HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 19 (2)TOCK REDUCTION 011*16"er ■��L�i J. J. K. & L. OUTFITTERS We are relocating our Kincardine store Item ingtonn 870 12/30/F/pl. 870 12/30/F/V 870 Magnum 12/30/F/pI. 870 Magnum' 12/30/F/ V 1100 121301F/pl. 1100 12/30/ F/ V 1100 Magnum 12/30/F/pl. 1100 Magnum 12/30/ F/ V 1100 Magnum 410126/imp cyl1V 812 12ga. single shot 700 ADL 222,243 700 BDL 222,270,308,30-06 700 BDL Magnum 7mm mag. 700 BDL Heavy B6 varmint Sp. 222 700 BDL Left Hand 270 cal. 742 RIFLE 243 & 308 742 RIFLE 30-06 742 BDL 30-06 760 RIFLE 6mm,243,308, 30-06 760 CARBINE 308 760 BDL 30-06 • 788 BOLT ACTION 222,308 541-S BOLT 22ca1. 581-RH BOLT 22 572A PUMP 22 552 BDL AUTO LIST J. J. K. & L. PRICE PRICE 309.95 209.00 358.95 259.95 341.95 243.95 390.25 289.00 393.95 269.00 442.95 329.95 431.25 299.95 479.75 349.00 449.50 319.00 63.25 43.9S 346.95 249.95 418.50 299.95 437.75 319.95 439.50 309.95 431.25 329.00 406.95 289.00 406.95 309.00 439.95 329.00 357.75 264.95 357.75 249.95 391.25 289.95 248.75 179.95 388.75 279.95 156.50 116:95. 165.50 129.95 188.75 139.9S N66 MB OR 10C AUTO 22 cal. 135.25 89.95 LIST J. J. K. & L. WINCNESTIA PRICE PRICE 1300 W I N C H O K E vent 12 & 20 g 339.50 259.95 MODEL 12 M C 12/30/FhV Trap 1100.95 699.95 SUPER X MOD 1 trap mc. 678.95 459.00 101 PIGEON grd field 12/30/f&M 1125.25 859.00 (new Style) 101 PIGEON grd field 20/26/ 1125.25 859.00 • Imp.-cyl. mod. (New Style). So it's your chance to Save..Save..Save!!! All Prices are cash & carry and good while stock lasts Hunting Safety Rules • Here are some of several vital safety precautions to be noted during the hunting season: * Treat every gun, loaded or un- loaded, with due respect. Y .;-wmteu1r'""y4,892.50 59.00;96-XPERT ,,_ 4, tiways, keep bharrbe*t K ecrip* ,'". or on safety until you �reready 70 XTR sta. bolt action 243,270,30-06 382.95 289.95 to shoot. 70 XTR Mag. bolt action 300win. mag 402.50.299.95 9412 30/30 lever action 94-375 Big Bore lever action (available shortly) 9422 22 std. 9422 22 Magnum 207.95 149.99 290.95 229.95 271.95 189.95 281.95 199.9S Savage 99C Lever Action 243 99E Lever Action 308 24F 22and20ga.o/u 311 s/s 410, 20 & 12 ga. LIST J. J. K. & L. PRICE PRICE 356.00 259.00 304.00 219.00 163.50 119.00 253.50 199.95 • Drink and live ammo don't mix; avoid alcoholic beverages before or during the hunt, • Wear the prescribed safety hunting color for your area; make sure color covers not less than 50% of your body. * Respect all posted property; do not hunt private land without permission. Mail Orders: .+Please send ce.rtified'check or money order for full payment and include :60° per item for postage and handling. Ontario Residents please add 7% sales tax to order. For Gun purchase, your original FAC must be included with the order. We will return your Licence im- mediately.`AII ammunition must be shipped by express & shipping charges are C.Q D., O IT IS BEST TO ORDER AMMO IN QUANTITY. yr $ROWNING.1 CITORI STD.o/u 12/30/f&m grdl BAR AUTO 308 & 30-06 BLR LEVER ACTION 243,308 BL -22 GRD 122 cal. BL - 22 GRD 1122 cal. BPR - 22 LR Pump action BT - 99 GRD 1 competition mc full LIST PRICE 695.00 515.00 359.45 210.00 239.00 245.00 660.00 J.J. K. & L. PRICE 549.95 379.00 279.95 169.95 189.95 189.95 539.00 MISCELLANEOUS WEATHERBY MKV24"bol. LIST J. J. K. & L. PRICE PRICE 990.00 695.00 300 wea. Mag. Rt. Hd. ITHACA 37 deluxe 12/30/F/pI. pump326.95 199.95 ITHACA SKB 600 skeet 12/2/s/s 853.00 599.00 ITHACA SKB 600 field 20/28/f & m 817.00 S79.00 BERETTA A 301 mag. 12/30/f/u 598.38 429.00 RUGER Mini -14 223 cal. blue 299.50 229.95 BERETTA S58 Trap 12 ga. f/m 1 onty1100.00 749.00 REDFIELD 4x traditional 4plex REDFIELD 3x -9x traditional 4 plex 235.10 REDFIELD 4x -12x traditional x hair 330.70 REDFIELD 6x -18x trad.4 plex and 366.10 REDFIELD 23/. low prof.wide,x hair 15.30 LIST PRICE 144.70 REDFIELD 2x -7x low prof.wide x hair, 4 plex REDFIELD 3x -9x low profile wide, 4 plex and x hair LEUPOLD vari-x 11 lx -4x duplex LEUPOLD vari-x III 3.5x - 10x LEUPOLD M8 -24x TASCO 611V 2x -6x wide angle TASCO 626V 2x -7x wide angle TASCO 628V 3x -9x wide angle TASCO 627T 3x -9x adjustable traj. 236.20 283.50 245.95 340.50 399.95 159.99 174.99 189.99 184.99 J.J. K. & L. PRICE 99.95 169.95 239.95 264.95 119.00 169.95 199.95 154.95 249.95 267.95 109.95 119.95 129.95 124.95 'AMMUNITION by Remington, Winchester & Imperial 222 REM 50gr. psp 223 REM 55 psp 243 WIN & 6MM REM. 80,100 270 WIN. 150 gr. _ 30-30 WIN 150 &170 gr. 308 WIN 150 & 180 gr. 30-06 WIN 150 & 180 gr. 7MM MAG 175 gr. LIST J. J. K. & L. PRICE PRICE 9.95 6.79 10.20 7.29 ,12.35 8.79 13.25 9.4S 10.70 7.59 13.25 9.45 13.25 9.45 16.05 11.45 Sale on at Both Locations J.J.K. &L.. OUT,FI,TTERSEVERYTHING FOR THE SPOTSMAN 860 Victoria St R.R.1 Mar, Ont. _ Kincardine Ont. 534.0695 396-2974