HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 13 (2)J • 1 Observe Christmas at ladies' meeting The Christnlhs meeting of Unit four of Hensall U.C.W. was held in the fellowship hall on Thursday. Sixteen members and one visitor answered the roll call. Leader, Mrs. Nan Britton opened the meeting and chose her devotional from the writings of Phillips Brooks who wrote the beautiful carol, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem". She followed this by prayer. The Christmas message was very ably given by Mrs. Shirley Luther and once again reminded us of the wonderful story of Jesus Christ's birth, taken from 1 and 2 Luke. Several carols were sung with Mrs. Dorothy Mickle at the piano. The monthly reports were read and approved. 32 sick and shut-ins were visited in November. Mrs. Clarence Parke kindly offered to be Mrs. Rena Caldwell's assistant on the social committee and Mrs. Shirley Luther is to tie assistant unit leader. Mrs. Dorothy Mickle will be assistant secretary for 1980. The January meeting will be held on the second Thursday of the month. The meeting closed with a carol followed by the benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Shirley Luther and Mrs. Rena Caldwell. W.I. meet tonight The Christmas meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute will be held at the United Church on Wed- nesday, December 12 at 8 p.m. The roll call is to be, "Bring some Christmas Cake or Cookies". A good attendance is hoped for. Good time for bottle drive The Hensall minor athletic association will be holding another Bottle Drive bet- ween Christmas and New Year's Day. Bottles will be collected by the members shortly after Christmas Day and New Year's Day. In Time For Christmas Gift -Giving Thomas Organs. ()ttp,Gilt 6,71% Wlok r-004 # 125 Viscount # 1230 Thomas # 1331 Thomas USED DEPT. Hammond Piper Baldwin Orga-Sonic # 284 Thomas Californian '1295.0Q '1595.00 '2995.00 '895.00 '895.00 '3995.00 Headphones, Organ Lamps And Music For Gift Giving Chomas ORGANS A SOUND FOR EVERYONE Closed Wednesdays, open Friday till 7 p.m 429 Main St., Exeter 235-2522 .>. WIN IN VOLLEYBALL — Hensall Public School won the district elementary school boys volleyball championship, Friday. Back, left, cooch Doug Pearson, Darren Moir, Lennie Heppner, Colvin Stanlake, Andrew Troyer, John O'Brien and Mark Triebner- Front, Phil Lovell, Scott Jesney, Roddy Parker, David Skea, Robbie Lenting and lovekesh Malik. T -A photo Hensall church ladies elect slate The Christmas meeting of the Hensall United Church Women was preceded by the annual meeting of that group on Monday. The various committee chairmen gave vocal reports, in- dicating a very successful year. Treasurer, Mrs. Shirley McAllister's financial report showed the members that their work throughout 1979 had been very rewarding. Outgoing President, Mrs. Grace Drummond, was presented with a gift on behalf of the U.C.W. by past president, Mrs. Kay Mock. Mrs. Drummond has served for three years as president of the organization. Chislehurst Church Women invited Hensall ladies to join with them on December 4 for their Christmas meeting. Rev. Stan McDonald conducted the election of Officers for 1980: Past President, Mrs. Grace Drummond; President, Mrs. Diane Gerstenkorn; first vice president, Mrs. Hilda Payne: second vice president, Mrs. Joyce Pepper; secretary, Mrs. Helyn Drysdale; treasurer Mrs. Shirley McAllister; stewardship and finance chairman, Miss Mary Goodwin; communications co-ordinator, Mrs. Hilda Payne; leadership development and Christian Education development, Mrs. Grace Drummond: Church in society com- mittees -stewardship and visitation chairman, Mrs. Audrey Christie; world outreach chairman, Mrs. Kay Mock; social functions chairman, Mrs. Mona Alde'dice; manse, Mrs. Diane Gerstenkern; unit leaders; one, Mrs. Audrey Joynt; two, to be appointed; four, Mrs. Nan Britton; nursery, Mrs. Hazel Corbett and Mrs. Lorna Spencer. The installation of the new of- ficers will be held on Sunday, January 6, 1980. An impressive candle lighting devotional was held in the Sanctuary of the church. Mrs. Audrey Christie directed this part of the meeting assisted by Mrs. Helen Scane, Mrs. Kay Elder, Mrs. Audrey Joynt and Mrs. Gert Middleton. Mrs. Belva Fuss ac- companied at the piano for carol singing. The ladies from Chiselhurst U.C.W. were guests at this part of the meeting. Miss Joan Allen, Registered nurse, presented slides and an interesting commentary on her travels in India. Her work with the native people in Jesu FREE Kitchen Installation WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY COMBINATION OF CABINETS, COUNTERTOPS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN THAT'S RIGHT — We've completely remodelled our showroom, and we are celebrating our exciting new kitchen styles by °Kering FREE INSTALLATION during OCTOBER. Our showroom is bright and beautiful — right out of HOUSE and GARDENS. Starting with our NEW EUROPEAN STYLE with its soft all around look, the lifestyle warm CALIFORNIA series Ihst reflects the Western living look. Our new CONTEMPRA STYLES offer colours That you can live with and the easy feel of our BUTTERNUT colour makes lora family room in the kitchen. [115'I:TIDE IN CANADA All of our NEW STYLINGS ARE DISPLAYED IN FULLY ACCESSORIZED DISPLAY KITCHENS — FIFTEEN IN ALL. A VERY BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOM Priced to suit your budget — and terms lust as easy — FASHION CRAFT KITCHENS offers substantial savings fora limited lime only. Our competent designers and factory trained installers make it even easier for you. — A one stop - one shop convenience. Fashion Craft Kitchens offers a Free Delivery of your new Kitchen. An extra reason to buy now. Free 20 page Designer Catalogue in full colour now available — write or drop in for this picture book. WE WELCOME OUT OF TOWN COLLECT CALLS 652-3544 OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9-6 SATURDAYS 9-1 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 76.h1 eta6t Kitchens LONDON LONDON Highway st135 - - Between Wellington Road South and Wonderland Road Just North of 401 Ashram, in Darjedling area of India was highlighted. The offering for the meeting has been sent to Children's and Family Services in Goderich. Women at Carmel pick new officers The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their Christmas meeting on Tuesday evening with president Mrs. Harvey Hyde presiding and opened the meeting with a reading "What Is Christmas'? "Mrs. Malcolm Dougall was in charge of the Devotional and read a poem "Christmas Bells" followed by prayer and the Christmas Story was read by Mrs. Pert Campbell. The theme of the the Candlelighting was "'The Spirit of Christmas". The first candle was lit by Mrs. Dougall and hymns were sung in the service with Mrs. Edgar Munn at the piano. The remaining candles were lit by Mrs. Esther Wright, Mrs. Ruby Bell, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Mrs. Jean Snell, Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Al Hoggarth. Mrs. Dougall then gave an interesting topic on "The Three Gifts" Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, after the singing of "Holy Night, Silent Night" Mrs. Dougall closed the devotional with prayer. Mrs. Hyde conducted the business and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. P Campbell. Mrs. Esther Wright reported the officers chosen for the new year namely president Mrs. H. Hyde; vice-president Mrs. Wright; treasurer Mrs. P. Campbell; secretary Mrs. Rochus Faber; Assistant secretary Mrs. Bert Thomson; Literature. friendship and service secretary Mrs. Earl Campbell. glad tidings secretary Mrs. P. Campbell; Queensway Nursing Home: Mrs. Gertrude Moir; pianist Mrs. R. Taylor; cradle roll secretary Mrs. Rochus Faber; Associate mem- bership secretary: • Mrs. E. Munn; Stamps secretary; Mrs. G. Schwalm; supply secretary; Mrs. Edith Bell. Mrs. Hyde concluded this meeting with a reading "The Christmas Season; and a Christmas Prayer. Ladies' aid follows Mrs. Clarence Volland President of the Ladies' Aid presided for the meeting and opened with a poem "Gifts of Love". Mrs. M. Dougall acted as Secretary in the absence of Mrs. Edith Bell. Mrs. Volland led in prayer. Several cards of thanks were read and Mrs. Voiland reported the treats, cards etc. sent to shut-ins. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. H. Hyde and Mrs. Munn reported for the quilt committee. Boxes for shut- ins will be packed on December 15 at 1.00 p.m. Mrs. Bert Thomson reported for the nominating committee and the following slate of officers were chosen namely President: Mrs. Al Hoggarth; Vice-president Mrs. Bertha MacGregor Secretary : Mrs. Edith Bell: Ass't Secretary: Mrs. Ruby Bell; Pianist Mrs. R. Taylor; cards. flowers and treats convener: Mrs. Robert Bell treasurer: Mrs. H. Hyde: kitchen committee: Mrs. Jean Snell. Mrs Bert Thomson. Mrs. Ruby Bell. Group Leaders: Mrs. Robert Bell; Mrs. Harry Moir. Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mrs. Kenneth Knight presided for the Installation ceremony in her usual capable manner and the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer and the Benediction. A Christmas pot luck lunch was enjoyed and a social hour spent. • Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) • Management training • Information on government programs for business Can we help you? See our Representative BOB PEARCE AND OR BiLL SCHUTZ The' Devon Burldin(' at: 476 Main Si, Exete' EVERY TUESDAY On: (Next Visit: December 18th) i► leFEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK (Branch Office Address) For prior informoiton coil 271 5650 olle(t. or wr,lr, 1036 Ontario Street, Strotford. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol were visiters Sunday with their daughter and son-in- law. Mr .and Mrs.Don Dodds attended service in Winthrop Caven United church when their granddaughter Lynne Dodds joined the membership of the church. Miss Sally Chaffe of Mitchell visited last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke of Oakville visited on Sunday with Don's mother Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne visited with Mrs. Emma Payne and Lois in Elmira over the weekend of December 1 and attended the funeral of the former's late brother Mr. Glen Payne. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch over the weekend were their grandson and family from Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Flaxbard. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray WNW! and Karen of Fergus visited at dinner time and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard of Zurich visited later in the afternoon. Times- Advocate, D•c•mb•r 12, 1979 Pogo 13 vieveratimremuma 161s3 Wel evei IPAI trt lift IMO Iwo aft allition Oft Mt / g 1 g g g g g g g g g g Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO If you're looking for gift ideas for Christmas, we have them. A fine selection of gifts for the home and unusual gifts for the special people on your list. 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