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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-11-21, Page 6 (2)MR. AND MRS. PETER TIMMERMANS Deborah J. Tower and Peter J. Timmermans were united in marriage at Bethel Reformed Church, Exeter, on October 27. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tower of Hen - soil, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Timmermans, R.R. 3, Kippen. Rev. H. Van Essen officiated. Matron of Honour was Hilda Young and bridesmaids were Sandra Tower, Elaine Harburn and Koren Dayman. David Timmermans was best man, and guests were ushered by John Timmermons, Colin Young, and Nick Hauwert. Flower girl was Karen Timmermans and Timmy Brand was ring bearer. The newlyweds are now residing at R.R. 2, Kippen. Photo by Jock Doerr MR. AND MRS. DANIEL LAGERWERF Wilhelmina J. Bontje and Daniel Jacob Lagerwerf were un- ited in marriage on October 20 at 5t. Pius the tenth church in London, Ontario. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bontje of London, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lagerwerf, Parkhill. Matron of honour was Heather Macarthur, and bridesmaids were Monique Bontje, Christine Former and Shelly Weber. Best man was Ron Steeper, and ushers were Bill Johnston, Paul Lagerwerf and John Smithers. After o honeymoon in Colorado, the couple have taken up residence at R.R. 8 Parkhill. Another reception to take place on Friday, November 23. Photo by Sooter Studios i1 MR. AND MRS. MANLEY SHEPPARD Dole Marie Schwortzentruber and Manley Sheppard were un• ited in marriage October 6 at Zurich Mennonite Church by Rev. Clayton Kuepfer The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Schwortzentruber, Zurich and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheppard, River of Ponds, New- foundland Matron of honour was Grace Wilds and bridesmo'ds were Gail Irvine, Pearl Hancock, and Brenda Sheppard Best mon was Dwight Sheppard and guests were ushered by Otto Sheppard, Joy Schwartzentruber and Fred Sheppard Flower girl was Ammie Gelinas and ringbeorer was Craig Redick. The couple have taken up residence in Huron Pork Photo by Terry Schwortzentruber MR. AND MRS. ROBERT CASE Kimberly Anne Sanders and Robert Donald Case exchanged marriage vows on November 2 at 3 o'clock in the Exeter United Church. Rev. James Forsythe and Rev. Harold Snell of- ficiated. Kim is the daughter of Gerald and Madlyne Sanders, Grand Bend, and Robert is the son of Don and Phyllis Case, Exeter. Attending the bride were Bonnie McCann as matron of honour, and Vicki Kelders, Arlie Sanders, Shirley Rader, and Joon Rath, as bridesmaids. Ron Rader was best man and guests were ushered by Jerry Sanders, Larry Mason, Allan Case and Donnie Gaze. Kerri-Lynn Case was flowergirl and Matthew Anderson was ringbearer. Following a honey - in Florida, the couple will reside at R.R. 1, Grand Photo by Jack Doerr moon Bend. Decorate your home with beautiful CUSTOM DRAPES Choose the fabrics and the styles you wont and Barb Whiting will custom make your drapes for you You can also choose matching bedspreads and pillow shams WHITING'S WAREHOUSE Main St. Exeter 235-1964 Pag. 6 Times -Advocate, November 71. 1979 By ELAINE TOWNSHEND All l want tor Christmas is a key chain to hang around my neck I have a propensity for losing key s in the darndest places Locking yourscll out of your house or apartment is not a big deal l'Le heard of several people trying to break into their own homes shoe avocscwuvaanaram arm 5. p.0, -_,z.,...•....: Y . •I.4 •15.75 9Oar.'3.59 '1543 Ise r. 7 a •_•'I4 . '4.35 i.39 r. 1.49 r. 1-55 1 09 'LSO U.. -.. - 149 r. 1.50 0 It's Christmas time and we do cheese gand meat platters gand have great g Christmas gift ideas. SGRAPEFRUIT 57.19 ORANGES 90.09 CaII Merner's at 2374677 Odd 'n ends The missing keys and having well-meaning neighbours call the police to report a prowler I unders- tand some people have dit- fic•ulty explaining to police why they're breaking into their own houses When the pollee unders- tand the situation however. they can be extremely help- 1ul One officer tor exam- ple. helped a young lady gain entry to her apartment by boosting her onto her balcony . 1 added a new twist to the lock your keys in the apartment gag One cold Sunday morning when most people were still in bed. 1 hurried down to the car. threw my suitcase and keys in the passenger side. slammed the door and then remembered by purse was in the apartment 1 dashed back to the apartment. then 1 remembered the door was locked and the key was in the car 1 hustled back to the car. then I realized I in- advertently locked the car door Problem two sets of apartment keys - one locked in the apartment. the other locked in the car Two sets ot car keys - one locked in the car, the other lett at my parents place Solution• call Mom and ask her to bring in my keys when she goes to church Problem no answer Solution the neighbour who let me use the phone carte to my rescue with a coat hanger A whsle later another neighbour told me he had put himself in a similar predica- ment. 1 didn't inean to sound malicious when 1 grinned and blurted out • Oh. good' I just meant I was relieved that l wasn't alone I always seem to misplace keys on cold days or nights When l was ready to leave an evening meeting early last spring. for instance. I couldn't find my car keys. and of course. the car was locked Are they in your bag someone asked. ..\o'' 1 snapped "1 already looked. and besides. 1 dont remember putting them in my bag My friends combed the school. in which the meeting was held .leanwhile. my dad. who Just happened to be at the meeting as well. shone his car lights under my car and got down on his hands and knees to search Fortunately l lived not tar away. and when the keys didn't surtac•e. Dad drove me home: I picked up the ex- tra set of keys and he took me back to retrieve the car We ransacked the car. but the original keys weren't locked inside When I finally got home. 1 dumped the contents ot my bag. just for the heck of it. Guess what dropped out of the bottom of one of the compartments If the incident had happen- ed amongst a bunch of strangers. 1 might never have had to contess and I !night never have heard • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • a• .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a• • • • • • • • : • • • • The • GRAND OPENING Flowers Aits C rafts T hings SHOP Flower Arrangements Weddings Special Occasions Flowers 'both silk & dry, 16 Victoria St., Zurich 236-4431 •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The CB&G with Kentucky Fried Chicken are coming to Exeter about it again But. since. it happened amongst a bunds of friends and relatives. I'll never live it down Dad es- pectally enjoys recounting the incident. 1 don't blame him After all, he was the one down on his hands and knees on the cold pavement. Ms largest escapade took place on Friday night in a grocery store. I had broken rnv key chain. which turned out to be a blessing in dis- guise. I lost only the ignition key and was carrying the ex- tra one in my purse Therefore. 1 had no trouble getting home and didn't bother searching for the key until the next morning I dumped my purse. I ran- sacked the car. I tramped the parking lot at my apart- ment. 1 walked the street in front ot the store and asked it a key had turned up inside the store One key had been found but it wasn't mine. A few days later when t had given up hope of ever seeing the key again. I couldn't told my wallet. and it wasn't because there was too much money in it Guess what I found in the bottom of the compartment for bills' As long as the key stayed at one end I didn't feel it: only when it slipped to the middle and prevented me troth folding the wallet did 1 realize it was there Now you know why I need a key chain to hang around my neck. but with my luck. the chain will break and the keys will oh well. never mind Kippen By MAS RNA CALDWELL C.C.W. of St. Andrews Church. Kippen held a very successful supper in Brucefield Church November 14. Some 600 plus hungry diners were fed. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Guelph, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. The exodus to Florida for the winter has begun. Mr. M. Barnard. Hensall, Mrs. Eva Smith. Ridgetown visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.I.. Mellis. WITH EVERY NEW 7j/ Lcz$t Kitchen CALORIC' Reg - DUP 202-18 $379.00 • 1.0 energy cruet • Ora, wast. aChon System • 1.0 sore•ware Wskels • ',tacit°, Light • 75O Wart nearing element • Aulomahc Guar aetergenr cup • Leakproof porcelain enamel ,nterio. • Waste a,sposai action • Mad out racks • Door safety s»,ten • Almond W1 i, I+arvest pane's 15 KITCHENS ON DISPLAY 11 the kitchen of your choice has been shown in the decorator books - we've got 1t on display in our showroom from the elegant EUROPEAN. the reversible CLASSIC. the rural COLONIAL. the breezy CALIfORN1A The perfect kitchen t0 Sat your lifestyle THE DURABLE DESIGN KITCHEN Despite the fact that it's one of the busiest and most popular rooms in the homethe average kitchen's Credit anally created with materials and designs when hart its useful life span 10 approximatety seven or eight years At the end of that periodextensive renovations. repairs and. in many casesreplacement iS to order With the Fssnton Craft kitchen. however. Geste the opposite is true Tne Fashion Craft kitchen utilizes durable no maintenance materials to 'designs that reflect timeless good taste Functional beauty. foliar custom•Iwii convergence. and the superior Guahtles of rugged rvearever Formica' PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS AND INSTALLERS Fashion Craft otters you REE design assistance Out professional Kitchen Designers mil Consult with you. draw up your kitchen needs and explain the' workings Of your new kitchen our factory trained installers wilt make your fastallat.on Swirl and easy - we 'I 00 it au THE MICROWAVE ELECTRIC RANGE The most advances cooking range on ire market Its a 100 Wan MICROWAvE. a tui n. sire overt a cooktop and 1t s self MI9yMICR- OWAVE ALL IN ONE New from CALORIC it the ME range ELECTRIC THE ALL -IN -ONE RANGE COMBINATION MICROWAVE AND ELECTRIC Cr9V,,• • WE WELCOME OUT OF TOWN COLLECT CALLS 652-3544 OPEN worms! tueu rMit, 96 5*nm0 tars 9 I EVENINGS ar APPOINTMENT %sh'an etst Kitchens LONDON Highway 51135 -- Between Wellington Road South and Wonderland Road Just North of 401 LONDON Christmas Cake Christmas isn't complete without on old fashioned Christmas coke. And judging by the repeat orders we're receiving many of you like the tasty product prepared in our kitchen program. Please place your order soon! Light or Dark - 2 to 4 lbs. 53.00 Ib. SOUTH HURON BAKERY Phone 237-3569 8-5 North of ARC. Dashwood i Don't let the warm weather foo! you! IS DEFINITELY COMING And to help celebrate its coming Gerrard's is offering the following ALL OUTERWEAR • Coats • Ski Jackets 20% • Car Coats • Ski Suits • Snowmobile Suits etc. 0 F OUR REG. PRICES F 't OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES so DRESSES �% PANT SUITS 1/3 OFF Ladies Lys, Pantomine, Boot leg Jeans REG 527.98 NOW . s17' Rood Runner straight leg leans Reg 523.98 NOW 9799 In addition to the above specials at of our Ladies jeans and cords by Levis, Road Runner, Rainbow, H.I.S., GWG, etc. are now priced at $1949 REG to $29.98 GIRLS BOYS MEN'S Coots, Jackets, Ski wear Suits 8 Sport All Jeans & Cords NOW Req to 527.98 $19.99 20°0 off Jackets Reg. NOW 20% aft Suits 150.00 135.00 Jeans 8 Cords, Road Runner 160.00 143.99 170.00 152.99 end Rainbow Jeans & Cords Sport Jackets REG. NOW REG. NOW REG. NOW 59.98 53.99 12.98 17.99 21.98 & 19.99 69.98 62.99 18.98 16.99 19.98 17.99 79.98 71.99 89.98 80.99 17.98 15.99 18.98 16.99 95.00 84.49 17.98 15.99 Dress Pants 10% OFF gettatell SHOPPIG CENTRE 370 Main Street EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 235-2162