HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-15, Page 21 (2)• • .THE NET EFFECT Tips from the Exeter Tennis club iswor By RANDY PARSONS Members who have nut picked up their keys yet can still do so at the Junction. Also. members are reminded to use the ,Reserved Booking Board whenever possible to ensure • their court time for the next day ..or for •talar the -same day. We are planning mens' doubles, ladies' doubles. and junior singles events for late August and early Sep- tember, before the Club Championships. All players should remember that by main- taining- our Exeter Tennis Club, the courts remain a self-sufficient facility. It seems now that several players are using the courts regularly during club tune. when the door hasn't been locked. It's great to see the courts being used. but by paying the small mem- bership fee, you can help to keep • the courts in good shape. If everyone used the courts without putting anything back'in. our courts 1111111111,I111111111111111111111111111111111 ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types INSTAt1E[ ^,AODERNIZED o v MAINTArNED • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron St Ewa Exeter t,. would become a financial burden to the town and or local service -groups Please help to keep tennis in Exeter a growing and self- sufficient sport by pur- chasing a membership as °soon as possible • Tip cif lhe.Week The use of 'topspin or "How to keep the ball off of the public school roof . Topspin is achie+-i d tt several methods. rine +t ay is to roll the wrist over as '.lu bit the hall. This is hard on the arm muscles and is impossible to control con sistently. The best way is to start the stroke with the racquet low and to finish with the racquet high This will give your shots a gentle topspin. For a more violent topspin, come up through the .hall faster and ':brush" it at contact. This takesptuch more tinting and footwork and more practise Avoid just using the \grist' save that for table tennis. Topspin shots should clear the net safely and then drop down deep in the court. They .will bounce high to your opponent so that ono c•an not hit the hall comfortably. Topspin allows you to bit the ball hard. with control and speed It is used in the regular grounds trokcs. but is most necessary in t+tn situations • To hit a passing shot when your opponent is at the net or To hit a deep lob over your opponent's head This can be used for a ++inner when your opponent is at the net 01- when rwhen he's at the baseline. if it's placed deeply etiough Learn to use_ the topspin You will need it as you climb further up the tennis ladder 11 allows you to make thost• "emergency shots" wInch often decide a match \ ori can hit the hall hard +tilh new confidence The game of tennis is virtually -owned" by those play t•rs ytith the tiest topspin strokes: for example. Borg t'1111nl%1? �'t1as. Evert Lloyd.. Austin 4r• EXETER TEAM WIN* USBORNE TITLE — The Exeter Cougars proved to be victorious in the season ending tournament of the Usborne and Hibbert boys squirt softball league Saturday as they defeated Huron Park Members of the winning team are (back row) coach Doug Dalrymple. -Tim Long. Bill Crawford. Ray Chong. John Wells. Steven Dalrymple. Vincent Parent. coach John Relouw and bat:girl Amy Relouw. In the front row are -bat -girl Lori Dalrymple. stafistician'Judy Dalrymple. Jamie Beuerrnan. Dave Medd. co -captains. Gib Dow and.Steve McAuley Dennis Murray and John Relouw T -A photo Singing- preacher at Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The Rev. Grant Mills of Exeter ministered in both message and song at a combined service of the Centr.alia-Zion West congregations in the Cen- tralia United Church, Sunday morning. "Live our own lives, be ourselves" was the theme of the sermon delivered by Rev. Mills. Through life -We should.strive to develop our skills and be an influence for be said."The :world is a better place because of you and t." Rev. \fills vocal solo "This is my task" was greatly appreciated by his listeners. The children's story was told by Mrs. Ross McFalls. %1r. Douglas (:i1) was the organist and was ac- companied on the piano by Miss Elaine Powe. The of- lertorymusic was a duet by Mr. Gill and Elaine. The beautiful floral arrangements were from the Johns-Masnica wedding. Personals United Church Women have arranged the service for this coming Sunday and Bob Heywood will be the guest speaker. It will be a combined service at 11 a.m., please note the time. Mrs. Lorne Hicks was a guest for a few days last week with Mrs. Fred Pen - warden at her cottage at Grand Bend and on Saturday she visited with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scheifele in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willert, Peggy, Barry and Ervine, R.R. 2 Ilensall; Mr. and Mrs. Roy U sch and family. Clinton; /Mr and Mrs. Dennis Gerber and family and Miss Bernice Willert of Stratford were guests for dinner on Sunday. Snell leads in jitneys Russ Snell recorded the best score in the three jit- neys staged this week at the Exeter Lawn Bowling greens. Snell topped Tuesday night's event with two wins and a plus of 30. Following right behind with a plus of 29 was Liz Lamport, while Mabel McKnight took third with a plus of 27. Lillian Pym was best in the Thursday action, just nipping Ray Blanchard. Gertrude fiamilt/;n placed third, followed in order by Isabel Rogerson. Hose Blanchard. Gordon Hoggarth, Margaret Wein and Liz Lampor Len McKnight ended up in top spot in the Saturday jitney, with Bill L:import and Mabel Skinner finishing up in a tie for the runierup spot. Following in order behind them were Clarence Down. Anna Ballantyne and Thelma RBssell with Mr., and Mrs. Lloyd Rimmer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kooy, Bonnie and Clyde spent the weekend in Niagara Falls and Dunnville_ PaulSchott returned to Chatham on Sunday to conduct the service in his home church, Saint Andrews t'nited Church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred.Bowden were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and family, Granton. a Times -Advocate August 15, 1979 Page 9A Cleric tells of mountains By MRS. E. SUMMERS GRANTON Rev. Mary Mills was in charge of the worship at St. Thomas Anglican Church on Sunday and took her sermon #tom the 123rd Psalm and �e Hymn "Unto to tate Hills." Referring to the mountains she saw on her recent vacation to the far north,, Rev. Mills quoted the bible passage "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help". Let us anchor our lives, uplifting by looking up and thinking of love, and joy,' which comes from God. Goodness is always above us, said the Rector. St. Thomas church will hold their service at 11:00 a.m. Sunday. Personals - Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Morley of West McGillivary and Mr. Crediton By MRS. PETER MARTIN Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dallier Angela and Michelle were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator Mrs. Mary Thornton and Brenda Glanville. Mr. and Mrs., Charles Browning Sr. returned home after spending their holidays in Nova Scotia. Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong Jody and Jeff and Brenda Glanville spent Sunday at Tobermo-ry. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glanville and family were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Presz- cator and Mrs. Mary Thornton. TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-4381 or 236-4560 "" Kenneth Hodgins of Cen- tralia visited with Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shaver of Toronto • last Wednesday and Miss Rona Hickey of Toronto. ac- companied the Hodgins family home to Granton, -to spend some holidays with them. Keith Summers of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Summers. Safe river SAVE CHILDRENS' LIVES! Say goodbye to house painting with Stela) Siding t. 4 41 • free estimates, sales & installations, 1 00 square in stock JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION Dashwood 237-3526 CUSTOM CUTTING & KILLING FREEZER BEEF,, HEIFERS OR STEERS FRONTS 1.19 ib. SI D E s 1.491 b. HINDS 1.791b. LOINS 1.991b. SIDES OF PORK .891b WHOLE PORK .85 Ib. Money Back Guarantee! Stock Up Now While Prices Are Down Fresh. Sliced 0 WOO 0.110 gas' 041,0 SIDE PORK 1,98c Fresh CHICKEN LEGS lb 98' ‚5' Exeter HOURS MON. TUES. SAT. 9 AM - 6 PM WED. THURS. FRI. 9 AM - 9 PM Prices in effect until closing Sat., Aug 1 8, 1"979. Wti reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. DELI COUNTER DARLINGS OFFER A TASTY SELECTION OF HOMEMADE SALADS SLICED THE WAY YOU LIKE IT COOKED HAM 5199 Ib Kellogg's Frozen EGGO WAFFLES 11 oz pkg 79' Fancy Grade U S A Red of Golden DELICOUS APPLES lb 89' Highliner FLAKED WHITE TUNA - '6 5 oz' 13 DetrFgent PALMOLIVE LIQUID • f'11:i -$1195-- 24 fl oz • Fresh CHICKEN BREASTS $1 OS Schneider's BUCKETS OF CHICKEN $388 2 lb bucket Fresh PORK CUTLETS ^$ 1 59 Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled CWZA&EROLLS $1 39 Ib Chicken Quarters and Cutup WHOLE CHICKENS 79' 4 44 •