HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 14 (2)RUSSELL' REALTY LIMITED STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - 100acre farm. good house and barn Presently set up for beef operation MOUNT CARMEL - large building lot. beside school. municipal water available. or, paved road CREDITON - priced right at '18.000 Ideal retirement home or starter home for young couple FOUG RUSSELL 238-8283 i ave 14 Times -Advocate, December 12, 1979 PIA&'E A CLASSIF1EB AB QUICKLY. . EASILY. . JUST PHONE classifications 1 Lost, Strased 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machincr 9 Sports Equipment. \ eh Il Cars. Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instrument, 14 Appliances. relesnlon 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Bus 18 Nanted 19 Properh For Sale 20 Properts For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 taunted To Rent 24 Properts N anted 25 Notice, 26 Legal Notices 1 Lost, Strayed LOST 11' EXETER Small black Spaniel. long hair. un rjrkings. collar Deaf 235-024h W' SMALL HI A( K female terrier m Kipnen arra Ha, slog tae and sassier, to 1 .t,fs 3 Situations Wanted HILL 13 AB) SI 1 •,.1; r' time in rn% homy .,•:s age __x 6820. 4, `I s 4 Help Wanted SOMEONE TO rake and bag leases ond put storm ntndow, on Also someone :o do Tight Iournal hou,ekeep:ne. couple hours a das twice J week Harrs Bossenherr 238-224O 49 50c RELIABLE bob%sitter required for 1 child under a sear. 2 hrs per week Phone 2 HELP WANTED Person to work in meat department. Apply to Al's Market, Hensall, 262-2017. 4 Help Wanted Pt \ 1 S Utleri ntendcnt and J Drafts Person both preterahls experienced in recreational sehi,le or related troller 1 pe nduars. rcyuired M London area nianutacturer Solars and benefit, commensurate slab experience \ppls In writing to I3os h- \I s o lime, \ds oca to Stk The Huron Centre For Children and Youth 1 non-profit organization dedicated to helping farnlhes xstsc problem, relating .to the ,ocral and emotional deselop- ment and learning of children and spunk people 1\e require a part -ti": DICTA -TYPIST 10 begin Immediately Of great importance is a warm friendls manner with our clients on the telephone and in the office and the abihts to work in the strictest con tidence The position re- quires excellent dicta -phone skills and iximpetence in general office procedures, including bookkeeping Address applications to D Keillor. Director Huron Centre for Children and Youth. Box 100. Clin- ton Ontario 50c 6 Services Sherwood Construction Carpentr\ Work Wanted: Remodeling, Renovations and Outside Work of all kinds For Free Estimates Call Les Sherwood 1-527-1485 Sea forth, .After 5 p.m. 2c T.V. Towers Sales & Services Repairs to all makes of sewing machines. Scissors sharpened. Harold Elliott 262-2829 E1 e1',a',I Oct HOUSE PLANS AND MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 201 Township of Stephen Road Superintendent Applications in writing stating qualifications, employment history, remuneration. etc. will be received until Tuesday. December 18, 1979 at 5:00 p.m. addressed to the attention of the under- signed. QUALIFICATIONS Specific experience in management and maintenance of road construction and municipal administra- tion. DUTIES: To successfully pian, direct, co- ordinate and control budgets, peo- ple, material and equipment. SALARY: Remuneration according to qualifications submitted. Wilmar D. Wein Clerk -Treasurer Township of Stephen P.O Box 100, CREDITON. Ontario NOM 1M0 WANTED FARM BUILDING REPRESENTATIVES Due to increased demand. additional representa- tives are required by Agri -Urban Buildings Inc., Dresden, Ontario. Agri -Urban Buildings are one of the leaders in quality farm and commercial buildings In Southwestern Ontario, with a full line of pole construction, stud wall, and pre-engineered steel buildings. The person we are looking for is mature, with an agricultural background, or presently engaged In farming with the goal of supplementing their present income. Building or sales background would be an asset but is not essential. A sincere, well respected individual will find working with the Agri -Urban team a rewarding experience. The successful applicant wilt find an attractive, above average remuneration system. Send your resume together with three character references to: AGRI-URBAN BUILDINGS INC. P.O. BOX 1000, Dresden, Ontarlo, NOP IMO All replies will be held In strictest confidence. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore based on she number of words Sets of numerals os for ser.o; n„rnbers street numbers phone numbers or paces count os one word per set Words 'oared by hyphens coons os separate word, FIRST INSERTION - 20 words S2 40 94 per word tnere•,her SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS --- No copy changes 7c pe word m,n,muns 51 40 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52 50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 52 00 per column inch woossurn s. re ,n Phis cotegory 1 't ,acnes Accepted in muh,ples of holt ,itch BOX NUMBERS to th's otf,ce - Si 00 per nsert.on BIRTHS 20 words 5,2 00. 8a per word thereafter MARRIAGES Engagements Death Notices — 20 words S2 00 each odd,honol word 8c IN MEMORIAMS - 52 00 plus 12c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words 52 00. each oddrhonol word 8e three ,nserhons for the pace of 2 CARDS OF THANKS --- 30 Words S2 00 4c per word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4 00 p m Mondays. Phone 235-1331 6 Services Albert Vanderlaan Const. Renovations. Additions Farm Buildings Call 235-0533 42." JIM SIDDALL -TRUCKING Livestock Farm Supplies Direct Plant Shipping, Trailer & Pot Rates Bulk Grain Service KIRKTON 229-6439 321 CERAMICS Classes, firing greenware Complete line of paints and accessories. Authorized dealer of Duncan & Ceramichrome products & paragon kilns Macrame supplies House of Ceramics Main St. Dashwood 237-3656 Studios welcome 3't CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R Ral. Centralia Open 6 Das s A Week Lathe Work. Portable Welding. Wrought Iron Railings and Column Posts 229-6542 231 C -ARP- \TE:R FOR small tots Also trimming. stairs. rec rooms. panelingceramic the etc Call Keith F reehalrn 262.5255 341' RH &S PAINTING & DECORATING - Painting - Interior & Exterior - Wallpapering - \\e hose a good selection of sallen%enngs osoilahle Look at samples in sour h, me Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 291 PERRY'S DRYWALL Apel} Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 251 TO BUY OR S1-1 I. antiques rind used furniture cs)ntact Norm %%kiting 235.1964 13t 6 Services Gene's SIGnS Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont NOM INO PHONE 238-8242 4t CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING —Butchering Day — Wednesday Pick-up service available We wrap sour meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 23'-3314 Dashwood 19t PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating New installations and General Repairs RURAL. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 141 BILL'S BURNER SERVICE — For expert and complete furnace service, including installations. humidifiers and air conditioning. Bill fearless Crediton 234- 6289 44t ELECTRIC MOTORS ' Rewinding ' Repairs ' Sales & Ser ice • Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL. CONRACTOR KIRKTON 229-X222 sl. Water Well Drilling W. D. Hopper & Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RiGS Phone Sea forth Nal 527.1737 Durll 527-0828 Jim 527.0775 30t Careers H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE is looking for on individual to operate an INCOME TAX OFFICE in: Exeter We furnish: Training Advertising Supplies and more... For further information write or call: H&RBlock 104 S Christina St. Sarnia, Ontario Ph: 337-8531 N7T 2M6 6 Services CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems For a tree anal% ,I, and a presen- tauon on the benefits of softened water. call us at 235-2230 and say sHEY CULLiGAN MAN RE:\11:'sIB1It - N e treat water ,enousls C. MORLEY HALL 37t D. W . KYLE'S DECORATING PAINTING AND P:V'ERIN(i St R\'1(IS CONT A( T OOUG KYLE Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-2249 181 W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses, Additions. Sheds Siding. Roofing. Renovations FREE Estimate, Phone -Bob Willis. 235-0107 Keith Doses. 235-0947 after 6:00 p.m 17t PROFESSIONAL Business Ser- vices: Addressing. labelmo and cmelopes. punning tickets, flyers, bulletins. booklets, photocopying ARC Industries, 237-3667. 47t GLAViN SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING Houses. Machinery, etc. Free Estimates CALL JACK GLAVIN 234-6701 19t JACK'S DECORATING — painting and papering. vinyl siding, sales and installation. ceramic tile installation. Phone Jack Cleave, 235-2031 8t Don Penninga General Construction RI \O\ -\TIONS. A DDITIONS RI MODELLING FRAMI\G& TRIMMING 2351)218 4t • HOUSE PLANS DRAWN • residential design • architectural drafting . project management free estimates - no obligation SCHAEFER nESInENTlAL DESIGN LISTOWEL 291-1449 Machines Designed Proto Types Built Parts Manufactured Drafting Service HURON DESIGN & ENGINEERING Doshwood 2373362 J.S. REGIER ELECTRIC * INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL * RESIDENTIAL " FARM WIRING • FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JIM REGIER 262-2315 HENSALL a 6 Services Don's Electric FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Farm Wince Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashes ood 237-3575 12t ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings. columns. posts. inside vii yl covered stair rails. room dividers. -etc., Elroy. Des- fardine 236-4622 or 236-4242. 71 SLEEPING BAGS Don't put your sleeping bags away dirty. Send them to us this tall to have them --wide awake" for spring. GRAND BEND CLEANERS • Grand Bend • Exeter • Mitchell 421 FURNITURE refinishing done by hand. Phone 229-6133. 421 L -B General Contracting New work, repairs, alterations from plumbing service, brick work to custom woodwork. Licensed 2227-4903 after 6 p.n. 43t CUSTOM BACK HOEING, septic tanks. sewers. weeping beds, drains etc. Grant Skinner Exeter 2351023. 221 6 Services For All Your Electrical Needs and Problems Cal l TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Gidley St.. Exeter 235-1756 , Residential. Commercial Industrial and Farming Generator Installations 461 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Shcoll's Food Market. Hensall. 361 PIANO TUNING and repairs. Call Bruce Pulsifer. 348-9223 or note P.O. Box 1204, .'s1 tchell, \8K 1NO 12t 1 EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq. ft. Erected on your lot. Further information Call 235-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 Tots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER — PHONE 235-0890 HARRY E. WAGHOR� REAL ESTATE BROKER MERT. CULBERT wcnx 2G1'1110 ©DD FOR SALE OR RENT # 1 — Single storey, 2 bedroom starter home, 2 lots and house, 529,500.00. M2 — 3 bedroom frame house on town water and sewers. Ideal starter home. Good value qt $30,000 # 3 — 1 stroey, 2 bedroom home situoted on targe corner lot, on paved street, low taxes and moderate heating costs. Newer roof and gas furnace. immediate possession. Asking S29,500.00. Vendors will hold mortgage on above properties of less than current interest rote. SPECULATORS DELIGHT — older 3 bedroom 2 storey brick home, town water and sewers post door large pork -like lot bordering on 3 streets. future development property. Priced for quick sole. INCOME PROPERTY — 2 storey solid brick licenced restaurant, seats 75 plus snack bor. Two 2 bedroom apartments tototling 2400 sq. ft. on second floor. Completely new, only licenced restaurant in the township. LOTS OF LOTS — vorious sizes, locutions and prices available OVERLOOKING LAKE - 3 bedroom aluminum cot- tage. Targe lot, electric heot, well insulated. Living room with patio doors to cedar deck, kitchen 16'x- 16', lots of counter spoce plus bar and stools, ex- cellent view of sand, lake and trees. Some extras in- cluded In thirties. McGILLIVRAY TWSP. — 75 acres of good produc- tive land, drained through low areas, on hard top road with water pipeline by door. Priced for quick sole. POTENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY -- large older 3 bedroom home with newer self contained 2 bedroom apartment. 60' NORTHLANDER — on good sized lot on edge of village. Town water installed, 20' x 26' garage in good repair Appliances included. HOUSE FOR RENT -- newer 3 bedroom brick home with new rugs, newly decorated inside and out. Close to church and school. twelve miles north west of London. At rent being asked, this won't last long. References required. Call Mort Culbert 227-1710 or 227-4766 235- 1331 6 Services DRAPES d:OiHIR IHI\GS 7 Water St South. Si Ntarss Custom made drapes. decorator blinds and wosen woods Phone 284-2123. • 49t SEPTIC TANKS sacuum pumped: new tanks installed: new weeping beds laid. old ss stems repaired. Immediate ser- sice. Butter Bros., Lucan 227- 4312 or 227-4254. lot 6 Services J.E. WELDING Portable Welding & Fabricating JOHN Hi 10i 1 RR 2 Kipper NOM 2E0 PHONE 519.262-62268 4ht REALTY WORLD TIPPEL REALTY LTD. Realtor 193 Wharncliffe Rd. North London, Ont. N6H 285 M.L.S. RUGBRICK HOME — on 3a acres, has many attrac- tive features in country living. lot has 2 stall horse born, utility shed, 2 dog kennels, 2 wells with good water supply, Targe garden plot and good soil, mature trees in park like setting of 3 bedrooms, large dining and living room combined, 4 piece bath. Kitchen has mahogany cabinets with hook up for either gas or electric. Hot water - gas fired heating system. Lower level completely finished off with pan- elling. Has large rec. room, 3 pc. both, laundry room, and office. lower level could be used for se- cond income home. Vendor will take back open first mortgage at 12% interest for 1 to 5 years. Repayable every 6 mos. including principle and in• terest. Telephone office 438-8353 or Gerold Hamilton 235-2216 for appointment. 1Yvar/lei/ ir��itinir f xh ,•I',�r „ „wf,M„trnrtr n.ned REALTY WORLD ;WORKMAN' REAL ESTATE LTD. RON DOIRON, HENSALL 262-2244. Seaforth. Henry Moro 627.0430 Clinton, Harold Workman 482.3466 OPEN HOUSE Bayfield Raised English styled bungalow with 4 bedrooms. family room, garage, fireplace, sun deck. 2 bathrooms plus a 552,600 first mortgage of 103-,°, All reasonable offers considered Sunday December 16 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Corner of Highway 421 and Varna Road HENSALL - Oxford St. Recently renovated home on large lot with garage Aluminum sided, new ad- dition, well Insulated Priced at 531,500.00 PIGBARN — shed and good home on 2 acres, 69,- 500.00 VARNA — County Estate featuring 3') acres, plen- ty of mature trees, inground pool, lawn fountains, new drilled well, 5 bedroom home, highway loca- tion Asking 579,900.00 VARNA — Aluminum sided 4 bedroom home, house interior completely renovated, 533,900.00 STANLEY TWP — highway location 1 ocre of land plus large older brick home for only 529,900.00 STANLEY TWP - Hwy. 21, 12 acre lot with 4 bedroom home, drilled well, garage 519,900.00. CENTRAL LOCATION — 5 bay body shop with hoist and some equipment plus 3 bedroom home. situated on 3 lots call for more information COUNTRY STORE — over 1200 sq. ft. of store space plus living accommodation with 3 bedrooms, games room. Building in very good condition. Good yearly gross. Call for more information and details. ZURICH — 5 bedroom home, double lot and new addition featuring fireplace, large sundeck, classic entrance. Reduced to `34,900 or best offer for quick sale. ST. JOSEPH — Vendor anxious, ongelstone home, with attached garage, full basement. Furniture in- cluded on 1 acre lot. Reduced to 159,0)0. APPROXIMATELY 7 ACRES — large 4 bedroom brick house. loge L-shaped barn. 5 miles from Hen- soll, 545 000 GODERICH TOWNSHIP - - 80 acres dairy form, 5175.000 or 147 acres, 5265,000, 47 tie-ups. good home and silo. Cottle and quota and machinery olso ovailoble GODERICH TOWNSHIP 67 acres all workable 5 107 000 TUCKERSMITH Close to Hensoll, 2 bedroom home large born. $49,900.00. HULLET — 150 acres. 80 workable, 70 bush, brick bungalow, steel shed, 5129,000 or split four acres with buildings 545,000. balance 589,000. DAIRY FARM — 60 tie up, 150 acres, brick house, 5280,000 plus stock. Pick up a copy of your real estate book for pictures of approximately 100 of our listings. Listings wanted in Hensall and area. Call 262-2244. acres, 3