HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 43 (2)Shipka area folk
• view Simcoe lights
Those from this area who
were on the one day bus trip
to the "Festival of Lights"
for the tour of Simcoe's
Christmas Panorama were
Oscar and Laura Miller,
Thelma Beierling, Doris
Sweitzer, Mabel Guenther
and Annie Morenz.
On the way down a stop
was made at Coyle's Factory
Outlet, a fabulous shopping
centre and the group stopped
in Tillsonburg for supper.
This year's Panorama
featured 68 displays. Simcoe,
situated on the Lynn River,
has taken advantage of its
scenic setting, using the
water as a reflector for the
thousands of lights in the
At a coffee break stop in
Thamesford, on the way
home, the Shipka folks were
surprised to meet Sheila
Massie at work in the
restaurant. Sheila and
husband Bill and their two
sons, lived some years in
Shipka and operated the
General store here.
A lively hymn sing of
Christmas Carols was en-
joyed on the way home.
Another friend and former
Shipka area resident, that
the Shipka folks met and
visited with was Chris
Baumgarten, taking the bus
trip from his area.
It is estimated that Simcoe
will host more than 250 bus
loads this year from as far as
Buffalo in U.S. and many
parts of Ontario.
Fermon and Leota Snyder
were dinner guests, Sunday,
in Elmira with Mr. and Mrs.
Cleason Martin.
Maurice and Mary Lou
Desjardine were supper
guests, Sunday, with Trellis
Little and Earl Stebbins.
Doreen and Harold Fink-
beiner, accompanied by
their aunt, Mrs. Leah
Keyes, of Exeter, were
guests Sunday, in London,
with Lila and Tommy
Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Ferguson, and Ryan, of St.
Marys visited Sunday with
their uncle Herbert Harlton
and cousins Lorne and
Dorothy Fenner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kingma
returned home Monday from
a six week trip to Holland.
They visited her 86 year- Well, the year 1979 is
old mother Mrs. Elsie Talma quickly drawing to a close,
in Freisland; John's brother, and with the new year, un -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kingma is fortunately, the closing of
Draichten and John's sister the Stephen Neighbourhood
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Jellesna in Resource Centre quickly
Nijnegen. • approaches.
The centre has operated
for the past year under a
Canada Works Project to set
up counselling service,
agency referrals. recreation
programs and a nursery
school for Stephen Township.
The cancellation of the
grant program and lack of
Times- Advocate, December 19, 1979
Page T
Mary's Hair Styling
83 Main St. N. Exeter
Phone 235-0678
PERMS Reg. 525.00 For ;22'"
PERMS Reg. '-18.00 For $16°°
PERMS Reg. 51 5.00 For
Prices Effective Until December 22/79
The Exeter Public School primary choir
Nursery school continues
Stephen resource centre closing
�tl r+a ivv,wts aft cora 07tl07tt ons wd clstl 0743 07tl 0743 0743 07ncwt, 07x 07•
More mon ever, or g
Christmas, home is
where rhe heart is. In rhe
special bond of friendship,
we pray your hearts and `$
homes ore filled with peace g
and happinessg
The Management and
staff at g
EXETER 235-2420
GRAND BEND 238-8484
CLINTON 482-9747
of the
Real Estate
,Q111Wtl =N3 Vxa ca - -, =c3 Vtl =U
Why I'm Fortunate
to be Me
Grade 6
Exeter Public
I am fortunate to be me
because I do not live in Iran,
and I am not one of the
hostages. We also live in a
free country.
I have a good school and
exellent education and
mostly all the teachers are
nice. The South American
area does not have enough
to go around, but we have
more than enough.
I am lucky that my
parents can afford to buy me
clothes and other things fon
me. They can give me a full
stocking for Christmas. For
my birthday 1 get a lot. Even
at Easter I get a teeshirt. My
family can afford to buy pets
and be able to feed them.
I am lucky that we have
enough food so I can stay
alive. I am able to read
anything I want and write
anything. I am fortunate that
we are not under strict or-
ders and if you say
something mean to a king,
queen or governor you will
not be put in jail.
I am glad that I am me.
arta 11,
r r--- n rr -w
futt'1re funding have forced
us to close down the centre,
with our last day of operation
set for January 4, 1980. The
nursery school however, will
continue under funding from
community and social
services day care division.
We would like to take this
opportunity to thank
everyone involved with the
centre this year; those who
sponsored our projects, gave
donations, sat on committees
and volunteered their time to
make our project work.
Thank you for your support
and it has been a pleasure to
work with the people of
The Stephen Township
arena had a very successful
official opening celebration
on Sunday night. Lots of
youngsters were out to
participate in the broomball
game and catch a glimpse of
"jolly old St. Nick."
Activities at the Stephen
arena this week include the
Centralia Marauders,
playing host to Kettle Point
on Thursday night at 8:30
p.m. to We remind all figure
skaters that there will be no
lessons on December 22 or 29
over the holidays. Lessons
Christmas Time
Grade 5
Stephen Central
Christmas time, best time of
the year,
Singing from the church we
Opening present. suprised at
what we get,
What fun you will have yet.
Soon comes New Year's eve,
What fun you have had, you
better believe.
Then comes the worst time
of the year
When the holidays are over
and back to school is near.
4 -
Best Wishes For A
Happy Holiday Season
277 MAIN ST.
(Across from Bank
of Nova Scotia)
CALL 235-2144 — pp
will resume on Saturday,
January 5.
Stephen Nursery school
youngsters will be having
their Christmas parties on
' Thursday and Friday of this
week and rumour has it that
Santa himself will be on hand
with some goodies for the
The Opti -Mrs. would like to
thank all those who donated
items to their "Christmas
Baskets for Needy
Families" project. I'm sure
your donations will help
these families have a
Merrier Christmas.
We would also like to thank
the Times Advocate for
printing our news each week
and covering many of our
special events throughout
the year.
In closing, we wish
everyone a Merry Christmas
and all the best in 1980.
The Stephen Resource
Centre Staff
Liz Beatty
Dawn McLean
Lynne Farquhar
All This Week
...where the gifts of today are sold with the
charm and friendliness of yesterday...
- Watch
- Ring
- Pen
- Lighter
- Stein
- Gold Chain
- Cuff Links
- Travel Alarm
- Desk Set
- Pendant
00 (N\Valto
HOURS: DAILY 9-9, SAT. 9-5:30, MON., DEC. 24 9-5