HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 22 (2)Page 6A Times -Advocate, October 3, 1979 GRAND BEND AND DISTRICT NEWS Lioness elect new slate, Orpha make diapers Around 45 attended the Grand Bend Lioness club first meeting of this season at Oakwood Inn, with the 1979-80 offieefs being in- stalled by Jerry Arnold. President, Helen Elliot: 1st vice president. Diane Bexton; 2nd vice president, Janice Sawyers; secretary. Mary Speiran; treasurer. Liz Masse; Lioness tamer. Nancy Thomas: Lioness twister, Betty Haist; bulletin editor. Susan Campbell; first year director. Judy Jen- nison; second year director. Lee Thomas: third year director. Kay Green. Wednesday October 3 the Lionesses are sponsoring a dessert card party at Grand Bend Public school at 7:30 p.m. Admission Si.00. Raffle gifts and prizes. Enjoy beautiful warmth from a LAKEWOOD wood stove • LAKE WOOD STOV ES Loaded with features. including: • Uniqu-e baffle design gasketed loading door • Firebrick lining • Deep MIG welds for airtight construction • Circulating blower 5 models to choose • from Beat rising heating costs...join the Lakewood Hot Stove League. - You saw it at the Plowing Match "THE SWEEP" R.R. 2 Grand Bend PH. 238-8050 -'- Anyone needing the ser- vice of Meals on Wheels, please contact Hazel Willem at 238-2128. or any Lioness member. Orpha club meets Fourteen members of the Orpha Club met Monday afternoon for their first fall meeting at the home of Mrs. Rosie Grigg. President, Irene Kennedy, opened with a poem entitled, "Service". The ladies discussed Christmas gifts for the Children's Aid at Sarnia. Plans were made to buy a quantity of flannelette to make diapers and.pyjamas. Irene closed with another poem. Lunch hostesses were Mary Ravelle and Eva Bariteau. Next meeting at Louise Wilson's home. Monday afternoon at ' 2:00 p.m. October 22. 4- H club news The "Nifty Needlers" held meeting 2 at Margaret Smits home Wednesday. Thirteen answered the roll call by having a picture of what they would like in needlepoint. The girls worked on the continental and bargello stitches. Trish Vandenbygaart designed a cover design, chosen by the girls, for their record books. Next meeting to be held at Liz Martens home. Church of God A worker appreciation supper was held last Tuesday evening at Church of God. at 7 p.m. with 27 attending. After supper Rev. John Campbell spoke on leadership. Mrs. Elva Vincent was honored with a plaque for her long service of Sunday school teaching. Friday evening two car loads from the Church of God travelled to Hartsford for the installation of the new pastor there. Rev. John Campbell gave the message of charge to the new pastor Rev. Don Talbot. John and Don as children grew up in the same' area. - Next Sunday October 7. Church of God• will be celebrating their 30th an- niversary. Guest speaker will be Rev. W. E. Reed, of Anderson Indiana. • Two car loads from Church -of Godwent to Bluewater Rest home. where Rev. J. -Campbell conducted the early evening service for residents at-- 5:45 p.m. Sunday. Communion was observed merry Pads Fashion Boutique at the Church of God evening service Sunday night. Personals A mother and her seven daughters shared a special happiness last week. The occasion was the 84th bir- thday of Mrs. Jessie Walz. The daughters all gathered at their' mother's home in Kitchener and went out for a gourmet meal. This has been an annual happening for the past 25 years. Attending were Lenora Orr, Grand Bend, Dorothea Knights, Windsor. Eva Nancarrow, Burlington, Blanche Walpole and June Carte, Kitchener, Mary Vanholla, Ottawa, and Faye Brock, .Bolton. Lenora's sisters are known to many in this area, as they have cottages and spent the summer here on holidays. Sympathy of this com- munity is extended to the 'Walker family, in the loss of a loving husband. father and grandfather. Fred Walker. Winners of the duplicate bridge game held last Wednesday evening in St. John's Parish hall were north -south John and Elsie Inglis eat -west, Mary Ferguson. Madelon Wilson. The games will be held each week from now on. Mrs. Katie Vincent has returned home from a two and a half week holiday in Morden Manitoba, at her son's. Rev. and Mrs. Morris Vincent. Richard and Nancy. While there she spent a few days visiting relatives in Winnipeg. Fourteen Grand Bend and area people returned home last Thursday from the six day color tour, charter bus trip. Crossing at Sarnia into U.S.. stops were made in Gary Indiana, Illinois, Eauclaire Wisconsin, then to Thunder Bay where they enjoyed a harbour cruise and at the Old Fort had a dinner in the bunk house early settler style, then to Sault Ste. Marie, Wawa, and home. They reported lovely fall coloring in the north. Mrs. Olive Forbes, of Forest spent the weekend with her sister., Mrs. Lillian Brown. and Arthur Baker. Alex and Clara Hamilton have .returned home after a holiday in the Ottawa area. A kitchen bridal shower was given' last Tuesday -night at the home of Nancy Thomas. for Pam Brenner, bride elect of Novdmber. Co - hosting were Shelly Meecham, Sheila Teevins and Eveleen Jennison. About 26 friends and neighbours attended. Alice Brown is attending Humber College in Toronto this year, taking a course in fashion merchandising. Town And Country .Classics 20% off all fall merchandise • Sweaters • Ve ours • Knits • Sportswear Co-ordinates • Dresses Open Until November 4 --144kErnie Open 7 days a week 10 to 5 rriileotrtM1 nEC rand, Bend 411 Hwy, 21.,11/0, 238-2818 r NEW LIONESS EXECUTIVE — In control this year of fhe 42 member Lioness club are: past president Pat Kading, director Judy Jennison, Bulletin editor Susan Campbell, Director Lee Thomas, Tail Twister Betty Hoist, lioness Tomer Nancy Thomas, and in the front row, Treasurer Liz Mosse, Second vice president Janice Sawyers, President Helen Elliott, First Vice president Diane Rex- ton, and Secretory Mar.y Speiran. Absent froth the photo is director Kay Green. T -A photo Plan communion at United Church Rev. Harley Moore's sermon topic this morning was "Going around,in cir- cles," with scripture reading from Old Testament Eccl. chapter I: verses 1-9, and Old Testament John, chapter 13: verses 1-5. He spoke of the circular quality of life and told us Jesus should be at the centre. The choir anthem was, "The gates of prayer." Next Sunday at the United church will be World Communion and reception of new members. Flowers in the United church sanctuary were placed in loving memory of the late Fred Walker, by his family. :14:11N: PRESCRIPTION i 1:4TiNi HARWOOD DRUGS Ltd. W. Harwood, Phm.B 238-8540 Beside Post Office 22, 81 CRESCENT GRAND BEND, ONT. Silverwoods 2% BAG MILK or JUG 3 qts. $1.5 5 iT Canada No. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER Ib '1.53 - P20 v Con. No. 1 LARGE TURNIPS each 28 everybody saves on food here- kwJ,/wf,gij, K�s� S PSP %OR E GAN tit Mo oble Plus deg° iet�rn 26 °i � �� 3,I KentFr°Ten AE OR G sot:. 12 5 °i. 1 + Utility Grade FRESH YOUNG TURKEYS , 8 8, Tend -R -Soot Whole Or By The Piece SLAB BACON „ 98° Save 60 c Ib. SAVE 50° Ib. * * ic Grade A Self Basting BUTTERBALL TURKEYS 6 to 101h frozen lb. 1.1 2 A SAVE 36 4 Ib. SAVE 70c Ib. Prices effective Oct. 3 to Oct. 9 who+ Oceon sproy CRAa Or bellied �eERR 14 oz, el ES Weston BrOWn d Serve ` ROLLS tw;n 12's 2/9 Taillefer Boneless DINNER HAM „' 1.88,. FAX SA /Nw Store Sliced COOKED HAM I,' 1.98 Save 60c lb Club House Stuffed - Coronation Baby Dill or Sweet Mixed MANZANILLA PICKLES Can. No. 1 BRUSSELS- , OLIVES 12 oz. ' Weston: 6�R-ANNY TARTS -.125- 49' 1/ S.A. Fresh SWEET YAMS 4 ib=1.00 Glade Solid Assorted AIR FRESHENER FAhViIC SOFTENER prepriced'2.29 2 litre Cheer POWDERED DETERGENT Mrs. Smith Frozen PUMPKIN PIE Birdseye COOL WHIP 6 litre 24 oz. $1.23 DEShSERT TOPPING R� -.{ aderfl e 6 oz 78' '2.18 '3.38 °1.38 ,tea, 65' Kroft Stick, Old Cracker Barrel CHEESE Kraft Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE r 1t 0011014114,4001100 11141111111 111, 1 24 oz. 794 4 oz. 58t 454 gr. 1.84 12 oz. $ 1.88 250 gr. 99c Tend -R -Spot Fresh ,IillItttitltlttty VALUABLE COUPON• Oktoberfest SA USAGEIb.98 with coupon SAVE 70 c Ib. .44 ilt�tittiittitiiitlsiiiiitilllllttllllililllltl'silt+Itttiiiittillllllllltsllilltll\ • GRAND BEND STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8 to 8 Friday 8 to 9 Sat. 8 to 8 Sunday 9 to 6 . TELEPHONE 238-2312 SENIOR CITIZENS O-,. 0000 oh ,WI..,, ,o ... nw...� ,.na wdO.0w 0/ tan SAV! 6%p • - ' nal paw a OPEN SUNDAYS AT' 2 LOCATIONS TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT ,..,TENDER SPOT We reserve the right to limit quantities. 238-2512 GRAND BEND NARY BONUS ;.,, ., 110,0,4•01. a 40 SAVE 6% 00 .o,„ Net. .H 0.0. Owls 0000.0,rime grifFITREIR BAYFIELD STORE HOURS Mon to Thurs. 9 to 8 Friday 9 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Sunday 9 to 6 TEPHONE` 565-2791