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Times -Advocate, October 17, 1979 A seven minute comeback
Hockey again
The 1979-80 season of the National Hockey League
is underway and there are as many new looks as a new-
born baby.
The many changes include every facet of the game
from new teams through managers, coaches and
players. themselves.
Then again. some of the looks are old. Take for in-
stance Gordie Howe who is trying to get back into the
NHL at the age of 51. Not far behind Howe in age and
experience are Dave Keen and Bobby Hull.
The four new teams. but old from the WHA should
prove popular at the box office with several name
players and at least as successful as any of the expan-
sion teams over the last 10 years.
Each of the old WHA clubs has a young and well
publicized leader.
Wayne Gretzky who has been amazing everyone
since he started pee wee hockey in Brantford will draw
sellout crowds to all games of the Edmonton Oilers at
home or away
Gretzky scored 110 points for Edmonton last year
and is probably the mosteagerly awaited • NHL
youngster since the days of
a youngster from Parry
Sound pulled on No. 4 swea er for the Boston Bruins.
The brightest star with he Hartford Whalers will
be Mark Howe. Although Ma
rk scored 107 points last
year he has been moved ba k to defence for the club's
first NHL season.
Heading the Quebec Nor
Nordiques into the NHL will
be Real Clouthier. He gaine WHA fame with 283 goals
and the same number of assists in five WHA seasons.
Showing his consistency a playmaker and goal
scorer he counted 75 goals and 74 assists during the
1978-79 season
One of the smallest of t e new stars is 23 year-old
Morris Lukovich of the Win ipeg Jets. At five fo9t nine
and 170 pounds. Lukovich ay be small by NHL stan-
dards. but. he is tough.
Last year for the Jets. Lukovich scored 65 goals
and picked up 119 minutes in penalties.
One of the biggest quetions which will probably
be answered fairly quickly i. "How much will the loss
of Ken Dryden. Jacques Le afire and Scotty Bowman
affect the Morltroal Canad ns.
The Canadiens have a istory of winning and we
doubt the loss -of two playrs and a coach will make
that much difference. Ove the years they fared well
through losses of fellows like Maurice and Henri
Richard. Jean Belliveau. Jrsent coach Bernie Geof-
frion. Frank Mohovlich, acques Plante and Doug
Harveys. season Thursday night at the
• Hockey fans in genet 1 will be keeping a close Stephen township arena
watch on the coaching sit ations in Toronto. Buffalo when the Centralia College
and Colorado. where majo changes took place. Saints downed the Centralia
The coaching chores a Buffalo and Toronto could Marauders by a score of 8-4
The Marauders. will be
be almost called a switch •or trade. Roger Neilson back in action. tomorrow
leaves the Leafs to become assistant to Scotty Bow- night, Thursday when they
man with the Sabres while Floyd Smith takes over in take. on the Grand Bend
Toronto after a short stay in Buffalo. Mariners at the Stephen
While we don't know what Floyd Smith's salary township arena at Huron
Park. Game time is 8:30
will be in Toronto. Scotty Bowman gained about $75,- p.m.
000 a year by jumping to Buffalo and Don Cherry's Ken Vanos scored three
salary in Colorado is more than double what he receiv- times to lead the College
ed in Boston. Cherry is said to be getting in $150.000 a scoring attack in the 8-5 win
year from the Rockies. His Boston salary was $60,000 ovTheer Co11 gjto k a.
The Col a took 2-1 first
• per annum period le on goals by
• Despite an 80 game schedule for the 21 teams, only George Black and Ken Vanos
five of these will be on the sidelines when playoff time while Blair Hearn replied for
rolls around Centralia on passes from
The first place teams in four divisions will make Dennis Carty and Pete
the layoffs alongwith the 12 teams with the highest Wuerth.
P g The scoring procedure was -
points regardless of division they play in. reversed in -the middle frame
There will be no byes in the first round this year. with Perry Knee and Hugh
- Each of the 16 qualifiers will compete in a best -of -five Wilson counting for the
preliminary series. After that all rounds will be of the Marauders with assists
best -of -seven variety. going to Rick Durrelle and
Randy Somerville. The lone
The NHL all stargame will be played'in February CCAT goal came from the
5 in the new Joe Louis arena in Detroit. stick of Ed Michuisiswiez.
In the third period, Ken
Will attract Fans Vanos scored twice for the
While the four newest additions to the National College to complete his hat
Hockey-beague may not be too successful thisyear as mak performanceeand singleR
g goals were added by Rick
'far as winning games are concerned they are a sure Vanos, Jim Coffey and Ed
thing at thre box office at least for the first year. Michuisiwiez.
The four former WHA clubs should be playing The lone third period
before sell-out crowds and by next year one of these marker for Centralia came
Fun -
will have the largest attendance of anyof the 21 teams from the stick soi Ron Fun
stop on an unassisted effort.
in the NHL
The Edmonton Oilers at the moment have a
capacity of 15.598 and this will grow to 18.558 when
seat expansion at the Edmonton Coliseum is com-
pleted by the start of the 1980-81 season.
The Winnipeg .Jets are in the midst of upgrading
their seating to 15.342. At Quebec the Nordiques will
have to settle for this season at least with a seating
capacity of slightly more than 10,000.
The Hartford Whalers will likely be playing most
of the season in the 7.265 seat Springfield Civic Centre.
They moved there last year when the roof of the ne
arena in Hartford caved in The new complex in Haft -
Seniors lose first
Exciting Panthers junior win
• Despite having to settle for
a split in Thursday's
doubleheader in Goderich
the two South Huron District
High School Football teams
provided the most exciting
action in many years.
The juniors bounced back
from a 14-0 deficit in the last
seven minutes to edge the
Goderich Vikings 15-14 in a
game described by coach
Doug Ellison as "the most
exciting in many years."
Despite a 13-9 loss to
Goderich, South Huron
Lenior coach Ron Bogart
commented after the game,
"It was the best game we
have played in a long, long
time. It was a good hard
hitting game.
While the juniors kept
their unbeaten streak alive,
the seniors dropped their
first game of the season.
Both clubs will be back in
action tomorrow, Thursday.
The' juniors travel to
Palmerston to meet Norwell
and the seniors will be on
their home field to play host
to Stratford Central.
Juniors control
Throughout the junior
game, South Huron con-
trolled the ball. The offense
moved the ball well, but, not
when in the Goderich end of
the field.
Goderich scored the first
touchdown of the game early
in the second period and
went ahead 7-0 as the convert
was good.
The South Huron offence
moved the ball from their
own five to the Goderich five
T • ' LADY GOLFERS — Trophies were presented Saturday night to the best female golfers
at'the Ironwood course this summer. From the left are low gross Helen Burton, low net Gail
Skinner and most improved Marlene Parsons. T -A photo
Hawks take exhibition
Bill Glover's goal with less
than five minutes remaining,
gave clic Exeter Hawks their
first exhibition win of the
season as they trimmed
Seaforth 8-7 at the rec
centre, Friday.
In their opener, the locals
dropped a 7-1 verdict to
Mitchell and were then
hammered 12-0 by the Lucan
South Huron
exhibition tilt
Two South Huron in--
termediate league hockey
teams started the exhibition
Burt Mahaffey with a
score of 24 led the com-
petition at Sunday's shoot at
the Kippen gun club.
Bryan Beer, Jack Bell and
Dan Crerar were tied for
second with identical scores
of 22, Grant McGregor and
Bob Baker scored 20, Jamie
Caldwell 19 and Paul Ritchie
ford to seat about 16.000 is hoped to be ready by
• There is a wide range in ticket prices amongst the
21 NHL clubs. The lowest price range- is that of the
Washington Capitals from 14.50 to 19 and the Colorado
• Rockies are next at $5.50 to $12.
The top prices at $18 are chha�rged by the New N;orlw
mangers• 'ands- Roston -Bruinll. and -the .Mantrea I -
Canadiens and Los Angeles Kings are next al $17.50
Toronto Maple Leaf prices range from $5 to $15.
Winnipeg Jets prices are $7 to $13 and the Edmonton
Oiler ducats are selling from $9 to $12.50.
The Hawks open their
season this Friday night
when they host their
perennial foes from Lucan at
the rec centre at 8:30 p.m.
Dan Bell was a two -goal
man for the Hawks in their
win over Seaforth. Potting
the other tallies were Dave
Kinsman, Bryon Baker, Ken
Varley, Dwight Consitt and
Cam Haist.
Kinsman, Jeff Fuller and
Kerry Bedard had a pair of
assists each, while helping -
out on one were Glover,
Consitt, Larry Dawson,
Terry Caldwell, Varley and
Mike Clark.
Steve Sararas and Steve
Wells shared the netminding
duties and stopped 22 shots.
Exeter scored four power
play goals, while the visitors
had three in that category
and added one while playing
short handed.
Ken Varley scored the only
Exeter goal in the 7-1 loss to
Mitchell in their first
exhibition game last
Tuesday. Mitchell led by a 3-
1 count at the end of two, and
potted four unanswered
goals In the third to win
going away. •
The Lucan Irish, looking
like one of the teams to beat
in the area Junior "D" loop,
had an easy time in posting
the convincing 12-0 win on
Wednesday on their own ice.
Paul Medd paced the at-
tack with three goals, while
adding a pair were Jeff
Marshall, Jeff Hartman and
Richard Lather. Picking up
singles were Keith Hartwick,
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Dean Densmore and Tom
yard line. in 20 plays but
failed to score.
The Vikings scored their
second converted touchdown
on the third quarter.
The South Huron defence
controlled the Goderich
backs well except for the two
major scores.
With seven minutes to- go
in the final period, the
Panthers stopped Goderich
on a third down and one yard
situation. They were able to
move the ball 35 yards in six
plays with Gary. Spurn and
Norm Regier doing most of
the ball carrying.
Gary Spurn went over
from two yards out on an off -
tackle play and Dave Shaw
passed to Bill Glover for a
two point convert.
The Panthers broke
through to block a Goderich
kick with two minutes to go.
Four plays later John
Kernick ran a reverse for 22
yards for a touchdown and
the score was tied at 14-14.
Doug •Fischer booted the
extra point and the Panthers
pulled out the sensational 15-
14 win.
According to coach Doug
Ellison, quarterback Dave
Shaw called his best game
ever and the offence turned
in their best game to date.
Dennis McBride played a
strong game at defensive
tackle filling in for Mike
Clarke who was sidelined by
the flu.
Others turning in key
tackles on defence were
Jamie Chaffe, Dale Ker-
slake, Gary Spurn, Bill,
Glover, Jim Siddall and
Dave Delbridge.
Norm Regier with con-
sistently good runs off tackle
was named the South Huron
offensive player of the
game. Offensive honours
went to Dennis McBride for
outstanding efforts at
defensive tackle in addition
to his regular position at
offensive tackle.
Seniors fall behind
The South Huron seniors
also fell behind early in their
game. After moving the ball
for four consecutive first
downs, a punt was blocked
and Goderich scored a 50
yard touchdown on their
firstplay from scrimmage.
With terrible weather
conditions prevailing, play
went back and forth. The
first two SH points came in
the second quarter when
Doug Hoffman tackled a
Goderich ball carrier in the
end zone.
Goderich scored a touch-
down in the third period, but,
the convert attempt was
blocked by South Huron and
the score was 13-2.
Another potential
Goderich score was th-
warted when Brian Mercer
made the tackle after a 60
yard Goderich punt return.
Two key screen passes set
up a 35 yard pass and run
play with Dave Bogart
hitting Rick Lindenfield.
Doug Hoffman converted
and the game -ended 13-9 for
the Vikings.
Most of the South Huron
offence came through the air
with Dave Bogart hitting on
nine of 15 pass attempts.
Rick Lindenfield snagged six
passes good •for 102 yards,
the longest being the touch-
down gallop of 35 yards.
On the ground, Larry
Dawson picked up 40 yards
on seven carries.
Key tackles were turned in
by Rob Pryde, John Byrne,
Doug Fletcher, Craig
DeGraw, Brian Mercer,
Greg Prout, Doug Hoffman,
Doug Raymond, Jeff Fuller,
Brian Rader, Jamie
Everleigh, Dave Campbell
and Ed Hunter-Duvar.
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