HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 15 (2)i 6 Services • MOBILE FEED SERVICE WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive prices. HARDEMAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 • • 20 Property For Rent TIRE White Walls Michelin XWW Steel Radial Size Retail Sale Price 165 13 73 60 62.50 17S 13 78 00 66.10 175 14 87 60 70.20 185 14 89 10 75.70 195 11 94 50 80.30 205 14 102 30 86 95 715 14 108 60 92.30 195 15 98 90 83.05 705 15 108 70 92.40 215 15 114 90 97.65 225 15 119 70 101.75 230 15 137 00 116.45 235 15 144 60 122.90 Michelin Steel R ad,al ZX XZX XM & 5 155.12 5780 49 15 :55 15 68 40 56.14 autopar Chryco Road Hazard Guaranteed 4 Ply Polyester Whitewall Size Retail Sale Price 600 12 418 13 C78 13 D78 11 (18 14 F79 11 G78 14 1478 14 600 15 F7815 38 25 38 25 41 75 43.55 44 15 48 50 50 25 53 35 38 90 47 55 C78 15 50 25 H78 15 53 35 J78 15 56 00 670 156 PLY TRUCK 29.65 29.65 32.35 33.75 34.20 37.60 38.95 41.35 30 15 36.15 38.95 41.35 43.40 52.00 USED CHECK OUR USED SNOW TIRES... FROM 515.00 ea. (While They Last!) Full Range Service Facilities 3oramErmst guaranteed service at lair prices Routine Ser v,c mq Minor engine repair, Major eng,ne repairs Manual transmission. Automatic Ir ansm,Ss,on Suspens,an Brakes Tire. steering Engine tune up Electrscat systems Heating. A,r Condrtron,nq APPEARANCE 1 Inter,or Shampoo 7 Enginecleaning 3 Rug and seat scan guard 4 5 year paint and chrome polish/ protector Hand washes L 5 6 5 year rust inhibitor OUTING OR LEASING'. WIDE SELECTION NEN a USED CARS•TtaUCKS PICK IT NON-NE'v1 CUT PRICES We accept major credit cards DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE IN GRAND BEND Pogo 15 20 Property For Rent ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL One bedroom apartment available now or Feb. 1. Featur- ing shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129 Hen - salt or 433-7781, London. 50t Ship your livestock with FRANK V006EL DASHWOOD Independent Shipper To United Co-operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyards CALL DASHWOOD 238-2707 OR BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 A.M. For - Prompt Service Also Western Stockers & Feeders Available aim I1DMPSON-1411IRNER w,...y'. D. INA GRAND SEND 230.23191 8t Are -Dee Construction GENERAL Construction Farm, Commercial and Residential Buildings Authorized Dealer for Alcan Aluminum products. siding, sof- fit and fascia. doors, windows and garden sheds. Phone Roger Dougall 235-1281 31 t BUILDS EVERYTHING BETTER FOR BARNS VENTILATING. CLEANOUT and FEEDING SYSTEMS Also COW STALLS FARRO\1'INGCRATES FREE ESTIMATES Call Roger Dougall 235-1281 8 Farrel Machinery FORD 8N tractor. needs motor work 5500.00. 560 Cockshut Diesel with p. steering, hydraulic outlets in good working condition. Phone 523-4260. 50' 4 IT. WIDE x 40 ft. long on steel skids; 1 New Holland 327 manure spreader: 1 power take- off auger feed wagon. Phone Jack Taylor 229-6472. 46t 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1973 MO10-SKi 295 Ventura; 1977 Moto -Ski 440 Ventura. Both machines in excellent condition. Phone Lawrence Becker 234-6486. tSOc 75- SKIROULE RTX447 in Al condition. 550.0 or best offer. Phone 235-0655 after 5:00 p.m. 49t SNOW & SAND Bike - 2 wheeler. reconditioned motor. 5150.00 or best offer. Also canvas covered cedar canoe, 565.0; and electric Trolling Motor. 2 speed, 560.0. Phone 235-1950 a fter 6. 50:5Ic 11 Cars, Trucks 1975 MAVERICK. certified, in good running condition. Phone 234-6344. 50' 1976 FORD TORINO special edition. radials. rear defrost, p.s. & p.b. Safetied, winterized. Phone 228-6928. 52,000.00 or hest offer. A I condition. tic 1966 CUSTOM Ford, 6 cylinder sedan, original owner. excellent condition, will certify. Evenings. 262-2509. 50:5Ic 1973 DODGE ''2 ton pickup as is. Can he seen at Canadian Canners Ltd. 210 Wellington St. 31t Exeter, Ont. 50c 7 Livestock 14 CHUNKS. 50-60 lbs crossbred, sprayed and de- wormed. 525.00 each. Phone 225-2238. 50:5Ic GOOD SELECTION of Hampshire. Yorkshire. Hamp cross York, York cross Landrace boars. Also available gilts of these breeds and crosses. Bob Robinson, alton. 345- 2317. 50:5Ic NEED CASH Top dollar paid for small import or domestic cars Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products Grand Bend 238-8613 PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT WITH A POLYGLAZE SHINE That lotits and Ice is PHONE GEORGE AT DOBBS MOTORS 235-1800 I've got some Affordable Luxury NORMAN JOHNSTON NOW IS YOUR CHANCE 1979 CHRYSLERS UP TO 35% OFF Comparable 1980 list Prices 3- New Yorkers 1- LeBaron Wagon S- Cordobos 2- Romchorgers 4 . 4 Businessmen buy now and rake advantage of o Full yeor to. waste off HURRY! SALE ENDS DEC 2? FIRST COME FIRST SERVFD TRADES WELCOME On the Spot Lensing or Bank Financing OPEN DAILY Including Sunday Mon. -Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 12-5 Etin EDI 1F OSIPSON-NSR ..e. ...O. a 0..1 w,+ GRAND BEND 2321.2391 1969 BLUE Acadian, 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic. Recently installed 2 new front tires, new radiator, thermostat and fuel pump. Price 550.0. George T. Moore. Phone 235- 1943 after 5. 50S1c 1974 GALAXY 500. 351 V-8 5650.00 as is. Phone 237- 3442. 50c 1977 CHEV VAN 305 V8, long box. Al condition. certified, insulated, carpeted. roof vent, radials. 2 large bunks, easily removed for work van. 262-6418 after 6 p.m. 49:50c 1976 FORD Maverick, excellent condition. Low mileage. Phone. 225-2571. 49:50c 1975 DODGE Club Cab with cab un back. safery checked. 52500.0 or best cash offer. Phone 235-1655. 49t 1976 GRANADA, one owner, 85,000 miles. 1974 Pontiac l eMans Sport Coupe, 55,000 miles. p/w, p'b• pls, leather in tenor. stereo. Both cars in excellent condition Phone 228- 6972 49t 1979 FORD LANDAU LTD White with grey velour interior, 2 door. Licence NVS 357. only 9000 km., 351 cu. in., 8 cyl. Split bench seat with recliners. (,R78 bs 14 white walls, speed control. bumper guards front and rear. electric rear window defroster, air conditioner. AM/FM stereo radio. tinted glass. light group. hods moldings. Sell for 58500 firm. list price 510263. Will accept trade Call Forest 8734334 after 6 p.m. call 873-2705 49t ( \R FOR SALE - 1971 blue Triumph TR -6. Summer driven rink Good condition. new tires, new exhaust, undercoated. Lots of pick-up and gets 30 m P.R. Onls 52.400. Call Forest 873- 2331. or Port Franks 243-2741 evenings. 46tx 1976 FORD Chateau (2 - passenger window van with automatic. power steering and brakes. AM/FM 8 -track player. Only 50,000 miles ot careful din- ing. Contact Bill Batten at 235- 2184 or 215-1331. 49tx 12 Pets 2.t month old wire haired Ierners to Rise awns to good home Phone 262-2715 or 262- 2420 49 50c f0 GIVE AWAY: German Shepherd puppies. 5 weeks old. ( all 236-7740. 50c \1 ANTED GOOD home for purebred 2 srold female black \merican Cocker Spaniel. Older couple preferred. 235-2719 SOc O1 R MOTHER was a Border ( 011ie. our father was a Scotch Border Collie cross. Our names are King, Crystal, Princess and Scrapper and we're ready to lease horde We love kids and ,est S1.00. Phone 293-3171. 50c Nt 1s 1.0('\DLANi) puppies N ill hold until Christmas Phone 217.)486 50 51c 13 Musical Instruments YAMAHA Electric Organ like new condition- 51000. Phone 238.2925 50:5Ic ORCANA Organ, double kes hoard, excellent condition. 5400(x) Phone 262-5255 SOT 14 Appliances, Television 1 FIDOVF.R washer spin (User. 1 McClary Easy automatic clothes dryer. Both in good condition Phone 235-2726. 48t Roberts Bros. Insulation Ltd. Applicators of Polyurethane Foam Insulation. We wish to announce our new area office located on Hwy 4 S. of Exeter. Phone for free estimate 228-6412 Agricultural, Commercial & Residential} 14 Appliances, Television KITCHEN Aid portable dish- washer . GE floor polisher. 235- 1144. 50c 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone AA 235-1202 or 235-1454. 50t 16 For Sale ADDING NiACHINES, typewriters. sales, service, rental. supplies. Jerry Mat hers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235- 1840. 21t SURVEY and Marker stakes. Various soft or hardwood, stock size or made to order. Now fluorescent colours available. For full details contact ARC In- dustries, Dashwood. Phone 237- 3667. -. 47t HESS JEWELLERY. Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding nngs, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometer, Car- dinal Watches. Family rings and charms. watches and clock repairing guaranteeed. Just S(.0 purchase entitles you a free draw on a ladies or gent's watch. Draw will be made on Christmas Eve. t51 c USED FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites. kitchen tables and chairs, dryers. refrigerators. ranges. etc. Whiting's Warehouse. Exeter. 235-1964. 28t MAKE YOUR OWN CLOCK use youf own design. Quartz movements now in stock The Country Spire 229-6341. 31t APPLES Red Delicious/ Spys OPEN SATURDAYS No. 4 hwy. at Crediton Rd. Frank Sawyer Proprietor 41t DOUBLE AXLE trailer 20 ft. long. 7 ft. wide. flat bed. Phone 235-1655. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 43t PRE CHRISTMAS Sale on Downdraft stoves. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 235-1665(50c FOR SALE: Four Firestone all - terrain tires. raised white letters, 10-15 L., 520 each. Call Forest 873-2331 days. or Port, Franks 243-2741 evenings. 46tx ORDER YOUR Christmas Goose Now ()sen Ready per lb '1.50 Heavy Roosters 95c a Ib Year Old Heavy Hens 65c a Ih. All Oven Ready Edelweiss Acres Farms Erich Freuer R.R. 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3382 46 t 16 For Sale SCHATZ STORE With city stock at Country prices Hudson Bay Coats & Blankets. See our large stack of Hudson Bay coats for men and women We stuck almost every style they snake. In all the colours and sizes. Over 250 coats in stock, you must see them to appreciate them MOHAIRS Blankets. stoles, scarfs and knee huggers. Made in Scotland. Just arrived in time for Christmas shopping. Over 350 mohairs in stock in all the beautiful shades made. A huge supply of stoles and scarfs. These all make wonderful gifts for Christmas. At prices that invite comparison. KENWOOD BLANKETS A huge stock of Kenwood Blankets just arrived in all colours and sizes Up to queen and king sizes. MEN'S SUITS Made to measure or ready to wear. Just received an extra 125 new samples from Warren K. Cook to choose from. Folks come miles and miles to be measured here for Warren K. Cook suits. Many from US.A. Over 200 suits on the racks to choose - from. Over 100 co- ordinates. You be the judge. BARGAIN TABLE See- our 55(X) bargain table. Men's and Ladies slacks and blouses T shirts and You name it. DRESS FABRICS One table with dress fabrics at in price 60" wide. A large stock of odds and ends. A wonderful buy. APPLES, APPLES Spys, Macs, Kings and Delicious. Beautiful apples - 2 big truck Toads stored for the winter in almost freezing temperature Vernon Schatz General Merchant Dashwood, Ont. (Where quality counts) Phone 237-3531 44 1. FOR SALE Heavy roosters ready for the oven. 236-4868. 46t I WHITE baby's crib with mat- tress; 1 wooden dining table and chairs with matching china cabinet: 1 double box spring and mattress. All in good condition. Phone 235-2726. 481' FRANKLIN fireplace and accessories. Call 294-6659 anytime. 49:50c USED STEREO - Zenith Allegro. Series 3000 speaker. .A1 shape, AM -FM, 8 track stereo. Phone 235-0415 evenings. 49:50' GRANDFATHERS clock. tri- ple chimes, lyre pendulum; walnut chest cedar lined; gun cabinet - 8 gun size. Phone 348- 802 Mitchell. 151c SNOWBLOWER. Hamilton's Machine Shop Phone 235- I655 49t TRACTOR chains to fit 18-4-38. Like new 236-4747 49 50' S, _,, - $15.00 55.00 • s7S,G9 ATTENTION FARMERS * HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON. ON I A1(IO We ore now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. All calves and pigs picked up free of charge. Fast Efficient Service -- 24 hrs. a doy 7 doys a week. CALL COLLECT 482-9811 •'Cal! us first kilo won't hate to tail anyone else 16 For Sale ONE FORD truck ( Phone 262-2405. 49 50c CHRISTMAS Trees - good quality Scotch Pine, 5-7 0., well pruned. Anytime. William Vandenbygaard. Rockview Cres- cent, RR 2 Grand Bend. Next to Zoo.238-2697. t5lc OVEN READY ducks and geese. Phone 237.3279. 49:50c SYMPHONIC Stereo. AM/FM radio, 8 track tape player and turntable. Phone 235-2493. 50' ORANGES 58.50 per case. Phone the high school. 235- 0880. 50c BROWN TWO piecx chester- field suite. A-1 condition, asking 5125.0. Call 236-4778 after 6 p.m. 50c SNOWBLOWER. V -type, 6 ft_ wide . 595.00.262 -5903. 50' MAN'S. medium sized insulated coveralls. In perfect condition. Asking 525.00. Phone 228-6496 anytime after 6:00 p.m. 50tx OVEN READY hens at 60e Ib. Phone 237-3339. 50:5Ic SUPER 8 Bell & Howell movie camera with zoom lease, light. and auto load projector -like new. 5150.0 complete. Phone 235-1950 after 6. 50:51c ANTIQUE Liquor cabinet, with mirrored Lazy Suzan- very different. 5175.00 or best offer. Phone 235-1950 after 6. 50:5Ic SNOW & SAND bike 5150.00, canoe 565.00. electric trolling motor 560.0. Phone 235-1950 after 6. 2 sets of wire wheel covers 13" and 15" 565.00 and 525.00. 50:5Ic STOVE AND Fridge. Good condition, very reasonable. Phone 235-1403. 50c GIRL'S PINK 2 piece snow suit. Size 24 mo. 515.00. Also baby's pyjamas. dresses and jumpsuits. Excellent condition. Phone 235- 0641. 50c HORSE DRAWN cutter, good condition, new upholstery. Phone 345-2739. 50:51' HOUSE OF CERAMICS. Dashwood now has one of the largest stocks of greenware in Western Ontario, special new Christmas items. studio dis- counts, dasses, firing. macrame supplies and completed hangings, gifts woollens and flower arrangements. 237- 3656. 50:51' WOOD FOR SALE Phone 262- 5914. 50c ANDREW Malcolm bedroom suite, chest of drawers, vanity with velvet seat. end table. queen size bed and mirror. Quality bedroom furnishing. Phone 235- 2528. 50:51c CANDLE- AM/FM Stereo receiver. good condition, with 8 track tape player. stereo radio, Still under warrant\ 6 months old 575 Phone 235.2493 S0• 16 For Sale SINGLE HED with mattress 520.00. Double bed frame and springs 520.00. Both in good uondi tion. Phone 238.2925. 50c 2- H78.15 snow tires on nm, fits Chryslers and Dodges. 550.00. Phone 2364663. 50' ONE CB radio. Like new 1/3 price. Phone 238-8319. 50c 2 ONLY. Custom made cedar chests. Solid 1'. pine exterior. Interior 3/8 tongue and groove aromatic cedar. 50"x22"x20" They would make unique Christ- mas gifts. C x11228.6459. 50.51c ONE WESTERN saddle $45.0. Apply Janet McAllister. Phone 236-4034. 50' USED Fireplace screen, washer. gas dryer. boys hockey' equip- ment, downhill skis and bindings and buckle boots. Phone 235- 1771 after five. 50c POTA TOES- red or white sand grown Buy apples, cabbage and apple butter. David Steckle 565- 2122 50:51c Christmas Trees Both Spruce and Pine, priced ac- cording to size Poinsettias And various other kinds of plants Huron Ridge Acres David Steckle & Family RR 2 Zurich 565-2122 50:51c 2 WHITE WALL snow tires E78-14 mounted on 4 stud Ford Maverick rims, 555.0. Phone 227-4255. .50c FARM FRESH eggs. 262-5245 evenings. 50151c BARN WRECKING. Good barn board, solid beams and firewood for sale. Free deliver 235-1077. 50t 1974 BOA SKI, good shape. 900 miles. S40 or best offer. 262- 2192. 50c LOVELY antique brass double bed. 5375. 262-2192. 50c 14 H.P. Hydrostatic John Deere tractor with mower; 10 h.p- International tractor with mower; 18" electric walk -behind snow thrower. Call Don Sararas 235-1115 Huron Tractor Ltd. 50c 17 Wanted To Buy CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle Easy loading trailer with winch Call collect 238-2796 John AnsemsGrand Bend. 36t STRAW. 235-1004. 50:51c CUB'S UNIFORM Site 10. Phone after tine 229-6143. 18 Wanted ROOM & BOARD rn Crediton area for young man. 482-3168 or 234-67-'6. 50c STEWART REFINISHING Furniture handstripped & refinlsned. Repairs done as well as pianos refinished Free estimates, pick-up & delivery Special prices for senior citizens Approximately 2'h miles south of Exeter on No. 4 Hwy. 235-2154 Anytime i f M dFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE UMITED REALTOR EXETER 235-0541 LUCAN LONDON 227-4071 434-8824 Mortgages Are Decreasing - SALES Tim MacFarlane 434-8824 Si Simmons 235-0526 Gerry Prout Jake Hovius Bob Thomas Ed Lawson Pat Wright Marg Sceli Now's The Time - Take Advantage Of Existing Mortgages! • EXETER BRICK BUNGALOW - excellent condition, 5 year old 3 bedroom home, large living room, beautiful large 4 piece bath, dishwasher in kitchen, full base- ment, electric heat, 1 block from shopping centre. OWNER MOVING, ALL OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. PRICED REDUCED - owner anxious to sell - 8 room solid brick house, Iorge lot, good location, town water & sewer, needs some renovations. NEAR DOWN TOWN - two bedroom bungalow, large dining room, Iivingroom, kitchen veranda, sun - porch and 3 piece both, full bosement, single car garage, paved drive. PARK VIEW - can be yours in this well kept 1 'R storey 4 bedroom home, large Iivingroom, kitchen, 3 piece bath, laundry room, extra Iorge lot, inground pool 14.5 ACRES - of INDUSTRIAL ZONED property on #83 highway. Coll toddy for further details. EXETER - ideally located on 11x83 highway, 12 ACRES INDUSTRIAL ZONING, hydro and water. BUSINESSES FOR SALE CREDITON --- two storey'brick building, main street location, zoned commercial plus 3 apartment units. CAII TODAY FOR MORE DETAILS. ZURICH - commercial building, 2048 S.F. one storey block, two offies. GREAT POTENTIAL. HENSALL -TWO STOREY - brick commercial building, main street, location, new wiring, VENDOR MOST ANXIOUS TO SELL. 235-1866 229-8802 482-3096 235-0266 235-0253 225-2301 PROPERTY IN AREA GRAND BEND- A QUIET HAVEN - - can be yours in this beautiful raised ranch sitting peacefully among the trees. 4 bedroom, Iivingroom. two baths, excellent condition. only 1 year old. CENTRALIA - 1 !'2 storey brick home on over ONE HALF ACRE #4 highway, gas heat, good sized Iivingroom dining room, kitchen & 4 piece both, at- tached 1 car garage. DASHWOOD -- two storey. 5 bedroom brick home, Iorge hvingroom carpeted L-shaped dining room and kitchen, 4 piece both. laundry room, dug well. HENSALL- A REAL CUT & COSY -- 3 bedroom 1 1 i storey home, new wiring, new furnace, new siding, carpeting, full basement, LOW TAXES. PARKHILL - new 3 bedroom red brick home. Gebel cupboards in kitchen with dining areo, patio doors to sun deck, Iorge Iivingroom. 4 piece bath, sewers. electric hent, full basement. PURCHASER still hos choice of colour scheme ZURICH - 11.2 storey 3 bedroom brick home, Targe frontage on lot. 200 amp wiring, AN AFFORDABLE PRICE WiNCHELSEA - 1 1'2 storey 5 bedroom brick home on extra large lot, double living room, separate din- ing room. Targe kitchen, two baths, EXCELLENT CONDITION, barn 18x30. LOBO - two storey 4 bedroom home in new condi- tion, only 5 years old, Iivingroom with broadloom, formol dining room, forge kitchen, rec room, brick fireplace, on 42 ACRES OF COUNTRY. CaII Today For Details On Our OUT OF TOWN Listings LONDON & ST THOMAS EXPERT A.A.C.I. REAL ESTATE BOARD MEMBER APPRAISAL SERVICE 18 Wanted HAN11:D - Old hock Buildings for Demolition and Sets age pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1- 542.4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks. 47t 19 Property For Sale 3 BEDROOM house under con- struction on Andrew St S 235- 1647 41t 2 BEDROOM house on Alex- ander St N lull basement Phone 235-1647 411' KIPPI•.N - 3 bedroom white aluminum house, large lot. com- pletely reosated, patio. farnah room with tranklm. 32'x32' work,h.ip ( all 453-0369 tor appointment t51c 20 Property For Rent 3 111.OR0(.tM tarn) home i0 Hensail arca. Phone 262- 5988 49 50c DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays Times- Advocate, December 12, 1979 EXETER One block to Post Of - face, 3 bedroom house. Ground flow den or fourth bedroom. 262-6020. 49:S0c 4 BEDROOM brick. full base- m'Enl, large diningroom. Near downtown. 235-2233. 49t MODERN FARM home. 4 bedrooms, Iia bathrooms. '/ mile from Zurich on paved road. Phone 262-2928 after 5. 262- 5768. 491' 4 BEDROOM farm house, large kvingroom and kitchen. on 21 ilwy. Phone 236-4749. 42t HEATED, two bedroom, ground floor apt , centrally located. Phone 235-1497 or 235- Ii4s1 40t ' THE BEST FOR LESS! Why Pay More? BY INGUS ADMIRAL EUREKA ELECTROHOME Service To All Makes 4 Compare Our Prices Before You Buy µrcb urkI eim FURNITURE & APPLIANCE ZURICH 236-4075 t INSULATION Up to $500 government grant on homes • Sprayed in place Urethane • New & Older Homes • Blown Insulation • Agricultural & Industrial Bldgs H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION LTD. R.R. 5 Mitchell 519-348-9376 i OFFICE 235-1232 592 London R' EXETER FRED EYRE NORM STANLAKE Eves. 229-8936 235-0524 EXETER 101/4 % MORTGAGE - 4 bedroom home. Large kitchen. pleasant living room Needs minor finishing. One 4 piece one 2 piece bathroom on living levels and one 4 piece in basement Priced in low 50's. Call Fred Eyre. DEVELOPMENT LAND - Excellent opportunity for builder or speculator Presently able to make about 5 lots Coll Fred Eyre for further details. FOR RENT Townhouu• 3 bedrooms plus i,vina roorn and k.tcher, 1 , baths 5295 00 per me isro• utilities 1 y It-ci.o Opt'on to purchase Call office for details. DASHWOOD THIS BEAUTIFUL 2 STOREY HOME - hos 5 hertreoms I•, no roon, ultra modern kitchen with c-huretto Ord hu,lt in dishwasher, ground floor d,p room e.t•o Irrrpn family room with open .tiler• f ,p5lnre n"d h'"It ,rs Bar 8 O.. open staircase, co, { ,-''.d th.ri.ahn,tt F.rias are on the 5 acre lot such as 10 stall 'or'." barn with closed circuit TV OW. cal lpr.(.era arcs,: rt perimeter of lot This house n•. ' he ,ee, ': r rated Call Fred Eyre for appointment to view FARMS NEAR EXETER 25 acres port bush About 12 acres dear. Corner lot lower 30's Call Fred Eyre PROPERTIES OUTSIDE TOWN AILSA CRAIG $51 900°° FOR SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE REPOSSESSION. Unusually good buy in this nearly new 3 bedroom split level bungalow, stone fireplace in fomrly room Double ravine lot with fruit trees Excellent condton Immediate possession. Must be sold Call Fred Eyre for appointment. HENSALL BRICK 4 BEDROOM - 2 storey home. Corner lot. new plumbing w,th 1 '; baths, garage, new roof and redecorated inside Formal dining room and separate Irving roon, Call Fred Eyre. EXTRA LARGE LOT - on this property makes for o good buy Only asking 529,900 00 for this brick 2 storey home Some renovations ore required to be completed Coll now for more details and appoint- ment to view Phone Fred Eyre. KIRK TON NEWER 4 BED°')OM 2 storey home Iorge kitchen sepnratn r1 • i ,,• room - ground floor fomi• ly room w if, t •e slo., Bra lot on edge of villoge on cwiet street Call Fred Eyre. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS. WE HAVE LOCAL BUSINESSES FOR SALE. CALL OFFICE FOR DETAILS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board