HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 14 (2)Pug. 14 Times -Advocate, October 3, 1979 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS- ANNOUNCEMENTS - HOF FMAN - Kelly Elizatbeth would like to announce he arrival of her 8 Ib 3 oz baby brother James Thomas Gordon tJamiel at St Joseph s hospital London on September 24 1979 Proud parents once again are Jim and _Donna i nee Sctutbe Dashwood Another grandchild for Hubert and Marl Schilbeand Harry and Maude Hoffman Dashwood. •tOc HOWSE. J M - is pleased to announce the sale arrival of -- twins. Pierre and Margaret on Sept 27. * Victoria Hospital London. Ont 41Ic LOVIE - Larry and Donna nee Sturdevanti are proud to an- iounce the sale arrival oI a son Ryan Arthur 8 lbs 3 oz on September 19 1979 al St Josephs Hospital Lundin :A brother for Michelle and Karen 40c• McKEEN - Dune and -Karen inee Kopp, are happy to an- nounce the arrival 01- their son Matthew Jordon. weighing 8Ibs hoz on September 27 1979 at St Josephs hospital London A - baby brother for Michael Proud grandparents Jim and Etta Kopp London Lawrence and Doris McKeen RR 6 Strathroy 4ip SCHNARE - Mr and Mrs Chris Schnare • nee Zandbergen are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby daughter Jennifer Anna on Thursday September 20 in St Joseph s Hospital in Sarnia weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. Granddaughter for Mr and Mrs. G.Zandbergen and Mr and Mrs L Schnare Sarnia 40c ANNOUNCEMENTS- The NNOUNCEMENTS- The family 01 Fred and Georgina Dobbs welcome you to an open house celebrating their parents 50th Wedding Anniver- sary at the Leprechaun Room Lucan arena. Sun Oct 14 )--5- Best wishes only '40 4tc Peace Lutheran Church Andrew.and George Streets VICAR - DOUGLAS• PRIESTAP Phone 235-1242 Sunday. October 7 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School 10 30 a.m. -Morning Service Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister Miss Barbara Laing Organist Miss Idella Gabel. A R C T Sunday. October 7 9.45 a.m. - Church Service Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. bitter • Evangelical in teaching presbylenan in church government. welcomes you Pastor REV HENRY VAN ESSEN BA BD Sunday. October 7 10:00 a.m - Worship 11 00 a m -Sunday School 7:30 p m - Evening Worship Telephone church 235-2084 Manse 235-1435 Everyone Welcome The family of Harold and Huth Strre. Dashwood would like to wish their parents a very happy 25th wedding anniversary They invite all their friends and relatives to celebrate with them at an open dance on October 13. 1979 Larry Tracey Mark ('un - me. Sandra Stewart and Bev 40 4lpd On the occasion of 'the 60th Wedding Anniversary of James and Alma Brane•e an Open House will be held Monday Oct 8 from 2-5 in the afternoon at their home at 12 Oak St Grand Bend . Best wishes only please 40pd ENGAGEMENTS - Mr and Mrs Wayne Nord H R 1 Hay are pleased to an- nounce the marriage of their daughter Cheryl Ann Martha to Mr Philippe J Legaret on flet 5 at 4 p m in Our Lady 01 Mount Carmel Church Open Reception to follow ick' Mr and Mrs ('laude t;elrn:is of Zurich are pleased to an- nounce the torthcomnng marriage ot their daughter Brenda Marie 10 Garry Glenn. son ot Mr and Mrs (wenn Koehler of Hensall The wed- ding to take place Saturday. Oc- tober 13. 1979 at 3 o clock in St Boniface Roman Catholic Church Zurich Open Reception to follow 40pd Kathy -Ann Ross and Joey Keller of Dashwood are very happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their Aunt. Dianne Oke ot Adelaide .Australia to Tony Ervine. son of Mrs Anna Ervine of Melbourne Australia formerly of Tasmania The wedding is to take place Oct 13 1979 at 130 p m. at The Uniting Church in Melbourne Dianne is the - daughter of the late Ross and Emma Oke They will be residing in Adelaide Australia 40pd rlww /q etlXl -) Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundemental - Evangelical Pastor REV LINN LOSHBOUGH Sunday. October 7 9-45 a.m -Bible School 11.00 a.m -Morning Worship 7.30 p.m -Worship , Wed 8;00 p.m -Prayer Meeting Nursery Facilities Everyone Welcome Mrs L F Loshbough Organist - Chr istian Reformed Church Minister REV CLARENCE BISHOP B A 8 0 Sunday. &tober 7 1000 a rn -Morning Worship 2 15 p m -Worship Service. Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour . CHLO 4-30 p m Dial 580 Zion Lutheran Church • Dashwood ..COOP! '�-4.-r. b .- At Calvary REV 606 DEGRAvv'' ' Sunday. October 7 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m -Morning Worship 7:0 vangelistic Service Evangelist Anita Pearce will be conducting Revival Services starting Monday Oct. 151 thru Friday nightly at 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist • Mr Robert McIntosh Sunday, October 7 900 a.m - Morning Worship Junior Sunday School during service 10.15 a m. -Senior Sunday School Everyone Welcome Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Main at Gidley Rector REV G A ANDERSON, D.F C. Dlp. Th. Organist Mr. Gerald McAuley Trinity Seventeen • •October 7,1979 ' 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Sunday School during service Everyone Welcome • • Ohited'Church Pastor REV MAYO MELLECKE Sunday. October 7 9 30 a.m.Sunday School 11 00 am -Divine Service Everyone Welcome • Exeter United Church James at Andre+y MINISTER REV JAMESFORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV GRANT MiLLS , Organist and Choirmaster Mr %Obert Cameron Sunday October 7 - 9 45 a m -Church School 11 00 a m -Thanksgiving Service Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-1644 Centralia and Zion United Churches Manse 228.6974 Minister MR PAUL SCHOTT Sunday. October 7 9 45 -Zion Worship 10:45 -Zion Sunday School 10:00 -Centralia Sunday School 1 1:15 -Centralia Worship ORGANISTS Zion - Yvonne Jaques acrd Mrs. Lome Hem Cohtt lr Mr. Do ltsfii - Wed. 8:30 p.m. Bibb Study at the manse Aft Ars Welcome ENGAGEMENTS - Mr and Mrs George J Robinson. ot London. are pleas- ed to announce the marriage of their daughter Carol Jane. to Mr Witham John Finlay son of Mr and Mrs Harold Finlay of Exeter. on Friday October 19. 1979 Open Wedding Dance to follow Everyone Welcome 40 41p The forthcoming marriage is happily announced by Mr and Mrs. Carl Turnbull and Mr and Mrs. Donald Easton. of their children Janice Marie to Douglas MacFarlane The marriage will take place on Nov 3. 1979 at 330 p m at the Grand Bend Public School 40c Mr and Mrs George..J Robinson. of London are pleas- ed to announce the lortheomtng marriage of their daughter Carol Jane. to Mr William John Finlay. son of Mr and Mrs Harold Finlay. of Exeter. on Friday. October 19 1979 Open Wedding Dance to follow Everyone Welcome 40 4lpd CARDS OF THANKS - The family of the late Adolphus Allen take this oppor- tunity to thank our relatives. friends and neighbours for all the kind expressions of sym- pathy. floral tnbutes donations to the Gideon Bibles and Heart foundation Special thanks to Rev H Moore. Grand Bend United Church Eagleson Funeral Home. Little Current and Westlake Funeral Home Zurich 1t is deeply appreciated and will long be remembered. 40c I would like to thank all my neighbours. relatives and friends for flowers. cards. gifts and visits. while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital. London Everything was greatly ap- preciated Jeanne Turnbull 40pd The family of the late Joseph Kelly wish to sincerely express their heartfelt thanks to their friends. neighbours and relatives for the acts of kindness. messages of sym- pathy. floral tributes. mass cards. donations to• the heart. cancer and kidney- foundation received during their recent bereavement Especially thanks to the pallbearers and Rev fathers J Finn. T Ashton. V Gleeson. D Rocheleau. the C Haskett and Son Funeral Home and all who assisted in any way. Your kindness will always be remembered The Kelly falruly 40c CARDS OF THANKS - We wish to thank friends and family for cards. flowers. in- quiries and support while we have been hospitalized in South Huron Hospital and Victoria 4N - Also thanks • to -Doctors and nurses of both hospitals for their care and kindness Special ap- preciation for Fred and Norma Boyce helping out in ourhome Aljoe and Lulu Culbert 40p 1 would like to thank my fami- ly. friends and relatives for cards. flowers and treats while 1 was a patten; in St Joseph -s Hospital Special thanks to Dr. Sales and the nurses on the 4th floor Lloyd Hackney 40c I would like to thank my fami- ly. relatives and friends for the flowers. cards. visits and treats while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home Special thanks to my mother -In-law who helped look after the chilarenand helped at home Thank you to Dr H Allen and the nurses on 4th floor. Sincerely Marilyn Sillery 40c IN MEMORIAM - ARMSTRONG - In loving memory of a dear husband father and grandfather. William F Armstrong. who passed away one year ago. October 3. 1978 We wish so much that life could be Just as it was before That you could be in your - favourite chair When we come through the door But since those special dreams of orfrs Can never more c•oine true We will just be grateful for the years That we have spent with you We do not need a special day To bring you back 10 -mind .The days we do not think of you* Are very hard to find To Your resting place we visit And place your flowers with care But no one knows the heartache When we turn and leave you there Loviegly remembered by his de Mildred and family 40 I wish to express gratitude to fnends. neighbours. relatives.., co-workers at Dashwood In- dustries. and management. for visits telephone enquiries flowers and cheery cards while1 was a patient at St Joseph's Hospital A very special thanks to Marilyn Moffatt. Dr Walker and his team and nursing staff for their kindness l am truly grateful. Suzanne Wilson • 40c The family of the late Luella Kuntz wish to thank relatives. fnends and neighbours for the kind expressions of sympathy. Floral tnbutes. donations and cards. Special thanks to the nurses and staff of the Bluewater Rest Home. Zurich. to Rev Mellecke and the Hoff- man Funeral Home. also to the ladies who provided the lovely lunch- Your kindness will always be remembered Tillie. Clara and Arnold 40c 1 wish to. thank M T C my family. relatives and friends for cards. letters. visits and for - kindness shown in anyway dur- ing my stay in University Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Bourne and Staff of 9th floor. Also to Rev Harley Moore for his visits Everand Miller 40p 1 would like to say Thank You to all my friends and neighbours for their gifts. flowers cards and good wishes while I was a Dai s��e�pph s Hospital >v.; .Clanks to the Granton Masonic Lodge for the nice box of fruit also the everyone who saw that my wife had a ride to the hospital. your kindness was greatly ap- preciated Elmer Su nvners 4Onr wife pd BULLOCK - In loving memory of a dear husband. father. and grandfather. George E Bullock who passed away five years ago today October 1. 1974 Remembrance is a golden chain. Death tried to break. but all in vain. To have. to love and then to .part. Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Dorothy and children Donna and Russ. Eldon and Fern_ John and Sharon 40pd GILFILLAN - in loving memory of a dear son. brother and uncle Grant Leslie who was taken suddenly Oct 9. 1964 Never more than a thought away Quietly remembered every day No need for words except to say You're loved and missed in every way IN MEMORIAM - PARSONS - 1n loving memory of our dear father Roy Parsons. who passed away 1 year ago Friends may think that we forget thee While at times they see us smile But they little know the sorrow That the smile hides all.the while Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of life has fled There in heaven with joy to greet thee Where no farewell tears are shed. Lovingly remembered by Bob. Dolores. Tom. Cindy and Jennie: 40pd PARSONS - In loving memory of Witham Elroy Parsons who passed away Oct 9. 1978 Softly we turn back the pages of ,'time. And wander down memory lane. Through laughter and tears we turn back the years. And softly we speak your name If he could have spoken before he died. These are the words he would have replied. - This life for me is truly past i loved you all the till the very last Weep not for me. but courage take • And love one another for my sake. Sadly family. Lovingly remembered by Mom and family- 40pd HAUGH - In loving memory of a •dear daughter. Debbie. who passed away 6 years ago. October 6. 1973. There's a gift in life you cannot. buy That's very rare and true it's the gift of a wonderful daughter Like the one we had in you. The many things you have us. Debbie in your sweet and loving way You gave us years of happiness No one can take away If tear drops could build a stairway • And memories were a lane We would walk all the way to heaven. Debbie. And bring you home again Treasure her God in your Garden of Rest For in this world she was one of the best They-Saylltbleals,s7ztd, h41R*.!'•' to.forget But time has only proven how much we miss you yet A smile and a voice we will always remember And a loss we will never forget. Lovingly remembered by Mom and Ed 40c HBBERT UNITED CHURCH - Annual Waltz party Oct 12. Kirkton Woodham Community Centre. dancing 8 30-12 30 Music by the Footnotes Admis- sion '2 50 per person or '6 00 per family. Ladles please bring lunch Everyone welcome - 39'40 41c RED CROSS - Blood Donor Clinic Thurs. Oct 11 2-4 p m 5 30-8 30 p m South Huron Recreation Centre 39 40e RUMMAGE SALE - Oct" .18 10 a.m.-4 p m No sales before 10 a.m. Thursday Auction 130 p'm MI proceeds to women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Pick-up 9 a m Wed Oct 17. 40 41 42pd EXETER UCW - Annual Bazaar Sat.. Nov 17 39c 40nc KiRKTON BROWNIES & GUIDES - if interested call Janice Hawkins Call 229- 8551. 40c ALL INTERESTED PERSONS - or organizatiou are invited ,gs.$ end a tneetlh of the Mu county Community services council on Thurs. Oct. 11. at the Agriculture and Food building, 20 King St. Clinton at•9.30 a.m. 40c ATTENTION LADIES & NiGHT SEWERS - Oct 4 & 5 10 a.m -9 p m 1 am having a YARDAGE SALE of leftover kits for slips. nighties. etc elastics. laces. and straps and short ends of fabric carried over from night school classes Suitable For skirts. slacks. blouses etc 265 Pryde Blvd 40c AN INFORMAL MEETING -- for Huron County new Democrats Clinton Town Hall 8 p.m Thurs Oct 25. Coffee and potluck dessert. 40 41c 42nc - ROAST BEEF SUPPER -- Brucefield United Church Wed Oct. 17. 1979. S p m -8 p m Adults $5 00 children 8-12 22 50. children under 8 free 40.41c FESTIVAL SINGLES - Thanksgiving Dance Friday Oct. 5th at Victorian Inn Strat- ford. Dancing 9-1 weiconfe all singles over 25. No blue jeans. 40c CAST. RLEA.MARKET, Ems^`i't_';s+i►"';7lchgpki►givnifjiltA�d October 6 and 7. Bargain days - craffs. furniture. salt and • peppers, Antigua. license p)ata,T„• • etc. etc. Hwy 21 Huron Road 3 and watch for sign 40c missed by his 40pd Lucan Athletic Association Dance LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., Oct. 13, Music by MOZARTS MELaDY MAKERS 9-1 Lunch S8 per couple it's a small world travel ltd. Where Good Travel Advice Is Always FREE 629 Richmond St. Phony 679-8810 Las Vegas - Dec., Jan 3 Nights As Low As '239 U.S. Call London Office Toll Free 1-800-265-4140 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. CARIBBEAN CRUISE March 14-22 Price'995 Twin (U.S.) • Cruising Aboard luxury finer S.S. Galilei ' Return Jet Flight Detroit - Ft. Lauderdale Atter 6:30 call Doug Ellison at 235-1772 Oktoberfest Dance Sponsored By PRECIOUS BLOOD P.T.A. S.H.R.C. Sat., Oct. 20 Music By THE TOPPERS Dancing 9- 1 Ho: Buffet Included s 12 00 per couple Tickets Jerry MacLean & P T A Members The South Huron Junior Fair oil, ,1, e. ,to Huron Tractor Exeter Ford N T Montle, h Bert Borlana Sherwood Exeter Ltd Exeter Co-op for their help in making :he Tractor Rodeo a success i 30th Anniversary Services CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND Sun. Oct 7 1 1 o m & 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker • Rev. W.E. Reed, Anderson, Indiana Services. to contir}je_Mon. Oct. '8 Wed. Oct. 10- - 7:45 p.m. with Rev. W.E. Reed guest speaker. :�nlnnlillnlnniiln111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111I1111111L Es EXETER LEGION AUXILIARY BINGO Thurs., Oct. 4 Starts 8 p m 21 games New Help your Neighbour JACKPOT 8250 - 55 calls cards 1 free with admission - 5 for '1 1 1 for 12 Admission s1 for 18 games Regular cards 5 for '1 2 Share the Wealth 5 for '1 - 1 1 for '2 Jackpot CHECKERS ON FLOOR License 4 246782 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 G ENTERTAINMENT J EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 5 & 6 DWIGHT JAMES DINNER HOURS Wed. - Sun. 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Breakfast Doily from 8 a.m. Lunch Daily from 11:30 a.m. For Reservations Phone 238-2365 HOTEL DINING LOUNGE MOTEL r BOOK YOUR THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER NOW! We cater to weddings, parties, receptions of all types. COMING SOON SCHNITZEL NIGHT The Green Forest Moto: Hotel GRAND BEND H way 21 1 M,le S Traffic light STARDUST RESTAURANT CREDITON PHONE 234-6707 NOTICE From 1%T"to J.9.� we said thank -you to our customers by putting on our SPECIAL WE ARE BACK AGAIN WITH OUR ANNUAL DINNER SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY Enjoy our delicious roast turkey- with cranberry sauce, English style dress- ing, mashed potatoes ori turnips, dinner roll nd coffee. 25 Eat in or take out HOURS Sunday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to midnight WATCH. FOR THE OPENING OF OUR PIZZA BAR AND BAKE SHOP Take A Short Drive South On The Lake And Discover ... A gourmet's delight! Pinery 11)1) 1Ph ery Irp7' MOTOR LODGE Pinery TAVE 11N anima Wr+II known for its seafood, steaks and gourmet dinners WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING Join us for a lovely night out right across the road at the Coach House Supper Club with dan- cing and entertainment. Both Located on Hwy 21.9 rni S of Grand Bend Enjoy New Year's with us at the Coach House - Book Now '30 Per Couple! CALL 243-2474 OPEN DAILY • Dance Sponsored By SOUTH HURON JUNIOR FARMERS Sat. Oct. 6, 1979 SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Music by SPECIAL APPOINTMENT For Tickets Contact Paul Pavkeje - 228-6297 or Elaine Pym - 229-6125 Lunch Provided BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK For Information Phone: 482.7030 a ��i r► .-;ter...._ i Slalt DRiVE-INTHE ATRE LIMITED BEECH STREET-CLiNTON PLAYING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OCTOBER S -b-7 _. -4lila r WAN. 0 0 sic I �aE. is D • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Our season closes with the show October 71h. We thank you for your pat, onoge over the season and look for- ward *Seeing you again in the spring. am' V South Huron . Recreation Centre 170111k\ WINTER ACTIVITIES ARENA ICE BOOKINGS Open ice time Saturday_ 7-11 p.m. Sunday 10-11 p.m. Please contact recreation office to book ice time at 235-2833. FALL PROGRAMS GYMNASTICS South Huron Distric High School REGISTRATION '18.00 per child Starting,"fi-w1 Qt'!t+`•=� BASIC AUTO Mondays 7:30-9-:00 REGISTRATION $10.00 per person Instructor Bill Brock Starting Oct. 22, 1979 DISCO DANCE Wednesdays 8-9:00 p.m. REGISTRATION FEE $10.00 for 10 weeks Starting Oct. 10 - Dec. 12th Couples or Singles FLOOR HOCKEY at South Huron Distric High School 1 Hour Games Same Rules as Last Year 6 Teams Call Brad Gregus at 235- 2932 DANCE LESSONS Ballet Tap Jazz and Disco At the South Huron Rec'n Centre Call Barb Westman at 229- 8099 REGISTRATIONS WILL BE TAKEN AT THE SOUTH HURON RECREATION OFFICE WEEKDAYS 9-12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Sponsored by I=1 turimv. 'f BUILDING PRIDLCCTS'LTD'~ • Manufacturers •Distributors • Wholesalers .O. BOX 610, EXETER, ONTARIO - (519) 235-2-901 • v,IMMIIIIMMr 1 1 1