HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 28 (2)GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr EXETER 2350281 (;. II. \W AIZI) l'Irurlc•rc'(1 • ((Y,U.IIUri15 476 Main Si., South Exeter, Ontario 235 0120 Resident Partner A.W. Read, C.A. Home Telephone 2388075 Manager J S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone 235 1734 Pogo AA Times -Advocate. December 12, 1979 Lucan' and district news Iva M. Hodgins 227-4714 DOCTOR HONOURED Dr E :rl Patterson was honoured by Lucon council recently for his dedicated ser'.,ce to the community for the post 39 years. Above, Dr. Patterson receives a gift from the mun,cipoh•y from reeve Ivan Hearn. T -A photo Police investigate breakins, accidents During the past week officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police in- vestigated 53 general oc- currences. Included were four breakins with property stolen valued at ;675. Of this amount $300 has been recovered and three persons charged. Seven accidents were investigated during the week with damages totalling 520.100. Saturday at 8:50 p.m. Seniors plan for Christmas dinner Members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups of the Lucan Sr. Citizens' Club met on Thursday afternoon in the Club Rooms. with the president, Mildred Hirtzel. presiding for a brief business meeting. More monies were collected for the Christmas Dinner Thursday. December 20 in the lower hall of Holy Trinity Anglican Church and tickets for same were distributed by Mary K000y A vote of thanks was given Ferlin Sovereign for making the tickets. If you do not have yours yet. tomorrow. Thursday. is the deadlinf• Please contact Mary Kooy at 228-6206. Ed. Dowdall and John Park offered to pick up anyone who needs tran- sportation. Please call the president at 228-6731. and advise her of your need for a ride. Christmas carols were enjoyed prior to cards and crafts. Prize winners were Lady's High. Helen McDonald; Lone Hands. Kay Neil ; Low, Charlotte Barker ; Man's High. Ed Armstrong: Lone Hands. Edythe Murdy, playinga man's card. and Low score. John Park. The social convener. Marjorie Steeper. had made the low score prizes. little stockings with a candy cane etc . in them The Busy Buddies con- tinued their ceramics classes. with only one more to go tomorrow. Thursday. Verna ihbitson won a prize for a "Name Bingo" game directed by the social con- vener. in the Crafts group. Lunch was provided by Edythe Murdy. Reta and Luther Morley and Kathleen Neil. 1 187: I.r 1i4;r Don't Leave Your Christmas Shopping To The Last Minute. Come on in and choose from the wide variety you'll find at Crafts N' Things We hove a large selec ton of ' CERAMICS or.red to fit every budget • CRIBBAGE BOARDS Table styled' ' DEACON BENCHES S65 00 •:ornporel • DECORATIVE CANDLES t.1Pw stock ' SPOON RACKS of all shapes and sizes, • CHRISTMAS TREES I2 sizes1 Ceramic Don't be disappointed. Hurry in for best selection , POINSETTIAS 4 & 5 blooms only 53.00 OPEN DAILY 9-4:30 Sat. 11-4:30 Friday & Saturday nights til 9:00 p.m. 2 miles west of Elginfield on Hwy 7 ATIVIIIYZerfr vehicles driven by Jerry Giesen. RR 2, Lucan and Mark Bishop. Exeter cdllided on Highway 4. Constable T.C. Chapman set damages at $3,000. At 12:35 p.m. Friday, Constable D. Stables listed damages at 82,000 when vehicles driven by Apostolas Boundivas. London and Douglas Trudgeon, RR 1 Thorndale were in collision on Concession 1 in West Nissouri township. Vehicles driven by John Herbert. London and Adrian Van Geel, RR 3, Lucan collided at 8:35 a.m. Thur- sday on Highway 4 in London township. Constable J. Craig estimated damages at 82,500. A vehicle driven by Penelope Howitt. RR 1. Granton struck a pig on Highway 23 in Biddulph township at 6:35 p.m. Wednesday. Damages were listed at 8900 by Constable B.D. Munro. Minor injuries were suf- fered by Jean and Keith Hallman. RR 1, Kincardine when their vehicle struck one driven byKnnethElgie, Thamesford on County road 27 at 3:25 p.m. Tuesday. Constable T.C. Chapman set damages at 89.000. Vehicles driven by Milton Taylor, Exeter and Barry Taylor. St. Marys collided at 11:25 a.m. Sunday on the Usborne-Biddulph townline. Damages were listed at 8700 by Constable D. Stables. At 3:45 p.m. Saturday a vehicle driven by Bent Hansen, RR I, ilderton left Concession 9 in London township. Constable Stables estimated damages at 82.000. Delivered more than 2, 500 babies Travelled 750,000 miles to London Dr. Patterson honoured on retirement Dr. Earl (Pat) Patterson who retired from his medical practice in Lucan a couple of months ago said this week that he is just beginning to be able to relax. In an interview with the T- A, Dr. Patterson said, "I was forced to close my practice as of August 31 because of i11 health and I felt guilty for awhile, but, now I am getting used to it." "Some of my friends wanted me to continue on a two day a week basis. But, that wouldn't work. I would still be on call 24 hours a day for those two day a week patients" continued Dr. Patterson. Dr. Patterson took over the practice of Dr. Soper on October 16, 1940 and served Lucan and community continuously until his recent retirement. He reminisced about his first days in Lucan saying, "1 arrived in Lucan on a cold, crisp and cloudless day in October. 1 had filled in for Dr. Kipp in Granton for a couple of months before coming here. During the war years, building was at a standstill so i had to use the dining room of our house on Main street for an office. It wasn't until 1948 that we could get a contractor to get renovations completed. My wife Anne and I spent the winter of 19.46-17 designing the office. We used reams of 'paper and hundreds of pencils. By October 1 of 1947 I was able to get my patients out of the hallway." During his 39 year stay in Lucan, Dr. Patterson estimates he drove 750,004 miles between Lucan and London. He added," Some days I would make as many as four trips a day to London and for awhile in August of 1964 I would handle my regular practice during the day and spend the evenings at St. Joseph's Hospital in London." When Dr. Patterson came to Lucan the population was only 525. Now it's in excess of Mens,ladies groups at Revival Centre Thursday evening the Men's Fellowshipjoined with the Women's Auxiliary of Lucan Revival Centre for a Christmas meeting. While Mrs. Lorraine Armitage played the piano, Harold Fletcher on his guitar. Mrs. June Henry and Mrs. Geri Fletcher led in chorus and carol singing. Mrs. Toni Davies gave a Scripture smorgasbord• Starting withhors d'oeuvres she told how important rejoicing starts the Christian life. Main course is rejoicing. along with joy. Dessert is hope, the Christian's expectancy. Mr. Bill Davies spoke about wise men of today, who are those who live looking for Jesus. Harold Fletcher sang and led in singing until lunch was served. For the Sunday morning service Bruce Shaw led the singing. Rev. Ray Brewster spoke from 1 Timothy. The faithful saying Paul talks of here is that Jesus came to save sinners . Jesus left the glories of heaven, gave his life on the cross, so that we could escape the eternal separation from God in hell. instead He gave us abundant life. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church so that when storms come the church stands. We who build on Jesus also stand in the storms of life. Sunday evening the Sunday School put on the Christmas program. Rev. Ray Brewster led in carols until the children were ready. With Mr. Larry McGill playing piano, they opened singing "Allelia." The girls choir led by Judy Henry sang "Holy is the Father God," using sign language. Danny Gilliard was monitor reading the story of man's relationship with God, with theme "The Gift." Three young men carried a huge wr a pped box to the plat- form., marked "For You." Junior boys told of prophecies concerning this Gift, until Joseph received the message his betrothed Mary was going to give birth to Jesus. FIRE CALL The Lucan volunteer fire department answered an early morning call Saturday. to the Shillelagh Motor Hotel. No damage resulted. Girls choir then sang "Emmanuel." Shepherds and angels sang" There is a Wonder in the Sky." Wise men. led by a camel man came in singing "King of kings." Using puppets Joan Lockyer and children sang "Hosanna to the King." Girls choir sang "Make me like Jesus too." A young dressed in purple robe with cuts on him came up the aisle showing Jesus going to die on the cross. Then an angel told the women at the tomb that Jesus was risen. As Joan Lockyer sang "Thank You very Much", James Henry opened the huge box, showing Jesus' birthplace, a manger. All the cast gathered with lit can- dles singing "Thank You Very Much." Jesus is the Gift to all mankind. As a tribute Judy Henry for all the work she gave in children's Church, and the Christmas program. she was presented with a gift from the Sunday school. 1,600. He continued, "In the early years there was only myself, Dr. Fred Kipp in Granton and Dr. Ed Letts in Ailsa Craig to take care of the entire area. In Exeter it was Dr. Dunlop and Flet- cher." Asked about the number of babies he has delivered, Dr. Patterson replied, "It would be between 2,500 and 3,000. In recent years I have delivered babies of children I brought into the world, in the early years. When that happens it's time to quit." Carrying on he said, "When the weather was the stormiest, you could count on a baby case. In the last few years the character of my practice changed with fewer obstetric cases as my age increased. New mothers looked for younger doctors." In his first years in Lucan, Dr. Patterson found Sunday was the busiest day of the week "People would be out for a drive Sunday afternoon and decide it would be a good time for a blood count or blood pressure taking," he added. "i got around that by going away for the weekend and corning back Monday morning. but. I would find marks on my door where people were trying to rouse me." Dr. Patterson remembers two Christmas seasons in particular where he missed Christmas and New Year's dinners at home because of calls to the hospital. He suffered a coronary in 1973. but, was able to con- tinue his practice after a short rest. He offered, "i haven't carried a snow shovel in my car since that time. I remember calling the Ontario Motor League for assistance three times in one day. I now am a charter member of that organization and have a sticker to prove it." Dr. Patterson was very dedicated when it came to house calls. He told the T -A. "I made house calls to the very last day of my practice. 1 have no patience with doctorsw•hodon'tmake house calls. They are a very im- portant part of any prac- tice." He talked about specialization medicine Missions at UC In her Mission Service minute talk. Marjorie Park reported that 88 percent of the congregation's M. and S. goal for 1979 has been achieved. She urged that members demonstrate the true spirit of Christmas by giving to help their brothers and sisters in need throughout the world. Shirley. Jones and Mary DeGraw sang the lovely duet "Redeeming Love". Rev. Keith Brown continued his series on the Christian Life, basing his message on the latter part of Romans 12. "Offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to God in- volves an attitude of genuine Christian love to other people."he said. This love must be af- fectionate - the sort a parent would have for his child. It must be a love which is eager to give honour to others, one which generously shares belongings and hospitality with those who need it. To those who are enemies, it is the Christian's duty to respond with a love which returns good for evil. Christmas is a time when we remember the birthday of the King of Love. it is He who will enable the Christian to express this high standard of love to others. Next Sunday. December 16. the junior choir will assist in the morning service and at 7 p.m. the Sunday School Christmas Program will be presented in the Sanctuary. Sunday. December 23 the Christmas service will be held at the usual time, 11:15 andat7p.m., December24a Christmas Eve and Com- munion Service will be held. You will receive a warm welcome on all these oc- casions. YOUTH MEET The members of the Lucan Youth Group held their bi- weekly meeting on Sunday Sunday evening, December 9 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, The Christmas meeting was discussed and it was decided to combine carol singing to shut-ins with a hayride. Members will meet at Holy Trinity at 7 p.m. on December 23 with their flashlights and dressed warmly. Refreshments will be served at the hime of Kelly Ibbitson following. Look and listen for the group singing throughout the village! FLOWER ARRANGERS - - One of the night Courses offered in the Lucon area by Fonshowe College is flower arranging. Above, Bev Campbell of Campbell's Flowers in the Oxbury Mall london gives direction to Pat Egon, Betty Coughlin, Ivo Hodgins, Marilyn Humphrey and Joan Crawford T -A photo these days saying, "Now there is a specialist for every ailment. I remember when Dr Peever and - Murray Simpson did all types of surgery. In the early days we treated patients as a whole. Dr. Patterson was honoured by the village of Lucan for his long and 11 dedicated service to the community. Reeve Ivan Hearn presented the doctor with a thermometer, barometer and village crest. Business Directory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel lane. STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment pleose Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper .15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 NIT CAI( 1. Income Tax ('entre lnculne \rr..ununL Fir F'.Irnwr. \ ltu•me•s.lnen \tinthls Hiikkeeptng tiers 14 e . Thine 237 3469 Vince Rs.in R It :t I ).s>hwni.t Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years ex prnence of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of ony kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or ODprO•s01 Phone Collect - 666 -0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APP$AISER Prompt Courteous Eff,oent ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY ExPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen Ont Authors Sole Servsie that 's most etl,c,en, and courteous CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensoll (5191 262-5515 Realty EXETER 235.2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482.9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates SEE US FORA FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter or In The North End Plaza Licence Office Vehicle Plates. Stickers 8 Transfers Hunting Licence Now Available Hours 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Wednesday 46 Main St. East Zurich 236-4830 Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 Q.L. VAN PATTER Auctioneer Huron County No. 165 Specializing in antique and estate consignments NO RESERVES! NO BUY BACKS CALL COLLECT ZURICH 236-4547 NORRIS, GEE & CO. Chartered Accountants 497 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario 235-0101 227-4455 Suite 200, 190 Wortley Road, London, Ontario. 673-1421 J.A. NORRIS C.A. L.D. GEE C.A. S.W. HOMUTH C.A. RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Mo,n Street Exeter 235-1535 BY Appomfinent Do'v Evening G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST 1uCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 JOEti 1'iI F. i)ARI.TN(: (-EI(TIPIED (.EN P.O A1. At '( -VC VTAVT TF.1 1It0-2:tn-221.* TI(I ,s1.I) TIIN•N IIAI 1 322 •1•t'' 'TI•eI:T VOM LOO CONSOLIDATED SIGN & LIGHTING SERVICES INC. CREDITON PH 234-6721 Complete Sales, SERVICE & Leasing We carry a complete stock of signs, lamps and ballast,. HARVEY L. BIERLING Bookkeeping and Tax Service 15 John Street East EXETER, Ontario NOM 1 SO Tel: 235-1424 r%oxye , /, /!!Coate 147 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONTARIO,_ TELEPHONE 1519) 235-2211 P O. JOx 1600 NOM 1S0 • 0))