HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-12-12, Page 10 (2)Page 10 Times -Advocate, December 12, 1979 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-5018 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Skatethon, bingo successful Final on for arena funds this month raised $857 which fund raising committee member Carl McMahon There's been much ac- tivity of late in the quest to raise the final amount for the Pauline Ingram, Marlene Ingram, Al Crerar, Pat Veal and Eleanor Shiels for their help. The skatethon held in the fall has raised 81,692 to date with another 8100 left to come in. Top money raiser was Dan McClinchey with $111. The other top raisers were Steve McCullough and Starr Jesney with $104 and 898 respectively. Meanwhile, the fund raising committee's 100 club continues to grow by leaps and bounds with 20 mem- berships. being added. The following is a list of the new members: Grant and Gladys McGregor; Bill C. Brown Sr.; Ray and Pauline Ingram; Ross and Loretta liensall and district com- munity centre. A fowl bingo held earlier termed a "big success.” McMahon gave thanks to Joanne Bell, Ray and Present festive pageant at United Church service The old. yet ever new, story of Jesus' birth was presented through pageant to the United Church congregation on Sunday morning, The pageant, written and produced by Rev. McDonald, was ex- ceptionally well portrayed by the children and young people of the congregation assisted by the Senior, Junior boys and Primary choirs. The Junior Boys Choir sang a Siciltian Hymn, "0 Thou Joyful Day" followed by a 17th century German carol, "While by my Sheep" as well as, "It is not far to Bethlehem" from "The First Christmas Morn". "Others" from "Because of Jesus Birthday" and "The Message of Christmas" from "Peace on Earth Christmas Cantatas for Children" Peter Cook, Jim Thrower and Rod Parker were the special soloists in these numbers. From the senior choir. solos were taken by Gail Travers singing. "0 Prophet Hensall Sherwoods Christmas Dance Music tor MOZART & HIS MELODY MAKERS Sat., Dec. 22 HENSALL DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 5600 perco.,oe umm„,mui The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER Skipping a VW of boring detail, Jock ,s .r the hospital His able wife, E Joyce, ,s keepicg the E business cpen and ,s E prepared to help oaten tiol customers who need E sow chains sharpered E spore ports or minor repairs To save a wasted E trip, please phone first ,n E Gose she hos been called to the hospital Thank you E for your undo'Crand,nq Before Coming call 262-2103 N no answer roll aya,n between 4 and 6 Jack's Smolt Engine Repair Service 107 Quern St., Hensall ttttttlttnlnittnr''''''''Illllllllll11111- Speak" to an ancient hymn tune and at the close of the pageant the ever beautiful, "Fairest Lord Jesus". Mrs. Margaret McLeod and Douglas Mock took the solo parts in "0 little town of Bethlehem". The senior choir also presented. "The Advent of our God" and The men's choir presented, "We Three Kings" while the ladies sang. "The West- minster Carol". The younger members of the congregation in the primary choir presented, in their very sincere and beautiful way. three lovely carols. "The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy" "The Baby Boy- and "Away in a Manger". Mrs. Mary Moffatt was organist with Mrs. Joyce Pepper as pianist. Directors of the choirs were; senior, Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey; junior. Rev. McDonald and primary, Mrs. Pam Scot- chmer. Those taking part in portraying the story through pageant were. Mary, Mary Drysdale; Joseph, Glen Slade; the main angel, Kathy Topp; other angels, Starr Jesney, Dana Bozzato, Susan Glynn and Janet Mowatt. The Shepherds were Mark McGregor. Donald Waring. and Tim Mann and the Wise Men were por- trayed by Scott Jesney. :Michael McGregor and Travis Beaver. Scott Jesney and Glen Slade were in charge of the property when the front of the church was made into the stable of Bethlehem with hay as well as the animals around the manager where Jesus lay. Lighting the second Advent candle at the beginning of the service was Randy Parker and Marilyn Pepper Sharon Beaver and Pam Scotchmer looked after the kindergarten Sunday School when they presented their gifts before the manger of Jesus. Everyone was very much impressed with the quality of this pageant by the choirs and the young people of the congregation as they presented the message of Christmas. Conduct worship at Zurich Rev. McDonald and members of the senior and Junior Boys choir conducted the worship at the Bluewater Rest Home on Sunday evening. Set date for congregation meeting At the Official Board meeting of the United Church on Wednesday evening. the date for the Annual Congregational meeting was set for Wed- nesday. January 16 with a pot -luck supper for the whole family After supper, car- toons and other movies will be shown to the children while the congregation hold their business meeting. Holy Communion Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted the Sacrament of Holy Communion in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday The choir under the leadership of the organist Mrs. Robert Taylor sang "Near The Cross". Next Sunday the Sabbath School members will present their program. Choir practise will be held on Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. Legion ladies donate The President of the Ladies' legion auxiliary Mrs. L. Uyl presided for the regular meeting on Tuesday evening. A donation was voted to Hensall Arena Fund. Arrangements were also made to send gifts to older members, shut-ins and the adopted veterans at Westminster Hospital at Christmas. The money doll draw will beheld on Friday December 21st. Members plan to visit the Queensway Nursing Home with treats for the residents. An ap- plication was received for two new members. The Christmas Party for the Legion and ladies' auxiliary_ members and families was held on Sunday after noon with a very good attendance. Santa arrived with gifts and treats and refreshments were served. Everyone enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. Queensway Mrs. Eric Luther con- ducted the Church service at Queensway Nursing home last week and passed out treats to the residents, who are most grateful, also to the Zurich Mennonite Church for playing Bingo with them. Visitors with Mrs. Vera Lammie were Iva Ridley and Chester Dunn. Hazel Snell, Les Mitchell and Barbara visited with Louise Mitchell. Mrs. Mary Oesch visited with her husband Pat Oesch. Gent's high bowling score was Albert Miazga with 170 and Edna Youn with 87. Rebekah Lodge holds Christmas party The Noble Grand Mrs. Hazel Corbett presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah on Wednesday evening assisted by the Vice - Grand Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. A number of Christmas cards were received from the lodges. Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave the Treasurer's report and the proceeds of the Bazaar and Bake Sale. An invitation was received from the Assembly President Constance Humby to attend a meeting at Huronic Lodge, Clinton when the Assembly Warden Iris Czinkota will make her of- ficial visit January 21. Secret Pal rite will be on January 2. Arrangements were made to drape the Charter. A donation was voted to be sent to the Children's Aid. Happy Birth- day was sung for Mrs. Alice Ferg. The Noble Grand thanked all who helped to make the Bake Sale and Bazaar a success. Following the meeting Mrs. R. Consitt presided and Mrs. W. Rogerson at the piano led in Carol singing. Mrs. Dorothy Parker gave a reading "The Light of the Star". Following the Gift Exchange a social hour was enjoyed in the lower hall and refreshments served. T... 1t. Hensall Civic Corner NEW YEARS EVE DANCE HENSALL & DISTRICT t„� j COMMUNITY CENTRE limited number of tickets being sold ll' Are available at Reid's Kozy Korner Restaurant. Avoid disappointment and get your tickets now. The riensoll Public School choir performing under the direction of Ms. J. Hnotyk. Chiselhurst women entertain The U.C.W. of Chiselhurst United Church entertained the U.C.W. of the Hensall United Church and other guests Tuesday afternoon. The president Mrs. Jack Brintnell presided opening the meeting with prayer and welcomed everyone. Mrs. Brintnell was in charge of the Devotional "The Christmas Star" Numbers of Christmas Hymns were sung with Mrs. Don Kerslake presiding at the piano. Mrs. Ted Roberts, Mrs. Dick Taylor and Mrs. A. Cole assisted in the Devotional. The members answered the Roll Call with their favourite Christmas hymn. An in- vitation was received to a Christmas social at Queensway Nursing Home, Monday December 10 "Thank You" was read from the Brintnell family. Rev. Stan McDonald was the guest speaker and gave an interesting message on "The Miracle of Christmas" Mrs. Thomas Scott gave two numbers singing Christmas songs accompanying herself on the harpsi-chord. Mrs. Brintnell thanked Rev. McDonald and Mrs. Scott. The meeting closed with the Benediction by Rev. McDonald. An exchange of Christmas gifts for the Secret Pen Pals was followed by a delicious lunch served by Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, and Mrs. Clarence Coleman. Riley; Hensall Branch No. 468 Women's Auxiliary -five memberships; Dave Kyle; Gary Kyle; Bev Hill; Cooks Division of Gerbro Cor- poration -five memberships; Vicki Baker; Murray Baker - two memberships. McMahon says persons contemplating buying a membership should consider doing so prior to December 31 to receive the benefit of the income tax reduction for 1979. A date to be circled on the calendar is February 2 which is the date when Team 10 from CFPL TV, London take on the Hensall Fund Raisers. Rumour has it that several National Hockey League scouts will be in attendance i PRESENTING .DARESE. D C 1 We bring you a professional product for home use__ - _ to give your hair the care it deserves SAVE OVER 70% During our introductory otter. any in -salon service allows you to purchase 1 bottle DARESE VITALIZER FOR HAIR AND SKIN plus— 1 bottle DARESE SHAMPOO CONCENTRATE (450 m1./16 oz. sizes) BOTH FOR ONLY $3.00 Ltmit 2 bottles per customer ACT NOW. Limited quantity at this price it's our way of saying "We care about your hair" Williams Hairstyling 121 KING ST. HENSALL 1 Open every Monday until Christmas Abattoir Open Monday Before' New Years 262-2041 Orders being taken Now For YOUNG PIANIST -- A student at Henson Public School David Dougoll ocrorr.ponied the choir when they preformed of the Tuesday night (On( ert at SHJHS. The young lady with him was helping turn. th.' Uncles of his music. Staff photo 236-4979 'Honey Available At 80c a Ib. .2 In Your Own Container PEKOE ORANGE PEKOE 50 TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE 50 TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE LOOSE TEA OXO BOUILLON CUBES MINCEMEAT 51.09 1.59 Ib, 51.59 25/1.09 2 Ib./51.89 NAPLES LASAGNA, SPAGHETTI MACARONI 1 Ib./ 45c BULK CANDY 12 Varieties ranging from 1.15 to '1.90 per lb. Vanilla extract in your own container 20c an oz. Over 100 items on display 3 miles west of Hensall HOURS TILL CHRISTMAS 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Mon. to Sat. A Maple leaf Sweet Cured COTTAGE ROLLS Store Sliced BACON Pure Pork SAUSAGE Sliced Swifts BOLOGNA BEEF PATTIES lb HIND OF BEEF or LOIN OF BEEF (prat) 6.1.85 Ib. Ib 1.39 ,, 89< '1.09 89< 1.59 tqi '?•1 For Christmas gifts shopping, visit our new Annex Basket & Wicker Ware 10% off ticket price Good selection of Macrame supplies & Macrame Kits. Sears catalogues ... a marketplace for home fashion finds. Sears CATALOGUE SHOPPING Come in and look through our lastest catalogue - PHONE 262-3316 Kraft Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 1 It.$ 1.49 air Imer Canada Fancy omato Juice Dad's Oatmeal Cookies 48 oz. Maple Leaf Tenderflake Lard l lb, 69t 99t 79t Maxwell House Regular Ground Coffee 11b. $3.59 ChLi toi cken Noodle Soup Mix 2/$1 Del Monte in juice sliced, chuncks, Pineapple 14oz Z/$1 York Vac Pack Blanched Peanuts Robin Hood Flaky • 350 g. $ 1• 29 Pie Crust Mix Reynolds Aluminum Foil Wrap ,o.. 89< 51.49 18"x25' Ivory 909 mi. Liquid Detergent $1.59 BAKERY 100% Whole Wheat Bread McCain's Apple Pies Bluewater 24 oz. 59( FROZEN FOODS 24 oz. 9.09 Ocean Snacks with shrimp 8 oz. $ 1.49 PRODUCE (Prod. of Honduras) Bananas Ib. 29( Vine Ripe (Prod. of U.S.A.) Tomatoes Ib. 49‘ Beef Slaughter --- Monday. Pork Slaughter — Tuesday,Hours for Picking Up Freezer ABATTOIR HOURS or Custom Orders. Tues. to Fri. — a cum to 6 p.m., Sat. s 0.m to 1 p.m. Prices in effect December 13, 14, 15 Choice local goof i Pork Abattoir Phone. 262-2041 •i 1)> PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities 011 01I od.ernsed ,terns Because of increased costs we find it necessary it make o SOc charge for grocery delivery A....IIKET GROCERIES 8t FRESH PRODUCE Phone: 262-2017 Hensall 0))