HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-10-03, Page 10 (2)Paye 10 Times -Advocate, October 3, 1979 PLACE A CLASS1REO ALI QU1CKLY. .EASIL 1 JUST PHONE classifications 1 t sit Strased 2 Found 3 Situations \\ anted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities b Serie, • ' Lnratock 8 Firm Machine', 9 Sport, 1 uuipmcnt \ eh 11 Car,. Truck, 12 Pet, - 13 Musical In.trLrnect. 14 Appliances. 1 cies . o^ 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Nanted Io Rt 18 Wanted 19 Proper[, Eur Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Ren: 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Vs anted lo Ren: 24 Properiv \\ ainea 25 Notices 26 Legal Notice, 4 Help Wanted y )\ IS Christmas Calling nus. l erntoncs as enable in I_ucen. I- WWI and Cirand Bend area, Call 235-222'5 or collect Mrs Mdlsun 451-0541.7t40c GIRL OK lads. light household- . Inc optional, home of ( working adult, Ino children) Hess 4 south Excter 235- 244o 36t 1 Lost, Strayed GOLD ('HARM Pros:dd. lost i Exeter James S:r;: t cited Church. P•.'arca 4U\ Reward 4'hoorc : 3 Situations Wanted WILL 13 \ By S1 f Iris hirer Phone 235-lir-40 -I lc CLE A\1\ti s,"o:.H, and odd robs John Bar-," '- 1 -me St Exeter 4tk VsILL 0O .I,... s -or.1- rice, 'and lois:, e 235- 2951 ant NOTICE STRAYED Strayed bn to the proper - 'y of Welham R Rowel ffe are five cattle with ch are impounded Please contact the cff,ce of :he clerk treasurer Hay townsh p dur,nq regular office 'tours 2 C \C LF 1 \(il\L manutac- turer requires tool and dee maker or t,htl room rnachinest Cumpaps utters cum pci11isc .sages and benefits Please a pls to Iran \tanufactursng Ltd PC) Bus 549 Huron Park "\tiAl 15 u or telephone 151`)1 22\- 6514 29 40c PERSON required for grain 'unstring and drying ,torn for fall season Aph to person ur tali C en:retia farmers Supple 22- 663% 2- 66% 4U41, C \RFTAKER required . Coven. Presbyterian Church. E\- eier Duties to commence Lewi \. ht 1980 Phone 235- 0394 alter 6 p m 40 41c BA H1 SI ITER required in ms home for 2 children. 1 pre -school- child Phone 22'-1'14 .instime 40c 1101 SEKEEPER required by elderly gentleman Light duties and live to South East of Lon - Jon area Call collect 269- : t42 - CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore bused on the number oI words Sets of numerals as for serol numbers street numbers phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words corned by hyphens count as seporote words FIRST INSERTION -- 20 words S2 40 9c per word there rite( SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy chonges 7c pe word mmrmum S' 40 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- 52 50 per column .nch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - S2 00 per column inch Minimum vie ,n this category 1 '7 inches Accepted ,n mu lhples of half .nth BOX NUMBERS to thn office - S 1 00 per .r,serr,on BIRTHS -- 20 words 52 00.134 per word thereafter MARRIAGES Engagements Death Notices - 20 words 52 00. each addrtronol word 8c IN MEMORIAMS - 52 00 plus 12c per Ione of ..erre COMING EVENTS - 20 words 52 00. each addMonol word 8c Three insertions for the price of 2 CARDS OF THANKS - 30 Words S2 00. 4( per wocd 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4'00 p m Mondays Phone 235-1331 6 Services PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture. • Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 25t Help Wanted Experienced Meat Wrapper full time. apply in person to Darlings food Market, Exeter HELP WANTED Trailer manufacturer requires immediately experienced people for the following positions: Electrical, Woodworking and sheet metal. Call 228-6618 for interview. Canvassen Ltd.. Huron Park, Ont. Hensall & Distric Comrilunity Centre renieres 5 people for PART -T1 ME HELP or the Arena Concession Booth ApplcaF•ts must 1:t8 lir=year5'dl'dCr-r • work determrned~by ice sc'hdduling7 Please apply stating name, age, experience, salary expec•ed orad telephone number to Bill Pearson Arend Manager P O Box 279 Hensoll Ontario NOM 1 XO Telephone 262-3206 J H '. USE PLANS ND MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 20t CUSTOM BACKHOEING. septic tanks, sewers. weeping beds. drains etc. Grant Skinner Exeter 235-1023. 22t Revington Feed Service RR 3 Lucan Phone 227-4584 "We now have in stock baled soft wood shavings" Quantity discount Complete. line of Purina Chows and Animal Health Products For Darn men running out of grain we have a complete feed available. 22t ANYONE WISHING barns white washed call Bill Watson. Zurich 236-7752. 18t PiANO TUNING and repairs. Call Bruce Pulsifer. 348-9223 or write P.O. But 1204. Mitchell. NOK INO. - 12t MOBILE FEED SERVICE WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Blue Ribbon and Master Feeds Competitive prices HARDE MAN BROS. Kirkton 229-6525 8t CUSTOM CORN combining. Phone 234-6449 anytime 39t CUSTOM SILO Filling. David P Latta evenings. Lucan. 227- 4965 39:40c SEAMSTRESS WANTED Skilled seamstress to join our Drapery team. Work in your own- pSne, ood ear-. T n'ilfgs, Experience with draperies desirable -- or we will train. Call 235-0270 or evenings 262- 2112. J FULLY SERVICED BUILDING LOTS IN NEW SUBDIVISION • STREET LIGHTS • PAVEMENT & CURBS rte, v.,,,). , kir-, . ,,rxe CALL 6;2208 6 Services J.E. WELDING Portable Welding Fabricating . JOHN ELLIOTT RR2KIPPE.\ NOM 2E0 P'1 O\ E 519-262-6268 46t CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONERS The Answer To Hard Water Problems For a tree analsas and a presen- tation on the benefits of softened water. call us at 235-2230 and sae HEY CULLIGAN MAN REMEMBER "\ye treat water seriously" C. MORLEY HALL 37t D. W. KYLE'S r DECORATING PAINTING AND PAPERING SERVICES CONTACT DOUG KYLE Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-2249 18t W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses. Additions. Sheds Siding. Roofing, Renovations FREE Estimates Phone Bob H illi,. 235-0107 Keith Davey, 235-0947 after 6 00 p m 17t PROFESSIONAL Business Ser- vices: Addressing. labelino and envelopes. printing tickets. flyers. bulletins. booklets, photocopying. .ARC Industries. 237-3667. 47t GLAViN SANDBLASTING Atingithwila Houses. Machinery. etc. Free Estimates CALL JACK GL.AVIN ' 2346701 19t CHI M-CHIMENEY SWEEP Will clean oil and wood burning chimneys Dave Lewis RR 1 Exeter PH 235-2171 145' 6 Services JIM SIDDALe TRUCKING Livestock Firm Supplies Direct Ptt rShipping, Trailer & Pot Rates Bulk Grain Service KIRKTON 229-6439 32t CERAMICS Classes, firing greenware Complete line of paints and accessories. Authorized dealer of Duncan & Ceramichrome products & paragon kilns Macrame supplies House of Ceramics Main St. Dashwood 237-3656 Studios welcome 37t ACCORDION lessons with theory. Private teaching for beginners and ur by Diana Verlinde Phone 262-5608. t4Ic CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R R *1. Centralia Open 6 Days \ Week Lathe Work. Portable Welding, Wrought Iron Railings and Column Pots 229-6542 23t C.ARPE\TER FOR small jobs_ Alsotrimming. stair,. rec rooms, panelling, ceramic ole etc. Call Keith Freebairn. 262-5255. 34t EARL'S TAXI EXETER TAXI SERVICE PH. 228-6812 CENTRALIA EXETER 235-1298 Most Exeter Charges S2.00 34t CUSTOM BIG round baling for hay and straw. Chisel and mould board ploughing. No Sunday calls. Co londag. 565-5308. 301' R.H. & S PAINTING & DECORATING - Painting - Interior & Exterior - Wallpapering - We have a good selection of wallcovenngs available. - Look at samples in your home Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 29t JACK'S DECORATING - painting and papering, vinyl siding. sales and installation. Marna: tile installation. Phone Jack (lease. 235-2031. 8t Don Penninga General Construction RENOVATIONS. ADDITIONS R F \IODELLJNG 1 ramrng & Trimming 235.0218 4t For All Your Electrical Needs and. Pro TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 83 Grdles St.. Exeter 235.1756 Residential. Commercial industrial and Farming Generator installations 46t CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing Phone 262.2017 Scholl's Fond Market, Hensall 36t INSULATION Up to '500 government grant on homes • Sprayed in place Urethane • New & Older Homes • Blown Insulation • Agricultural & Industrial Bldgs. H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION LTD. R.R. 5 Mitchell 519-348-9376 R.K. PECK APPLIANCES In The Heart of Down Town Vorno • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of mnst makes • CS Radios and Accessories • Speed Osman Appliances „•.MoUe4 f:irPttwhey( vr• ,• 4x ,40, o- • Srnoke Sensors .'Insect_kjOhts.and'1yA1llingUnits +w- • ' • • Hand ed Glf is . Verna. Ont. Phone 4$2.7103 6 Services SpStephen Printing Exeter Ontorro • Letterheads • Envelopes • Business Cards • Draw Tickets Complete Line of Offset Printing Phone 235-2442 241 Water Well Drilling W. D. Hopper & Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS - Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Duril 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 30t Don's Electric FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Farm Wino Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237-3575 12t ORNAMENTAL IRON - porch railings, columns. posts. inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers. etc., Elroy Des- jardine 2364622'or 236-4242. 7t CUSTOM COMBINING New M2 Gleaner Fully Equipped for grains, white beanstsoya beans and corn. Competitive Prices CONTACT: Gordon Wright RR 1, Zurich PHONE 236-4585 271' CUSTOM CORN combining with new combine reasonable rates. Phone Lawrence , Becker 234-6486. t4 lc 1 6 Services TO BUY OR SELL antique, and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 2351964. 13t SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped: new tanks installed: new weeping beds laid: old systems repaired. Immediate ser- vice. Butler Bros., Lucan 227- 4312 or 227-4254. IOt CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING - Butchering Day - Wednesday Pick-up service available We wrap your meat in see- through film.guaranteed against freezer burn MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19t PASS MORE Plumbing and Heating New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235.1751 14t CUSTOM plowing with 4 wheel drive tractor. Call 236-4934 evenings 236-4065. t44c RUSSELL REALTY LIMITED STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - 100 acre farm. -good house and barn Presently set up for beef operation MOUNT CARMEL large building lot. beside school. municipal water available, on paved road. CREDITON - priced right at '18.000 Ideal retirement home or starter home for young couple - OUG RUSSELL .238-8283 EXETER NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 tc 1400 Sq. Ft. Erected on your lot. Further infor motion CaII 23''5-0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 lots to choose from. All completely serviced. C.M.H.C, ap- proved subdivision. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER - PHONE 235-0890 HRRRV E. WRGHOR� REAL ESTATE BROKER MEAT. CULBERT w[nx 2271110 1 STORY2 BEDROOMI- home situated on large corner lot. on paved street. low taxes and moderate heating costs. Newer roof and gas furnace. Immediate possession. Asking *29,500.00. INCOME PR'BPERTY - 2 storey brick store on 100' x 175' lot. 3 apartments with income of '485.00 per month plus store Income. Fridge and stove in each unit. Store has 836 sq. ft. floor space with 12' x 16' office at rear. Located on busy hwy. just 20 miles from city. 2 BUILDING LOTS. 150 x 229 each oved road with water pipeline. Take one or both at. 1.- 500 00 each 1250 SO. FT. RAISED RANCH on half acre treed lot. Lake Huron water, many extras included In purchase pnce. Vendor wants action. 1386 SQ. FT of living space in this 3 bedroom spacious ranch. Most rooms extra large eg . kitchen 91/2 X 251/2 Lot 100 ft X 130 ft with town water Priced to sell at '38.000.00 2 SIDE BY SIDE LOTS53' X 100' each. Sewer, water and gas by door. In built • up area. LARGE LEVEL HWY. LOT 12 miles north of city. 510,500.00. 3 PLUS ACRES good investment property. Has sub- _ division possibilities. Priced in the 20's. 2 - 1 ACRE LOTS - Close to Hwy. ID180' x 242'. Only one left. TAXES 0120 - - . 3 bedroom-alemsnun clad bungalow on large lot, new • gas furnace, ideal starter or retirement•home, within walki;� ,# pt.rn W• of store.- PricilR'is' 'aw-thirties. Call Mart Culbert 227-1710 or 227-4766 235- 1331 POI1JELL REALTY LTD. REALTOR ©p© REAL ESTATE SALES MORTGAGES 2 MILES NORTHWEST - HANDYMAN -- look at the following: -- 11h acres of land -- 3 bedroom brick home - large barn - mature trees -- quiet Oreo overlooking river -- immediate possession - asking 532,500 Make this your dream home. Coll Jerry Giesen 455-1121 if busy 666-1010. Residence 284- 2767. POIIYELL REALTY LTD, RF_ ALT 012 ©Q© REAL ESTATE SALES MORTGAGES REDUCED $4,000 PEACE AND QUIET - on a Targe covered front porch of this homey 1 ?a storey home in friendly village of Ailso Craig. One bedroom or den, living room, kitchen, 4 piece bath and laundry or mud room on main floor and 3 bedrooms upstairs. Newer roof and septic tank. In good condition and just right for the first time buyer. Asking 532,900. CHEAPER THAN RENT You could be enjoying the country setting of this 3 bedroom ranch, ottached garage, large living room, FINISHED REC ROOM WITH WET BAR, plus private bac helor apartment prroviding income to make your mortgog_e payments easy to live with. Priced to sell at only 532,500, located in village of West McGillivray. - VILLAGE RESTAURANT Thriving business complete with 3 bedroom apart- ment close to London. Excellent family opportunity, dining room seats 37, PLUS lunch counter. Statements ovoilable. Priced to sell. SCENIC ACRE 2 year old custom designed and custom built 3 bedroom anglestone ranch with EXTRAS GALORE Large eat -in kitchen Includes dishwasher and Jean - Air range. dining room with spiral staircase to fami- ly room with fieldstone fireplace. sunken living room. 2 baths triple carport and 24 x 30 barn Located on edge of Parkhill. priced in nineties. For more information call SHARON DEVREE 455-1121 IF BUSY 666-1010, RES. 232-4387 WORKMAN REALESTATE LTD. RON DOIRON, HENSALL 262-2244 Seaforth, Henry Mero . 527-0430 Clinton,. Herold Workman 482-3466 Dirk7van der Wert 482-3455, res. 482-3185 ;�** •-''i71�ar-41# bedroom home on Lary,, .- '39.900 00 BAYFIELD = Tudor style home with attached garage. sun deck. rec room. fireplace. built-in dis- hwasher 2 bathrooms 1034% mortgage to qualified buyer Vendor consider 2nd. Reduced for - quick sale CLOSE TO CLINTON - 5 acres, highway location. 117 story aluminum sided. 3 bedroom home. town water. '65.00000 4 MILES EAST OF CLINTON - 2 yr. old brick bungalow with attached garage. 4 bedrooms, finished rec: room. 2 fireplaces. large lot, asking '65000 00 CENTRAL LOCATION - 5 bay body shop with hoist and some equipment plus 3 bedroom home. situated on 3 lots. call for more information. TUCKERSMITH - 96 acres, 86 workable, some bush. '215.000 00 KIPPEN AREA 2 storey. 4 bedroom frame home, on approx 1 acre of land. 2 car garage with 200 amp wiring, Large rooms. house completely in- sulated. *50.000 SMALL DAIRY OPERATION - on 100 acres. '155,000 00 ST. JOSEPH - ranch style home on 1 acre of land some furniture included. Try your Offers. COUNTRY STORE --- over 1200 sq. ft. of store space plus living accommodation with 3 bedrooms, games room. Building in very good condition. Good yearly gross. Call for more information and details. KIPPEN - 71/2 acres with house ..,,.19 JQt�._x�itb.,. ,t1lAj"ay-Rccftss=: SEAFORTH - . aftatftea garogC, 4*. 4tflfF4P. Listings wanted in Hensall and area. Ca11 262- - 2244 and born could be 01,1141111 3 bedrooms with ,, roQm, 200 c:ap -. N. a.rC, /ofd x"ctyc;.