Duties commencing early Marsh: Please forward resume by January 16 to: Tim Davisson, General Manager, Huron Country Playhouse, Grand Bend,Onta;io NOM ITO. (lc)' URGENTLY NEED dependable person to handle Exeter arca for Canadian oil co. We train. Write A.H. Dickerson, Pres., SWEPCO, 87 West Dr. Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. (1c) Kenitucky fried ek*K . MANAGER TRAINEES Have you considered trading up to a Career? A Career that gives you great opportunity for ad- vancement, training, access to group benefits including dental, job security and a competitive starting salary of $16,200 per year with regular reviews. If you have, we want to hear from you. We are looking for ambitious individuals to take part in a proven training pro- _ ,_. ylaiil illdt can have you climb ing the ladder of success to a manager's position. Please apply in person to the store manager at: Kentucky Fried Chicken 227 Main ST. N., Exeter or submit your resume t Personnel Manager 316 Marsland Drive Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z1 4 Help Wanted YOUR FUTURE starts with... Tri County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible. 1-800-265-0400. 5 Business Opportunities LEARN AUCTIONEERiNG at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class February 18-25, 1989. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR5 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. Go Into Business For Yourself...With Us. Looking for job satisfaction and above average income? join the leader. We offer: • expert training • guaranteed starting income • existing client base • excellent benefits • unlimited opportunity Build a successful business marketing 'i'he Prudential's wide range of insurance and financial services products. Call our London Office collect: 271-5880 The Prudential 4,* Insurance & Financial Services Employment Opportunity' The Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System has an opening for a combination in- staller and technician. Duties to include installation and re- pair of telephone services, cable splicing and repair, construction work and C.O. maintenance. Applicants must be self -motivated and aggressive. Experience would be an asset but not necessary as training will be available. Applications and resumes stating qualifica- tions and experience must be in the hands of the Secre- tary -Treasurer by January 10, 1989: Attractive salary and benefits package available to the right individual. Duties to begin immediately. Please forward annl)r•�h" s,mtatiy -t narked a$ to contents to: Tuckersmith Municipal Tele- phone System R.R.ff1 Varna, Ontario NOM 2R0 Attention: Mel Graham, Secretary -Treasurer (519) 233-9908 Times -Advocate, January 4, 1989 Page 19 5 Business Opportunities "HAINSIL" Recovers dying trees! Bill Haines expresses his Thanks for the telephone and letter interest following Radio Tgle.vision and News Media country wide exposure of " liainsil" Organic Tree and Plant Recovery Treatment for Atmospheric and Acid Rain Damaged Trees. We have pleasure in announcing that " Hainsil'' will be in production and available for 1989 Treaument early in the new year. Enquiries; "Hainsil" Inc. • P.O. Box 834, Vankleck. Hill, Ont. KOB IRO. STUDENTS: If working from April to August in Europe appeals to you and you re between 19-28• and have prttcticaj ramming experience apply to: IAEA, 206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB T2T 0E2. 111111 [ I para. me HEALTH SERVICES A Community Health Care Centre is in need of HOME SUPPORT WORKERS (HOMEMAKERS) Exeter and Surrounding area to assist the elderly & disabled adults at home NEED: • good maintenance skills • good communication skills • training provided • car essential Call Collect at 524-5346 WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC • Ford experience an asset but not essential • $15 per hour flat rate • $600 per week starting guarantee • Company benefits • Position to be filled immediately CONTACT DAVE PARTRIDGE at 235-0101- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MILES FORD SALES, EXETER VON London - St. Thomas Co-ordinator, - Seniors Community Project The VON is seeking a full-time co-ordinator to con- duct a needs survey of seniors and to assist with home support program development in rural Mid- dlesex County under the direction of a community based advisory committee. Qualifications: Keen interes, n seniors. leadership and group skills,extensive experience with volun- teers and community c ou')s, excellent coir munica- tions skills (oral and written), post secondary educa- tion in health or social services an asset, are required. Send resume by Monday, January 16, 1989 to: Executive Director,. VON, 700 York St., London, Ontario N5W 2SA HURON EMPLOYMENT LIAISON PROGRAM The Huron Employment Liaison Program is a new organization with the goat of developing employment opportunities n Huron The program requires an Office Manager to direct all clerical. bookkeeping and secretarial functions and Place- ment Coordrnato Counsellors) to provide counseling and employment prepara• trop training top ri clpanls HELP is a smoke-free environment with plans to locate centrally in Huron County • OFFICE MANAGER The Office Manager will be responsible for day -today managemenibl the HELP office under the direction of the Program Manager This will include' organizing and maintaining en efficient office: performing clerical. bookkeeping and recep- tion dupes. preparing and maintaining payroll records. purchasing and keeping . records of equipment and supplies. scheduling meetings, typing reports and documents: establishing and maintaining hang system. developing a resource library; providing salormation and referral to callers. and. supervising other clerical personnel from time to time - The Office Manage, will have the following quaahca' -- < related post -secondary education. three years' office managemenlicterrc.. pnce"supervisory ex- perience familiarity with government I. - ,- and bookkeeping training and expenence. word processin • • -rdratrve. discre- tion and Judgement; ability to meet dear. , •o work independently or in a team ' Salary commensurate wirth.gl. 1. ' - - between $18.000-$24.000. PLACEMEN I L;OORD!NA TOR/ COUNSEL L OR(s) Under the direction of the Program Manager the Placement.coaop.,0,1 participants. design training programs: search obt and identity polenhat employers for work placements: assess all appttranfs to the program. monitor and evaluale trainee progress: and: mamma • ri with other community agencies and businesses The Placement Coord+natdrCnunseitorlsl is have the lollowrng:quahfrcations a Bachelor of Social .Work or the equivas rr education and/or experience.' knowledge of local services and programs: proven counsermg and training stills: fermirarrfy wrfh and sensitivity to the employment' disadvantaged: excellent ver - bat and wniten cpm unncar r• Iia collection and reporting skills: and, ability to work as a tea .• :•mbe Salary commensurate with qua!',c ,, no ns and expenence between .528.000432.000 Anyone ,'rerested in the above positrons should apply by January 20. 1989 to PROGRAM MANAGER/HURON EMPLOYMENT' (_JAJSON PROGRAM c/o Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street, Godertch. Ontario N7A 3V4 BUSINESS OFPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESS' AVAILABLE! FOR INFORMATION ON HOW YOU, TOO, CAN JOIN THE MAC'S SUCCESS TEAM, CALL OR WRITE: 1112 DEARNESS DRIVE, LONDON, ONTARIO N6E 1N9 (519) 686-0804 ELECTRICIANS Pro Electric Inc. is a leading electrical contractor in London, Onta- rio. As a result of our continued growth, we require a number of ap- prentices and licensed electricians with residential and commercial experience. We invite you to contact our firm and explore these career opportu- nities. You will be impressed with our wages ($17.25 per hr.) bene- fits and working environment. 11 you would like to join our team and if you believe that quality and teamwork count, give us a call or forward a resume in confidence to: K. Haagsma ELECTRIC PRO INC. fito141 Falcon Street, London, Ontario NSW 4Z2 (519) 451-8740 London: A Great Place to Live 4 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED PAINTER required temporary. Call 238-2555. (1*) MEDICAL OFFICE AID required please send resume to Box 101, Grand Bend, NOM 1TO. (lc) CEMENT FINISHER. Responsible individual wanted for cement placing and finishing, driver's licence with good record a must. Experience preferred but willing to train. Competitive wages based on experience and full benefit plan. Call 1-800-265-1776 or 1-482-3431 Annette. (1-4c) ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL FLOOR CLEANERS - Darlings IGA Exeter and LUcan arc accepting bids for floor cleaning on a weekly basis. For -more information contact Jeff Darling 235-0429 (lc) • CAREER IN TRUCKING - transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A licence. For free information session and job placement • information contact Mery Orr's London 1-800-265-3559. (35tfn) POSITIONS OPEN for experienced bar help. Apply in person at Exeter Tavern, 58 Main St. N. Exeter. (47tfn) MATURE PERSON to work in Pinery Park store for winter skiing. Must be capable of handling fast food service. Must be. flexible. Can work into full time after June 1st. Send resume to Memcr's Meats, Dashwood. Phone 237-3677. (52-2c) TELEMARKETING Directors. Fulltime positions, no experience necessary. Possible earnings 5750/week and up. Vehicle required due to some travel. Couples, students welcome. Phone (416) 476-2307. ATTENTION: Mothers and Homemakers. No. 1 company in Education field has openings now, due to Special - 7 Week Promotion. Outstanding income opportunity; full or part time hours. Test this potential career during the high income generating period. Equal opportunity employer. Call or write (416) 624-5774 , London (519) 657-1891. J.. 1lleth, 966 Pantcra Dr. #15, Mississauga, Ont. L4W 2S1. PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSISTANT Do you like meeting people - Can you type - Lay out Theatre programs and sell advertising -. Do you enjoy working with the media? Huron Country Playhouse has a job for you. Duties commencing early Marsh: Please forward resume by January 16 to: Tim Davisson, General Manager, Huron Country Playhouse, Grand Bend,Onta;io NOM ITO. (lc)' URGENTLY NEED dependable person to handle Exeter arca for Canadian oil co. We train. Write A.H. Dickerson, Pres., SWEPCO, 87 West Dr. Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. (1c) Kenitucky fried ek*K . MANAGER TRAINEES Have you considered trading up to a Career? A Career that gives you great opportunity for ad- vancement, training, access to group benefits including dental, job security and a competitive starting salary of $16,200 per year with regular reviews. If you have, we want to hear from you. We are looking for ambitious individuals to take part in a proven training pro- _ ,_. ylaiil illdt can have you climb ing the ladder of success to a manager's position. Please apply in person to the store manager at: Kentucky Fried Chicken 227 Main ST. N., Exeter or submit your resume t Personnel Manager 316 Marsland Drive Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z1 4 Help Wanted YOUR FUTURE starts with... Tri County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible. 1-800-265-0400. 5 Business Opportunities LEARN AUCTIONEERiNG at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class February 18-25, 1989. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR5 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. Go Into Business For Yourself...With Us. Looking for job satisfaction and above average income? join the leader. We offer: • expert training • guaranteed starting income • existing client base • excellent benefits • unlimited opportunity Build a successful business marketing 'i'he Prudential's wide range of insurance and financial services products. Call our London Office collect: 271-5880 The Prudential 4,* Insurance & Financial Services Employment Opportunity' The Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System has an opening for a combination in- staller and technician. Duties to include installation and re- pair of telephone services, cable splicing and repair, construction work and C.O. maintenance. Applicants must be self -motivated and aggressive. Experience would be an asset but not necessary as training will be available. Applications and resumes stating qualifica- tions and experience must be in the hands of the Secre- tary -Treasurer by January 10, 1989: Attractive salary and benefits package available to the right individual. Duties to begin immediately. Please forward annl)r•�h" s,mtatiy -t narked a$ to contents to: Tuckersmith Municipal Tele- phone System R.R.ff1 Varna, Ontario NOM 2R0 Attention: Mel Graham, Secretary -Treasurer (519) 233-9908 Times -Advocate, January 4, 1989 Page 19 5 Business Opportunities "HAINSIL" Recovers dying trees! Bill Haines expresses his Thanks for the telephone and letter interest following Radio Tgle.vision and News Media country wide exposure of " liainsil" Organic Tree and Plant Recovery Treatment for Atmospheric and Acid Rain Damaged Trees. We have pleasure in announcing that " Hainsil'' will be in production and available for 1989 Treaument early in the new year. Enquiries; "Hainsil" Inc. • P.O. Box 834, Vankleck. Hill, Ont. KOB IRO. STUDENTS: If working from April to August in Europe appeals to you and you re between 19-28• and have prttcticaj ramming experience apply to: IAEA, 206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB T2T 0E2. 111111 [ I para. me HEALTH SERVICES A Community Health Care Centre is in need of HOME SUPPORT WORKERS (HOMEMAKERS) Exeter and Surrounding area to assist the elderly & disabled adults at home NEED: • good maintenance skills • good communication skills • training provided • car essential Call Collect at 524-5346 WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC • Ford experience an asset but not essential • $15 per hour flat rate • $600 per week starting guarantee • Company benefits • Position to be filled immediately CONTACT DAVE PARTRIDGE at 235-0101- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MILES FORD SALES, EXETER VON London - St. Thomas Co-ordinator, - Seniors Community Project The VON is seeking a full-time co-ordinator to con- duct a needs survey of seniors and to assist with home support program development in rural Mid- dlesex County under the direction of a community based advisory committee. Qualifications: Keen interes, n seniors. leadership and group skills,extensive experience with volun- teers and community c ou')s, excellent coir munica- tions skills (oral and written), post secondary educa- tion in health or social services an asset, are required. Send resume by Monday, January 16, 1989 to: Executive Director,. VON, 700 York St., London, Ontario N5W 2SA HURON EMPLOYMENT LIAISON PROGRAM The Huron Employment Liaison Program is a new organization with the goat of developing employment opportunities n Huron The program requires an Office Manager to direct all clerical. bookkeeping and secretarial functions and Place- ment Coordrnato Counsellors) to provide counseling and employment prepara• trop training top ri clpanls HELP is a smoke-free environment with plans to locate centrally in Huron County • OFFICE MANAGER The Office Manager will be responsible for day -today managemenibl the HELP office under the direction of the Program Manager This will include' organizing and maintaining en efficient office: performing clerical. bookkeeping and recep- tion dupes. preparing and maintaining payroll records. purchasing and keeping . records of equipment and supplies. scheduling meetings, typing reports and documents: establishing and maintaining hang system. developing a resource library; providing salormation and referral to callers. and. supervising other clerical personnel from time to time - The Office Manage, will have the following quaahca' -- < related post -secondary education. three years' office managemenlicterrc.. pnce"supervisory ex- perience familiarity with government I. - ,- and bookkeeping training and expenence. word processin • • -rdratrve. discre- tion and Judgement; ability to meet dear. , •o work independently or in a team ' Salary commensurate wirth.gl. 1. ' - - between $18.000-$24.000. PLACEMEN I L;OORD!NA TOR/ COUNSEL L OR(s) Under the direction of the Program Manager the Placement.coaop.,0,1 participants. design training programs: search obt and identity polenhat employers for work placements: assess all appttranfs to the program. monitor and evaluale trainee progress: and: mamma • ri with other community agencies and businesses The Placement Coord+natdrCnunseitorlsl is have the lollowrng:quahfrcations a Bachelor of Social .Work or the equivas rr education and/or experience.' knowledge of local services and programs: proven counsermg and training stills: fermirarrfy wrfh and sensitivity to the employment' disadvantaged: excellent ver - bat and wniten cpm unncar r• Iia collection and reporting skills: and, ability to work as a tea .• :•mbe Salary commensurate with qua!',c ,, no ns and expenence between .528.000432.000 Anyone ,'rerested in the above positrons should apply by January 20. 1989 to PROGRAM MANAGER/HURON EMPLOYMENT' (_JAJSON PROGRAM c/o Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street, Godertch. Ontario N7A 3V4 BUSINESS OFPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESS' AVAILABLE! FOR INFORMATION ON HOW YOU, TOO, CAN JOIN THE MAC'S SUCCESS TEAM, CALL OR WRITE: 1112 DEARNESS DRIVE, LONDON, ONTARIO N6E 1N9 (519) 686-0804