HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-09-26, Page 28 (2)Pag. 12A Times -Advocate. September 26, 1979 Nyige CANDIDATES SUMMARY OF ELECTION EXPENSES CANAL► ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON BRUCE — GRAEME CRAIG - NUMBER OF CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTIONS Money and the difference between the amounts paid for goods and services provided at less than commercial value and the commercial value thereof. ELECTION • EXPENSES PAID - and the commercial value of goods or services donated or provided at less than their commercial value UNPAID UNDISPUTED CLAIMS UNPAID DISPUTED CLAIMS - AMOUNT AGREED TOTAL ELECTION EXPENSES PERMITTED LIMIT OF ELECTION EXPENSES OFFICIAL AGENT - BARRY 115 16.419 85 '21.721 92 nil nil '21.721 92 '25.948 75 W REID The complete return respecting election expenses may. be inspected by any elector at my office during the six months following the date on which I received the return. DATE RECEIVED SEPT 17. 1979 RETURNING OFFICER A GARNET HICKS ADDRESS 109 JAMES ST EXETER, ONTARIO AUDITOR'S REPORT PURSUANT TO THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT Barry W Reid Official Agent for Graeme Craig. a candidate at the elec- tion of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada, held on the 22nd day of May. 1979 in the Elec- toral District of Huron -Bruce. Ontario. I have examined the Candidate's Return Respecting Election Expenses. which includes the Summary of Election Expenses, in respect of the above carndidacy of Graeme Craig My examination was made in accor- dance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances. In com- mon with all other candidacies, it is not possible to determine by auditing procedures the extent of omissions, if any. from the accounting records relating to this candidacy. and therefore my examination of financial transactions was directed to transactions recorded in such accounting records. go In my opinion. the Return of Graeme Craig presents fair- ly the financial transactions. required by Section 63 to be detailed in the Candidate's Return. that are recorded in the candidate's accounting records. Further. I report that the amounts shown in the Sum- mary of Election Expenses, including contributions of '16.419 85 and total election expenses of '21,720.92. are the same as the related totals in the Return. (sign Chartered Accountant City Wingham Ontario Date September 14, 1979 X' CANDIDATES SUMMARY OF ELECTION EXPENSES ,oai"�'''S ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON -BRUCE — ROBERT E. McKINLEY NUMBER OF CONTRIBUTORS 116 CONTRIBUTIONS Money and the difference between the amounts paid for goods and services provided at less than commercial value and the commercial value thereof 11.910 00 ELECTION EXPENSES PAID - and the commercial value of goods or services donated or provided at less than their commercial value 17.354 51 UNPAID UNDISPUTED CLAIMS njI UNPAID D4SPUTED CLAIMS - nil AMOUNT AGREED TOTAL ELECTION EXPENSES 17.354 51 PERMITTED LIMIT OF ELECTION EXPENSES 25.948 75 OFFICIAL AGENT KENNETH PARKE The complete return respecting election expenses may be inspected by any elector at my office during the six months following the date on which I received the return. DATE RECEIVED SEPT 18, 1979 RETURNING OFFICER A GARNET HICKS ADDRESS 109 JAMES ST EXETER, ONTARIO AUDITORS' REPORT . PURSUANT Tr)" S¢41 MONS -ACT Mr Kenneth Parke Official Agent for Robert E McKinley. a candidate 'at the election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada, held on the 22nd day of May. 1979, in the Electoral District of Huron Bruce. R. R. N 1. Varna, Ontario We have examined the candidate's Return Respec- ting Election Expenses. which includes the Sum- mary of Election Expenses. in respect of the above candidacy of Robert E McKinley Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances In common with all other candidacies, it is not possible to determine by auditing procedures the extend of omissions. if any, from the accounting records relating to this can- didacy, and therefore our examination of financial transactions was directed to transactions recorded in such accounting records. In our opinion. the Return of .Robert E McKinley presents fairly th9 financial transactions,- required by SeCtiOii•.83- 16 be detailed in the Candidate's Return, that are recorded in the candidate's ac- counting records. Further. we report that the amounts shown in the Summary of Election Expenses. including con- tributions of -111.910 and total -election expellees of • 617,355 are the same as the related totals in the Return. -• e EXETER September 18 1979 • • Zl.91L Chartered Accountants A • • _ - jwalA(t�t FAIR JUDGING - Friday afternoon was fudging time for the Exeter Fall Fair Above. Barry Jeffrey and Andy Dougall record thefindrngsof vegetable fudge Leonard Merner T -A photo -Church women meet. Harvest theme at Staffa By MRS J TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Mrs. Carter Kerslake presided for the September meeting of the Marion Ritchie evening auxiliary held in the church basement. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Kerslake opened with a poem on "Harvest Time'•. Mrs.. Norman Harburn read the scripture. Mrs. Kerslake led in prayer. Mrs. Larry Gardiner had the study book on china, reading sections on Religion, Freedom and Politics. Twelve members and one visitor answered the roll call with a verse on harvest. During business the October meeting was reviewed and a invitation to meet with the W.M.S. for their Thanksgiving meeting October 4 was accepted. A committee of Mrs.' Alec Miller, Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. John Templeman were named to plan a program for the Ritz Villa in November. Mrs. Duncan Scott chose for her topic. a Bountiful Harvest and Mrs. John Templeman had a contest on the cities of Canada for her special no. with Mrs. Robert Laing the winner. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunkin, Teeswater visited last week Whalen... --.- Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mills had Mr and Mrs. Ben Mills, Oakville and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce . Mills and Tara. London as their week -end guests. Mrs. Margery Morley visited with Myrtle and Muriel Gunning in Eiceter on Sunday afternoon. Catherine Abbott, who is continuing her studies at McMaster University in Hamilton was home for the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLellan, Don Mills, and Mrs. Muriel McLellan. Ilderton were Saturday dinner -guests with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hern and boys: Mr. and Mrs. Earl French YEAR CHILD — The International Year of the Child was emphasized by Darren and Harlen Tinney in Saturday's Ex- eter Fair parade T -A photo - A i Owners. ofsmaller busrnesses... weprovide: * Fillallfhll assistance * Management counselling(CASE) * Management mining * Int rm4 tion Ull,Ol L°rlllllelll limrams jorbuiinesr Can we beleynui See our Representative BOB PEARCE AND OR BILL SCHUTZ The Devon Building, 476 Main Street, Exeter EVERY TUESDAY (Next Visit October 2nd i at: on: FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT RANK For prior information •call 271-5650 (collect) or write 1026 Ontario Street, 6tratford,Ont: •e- t• *:.. • and girls were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hern and children. Mr.- and Mrs. Russell Waun, Exeter were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Westerhout and Cindy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker and family at Bayfield. • - Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hern and sons attended the christening of their nephew Robert John Garland at Zion United Church. Kitchener on Sunday morning. They were later on among the 40 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Garland celebrating their son's baptism. -- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dix ent rtained Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dix. Longpoint, at the Corkscrew restaurant Saturday evening on the occasion of his mother's birthday. Ailsa Craig seniors have many activities 8y JOY SCHEIFELE AILSA CRAIG The Ailsa Craig area seniors should be finding a host of interesting things to do these days •as the Craigweil Gardens Activity Centre "ommittee has been hard at work planning varied activities for them. Along with Activity Centre co-ordinator, Uoyd Roth, the committee has set a schedule of different events each month and posted the up- coming month's happenings in the local stores to enable everyone to plan ac- cordingly. Further in- formation may also be ob- tained by calling Lloyd at 293-3678. The shuffleboard court next to the activity centre has proved especially welcome thest% pleasant days and may be used by anyone in the community- To date over 25 persons have enjoyed games on the court. Taking trips away from the area is also a favourite pastime and during the past with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman. Londesborough visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Mrs. Harvey Edgar, Wingham and Mrs. Tim Kennedy, Teoswater, visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller, Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs. John Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Tem- pleman and Carrah visited on the weekend with Miss Carol Stewart, Guelph. itrrrirrnniii11lniitiinniInnInniiln ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types - INSTALLED MODERNIZED orid MAINTAINED , IR • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation -235-2187 133 Huron St East. Exeter 1111111111111111/lllillllillllln.111111111111 7: AUTOMOTIVE RADIATOR REPAIRS & RE -CORES SMALL ENGINE Sales & Service MILT ROBBINS & SON LTD. 263 MAIN ST. N., EXETER 235-2940 month many have gone on picnics, visited various parks, taken shopping trips into London and visited St. Thomas, Goderich, Ben - miller, and the Country Spire. London, Strathrby and Strathmere Lodge. A highlight was attending the musical, "Sound of Music" at Grand Bend. The committee requests if anyone has a location, or event, whichothersmight be interested in taking in also, they let them know so a trip can possibly be scheduled. For the fall and winter game nights, movies, slides, and the dinners which have been so well attended, will again be planned:Upcoming is a music night featuring, "The Sweet Adelines" double quartette. All seniors are welcome to participate, and are asked to keep careful watch each month for the new calendar being posted so they won't miss out on the fun and fellowship. Say goodbye to house painting with StettoSiding *-t3" flee estimates, iales & installations, 100 square in stock JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION -Dashwood 2N-3526 LIFE INSURANCE The future- should be a time of in- creasing enjoyment. Proper retirement 'funding today can make your dreams come true. • Call Gaiser-Kneale-Tait life insurance for all the details. People who know the community, unders- tand your problem best. Representing Crown Life Gaiser • Kneale •Tait Life Insurance Agency Inc. i_x VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" W4ELATIOH ,,,T�' 1 %I %HId \ VISA LADIES' POLYESTER S L AtiSS Assorted LADIES' TOPS Sleeveless - short sleeve and Tong -sleeve -tops. f'vtany ` different styles. Choose from a size range from S to 18. Excellent selection to choose from. Compare this price Just NEW IN OUR STORE Daisy Fresh Panty Hose $3 •97 PR. A new line to our store: Gothic plain knit, all sheer panty hose with gusset. Comes in beige, spice, and loupe. Petite, Average and Tall sizes. Reg. '1.39 NOW 2/198 QUEEN SIZE MINI & MAXI Reg. '1.59 ea. NOW 2/225 NOW 1/2 PRICE �F '1?Pjr6r tV LADIES' PURSES Made from canvas. REG. VALUE TO '21.95 I leather or NOW 1/2 PRICE vy Be ready for foil! MEN'S WORK CLOTHING Pants - Shirts Coveralls BUY NOW AND 1, SAVE 10% \) Men's Fleece Lined PARKA Mode from 100°. Creslan Acrylic. The ideal thing for those cool fall nights. Choose from sizes M -L -XL in Red only. OUR REGULAR '11.67 5899 NOW JUST • FABRIC DEPARTMENT SPECIALS JOGGING SUIT MATERIAL 60•' wide, washable. Comes in colours of brown, black, red, blue and beige. NOW $327 METRE POLY-CORb Made from 90'. polyester and 10'. nylon corduroy. Comes in colours of green. light blue. navy. rose and rust. 60" wide washable. JUST $7 95 • METRE CURTAINING BY THE POUND We have just received a new shipment of curtaining. Many patterns to choose from. JUST $265 • METRE FLOUR We hove an excellent sc lection of first quality plains and stripes. PLAIN $812 • METRE STRIPED S 866 • METRE FLANNELETTE BY THE METRE We hove an excellent selec- tion of patterned and solid colours to choose from. Save money and make your pyjamas. 5240 PLAIN: 45•' WIDE • METRE S� 70 PRINTED 36 WWI _ • t4ETRE VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store that Saves You More' MIM% •Olt I.Oitt G,I,% s r... Mr.1 ...0 0014, lrwhsomoiart..41 • '06611460bi STORE HOURS: Monday • Friday 10 o.m. 9 p.m Saturday 10 o.m. . 6 p.m Sunday 12 noon - 6 p.m. Highway 4 - South of Clinton at Vanvtre