HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-17, Page 29 (2)• • • Klpn By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable, Centralia have returned from an enjoyable trip to the East Coast. Their motor trip took them through Lake Placid and they called on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones and family at Hillier, Ontario. St. Andrews Church, Kippen. U.C.W held their meeting October 9 in the church. The whole theme of the meeting was Thanksgiving. Mrs. Robert Turner gave the Devotional and Mrs. Emerson Kyle commented on the topic. Christine Cooper favoured with piano solos. Mrs. Bert Faber gave the report of the Regional held in Elimville. A nominating committee composed of Mrs. Edison McLean, Mrs. Bert Faber and Mrs. Robert McMullen was named. hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Keith love and Mrs. Bill Consitt. Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs. Robert McMullen and Mrs. Robert Kinsman attended the Regional in Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride are visiting in Timmins with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pine and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gary -Cooper and family, Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Cooper, London spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Cooper. NOTICE Because of problems with supply from the manufac- turer, the Grandma Deluxe Fireplace, mentioned on page 3 •of our October Tabloid, may not be in all branches. However, all orders will be honoured at the sale price as the product becomes available. DISCOUNT DAVE's HOME CENTRES We'll Do the Job Right... We've Moved Our Office we are now located at our Exeter shop Whatever the project, cold on us for Ready -Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL •COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 'Office: 235-1969 . \. w "., u i PATONS WIN AGAIN - The Clare Paton family of lucan won a number of awards at Saturday's M.ddlesex plowing match. Above, Clare Paton adjusts the plow for his daughter Darlene. T•A photo Ladies learn of Nigeria Missions topic at Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY Brinsley U.C.W. held their October meeting Wednesday eve in the church. Several women and also a few men attended. Mrs. Marjorie Steeper opened the meeting with a reading "It's the time of our Nation" followed -by all singing hymns. Mrs. Jack Revithick led in had prayer. Mrs. Steeper welcomed the ladies and vistors. Mrs. Trevithick had the scripture and Mrs. Steeper the devotional "Thanksgiving is Something," and "Can I say the Blessing Daddy". Offering was taken by Mrs. John Dyck and Viola Lewis while Karen Hodgson played a musical number and `Mrs. Steeper had the offering prayer, and • two readings "Now my friend, and your heart overflows". Mrs. George Lee in- troduced Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hodgson who showed films of their life spent two years in Nigeria and showed ar- ticles which had been made there. Mrs. Trevithick thanked them for coming to their meeting. Personals Mrs. Earl Levis spent several days recently visiting relatives at Toronto and Hamilton. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wright and families in the passing of his sister Mary Belle Wright, London who passed away Friday night. Funeral service was held Monday afternoon from the T. Stephenson and Son Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Merle Lewis spent last week at Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lewis in London. Mr. and Mrs. George Prest and Scott visited over the week -end with Mrs. Lois Whittard of Niagara on the Lake. Andrea Hodgins, Strathroy stayed over the week -end with her grand -parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis. 'Sympathy is extended to SOMETHING NEW AT ' YOIUME O SESAMSTREET '� c-_ LIBRARY With Jim Henson a Moppets HAWKING THE L ETTERS A AND AND THE NUMBER -I 1 1 L fine markets... of fine foods tar ZehrS Make learning fun for your chil-, dren by collecting the colorful volumes of The Sesame Street Library. In this great new series, Big Bird, Ernie 8 Bert, Cookie Monster, - Oscar the Grouch, the Count and other Muppets will take your children on a delightful journey through the world of Sesame Street. Through stories, poems, pictures, riddles, recipes and crafts, these books will introduce your children t� the letters A to Z, numbers, ' and many other important ' educational concepts. And you will be helping your chil- dren to acquire the good teaming habits so important to them in the years ahead. So when you visit one of our Acores this week, pick up Volume 1 for an amazingly low price. We think it will convince you to collect all the other great volumes 1 " of The Sesame Street Library in the weeks ahead. Make Learning Fun For Your Children! VOLUME 1 99c ONLY VOLUMES 2-15$ only 15 Colorful Volumes of Stories, Poems, Pictures, Riddles, Recipes and Crafts! :_ ..•. Mrs. Irene Scott and her family in the passing of her aunt Mrs. Calvin Greenlee at the Chateau Gardens, Parkhill on the week -end. Brinsley United Church had a special service Sunday to hear about the "Oppor- tunity Now" campaign for the Mission and Service fund. Peter Snell spoke to the congregation on the subject "To Live Well" and Mrs. Marjorie Park from Lucan made the M and S presen- tation. _ The methods used to distribute funds both in Canada and throughout the world were explained and the congregation was given examples of the good work being done with their donations. Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs, Howard Cunnington, Mrs. Jack Duncan, Mrs. Ken Duncan, Mrs. Ross Hargreaves, Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Mrs. George Kellett, Mrs. William Rohde attended th^e South Huron Regional meeting at Elimville Tuesday. Mrs. Floyd Stewart and Mrs. Ken Duncan leaders of Group C of the United Church Women catered to the Fire Insurance Banquet at Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Thur- sday. The llodgert relatives attended the 20th wedding anniversary dance for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilmour of Lucan Saturday evening at Russeldale. Mr. and Mrs. William Roh- de attended the Woodham church anniversary Sunday and were guests later with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and Shawn, Thorndale were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rohde. Mr. and Mrs._ David Passmore, - Tom and Jon were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauer, Exeter, Miss Margaret Mayer, Nanaimo, B.C. and Mr.. and Mrs. Newton, Vancouver were Wednesday noon guests with Mr. and Mrs Ken Duncan. On Saturday evening they were all supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Par- sons,.lfurondale. There will be no Sunday School Sunday, October 21 owing to the Church Anniversary 11I1111111n111111111111111111111111t11,11,11 ADAMS Heating & Cooling C• Heating Systems of All Types INSTAL6EC MODERNIZED or'd MAINTAINED E• General Sheet Metal Work `• Air Conditioning • Humidifiers Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron Si., East, Exeter 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1.1: Times- Advocate, October 17, 1979 Page 11 A TOWNSHIP OF BiDDULPH AUDITOR'S REPORT To:The Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH. We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the Township of Biddulph as at December 31, 1978. and the consolidated statements of revenue and expen- diture and capital operations, for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standard', and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion. these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Township of Biddulph as at December 31, 1978, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accor- dance with accounting principles generally accepted for On- tario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the previous year. Kime, Ditchfield, Mills and Dunlop Chartered Accountants London. Ontario, July 25. 1979. Licence Number - 920. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1978 1978 1978. 1977 Budget Actual Actual (20 588)(20,588) 17,700) Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year Expenditures and transfers Municipal expenditures General government 48,500 49,604 33,945 Protection to persons and property.26,200 24,574 28,911 Transportation Services 168,465'166,390 235,052 Environmental services 32,985 35,399 41.393 Recreation and cultural services 101,662 109,509 .3,646 Planning and development 79,244 83,235 57,078 Total expenditure 457,056 468,711 406 025 Transfers Transfers to region or county 84,960 86,481 83,179 Transfers to school boards 300,098 306 374 289 309 Total transfers 385,058 392,855 372,488 Total expenditures and transfers842,114 861 566 778,513 REVENUE Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontario grants Other grants Fees and service charges Other Revenue to pay for municipal purposes Region or county requisition Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontario grants Other Revenue to,pay the region or county requisition School board requisition Taxation Other Revenue to pay the school board requisition Total revenue Accumulated net revenue (deficit at the end of the year 142,250 155,639 145,410 1,400 1,834 1,411 223,362 229,295 160,466 5,400 12,116 4.939 81.521 84,558 67.579 5,800 11 836 7.400 459,733 495,278 387,205 63,056 73,112 73,756 21,904 17,518 14,935 84,960 90,630 88,691 300,098 308,200 289.799 300,098 308,200 289,799 844 894,108 765,695 (17,911) 11,954(20 5 Analysed as follows: General revenue 150,002)(35,1391(50,0021 Region or county 27,362 31.511 27,362 ' School boards.. 5,698 7,524 5,698 Special charges 1,380 2,592 (1,397 ) Special areas 784 3,208 784 Local boards (800) (1,522) -(800) Municipal enterprises (2,333) 3,780 (2,333) (17,911 11,954(20 5 Statement of Capital Operations for the year ended December 31, 1978 Unfinanced capital outlay Unexpended capital financing ) at the beginnin of the year �l 254,981 Capital Expenditure Protection to persons and property ... Transportation services .. Environmental services Planning and • development,002. 510,091 1978 1977 Actual Actual $ (b) Statement of Capital Operations This statement reflects the capital expenditure of the municipality to be recovered from the gertlr'al municipal revenue of the municipality and its local boards and municipal enterprises as described in note 1(a). (c) Balance Sheet This statement reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund. the capital fund, reserve funds and local boards and municipal enterprises as described in note 1(a) (d) Fixed Assets The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets is not reported for municipal purposes. Instead. the "Capital outlay to be recovered in future years- which is the aggregate of the principal portion of unmatured long term liabilities, capital funds transferred to other organizations, and the cost of capital projects not yet permanently financed is reported on the Balance Sheet. (e) Municipal enterprises Municipal enterprises are those activities whose costs are substantially recovered from service charged on the users. (f) Charges for net long teem liabilities • Debt retirement costs including principal and interest are charge() against current revenues in the periods in which they are paid. Interest charges are not accrued for the periods from the dates' of the latest interest payments to the end of the financial year. 2. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVERED IN FUTURE YEARS (a) Some capital outlay to be recovered in future years does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues. as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources special charges on benefitting landowners ;665,670 $719,198 Capital outlays. including fixed assets and the transfers of capital funds in the amount of 112,928 which have been financed from general municipal revenues of the current year, are reported on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. 3. RESERVE FUNDS During the year $27,545 were credited directly to reserve funds without being recorded as revenues and expenditures of the Revenue Fund. Major sources were: OHRP grant $21,564 Donations 5,786 lnterest earned 195 4. NET LONG TERM LIABIUTIES (as The balance for net long term liabilities reported on the Balance Sheet is made up of the following: Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality including those incurred on n behalf of former school boards, at the end of the year amount to 1$652,448 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and in- terest charges has been assumed by others for a principal amount of $1145.000) Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $.5074.48 5. Accumulated Net Revenue (Deficit) At The End Of The Year The balance in the revenue fund at the year end is available to reduce (to be added to) the levies of the following classes of ratepayers. General ratepayers Designated ratepayers School board ratepayers County ratepayers $27,545 1978 1977 $(35,139)$150,002) 5,800 (513) 7,524 • 5,698 31,511 27,362 $9,696$(17,455) 6. Charges For Net Long Term Liabilities Total charges for the year for tong were as follows Principal payments Interest term liabilities 1978 1977 1$54,969 $41,938 . 22,875 14,321 $77,844 $56,259 The total charges shown above were paid from general municipal revenues of the municipality and are includ- ed in expenditure on the Statement of Revenue and Ex- penditure classified under the appropriate functional headings 7 The Anti -Inflation Act The municipality. its local boards and commissions are by agreement between the Government .of the Province of (Pattani* dated January 13, 1976, subject .to The "Anti -Inflation Act (Canada) and the national guidelines This legislation limits increases incompen- sation payments effective October 14. 1975. This limita- tion was removed April 18. 1978. $ 8. Borrowing Limit Temporary borrowings of the municipality have ex - 26.187 ceeded the statutory limit provided by Section 332 (2) of the. Municipal Act. 949 4,86.7 43.096 4.245 Total expenditure 338,951 GRANTON AND AREA FIRE DEPARTMENT BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31,"1978 562,299 ( with comparative figures at December 31, 19771 ASSETS Capital Financing • Contributions from the revenue fund .. . 12,928 77.395 Long term liabilities incurred 98.200 171,800 Ontario grants 105,289 26,028 Other 219.293 58.282 Total capital financing 4135.710 333.505 Unfinanced capital outlay Unexpended capital financing (at the end of the year assets Current Assets • Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1978 Cash Taxes receivable Accounts receivable 158.222 254.981 1978 • 22,352 94,538 54.240 1977 $ 28.085 30,197 53.136 171,130 111,418 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years Other long term assets ........... 665.670 719,198 21,334 4.183 Liabilities Current Liabilities Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 858,134 834,799 213,000 300,000 38,027 32,010 332,010 464,217 59,160 251,027 Net long term liabilities 507,448 Reserves and reserve funds " 87,705 Accumulated net revenue (deficit and unapplied capital receipts 4' 11,954 858,134 (2°,5,88) 834,799 1. ACCOUNTING POUCIES (a) Statement of Revenue and Expenditure This statement reflects the revenues and expen- ditures of the revenue fund and the following local hoards and municipal enterprises: Granton and Area Fire. Department . Grant Wafer Area Current: Cash Due from Township of Biddulph Due from Township of Blanshard Total assets_ LIABILITIES AND ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE Current Due to Township of Biddulph 83,370 14,170 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) (1,522) (800) Total liabilities and /accumulated net revenue 51,848 .$3,370 • 1978 1977 5872 2,190 976 ' 180 51,848 • ,370 GRANTON AND AREA RRE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 (with comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 1977) Revenue Township of Biddulph 84,976 $4,800 Township of Blanshard 2,360 2,360 , Township of London 2,654 2,579 Miscellaneous 1,735 426 1978 1977 Expenditures Salaries 4,137 3,678 Services. rents. etc 6,7$1 4,740 Firemen's Association 600 Capital expenditure 949 4,867 11,725 10,165 12,447 13,285 Surplus (deficit) for the year - (722) (3,120) Accumulated net revenue ( deficit t..lanuary 1 (800) 2,320 Accumulated net revenue (deficit 1. December 31 $(115221 5(800) GRANTON WATER AREA • STATEMENT QF REVENAI E.AND EXPENDITURE; 1.INL,<. OR H1 YEAR I•:NDE1) D EMB Ek 1 1978 Revenue Water sales $10,693 Expenditure Operation 4,208 Salaries 372 4,580 Surplus for the year 6,113 Deficit at January 1, 1978 2,333 Surplus at December 31, 1978 53,780