HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-11-21, Page 13 (2)Use your imagination
Times- Advocate, November 21, 1979
Page 13
Corn husk dolls easy and fun to make
I've been a long-time fan
and collector of dolls, so
when I was given the chance
to learn how to make some
more, I took up the offer.
I came to the Grand Bend
Women's Institute meeting
hoping to get some in-
teresting photographs for
this newspaper. But as well
as some photos, l came away
with a new doll and a bag of
corn husks.
I was previously the owner
of a corn husk doll that an
aunt had brought me from
the mountains of Kentucky
about 15 years ago. She was
always a favourite in my
collection, because of the
intricate detail in her
braided corn silk hair, and
the tiny bow on the back of
MORE THAN DOHS — Dyed corn husks can be .mode into
attractive flower arrangements. In front ore some dolls in
various stages of being mode. T -A photo
To the Editor:
Since the approval by the
provincial government in
1968 of the white over amber
flashing light for volunteer
firefighters, many fire
departments in Ontario
equipped their men with the
Unfortunately, not enough
was done in the way of
publicizing the new light.
Consequently. few people,
other than those in the fire
service, know what the light
represents. In an attempt to
Discover the Ditterenc)
Quality Used Cars
Value Priced
We are proud of our quality recon-
ditioning! Each car is carefully
checked out by professionals to in-
sure you of many, many trouble-
free miles or driving pleasure.
You'll be glad you visited ThoaK-
or $111.31 Per Month
Less With Trade
BROUGHAM 4 door, air condi-
tioned. like new HND 302.
'17 FURY BROUGHAM 4 door, Mr
conditioned, locally owned luxury
car MMO 208
'77 CORDOBA 2 door, air condi
Honed. 6040 seat, fully powered.
MMO 265.
PAYMENTS Inch)* taxes, terms
are 60 months, charges are
52242.08 at 16 25%, with a down
payment of 5547 65.
or $92.92 Per Month
Less With Trade
'77 PLYMOUTH FURY 4door, lose
mileage, air conditioned, local car,
6 cylinder, automatic, power steer
imp. power brakes, HND 258.
77 DODGE ASPEN 4 door, econ-
omy, a top sellln° compact. NVN
'76 VOLARE WAGON, versatile
and economical, low mileage.
KME 254.
PAYMENTS include taxes, terms
are 60 months, with charges of
51774.98 at 16 25%. with a down
Payment of 5477 65.
or $68.46 Per Month
Less With Trade
'77 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 door
hardtop. V8 automatic, power
steering. power brakes. OCY 578
'76 VOLARE 2 door, sharp and
practKal economy. 6 cylinder with
automatic. K K B N2
iginal luxury car priced right. JFN
door, air conditioned and fully
Powered. DHO 765.
PAYMENTS Include taxes. terms
are 60 months, with charges 01
51307 85 at 16 25%. with a down
payment of 5404.65.
'74 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 door.
safetled. ZCK935 51995
door, 1a? dependable sound Scar
door. OF U 017. Before re. ondttiom
Ing 5995
'74 BOBCAT 3 door. HEN 712 Be-
fore reconditioning 5895
Take the Pleasant Drive
& Save A I.ot of Cash
SAT. 9-12. SUN. 12 5
238-2391 *
correct this situation, The
Fire Fighters' Association of
Ontario has undertaken a
remedial program. This
program involves improving
the optics of the lens to
provide better visibility,
producing a television film
short for public service time
airing, and sending out a
press release to all daily and
weekly newspapers in
Perhaps the fire depart-
ment in your community is a
volunteer department,
whose members are
equipped with the light.
Perhaps communities
around you have depart-
ments so equipped. Many of
our departments, however,
do not use the light since
there is so little public
awareness of it.
No matter what the
situation is in your com-
munity regarding the light,
we would hope that you
might see fit to use our
release as often as you see
fit, to help us help the
citizens of Ontario when they
need our services. As more
and more members of the
motoring public become
aware of the light and what it
represents. and hopefully
extend to us the courtesy of
the road, then the more
effectively will we be able to
perform our job.
We are most appreciative
of any assistance you can
provide in making the public
more aware of the VFF light.
Thank you.
Richard W. Burgin
Secretary -Treasurer.
PB students
watch Santa
A number of the parents
and students from Precious
Blood Separate School spent
much of Saturday in London.
They watched the Santa
Claus Parade and then at-
tended the Lollipops Concert
at Centennial Hall. Under
the leadership of Brian
Jackson. the Symphony
played excerpts from
Rossini's William Tell
Overture and the Theme
from Star Wars. During
these two pieces a
professional cartoonist
schetched the characters
from William Tell and Star
The students became
aware of the number of
times symphonic music is
used as background music
for their favourite cartoons.
A very special guest was
ushered in by the symphony
playing "Here Comes Santa
Everyone in the audience
then participated in singing
along with Santa Claus a
medley of Christmas Carols.
At the end of the concert
the students were given an
opportunity to examine some
of the symphony in-
struments. They were all
impressed by the percussion
instruments especialI,y the
electronic percussion.
A very special thanks to
Mrs. C. McDonnell for
arranging this school trip as
part of the music program at
Precious Blood.
IN THE MAKING — Nola Taylor, Mabel Gill, and Viola Ritchie learned the tricks involved
in making corn husk dolls at last Thursday's Women's Institute meeting, in Grand Bend.
CORN HUSK BABIES — Each and every corn husk doll is on individual - no two ore iden-
tical. Gingham aprons and little baskets make additions to this collection by Catherine
Junker. T -A photo
At University Hospital,
Western Campus, London on
Monday. November 19, 1979
Gerald Richard Godbolt of
Exeter. aged 66 years.
Beloved husband of Alma
tRatz) Godbolt. Dear father
of George and Lois and John
and Kathryn. Dear grand-
father of Frederick and
Matthew. Also surviving is a
brother Harvey Godbolt of
Bayfield. Resting at the R.C.
Dinney Funeral Home.
Exeter until Thursday at 3
p.m. when the funeral will be
held at Exeter United
Church with Rev. James
Forsythe officiating.
Interment Exeter Cemetery.
In the Blue Water Rest
Home. Zurich. Ontario, on
Tuesday, November 13, 1979,
Louise Lillian (Bedour)
Denomme, beloved wife of
the late Adrien Nelson
Denomme (1974), in her 65th
year. Dear mother of Mrs.
John (Jean Loretta) Regier
of Kincardine, Peter Donald
of London, Paul Lennis
London, and 9 grand-
children. Son Larry
predeceased. Dear sister of
Gordon and Rudolph of
Goderich. Theodore of
Zurich. Mrs. Lester
(Geraldine) Banks of
Toronto, Mrs. Ernie
(Luella) Fisher. of
Goderich, Mrs Lawrence
(Lucille) Brisson. St.
Thomas. Mrs. Leo (Cecile)
Meidinger. Zurich. One
brother Armand, and one
sister Jean predeceased.
Funeral service was held
Friday from the Westlake
Funeral Home and St.
Boniface Roman Catholic
Church, Zurich with Rev.
Father P. Mooney of-
ficiating. Interment St.
Boniface Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Tim
Bedour, Donald Ayotte, Mike
Brisson, Ricky Grenier,
Franis Denomme and David
Carl J. Weitzman, 85 of
2256 South Avenue, Niagara
Falls, N.Y. died Friday
November 9, 1979 in the
Veterans Administration
Hospital, Buffalo, after a
lengthy illness.
He is survived by his wife,
Mary (McKellar) Weitzman
(formerly of Cromarty) a
son Douglas of Fairview
Heights, Illinois and two
granddaughters. Funeral
services were held Monday
from the Otto Redanz
Funeral Home, Michigan
Avenue and tOth Street
Niagara Falls with the Rev.
Robert Bellingham of-
ficiating. Burial was in
Riverdale Cemetery.
Norval Clarence Jones, at
South Huron Hospital,
Exeter. on Thursday,
November 15, 1979, 63 years
of age. Beloved husband of
Mildred (Madge) Jones, of
Exeter, dear father of
Eleanor Mrs. Ronald Horn,
Mrs. Helen Edwards, Robert
and James, all of Exeter.
Also survived by nine
grandchildren. Funeral
service was held Saturday
from the Hopper -Hockey
Funeral Home with Rev.
James Forsythe officiating.
Interment Exeter Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Bill
Parsons. Roy Hunter,
Garnet Shipman, Ross
Coates, Lloyd Hodgins and
Earl Carroll. Flower bearers
were Dale and Todd Jones
and Steven Horn.
Floyd T. Buehlow, suddenly
at South Huron Hospital,
Exeter. on Thursday,
November 15, 1979.• beloved
husband of Iscbel Buehlow,
in his 78 year. Mr. Buehlow is
survived by three half
sisters. The funeral was held
Saturday from the Hopper-
Ifockey Funeral Home with
Pastor Linn Loshbough
At his late residence. 506
Albert Street, Exeter. on
Saturday. November 17,
1979. Howard F. Loree, in
his 64th year. Beloved
husband of Lillian. Dear
father of William Loree,
Canadian Armed Forces.
Alberta. Stepfather of Elsie
Cooper of Tornto.Dale(Mrs.
William Walker) of Langley,
B.C., and John Cooper of
Toronto. Also loved by six
grandchildren. At the
request of the deceased,
body has been donated to the
University of Western
Ontario Medical School.
Memorial service at Exeter
United Church on Wed-
nesday, November 21, 1979 at
2 p.m. Rev. J Fosythe of-
Maxwell William, at South
Huron Hospital, Exeter,
Ontario on Saturday,
November 17. 1979, formerly
of Stoney Creek, in his 68th
year. Beloved husband of
Achsah Corey. Dear brother
of Keay. Hamilton and
Margaret of Burlington.
Loved cousin of Eva of
Toronto. Mr. Walsh was a
former employee of the
Stoney Creek Hydro for
many years. Funeral service
was held Tuesday from the
Donald V. Brown Funeral
home., Stoney Creek and the
Church of the Redeemer.
Stoney Creek.
In Stephen Township on
Monday. November 19, 1979,
Donald Arthur Schenk, of
Zurich. Beloved husband of
Bonnie Lorraine (Neeb)
Schenk. in his 28th year.
Dear father of Kelly Glen,
Kristan Edward. and
Katherine Elizabeth. all at
home. Dear son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Schenk, of
Crediton, grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Schenk,
Crediton. and Mrs. Blanche
Cholette, Cornwall. Dear
brother of Mrs. John
(Charmaine) Beierling, of
Centralia. Mrs. Joseph
(Susan ) Regier, Crediton.
Tammy Louise Schenk, and
Lorie Lynn Schenk, of
Crediton. Funeral service
will be held at the Westlake
Funeral Home, Zurich, un
Wednesday. November 21, at
2 p.m. Interment will be
made in the Crediton
In St. Joseph's Hospital on
Thursday, November 15.
1979, Ellen ( Whalen) Avery,
of Lucan. Beloved wife of the
late William Avery. Dear
mother of (Kathleen) Mrs.
Don Whit bourn of Mt.
Brydges, James, Kenneth
and Bernard Avery, all of
Lucan. Dear sister of Mrs.
Nora Rebeau of London. Also
survived by 20 grand-
children. In her 72nd year .
Funeral service was held
Saturday from the C.
Uaskett and Son Funeral
Home, Lucan. Interment St.
James Cemetery, Clan-
At University Hospital,
London. on Wednesday.
November 14. 1979, Amelia
Engeland. Widow of the late
Reinhard Willert (1948) in
her 84th year. Dear mother
of (Doris) Mrs. Cliff
Penhale, of Dashwood,
(Ada) Mrs. R.J. Newton, of
London, Alvin, of Exeter and
Milton predeceased (1969).
Also loved by 11 grand-
children and 14 great-
grandchildren. Predeceased
by two sisters and one
brother. Funeral service was
held Saturday from the T.
Harry Iloffman Funeral
Home, Dashwood with Miss
B. Laing officiating.
Interment Calvary United
Church Cemetery. Dash-
4:00 p.m.
her apron made of corn husk.
Little did I know that corn
husks were so easy to work
with, and making a corn
husk doll was so simple.
There's one easy trick to
working with corn husks -
keep them wet. As long as
the husk remains wet, you
can do almost anything with
it, without breaking it.
Catharine Junker of Grand
Bend was the teacher for the
lessons on making corn husk
dolls. She pointed out that
the idea of corn husk dolls
was not new - Columbus and
other early explorers had
reported that native Indian
children were playing with
corn husk dolls when they
arrived in North America.
The tools of the trade are
simple enough to acquire.
The main ingredient, corn
husks, can be picked up on
numerous farms this time of
year. But don't leave it too
late. Optimistic farmers tell
me they hope the corn will be
off next week, and corn
husks that have been
shreddedin a combine are no
good for making the dolls.
You also need a pair of
scissors, glue, fine string or
crochet cotton, pipe cleaners
and marking pens with
which to draw the faces.
Trial and error taught me
that white pipe cleaners are
the best; the colour of the
dark ones sometimes soaks
through the wet corn husks.
Make the doll's head by
rolling up some wet bits of
corn husks into a ball in the
palms of hands. Mrs. Junker
said that she had sometimes
used styrofoam balls to
make the heads, but she
didn't like the round balls,
because they were "too
Stick a pipe cleaner into
your ball of corn husks, and
then carefully wrap the ball
with a nice, clean husk. Use
thestringto tie the ball at the
top and bottom. then take the
excess of the clean husk at
the top of the head, and
carefully fold it back down
over the head. Mrs. Junker
said that this step was like
peeling a banana.
The arms are made by
covering the pipe cleaner
with corn husk and tying
them to the body in a cross
formation. Tri;ks can be
used to make cute puffed
sleeves. Use narrow strips of
corn husk to put over the
doll's shoulders to hide your
The skirt is made by tying
layers of corn husks to the
body of the doll, then trim off
the bottoms so that she can
stand on her skirt. If the skirt
is not full enough, stuff it
with some paper towel while
the corn husks are drying.
Tie a string around the
bottom to keep the husks in
Scraps of gingham or
cotton prints can be used to
make tiny scarves, bonnets,
aprons or shawls.
Mrs. Junker had made tiny
basket for one of her dolls to
carry by covering a child's
block with corn husks until
they dried in the small
square shape. Then she
braided thin strips of husk
a success
Pleasant weather and an
abundance of delicious
home baking contributed
greatly to a highly successful
bazaar in Ailsa Craig last
Saturday. The ladies of the
Ailsa Craig United Church
held their annual Christmas
bazaar, "The Christmas
Cupbard" in the afternoon.
Several of the community
took advantage of the op-
portunity and had a cup of
tea with old friends and
An excellent selection of
Christmas decorations and
other crafts were available
for the Christmas shopper.
Plants of every size and type
were available.
The C.G.I.T. had a booth of
their own which featured a
cook book which they
themselves had compiled.
Along with the recipes they
sold plates of cookies and
other goodies.
"We felt the day was a
great success", reported
Mrs. Nancy Harmer.
Proceeds from the bazaar
will be used to further
mission work.
Real Estate
Auction Sale
due to advertising omission
Real estate to be sold by Public Auction.
Sat. Nov. 24, 1979 10:30 a,m. SHARP
31 Simcoe St Exeter. Ontario
For Mr and Mrs. Dove Robinson
Real Estate consists of 2 storey brick house with 2 self
contained opt units Main floor, 2 large Iivingrooms,
2 kitchens, 2 bothroom;. 1 storage room. Second
floor, 4 bedrooms full basement, 1 furnace, 2 etec-
Inc meters. 2 driveways Aluminum storms and
screens This house 1s situated on o lot approximately
49 5 by 198 giving you a large bock yard for gor-
den or ploy area Partial mortgage available at
10'.+ 0/0 Second mortgage available.
Terms of real estate 10o%o of sale balance in 30 days
if not previously sold.
Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. -
Norm Whiting, Auctioneer
For Further Information Call
Exeter 235-1964
---.14111,-- e,
Tractors and farm machinery to be held for Gerald
Rodges at Lot 22. Maitland Concession, Goderich
Township. 4 miles east of Goderich on Highway #8.
TRACTORS: Ford 5000 diesel high arch with cab
• heater. hydraulic outlets etc.; Massey Ferguson 180
diesel tractor with multi power hydraulic outlets,
adjustable rear wheels.
MACHINERY: 400 Versatile hydrastatic drive, 12 ft.
self propelled swather with hay conditioner; Dion 3
beater self unloading forage box with roof 2 years old;
Ten ton Martin wagon 2 years old; Dion short trough
forage blower; IBC #S0 forage harvester with two row
corn head; John Deere 1300 six row plateless corn
planter; George White 200 gallon aluminum tank trail
sprayer with 25 ft. boom, 3 years old; Bear Cat 12 ft.
land packer; Ford 532 hay baler 3 years old; Krause
heavy duty 12 ft. wheel disc, 3 years old; Fiskars J.F„ 3
furrow high clearance plow adjustable 14" to 18"
automatic spring reset high speed bottoms 3 years old;
Lucknow 7 ft. single auger snowblower with hydraulic
turn spout; MF 160 PTO manure spreader with 2
beaters; Smith 4 row bean puller new this fall; flat rack
on six ton Martin wagon; flat rack on 4 ton wagon; Allis
Chalmer short trough forage blower; Quantity of cedar
posts and barn timber.
For Information phone' Gerald Rodgee at 524-8021
Clinton • 482.7896
Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents
day of sale.
for the handle.
Moisten corn silk and glue
it on the head for hair. This is
the messiest part of the job.
While the hair is damp and
sticky you can style it any
way you like.
The husks can be dyed to
any colour to be used as
accessories for the doll.
Make a tiny head for a baby,
and wrap up a piece of dyed
husk and pin it into the dolls
arms, so that it looks like a
mother holding a baby
wrapped in a blanket.
Let you imagination go
when you put the finishing
touches on your doll. A tiny
twig with broom straws tied
to the bottom could be a
broom for a doll to hold. The
possibilities are endless.
And don't stop at dolls
when working with corn
husks. Mrs. Junker showed a
bouquet of corn husk flowers
she had made. She dyed the
husks different colours, and
used teetzle for the centres.
Christmas wreaths and fall
decorations for the front
door can also be made from
corn husks.
✓La/,%,,+ell 81.514forrales
Auction Sale
for the Estate of Louise L Denomme to be held
Wed., Nov. 28 at 7 p.m.
at Zurich Town hall
All furniture and appliances are less than 2 yrs. old.
Sale to consist of: Braemore bed; chesterfield
neutral floral, 4 pce. walnut bedroom suite five pce.
walnut dinette suite, 20" Electrohome black and
white T.V. with stand, Electrohome A.M/F.M. stereo
with record changer and 8 track tape player,
walnut coffee and end tables, leather platform
rocker, rugs - 9 x 12 ft. rust and 10' x 10' light blue
mix 8 matching bedspread and curtains, gold
drapes with sheers, 3 pce luggage set, lamps, string
pictures, frames, mirrors, glass,china,cookwareand
bedding, assortment of smoll appliances, G.E.
vacuum and carpet sweeper and more.
t/GQG/l'5e e - e J i 7Cl. Cir�eJ
(519) 527-1458
t WO /l
Of Brand New Quality Household Furniture
To be hold of Taxandria Community Centre, located on
87 highway, 1 mils With of Adieu..
Mon., Nov. 26
7:30 p.m. Sharp
$25,000 Assorted Stock Must
Be Sold
No Rasorve
Mara Is A Partial Listing
8 brand now bedroom suites, each suite comas complete with
anow top quality box spring and mattress and featuring a 5
piece pine suits complete with hutch, mirror, and triple
dresser, 5 drawer chest, headboard, stool frame, 2 night
tobles, box spring and mattress; other suites an various
Spanish, Contemporary, and Modem Styles — plus, for the
daughter's room, a complete white and gold trim deluxe
10 different dinettes — wood, chrome and coppertone suites
in 3 and 7 piece sets. The wood colonial suites aro in maple
and pine finishes..
15 brand new chesterfield wit's in 2 pious, 3 piece and 4
piece sots, in many styles and every suits covered in top quoli•
ty, top graded covers in Nylon Velvets, Ultra Volvos, Ker.
culons, Acrylic Pile, Neupohyde and many mon — as tins o
selection as ever offered by public duction.
Plus — much mon — recliners, rockeri, davenport sets, din•
ing room suites tomato* with hutch and buffet, stop and
coffin) tables, o rico assortment table lamps, swags, continen•
tel bods in 39", 48", 54" and queen size, mate's bed, odd
chest of drawers, desk, foot stool, odd night tables, maple
and pine bunk bods, pictures, mirrors and smokers.
Many other items as well. Doors open of 6 p.m. for earl in.
spection. Marchondiso con be picked up night of sale or from
9 o.m. till noon the following day. Solo conducted by Victoria
Solos, London, Ont.
Soles Mgr. — Loo E. Bird
AUCTIONEER — Jock Heywood
Terms Cash — Cheques accepted — 7° ' soles to, n effect
Auction Sale
of modern appliances, furniture,
antiques, carpenter tools and wood
working equipment
to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn at 289
Bayfield Road, Clinton for Mrs. Mary McAllister
of Hensall and the Estate of William Craig of
Saturday, November 24th at
11:30 a.m.
G.E. frost free square model fridge, like new,
Westinghouse 24" electric stove, like new, Moffat
square model fridge, wringer washer, Kelvinator 24"
electric stove, Electrohome portable colour T.V., din-
ing extension table with six chairs and buffet, 2 an-
tique dressers with oval mirrors, antique dresser with
Targe mirror, modern maple open front hutch, 2
blanket boxes, 3 round pedestol parlour tables, odd
small tables, steel bed and mottress, double pedestal
Duncan Phyfe style dining table with 2 leaves like
new, chesterfield with pull out mattress, chrome
toble and chair set like new, upholstered choirs,
gunstock choir, treadle 'sewing machine, 3 matching
wooden choirs, several odd wooden choirs, lawn
choirs, trunk, pole lamp, step stool, recliner choir
like new, green carpet, 2 - Muntz speokers, antique
mantle dock, crocks, lantern, some bedding, electric
heater, carpet sweeper, electric broom, plus our
usual large offering of pots and pons, dishes and
glassware, including some antique pieces, lamps etc.
Wood lathe with 4 ft. bed and 8" swing, chisels for
lathe, table sow, 6" ilointer with motor, small drill
press with motor, small box stove, heavy duty Skil
sow, 2 sober saws, 1/4" drill, dodo head for bench
sow, 4 ft. clomp plus other clomps, plus oil the smoll
"NOTE": carpenter tools will sell first, starting at
1 1:30 o.m.
CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone 482-7896
Not responsible for accidents day of sale. This is
a good sale so plan to attend.