HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-15, Page 23 (2)a
, • Tuckersmith okays manure tank bylaw
A debate on details of a
proposed bylaw to govern
liquid manure pits in the
township which has been
under way for several
months was concluded
Tuesday night when
Tuckersmith council passed
the by-law. Recognizing
liquid manure as a potential
cause of water and air
pollution the bylaw regulates
the erection and use of liquid
manure pits in the township.
The bylaw which will be
effective immediately, has
been discussed at length as
Council struggled to come up
with necessary controls
which at the same time
would be generally ac-
ceptable and which would be
realistic and practical.
Included in the by-law is
the requirement that all
liquid manure pits be con-
structed of solid steel or
concrete and have a solid
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tages For one thing. the
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Marriage is a kind of tour-
niquet, ,t stops your cir-
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steel or concrete covering, or
be constructed of solid steel
or concrete two feet above
grade and have a solid en-
closure to a minimum
distance of ten feet above
Robert Broadfoot of
Brucefield, who has attended
the council meetings when
the by-law was being
debated, convinced council
that if they went for their
proposal to go four feet
above grade then a person
would need a pumping
system and there would be
three feet of waste space, but
at two feet above grade then
only one foot was not usable.
He was successful as well in
gaining agreement to lower
the top enclosure
requirement to ten feet
rather than twelve feet.
Other regulations that no
run-off or seepage is to enter
any municipal drain; the pits
are to be properly and ef-
ficiently maintained and
operated according to the
ministry of agriculture .and
Hansa) Arena Donations
Marjorie Windover
Jack & Helen Drysdale
Harry Horton
Mrs. Mona R. Campbell
Mrs. Helen Thiel
Lawn Gould
Hensall Motors Limited
B.O.B. Investments Limited
Mn. Jane M. Davidson
Rochus Faber
Robert Caldwell
Oliver Yallop
Hilda Smale
Harry Smith
Clara Mc Ewen
Asa Deeves
Mrs. Wilhelmina Oud
Greta Lammie
Glen Nixon
William Noakes
Mrs. Ida Jackson
Donald Jackson
Murray Dawson
Total to date
' 26.00
' 25.00
' 20.00
' 10.00
The Fund Raising Committee is most appreciative of this resp-
onse to their appeal. Area residents are asked to send in their
donations as soon as possible to mike sure we reach our target
of '200,000.00.
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of most makes
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food code of practice;
storage capacity must be
sufficient to carry six
months supply; all building
permit applicants must have
certificate of approval from
the ministry .of the en-
vironment before a building
permit will be issued; and
any person who contravenes
any provision of the by-law
shall be guilty of an offence
and liable to a penalty not
exceeding 8100 exclusive of
costs, for each day the of-
fence continues.
In ;other business council
amended a by-law to change
the minimum depth of lots
from 53.3 metres or 74.3 feet
to 40 metres or 130.8 feet.
Council will ask the
ministry of transportation
and communication for •a
turning lane for east bound -
traffic and a passing lane for
west bound traffic at the
interesection of Highway 8
and Vanastra Sideroad.
The tender from Roth
Drainage of Gadshill for
83,252 was accepted for
construction of the O'Brien
drain. Any connections to
drains will mean an extra
charge of ;15. Work will
start after September 3 and
will be completed by
November 1. The Roth
tender was. the lowest of
four. • The engineer's
estimate was 84,000.
Applications for building
permits were approved for:
Bill Martin, part lot 41,
concession 1, L. RS., addition
to house: Ken Carnochan,
Lot 38, concession 3, L.R.S.,
addition to house: Tom Kyle,
Vanastra, addition to house:"
Bill Wallace, Lot T, con-
cession 5 HRS, car port: H.
G.errits, Vanastra,
renovations to house:
Seaforth Sportsman Club,
part lot 15, concession 1,
H.R.S., clubhouse:
Demolition permits were
approved for Robert Cook
Hensall, small barn, and
Martinus Guichelaar,
As a result of a request
from Tuckersmith Junior
Farmers for suggested
projects they might un-
dertake in the township,
•Council said they might
update the Century Farm
Signs in 'the township, many
for any good reason,
we can lend you
up to X40,000
very competitive
• If yaJ flit 1-ffditt`riing to utld a cottage, add room
to your home, install a backyard pool or&ny other major
project see us for a Special Purpose Loart.
• On approval we'll tailor a repayment plan that won't strain
your budget.
• Your loan will be life insured at no extra charge.
• An existing loan can be switched to the Royal Bank.
When you succeed...we succeed.
Manag r
Senior Loans Officer
of which have become quite
shabby since they were
erected about ten years ago.
Other suggestions were to
compile a history of
Tuckersmith Township; to
plant trees in the township
and to construct a com-
munity garden at Vanastra
which the residents there
would then maintain.
Conducts service
Rev. Dr. Hugh Davidson of
Listowel conducted service
in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday speaking
on the need for the love of
Christ in the world today
from Ephesians Chapter 4
Verse II. Misses Beatrice
and Mary Thomson sang a
duet "The Lord is My
Shepherd." Mrs. Robert
Taylor accompanied at the
organ. .Rev. Young of
Goderich will conduct the
service next Sunday at 11:30
Couple Surprised
A most enjoyable evening
was had at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Schroeder in
Zurich on Tuesday evening
when relatives from Hensall
area surprised them with a
family get-together. During
the evening a gift was
presented for the new home
and a social hour and
refreshments followed.
Queensway has
new resident
Queensway Nursing Home
welcomes a new resident
Mrs. Wilds.
On Monday the ladies from
Carmel Presbyterian
Church entertained the
residents with bingo and
passed out .treats. Mrs.
Malcolm Dougall then played
the piano and sang along
with Mrs. Faber and the
Rev. McDonald held the
church service on Tuesday
accompanied by Mrs. Erratt
at the piano. Mrs. Luther and
Mrs. Britton sang a duet.
Visitors with Mrs. Irene
Kalbfleisch were Joan
Betteridge, Violet Bishop,
Lorraine Funnel). Mrs.
Pearl Erratt visited her
husband Russell Erratt.
The highest bowling score
for the men was Neil Regan
with 151. The highest bowling
score for the ladies was
Mary Parlmer with 96.
Thomson reunion
The 40th annual Thomson
Reunion was held Sunday at
the new home of Bert and
Audrey Vorstenbooch and
family, Mitchell with an
attendance of 60. Everyone
enjoyed a smorgasbord
dinner on the patio while the
younger group preferred to
sit outside in the sun and
under the trees.
A short business meeting
was held with President
Cecil Pepper presiding and
welcoming all present. A
minute's silence was held in
memory of the late Samuel
Thomson who passed away
this year, also the former
members gone before.
Letters of greetings were
read to the Thomson cousins
from Eleanor Fisher and
Hazel Chance and from John
Thomson in Arizona.
Eleanor Thomson read the
report of the 1978 meeting as
the secretary and her
assistant.Mary and Beatrice
Thomson were on holidays in
Jamaica. The 1980 picnic will
be held at the home of Ken
and Pat Britton, Dublin. The
executive will be as'follows
president, Gwen O'Rourke;
vice president, Ken Britton,
secretary -treasurer, Joyce
Pepper; sports committee.
Pat and Linda DeJong, Doug
and Patricia Stanlake; lunch
committee, Lorne and
Elaine Schneider, and Ken
and Pat Britton.
The sports then com-
menced: yottngest baby
present, Patrick Gordon son
of Pat and Linda DeJong
two months old; person with
most buttons on clothing,
Dale Schneider; birthday
closest of picnic, Lawrence
Schneider; guessing number
of beans in jar, Hannah
Miller; mystery spot, Ates
Races for five and under,
Stephen Pullman and Jesse
Britton; 6 to 8 years, Janet
Britton, Stephen Foster; 9 to
11 Laura Britton; boys race
12 and uo,a 1. Vor-
girls' race 12 and up,
Foster, Jo -Ann Pepper; nail
hammering, Women, Pearl
Preistap; men, Nail Ham-
mering, Ken Britton; life
saver relay, Vince
Priestap's team; tooth in
jar, Ted Foster's team; fill
the bottle with water, Ted
Foster's team.
A peanut scramble con-
cluded the sports and was
enjoyed by all the littleones.
es-Advggit. Amami% 16. 1979
Pepe 11.A
HE'S GOT TIME ON HIS SIDE - Mark Lindenfield. 5. of Huron Park has time on his side•to become a goo' ' ey
' player in more ways than one thanks to a contest held in conjunction with the Bank of Nova Scotia's hockey college
program While parents Ed and Peggy and sister Monica look on. Mark recieves his hockey timepiece from Exeter branch
manager Art McKenzie T -A photo
Ball -Macaulay Homecare Building Centre
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Do -It -Yourself Measure and Installation - It's Easy!
Use this
and then ask us for prices
1 .6
Measure the perimeter of.your
house (divide number of
metres by 3 number of tee' b1
One ^ eve't Dther 'a"•• -
app, -10mr is G+..
h,jo+ suppjrt Parr,
Measure distance item trough
to ground where you plan on
installing downpipe :divide
number of metres by 3
number of feet by l0
Count number of corners
required 'Nitre is suitable for -
inside 300 outside moors
Ono'nl ,ap lOr oar h ;spar •
Count one centre drop or end Use ; 'yrs per 3 m 'it) rw
drop for each downpipe p.oe ,,,q. 1 t+.panpipe ci•^
. assembly end drops 9504.-,. .e,it wh nrr'
-wsed�..rr tv - -,:;.:r-;31.�llt j Idi'r' •.7.
One lornr,r per Ieneth ,of hnrikh
One Stine at bottom al down 10
pipe to direct lino, of water