HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-09-12, Page 22 (2)Page 6A Times -Advocate, September 12, 1979 GRAND BEND AND DISTRICT NEWS . Anglican ladies realize 51,066 from lawn sale The lathes group of St. John's held their first meeting of the fall season on September 6th with Con- vener Thelma Brosseau. presiding. Rev. and Mrs. Anderson "LOVE TO SEE YOU; and you tl love to see our big. beautiful selection of decorating ideas including floorcovenngwallpaper and paint GRAND BEND DECORATING AND FLOORING . CENTRE - • were welcomed at the meeting. The treasurer, Nola Taylor, reported that $1.066.00, was the net profit of the lawn sale held in August. All members were thanked for their co- operation and hard work. before. after and during the sale. The date of October 18th was suggested for a progressive euchre to be held in the Parish hall. .Tea and nut -bread was served by Joan Cole at the conclusion of the meeting. Golden Agers meet The first fall meeting of Grand Bend Golden Agers club was .held Wednesday afternoon at the Anglican Parish hall, with 40 at- tending. President. Mary Ravelle presided. Alex and Clara Hamilton who had attended the LU.S.C.O. Convention in Kingstori in August as delegates. gave reports. Alex reported on the con- vention and Clara on Resolutions. This was the 21st conference and largest attendance to date with 729 11111111111.11/ PIESCRIPTION SERVICE HARWOOD DRUGS Ltd. W. Harwood, Phm.B 238-8540 Beside Post Office 22, 81 CRESCENT GRAND BEND, ONT. r'. Sweater Values Great Reduction PU LLOVE RS Ladies Banlon assorted colours sleeveless and short sleeve SMLOS machine washable and dryable 14 es,- 'ing colours Reg. s 1 10° to"'1200 Long Sleeve Reg. '12°° to '13°O S495 MON TO SAT 10-5 30 SUNDAY 12-5 30 S(JELLE'Z LO FACTORY OUTLET GRAND BEND. 2 16 Midi yt. WE APOLOGIZE N. for the inconvenience due to sewer construction. To Make it more bearable for you we will be featuring ITEMS FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS EXAMPLE Fresh GROUND BEEF SAVE 99° Ib. Reg '1.98 Ib c T214 'Mi6ER SPOT ' HONE 238-2512 GRAND BEND attending, from 1007 clubs in Ontario. Groups seven were in charge of program and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graham showed pictures of their trip to -England and Scotland. Following this games of cards and crokinole were -enjoyed, and lunch refreshments served. 4H club Meets Grand Bend 411 club no 2, met last Thursday evening at 7 p.m. in the town hall for their organization meeting. Leaders are • Marg Desjardine and Karen Woods. The girls elected Sharon Johnson as President, press reporter Christine Boogemans • and the secretary duties will be rotating. This club project is on Needlepoint. They discussed color schemes. Next meeting same place and time on September 12: Grand Bend library news Coming! on September 20th at 8.00 p.m. in Grand Bend library a speaker from the Royal Ontario Museum. .Her subject will be on Vic- torian arts and crafts. She will be showing slides and commentary, and will have a few items from the museum with her for viewing. Everybody welcome. Free admission. Bridge winners Winners of the duplicate bridge game held last Wednesday evening in St. John's Parish hall were, north -south, a tie -Marie Weetman and Dorothy Child, and Helen and Manning Jamieson. East -west, Irene Ward and Muriel.Hunt. The bridge club's next meeting date will be Sep- tember 26th. Personals Mrs. Roy Morenz, Glenda and Tammy, recently spent a holiday at Niagara Falls. Rev. and Mrs. Morris Vincent, Richard and Nancy, who have been holidaying here and attended their niece, Judy Vincent's, wedding, Saturday, have returned home to Morden, Manitoba. Mrs. Raymond Kading spent a day last week in Clinton with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacLaren. Mrs. Margaret Maven, of Guelph is spending a few holidays _ with Beulah Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McVittie, spent the week -end here at her parents and attended the Johnson reunion held at Parkhill Community centre. Mrs. John Greenwood, of London spent the weekend Robin McVittie of Southampton is spending a few days here with her Johnson grandparents following a tonsillectomy last Friday Church of God news At the morning service of Church of God a special service of dedication was held for Sunday School teachers. Church of God ladies prepared and served the wedding reception dinner, for about 60 guests, following the wedding of Judy Vincent and James Snyder, Satur- day. Have.exchange speaker St. Johns by. the lake Anglican church had Rev. John Holland, from the Lttcan and Clandeboye parish, as an exchange guest speaker at the Sunday morning service. The theme of his sermon was taken from the 29th Psalth in the old testament - the strength and magnitude of . the Lord. Rev. Holland impressed on us that -we all haveIthe prfvllege and oN- •portunity to spread hid -word and. encourage people to.. $8thl r together for teaching Mrs," tiorrofhy' citing prepared the flowers for the sanctuary. Hostess for the coffee hour after morning service was Mrs. Jan Grindlay. SHHH! ARTIST AT WORK — Wearing a smock. Robbie Luther. 3. of Grand Bend takes his turn at the easel at Grand Bend Nursery School Colonials unbeaten The Grand Bend senior soccer team returned from a two week holiday and kept a tight hold on their winning record. The unbeaten Colonials trounced Huron Park five to one at Sunday's game. Dave Nolan scored twice for the Colonials, with ad- ditional goals by Bill Van- derbygaart, Tony Mennen, and Kevin Simmonds. The senior teem plays next Sunday in Grand Blend against Lucan. The Grand Bend Bantams topped Sarnia six to two this week. Nick Vandenberk starred for the Bantams with five of the six goals. Bill Mennen scored the ad- ditional goal. The Bantams go on to finals after this win. Guest minister Guest minister at the United Church morning service was Rev. R.G. Simpson, formerly of Ottawa, now residing in Grand Ceve. He told us he was born on a farm and orphaned at 12 years of age. Rev. Simpson read scripture from the 2nd book of Kings, chapter 7, verses 1 - LO. He is working with World Vision in Canada, in which 55 countries participate. He told us of the plight of the boat people leaving Vietnam at the rate of 50,000 a day. Some statistics he quoted were 1/3 of the world's population goes to bed hungry, ten million will die of starvation this month of September and every month in future 80 percent of people are homeless in the Dominican Republic. every eight minutes a child dies in Columbia. Through World Vision an immunization program is working for children in India against T.B. The first year 40,000, second year 80,000 and this year they are hoping one million will be im- munized. He told us it cost only 25 cents to immunize one child. TO THE TOP — Teresa her first week at Nursery bing to the top of the ever -popular slide. Petch 21/2. of Grand Bend enjoys School. Teresa is kept busy clim- 2uerybody saves on foocl here- jWJ'7Tfrt7j Silverwoods 2% BAG MILK or JUG 51.55 3 qts. Canada No. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER Ib '1.53 Regular GROUND BEEF 1b.99 C SAVE 99° Ib. 4( Weston's > HAMBURG ROLLS+�F r 12's 59e SAVE 31° Aged Al Steer Beef Blade bone out. Blade or Short Rib ROAST Ib. $ 1 .3 8 SAVE 60° Ib. Prices effective Sept. 12 to 18 Chapmans ICE CREAM 2 titres 98 C Can No 1 Local SWEET CORN doz 69' Can No 1 RIPE PEARS '1.99 4 qt basket Produce of Honduras BANANAS alb '- SI 0 * * * Fresh daily supply of 4 qt baskets of peaches, plums, potatoes. FII LVER Ib. 98 SAVE 70c Ib. Maple Leaf DINN-ER HAMS $2.28 Facelle Royale lb SAVE 40c Ib. Facelle Royale Paper Specials FACIAL TISSUE3i - 58' AGFA OSAI INCS • Automatic m Lank •Saniflu.sh - - t• TOILET BOWL CLEANER 12 oz Ready cut macaroni. spaghetti ngatini. rotini LANCIA PASTAS Bravo SPAGHETTI SAUCE Mir LIQUID DETERGENT 2 Ib pkgs 28 oz 2-750 ml pkgs Imperial, 100% vegetable oil SOFT MARGARINE 2 lbs Chnsties Fudgio. Coffee Break . Chips Ahov COOKIES a5ogr. Crisco SHORTENING Mouthwash &gargle SCOPE 3 lbs 750 ml 98� 85' 88c '1.48 51.78 1.28 52.58 '2.48 Royale h.T.OILET.,,o.; Fresh SIDE PORK 98c «TISSUE $2.181' vale Ib SAVE 20c Ib. 1 Facelle Royale PAPER TOWELS.2 ply2's 98c mop 11111111111 VALUABLE (;OII I'ON ;'+Ititit�t;l,rii i1 7 Store Sliced COOKED HAM Ib .58 SAVE '1 Ib. IIIIII111111 iit11,i iItt 11110111,4111111itii 111111'Iril!ItI 1 Il 111111 ill 1l lfllll 1 Also check and compare our everyday low prices GRAND BIND smut Notll*s Mon. foThltarsr9to-6 Friday 8 to 9 ��..8.to 6 Sunday 9 to 6' TELEPHONE 238-2512 SENIOR CITIZENS •b M •.. .p .4. nim...•,. nn...r anw� V 3Rt n SAVE 6% r OPEN SUNDAYS AT 2 LOCATIONS 0:. RE RE/!.?`':'"!;' ; i•_ ;M1' - rHF .�d SPOT We reserve the right to limit quantities. 238-2512 GRAND BEND .341117 MMUS c...., ...qn.(5, ..,n SAVE 6% Ch .O'S M(..55. mM♦ 00N5 fi,11.01, P STORK HOURS Mon to Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Sunday 9 to 6 TELEPHONE 565-2791