HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-11-21, Page 7 (2)I) • • • • • ln.'V V a , guard against fire 0 Shop For Her... Where She Shops For A Selection of Fine Fashions WE NOW CARRY HALF SIZES You Could WIN Our In -Store Draw For $100 Gift Certificate ALSO PLAYROOM GIF 1 DRAW FOR PRE SCHOOL CHILDREN * Free Gift Wrapping For Men Shop Early For Best Selection We'll Be Glad To Layaway Your items Until Christmas Boyle's LADIES' WEAR Main St., Exeter FIRST MALE MEMBER — President Lillian Campbell and regional chairman Jacqui Lewis talk to Charles Smith, the only male member of the Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital. Mr. Smith had just been installed on the new executive. T -A photo Charlie Smith on executive Auxiliary has first male Applause broke out at the meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital when their first male member was installed on the new executive last Tuesday. Charles Smith is not only the first male member of the Auxiliary, he is also the first male member of their Almatex Paints Wallpaper & Accessories to meet your Redecorating Requirements Also giftware Exete&Decor Centre 15 Gidley St. E. 235-1010 executive. President Mrs. Earl Campbell says that Mr. Smith has been helping the auxiliary for several years, but this fall he officially became a member. Mrs. Campbell says that most hospital auxiliaries in the area have male members, but none of them have male members on the executive. Mr. Smith, a former bank manager, has taken the position of assistant treasurer. Jacqui Lewis, chairman for Region 1I of the area hospital Auxiliaries installed the new slate of officers for the 1979-80. She said that this was the first time she in- stalled a man on an executive. Mrs. Earl Campbell returned for a second year as president. Other officers are as follows: Past President -Mrs. Roylance Westcott; 1st Vice President -Mrs. Wellington Brock ; 2nd Vice President - Mrs. Ray Frayne; 3rd Vice President- Mrs. Alvin Epp; Recording Secretary- Mrs. Ralph Batten; Ass't Recording Secretary- Mrs. Wes Witmer; Corresponding Secretary- Mrs. Norman Stanlake; Treasurer- Mrs. Robert Dinney ; Ass't Treasurer- Mr. Charles Smith; Board Represen- tative Mrs. Earl Campbell; Staff Representative- Mrs. Robert Pooley; Historian - Mrs. Gretta Richard; Pianist -Mrs. Amiel Willard; Cancer Society Rep. -Mrs. Wellington Brock. Ms. Lewis spoke briefly on how to get volunteers to help out. She quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, "No man can sincerely help another without helping himself." She added that there are many compensations for becoming a volunteer. The financial statement was presented at the meeting and reports 'were given by each committee. It was learned that the auxiliary required a char- tered accountant to audit their books. At the last meeting it was suggested that a bookkeeper could inspect the books, without going through an audit. Report cites need for more benefits The Fifth Annual Report of the Ontario Status of Women Council. covering the period April 1. 1978 to March 31. 1979 was released recently. The Council advises the I'rovincial Secretary for Social Development on matters affecting the status of women. Lynne Gordon. Council Chairperson, said the "the Council has proven how effective it can be working with a variety of interests ranging from grass roots and other community-based groups to larger organizations." She said she is encouraged by the co- operation and growing network of women throughout Ontario and Canada. Ms. Gordon said that there Entertainment at Huronview Jim Ruddock. Norman Speir. and Cecil Skinner combined their talents with Mrs. Marie Flynn on Mon- day afternoon at Old Tyme Music. After a period of well- known music. the residents finished the programme off with a sing song. The ceramic class met Tuesday afternoon under the direc- tion of Mrs. Betty Fawcett. The Canadian Cancer Society lectured all day Wednesday on Cancer prevention. All staff at- tended at one time or another throughout the day. Preparations are underway for the festive season. We hope to have some new decorations throughout the home to add to our present decorations. Mrs. Prouty held Bible Study Thursday afternoon. The Blind met in the Craft room Friday morning and a letter was read concerning the C.N.I.B. Christmas dinner on Saturday December 1st, 1979. Day Care showed their 99 cent movie this week. and everyone enjoyed the antics of Ma and Pa Kettle in Waikiki. The coffee hour that is put on by Day are each Thur- sday morning is fast becoming popular with- Huronview residents. Huronview would like to welcome Mrs. Gertrude Kernighan from Goderich, and Janet and Alton Macey. also from (. dierich. is a need in the province for a comprehensive employ- ment strategy for the eighties. In particular, she emphasized the need for childcare for the 64 per cent of women in the labour force of chld-bearing and child- rearing age. "The in- creasing participation of women in the labour force is not a temporary phenomenon", she said, "and support services for women are needed on an on- going basis." Ms. Gordon said that also as part of an overall employ- ment strategy, Council will continue to urge the govern- ment to enact new labour legislation on the issues of equal pay for work of equal value and contract com- pliance. "The wage gap continues to widen as more women are entering the labour market", she said. "Unless action is taken. the workplace will continue to offer women unequal oppor- tunities and unequal rewards throughout their working lifetime." The Annual Report on Council activities contains recommendations by the Council's four working com- mittees - child care. educa- tion and recreation. labour and women with special needs. Also included are Council's activities on women's health issues. Single copies of the Report are available at no charge from the Council at 700 Bay Street,orby calling 1416) 965- 1111. • Contact: Susan Gibson 1416: 965-1111. Times- Advocate, Novemb.r 31, 1979 Page 7 A display of pottery and weaving Friday, Nov. 23 l :oo to 5:00 7:00 to 10:00 Saturday, Nov. 24 s Yoe are invited ti to as ti OPEN HOUSE 1:00 to 5:00 Kaaren Batten 64 Sanders St., W. Exeter. THANK YOU! To all those who made our grand opening in our new location such a success. BIGGER TO SERVE YOU BETTER • Full Line Of Tropical Plants • Dried & Silk Flowers • Fresh Cut Flowers • Complete Selection Of Wicker • Ceramic Pots • Copperware • Brassware • Gift Glassware • Candles • Plant Care Products BAKER'S TROPICAL PLANTS IN THE NEW DOWNTOWN MALL rlimmrrin r &H PERIOR FOOD MAR 1 • •Z•ZZ:T_L�i� X11 �jL•7_Ri•Z•I.1: ! 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