HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-17, Page 14 (2)1 Ptele 14 Times -Advocate, October 17, 1979 BIRTHS- ENGAGEMENTS - CAMPBELL - Don and Fenny are pleased to announce the birth of their son Joel Donald at St. Joseph's Hospital Landon on October 14, 1979. 42c CON81TT - Larry and Jayne welcome the arrival of Kerrie Lynn born Oct. 18, 1979 at St. Joseph's Hospital London. A granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs John Consitt and Mrs. Lloyd Campbell. 42c STIRE - Larry and Tracey are proud to announce the sale arrival of their first child Nicholas Ronald 8 lbs. 4 oz. on Sept. 24. 1979 at St. Joseph's Hospital London Ont 42pd WEBER - Bill and Ginger thank God for the safe arrival of a- their son Jacob William. He was born on October 10. 1979 at St Joseph's Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz. A baby brother for Julie Anne. Proud grandparents - are Mr and Mrs. Ralph Weber. Dashwood. and Mr. and Mrs Jim Love Grand Bend another greatandchild for Mrs Isobel Cann grandchild Jacob is also the 20th great grandchild for William Love. Grand Bend. 42c ENGAGEMENTS -- Mr. and Mrs W Klopp. Grand Bend and Mr and Mrs Joseph McCann Grand Bend are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Bon- nie Jean and Michael Joseph The wedding will take place Oc- tober 27. 1979 at 3 00 o'clock at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Open reception to follow at 900 p.m Everyone Welcome 42 43c Mr and Mrs Norman Tower Hensall Ont. wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Deborah Joanne to Mr. Peter Jack Timmermat>_s, son of Mr and Mrs Adrian Timmer - mans Ktppen, Ont. The marriage will take place Sat. Oct 27 1979 in Bethel Reformed Church Exeter at 6 o'clock. Open reception to follow 42pd Mr and Mrs Douglas 0. Knowles wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Catherine to Terrance Allan Eby son of Mrs. Jackie Ehy of Toronto. Ontario The wedding to take place to Exeter United Church on Deco 1, 1979 2pd ANNOUNCEMENTS - Bob and Alexia Tindall, R R. 1 Lucan Invite friends. neighbours and relatives to an "Open House • in honour of their daughter Nancys forthcoming marriage to Ron Cunninghamon Sun Oct 21 from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 The family of Mr and Mrs. Edward Chambers cordially in- vite you to attend an Open House on Sunday October 28, 2 to 5 p m at the Crediton Com- munity Hall to honour their parents on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary Best wishes only 42 43pd CARDS OF THANKS - Words can never express the comfort we've been given. by the many kind acts shown to us after our recent bereavement Special thanks must go to Harvey and Mary. Percy Bedard Jr . Hoffman's. Westlakes . Pastor Cheryl. Dr Englert. Eugene and Shirley. Paul and Shirley Erb. Irene. Agnes. Laura Ann and Marilyn, the pallbearers and the L C.W The visits. flowers. phone calls, appr have replied food and cards all helped to ease Alf and Note Smith wish to This life for me is truly past. our burden Bloch our Family 42e thank their family for arranging 1 loved you all til the very last. thanks The Bloch Family 42c Weep not for mei but courage the d• for them 'thanks to k all w Love one another CARDS OF THANKS - IN MEMORIAM - Levi and Florence White GAYNOR - In loving memory - sincerely thank relatives of a dear friend Bruce who FOR INFORMATION ON Otters Phone In South Huron 235.1834 We Need More Big Brothers Now, neighbours and friends for the passed away 1 year ago clot 21. L.� man cards and lovely gifts we 1978 received and for mining us in Softly we turn back the pages of r celebrating our 40th Anmver- time. sary We wish to thank the And wander down memory lane, ladies who looked after the Through laughter and tears d and all who participated An softly we speak your name lunch the grandchildren who We turn bac the years. serve in any way in making this a hap- 1f he could have spoken before These are the wurds he would family 42pd py occ•asion Special thanks and he died e• ton to our The family of the late Janice Cook wish to express our sincere thanks to all the friends, neighbours and relatives for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and donations to the Cancer Fund. Special thanks to Rev John Beaton, once u to e ho attended, to the ladies for m� sake h ed tasteful lunch the who eery a s Loved• d sed by Von orchestra the friends who work- an missed ed on the bar and the door. Elaine and Pauline 42c Thanks also to Lois Hodgins who RIDLEY - In loving memory of decorated the beautiful cake. a dear wife mother. and Pearl England for the artistic grandmother. Maurine Ridley, flower arrangements. the who passed away Oct 18. 1978. hbours and friends on our We miss you from our home, pallbearers and the ladies of netg Centralia U C W Your thought- street the shivaree gang, the We miss you from your place. fulness will always be bridge girls. the Glavin family. A shadow o'er our life is cast. remembered Jim Cook 42c and our own for lovely gifts. We amiss the sunshine of your Thank you to everyone for good ce We wish to thank our sons wishes lovely cards and gifts. tti hane d. miss thy kind and willing George and Fred for giving us a Everything was very much ap- Thy [ond and earnest care. very happy 'Open House" to prec'tated Thank You to each meet friends Our Golden Wed- other for 40 wonderful years, 42p OurWe miss you dark c ithout you ere ding is November 2nd. Thank Harold and Ruth Stire. wish to Lovingly remembered and you Leila for the very wonderful thank friends and relatives, for sadly missed by husband Jack, dinner afterwards. and Pat and the lovely cards and best daughter Jeanne and Grandchildren for so many wishes Many thanks to their family. • 42pd Friends ► their g helped to make their 25th Wed- a us Thank you for comm It thoughtful deeds ria s andchildren. for panning RIDLEY - In loving memory of relatives you mean so much to special day and to all whodear sister and .Aunt. Maurine Ridley. who passed away one Fred and dayt Softly the leaves of memory made our day Fre ding Anniversary a 2pa Year ago October 18 1978 Georgina Dobbs 42pd remember The family f the late Jacque The committee of South fall. To Gerald and Jane. Happy h anniversary Love relatives. friends and an• n. Ruthann. Lynda Jane stone bl for their support to make There is a e amt }'o Huron Hospital Tag Day wish to Gently we gather and treasure England wish to thank all our 201 t o from thank all the Do f their cam•assers and the them all pu Ic link no one can sever. 42, Dwayne and Leeann. FISHERMEN'S COVE RESTAURANT Specializing in . Fresh Perch Dinners Eat in or Take out 63 River Rood Grand Bend 238-2025 1' THE FORRESTERS RESTAURANT GRANTON, ONT. Licensed Dining Lounge Open Monday thrbugh Saturday 7 a.m. - 1 a.m. Sundays & Holidays Noon - 10 p.m. We cater to Banquets In our Banquet Room 225-2560 4 KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH 112 Anniversary Sunday Oct. 21 11 a.m. Special program by the Teen Tones of Goderich. neighbours or sir expressions Everyone Welcome of sympathy. floral tributes, our Tag Day a success 42c Love and remembrance last donations to the ear forever ld like to Always loved and Smorgas r e COQ H t Founds- KIPPEN lulu llltiittIlillili 111111111unnunwnoitHITT 111l11I11i1Hll llltl 11111111111iitihihh$H111H• tion. Cancer Society, Mentally Nancybo d Tindall woo remembered by RObFrt and retarded and Gideon Bibles. express her deepest apprecia- rue Luella Des 1,+ r d 1 l e a n d Special thanks to Rev Elder of tion for ail her lovely gifts family. 42pd Crediton Dinney a " Home pallbearers and ou wonderful neighbours who day School Hall on the evening RIDLEY - in losing memory SERVICE Peace 041,•\ Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets VICAR - DOUGLAS PRIESTAP S pec g Funeral gratefully received at the ,.�'a,.' Phonezja-1241 0 Li.' 114 kv Sunday. October 21 9:30 a.m -Sunday School -MorningService 10.30 a.mTuesday 8 p m Air 11:11111111.11 Bible Study -� Church of the Lutheran Hour CFPL 7 a.m Sunday Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood At Calvary united Church Pastor REV MAYO MELLECKE Sunday. October 21 930 a m -Sunday School 11.00 e.m -Divine Service Everyone Welcome Christian Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister Miss Barbara Laing Organist Miss Idella Gabel. A R.C.T Sunday, October 21 Anniversary Service 10 a.m and 730 p m Speaker Jack Burghardt Special Music Social time to follow evening service Everyone Welcome r shower held at Saintsbury Sun- provided the lunch at Crediton of Wed Oct 10. A special thanks of my dear sister Maurine who Community Hall. also to others to all those ladies and friends passed away one year ago Oct. that assisted in any way. it was w ho he I ped with the 18. 1978. deeply appreciated. Pearl shower 42,43c When Autumn leaves begin to IN MEMORIAM - tall. For tis one year ago to -day. England and Family 42pd 1 extend sincere thanks for the Tis now 1 miss you most of all. ";E - In Iuvin many kindnesses shown me dur- DESJARDIa g My loving sister passed away. n+( and Ing my stay in University memory of a dear hus The many things you did for me Hospital Special thanks to Hoff- father Everett Deslardine who In your kind and loving tivay. mans Ambulance Attendants, left us suddenly seven years ago You gave me years of emergency staff at South Huron Oct 22 1972 happiness. Hospital staff of 7th floor west Gone are the days we used to Death can never take away -U.H and to my friends and share. Nothing could be more family Sincerely Gerald But in our hearts youare always beautiful. Hern 42nc there. Then the precious memories I The gates of memory will never have of you you were someone [ wish to express my sincere close. To me pal and neighbours who so kindly s knows.Nothing could I,say more true. With dart yeanddeepregret Lovm 1 remembered and thanks to my friends. relatives, We miss you more than anyone remembered me with visits We who loved you will never sadly g missed . Brother gifts and cards while I was a forget Alex. 42 pd patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and South Huron Hospital. Min- ' Lovingly remembered and so RIDItEY - In loving memory of. me Hern 42c- sadly missed by your wife a dear Aunt Maurine who passed Phyllis. son Michaer daughter away one year ago Oct 18. 1978. 1 would like to thank everyone Dianne and Stephen 42pd You are not forgotten. aunt. for the flowers. cards gifts and Nor ever will you be visits 1 received during my stay GAYNOR -- In loving memory as life and memory in St slaw1978. As long s Memorial Hospital of a beloved son. brother and W G nor who lasts, and since returning home, to stFp,�onu Bdpnty Oct 21 those who sent in baking and to I will remember thee. Loving and kind in all her ways Till the end of her days Loved and missed by your niece Phyllis 42pd STECKLE- in loving memory of Connie Christine Steckle who passed away six years ago Oct. 10th. There's an open gate at the end of the road. Through which each must go alone. And there. in a Tight we cannot see. Our Father claims his own. Beyond the gate our loved one. Finds happiness and rest, And their is comfort in the thought That a loving God knows best. Lovingly remembered and missed daily by Dad and Mo 4. Cameron and urian Wayne and Laura Hern, and Jim Those whom we love. go out of and Shirley Wilkinson for look- siBut never out of mind. ing after Kim and .A)ison. Special thanks to Dr Marshall The are cherished in the hearts Lo and kind in all his ways Y Dons McKay and the rest of the Of those they leave behind 0 B staff Everything was vingg Upright and dust in all his days. neatly appreciated. Susan and Sincere and true to heart and Reformed Church Bethel Maine Jaques- 42pd mind. . Reformed Minister REV CLARENCE BISHOP 8 A 8 D Sunday. October 21 10:00 a m -Morning Worship 2 15 p m. -Worship Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4-30 p m Dial 580 Centralia Faith Tabernacle REV BOBOEGRAW Sunday. October 21 9-45 a m -Sunday School 1100 a m -Morning Worship 7:00 p m Evangelistic Service Tues. Oct 23-730 pm Bible Study i3 Prayer Time Everyone Welcome Exeter United Church James at Andrew MINISTER REV JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron Sunday October 21 10 30 e m -Church School 11 00 a m -Presentation of Bibles Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-1931 8 p m - Kerygme Bible Study Churchur thanks Beautiful memories he left We wish to expresso Huron Street East. Exeter to a who behind all h membered us in any presbytertan In church government Lovingly remembered by Evangelical in teaching, way following the death of Roy Mother Mary Smyth. sister All i these kindnesses • Pastor you Kyle ami y REV HENRY VAN ESSEN GAYNOR - In memory of k t y a special Bruce Gaynor who passed away BA B 1 yr ago Octlatives. and Never more than a thought 11.00 a m -Sunday School friends for the cards, gifts and away (lowers we received Kyle A o ase Brenda. and step father Borden were greatly appreciated. The Smyth 42pd weicom y f I 42pd D We would lie o sa Pec 21 1978 Sunday. October 21 thanks to our daughter and g 10:00 a -ria - Worship grandchildren re v on our 60th Quietly remembered every day 7 30 p m Evening Worship Wedding Anniversary Oct 8 No need for words except to say laseyd m everway Telephone church 235-2084 Your kindness wtll alwavS be You are m . Manse 235-1435 remembered James and Alma Remembered by the Grasdahl Everyone Welcome Prance 42pd Family 42c Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St West Fundemerifal - Evangelical Pastor REV LINN LOSHBIUGH Sunday. October 21 9 45 a m -Bible School 11.00 e m -Morning Worship 7 30 p m -Worship Wed 8-00 p m -Prayer Meeting Nursery Facilities Everyone Welcom Mrs L F Loshbough Organist Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Coming events RUMMAGE SALE - Oct 18 10 am -4pm No sales before 10 a m Thursday. Auction 1:30 p m All proceeds to Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Pick-up 9 a m Wed Oct 17 42pd AN INFORMAL MEETING -- for Huron County New Democrats Clinton Town Hall 8 m Thurs Oct 25. Coffee and otiuck dessert 41c 42nc BLYTH CENTRE - for the Arts presents PAPER WHEAT, the blockbuster show from the West Wednesday. Oct, ,bar 24th at 8 00 p m Blyth 1Re+rnorial Hall. Blyth Tickets '5.00 available by mail. Box 291. Blyth. NOM 1HO 41:42c MIRACLE SERVICE - with • Edgar Baillie Oct. 20th 8 p.m. Up er 'Thames Elementary Centraliasdnd Zion Sunday. October 21 Sr10 �. Francis 4 t. United Churches 9-00 a m - Morning Worship Manse 228 6974 Junior Sunday School HENSALL I O 0 F. LODGE 223 during service - is having installation of of - Minister MR PAUL SCHOTT 10.15 e m -Sensor Sunday {leers Thursday Oct, 18 1979 Sunday. October 21 School starting at 8 30. All members Everyone Welcome welcome 42Pd Zion Services Cancelled 10:00 --Centralia - Sunday School Trivitt THE HURON COUNTY Memorial HEALTH LifiiIT - invites you to 11:15 -Centralia Anniversary Anglican Church attend the Child Health Clinic, Guest Speaker- Rev. Ke th 9 held at J A D McCprdv,School, _-Bm (O r Luoan-0 .}' . tiilapn aTGIt-. 9 i11�t Sunday Oct 21-8 p.m. - _ Rector 22. 1979 from 9:30.11:30 a.m. ' "Joy Unlimited" • a musical ser- REV. G.A. ANDERSON.for' Health Surveillance, red b Cali/elle-7W tt. Autom t acre*** -1 - - A WINE AND CHEESE PARTY - will be held at the White Car- . nation. Hdlmesvilte, on October Centralia 22nd 1979. from 4:3D-8:30 p.tn. T Douglas Gill • - 'All those involved In any form of Tues. 6:30 p.m. 1115 a.m.- Morning worship home economics education are Bible Study Sunday School encouraged to attend. Sponsored at 1M manse during service by the Huron County Home All Ara Welcome /Everyone Watcome Economics Association. 42c HMO tint ai }Vrcihakii; tdber woo sponsored y r' ` b.f..t 'Dip. - tion. Fluoride. 42c Young People ORGANISTS Zion - Yvonne Jaques and Mrs Lorne Hetn Organist Mr. Gerald McAuley TrktIly Nineteen October 21. 1979 DASHWOOD CALVARY - United Church. Anniversary Service Sunday Oct 21st 1979 10.30 a m and 7;30 p.m. speaker Jack Burghardt Special Music Social time to follow evening service Everyone Welcome 41 42c • - EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH - Zurich. Anniver- sary Services Oct 28'79. Rev. R L RumballBA.B.D:,D.D Worker with the Ontario Mis- sion for the Deaf in Toronto to speak at 10 30 a m. Special music -Dashwood Men's Quartet Ms Barbara Laing minister of Zurich Em Church to speak at 7 30 P M. A warm welcome to all Lunch will be served following the morning service 42,43c ST. PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH - Annual Bazaar held at the Kirkton Woodham Com- munity Centre on Saturday Nov. 3 from 10-2 42:43c HERITAGE FOUNDATION - Regular meeting, Oct. 22, 7 P M at The Old Town Hall.42c 3rd ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - Nov 23 and 24th at the Town Hall. Crafts. baking, and leas, Celebrity Auction on Friday. 42,43:44c Turkey & Ham Supper BRUCEFIELD CHURCH HALL Wednesday; Nov. 14 5-8 p.m. Adults $4.50 12 & under $1.75 pre school free Advance tickets only CALL 262-5510 ZURICH BEAN FESTIVAL Annual Dinner Meeting ZURICH BOWLING LANES Dinner at 6:30 Business Meeting 8:00 All workers welcome Take A Short Drive South On The Lake And Discover . A gourmet's delight! Pinery Inn1.11111111 �it,erY WAN' Well known fol its seafood, steaks and gourmet dinners WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING Join us for a,lovely night out right across the road at the Coach House Supper Club with dan- CALL 243-2474 OPEN DAiLY cing and entertainment Both Located on Hwy 21. 9 mi S of Grand Bend Enjoy New Year's with us at the Coach House - Book Now '30 Per Couplet aniumminiullllil1iI1111111iiII11IIiumniiminimiiiiiliiiim lininutimllllniiiiiitim11111111L ' = EXETER LEGION AUXILIARY BINGO. E. Thurs., Oct. 18 s. Starts 8 p.m. 21 games =F._ New Help your Neighbour __ Jack Pot S3O0- 55 calls th admission o jr v - 5 for '1 1 1 for 12 = E =25 Admission '1 for 18 games = BALI Regular cards 5 for ' 1 2 Share the Wealth 5 for '► 1 1 for '2 - . Jackpot CHECKERS ON FLOOR License # 246782 11111111111111111111111181111111111111111111811118181111111811111111111111111111IlIIIlI1111111I1111111I11ir PINERIDGE CHALET RR 2 Hensel! It has been brought to our attention of the management of the Pineridge Chalet, RR 2, Hensall, that vicious rumours are being circulated about our establishment. We are ottempting to trace these rumours to their source. It has been our policy to provide good service, to the best of our ability, to the surrounding com- munities and we are finding this type of harrassment very disturbing. The co-operation of anyone who con assist in put- ting a stop to these unjustified rumours, will be very much appreciated by the Pineridge Chalet. BINGO LUCAN ARENA Wed. Oct. 17 o°`D�z '50 �. Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early bird - 7:55 p.m. BAO. Regular games, Midway special,•share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot 5675 -55 calls - Proceeds for Arenr: Double Door Card $ 1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. license No. 287202 IIIc Ov10 b 1,<s nay rpula Fen. ne ens under 16 yon of aye will lw admin.d -, TUBKY-SUPPER - at Gragd Bend United Chu�h. Date - November 7. Time - 5.7.30 p.m. Adults ' 00 hildren 12 and un- der It r -:rJ--"r: SKATE-A-THON - Sat. bet. 20 1 p.m -5 p m Hensall District Community Centre. All proceeds for 1Jenyall and District Community Centre Fund Raising Committee. Pledge forms available at Rank of Montreal and Clerk's Office in Hensall Support your Com- munity Centre 42c A WEEKEND IN TORONTO the whole family for only $2250* 2 -night rate per deluxe 2 bedded room per night (Children under 12 occupying same room as adults - no extra charge) Whether you stay with us Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday to see our Science Centre, Metro Zoo, CN Tower, a live performance, a sporting event or just for sightseeing and shopping, the whole family will like our place. First of all. our prices are reasonable ... but more, our food is great, the service will please you, the kids will love our pool, our rooms are Targe and comfortable and we promise to spoil you a little. With things like free parking, colour cable TV, free in -room .'c''Ur% and morrl�r;y" fewspapelrOfaa �:1We:rt igenougtb.ta K you with kindness, b1.71 small enough to want ydu to come back! - �"FOT�'T�SQrY81!�Ot1�`�- -+sunt• --(3yAdvancefieseivaiionOnly .,ubiect to restricted 'ava,labdily , . Rales sohiecl to change w,lhour nol,c eCambridge Motor I iotel bur people make she difference 600 DIXON ROAD, REXDALE, ONTARIO M9W 1J1 TEL (416).249-7 _1 TELEX 06-989326 ENTERTAINMENT EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 19 and 20 Nice and Easy i DINNER HOURS Wed. - Sun. 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Breakfast Daily from 8 a.m. Lunch Doily from 11:30 a.m. For Reservations 1 -----Phone 238 -2365• - We cater to wr•ddingc, parties, receptions of all types. COMING SOON SCHNITZEL NIGHT The Green Forest Motor Hotel GRAND BEND H way 21 1 Mile 5 Traffic tight 14 Via . Recreation Centre South Huron I IP\ WINTER ACTIVITIES ARENA PUBLIC ICE SKATING Saturday Oct. 20 2:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday Oct. 21 2:00-4:00 p°m. Admission .35` MOMS & TOTS SKATING Tuesdays 2:00-3:00 p.m. Thursdays 10:00-11:00 a.m. Hawks Game Exeter Vs. lucan F qday Oct. 19 8:30 p.m. ARENA ICE BOOKING OPEN ICE TIME Saturdays 8-11 p.m. Sundays 10-11 p.m. COST $28.00 per hour for local Groups GYMNASTICS Starting Oct. 27, 1979 call 235-2833 for more information. Price '18.00 CHRISTMAS PARTY - 1979 Dec. 1st. Mozart Dec. 15 Dan Hunter (Loose Change) 6:00 p,m. Social Hour 7:00 p.m. (Beef Dinner) 9:00 p.m. Dance TICKETS $8.00 per persorigincludes Dinner, Wine and Rance) 4' Proceeds go to operating gists Call'235-2833 for more information. "Sponsored by BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD. • Manufacturers •Distrihutors•Wholesalers P.O. BOX 610, EXETER, ONTARIO - (519) 235-2901