HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-15, Page 15 (2)usiness Directory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS Of CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel lone. STRATHROY Telephone 245 1272 By appointment please Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidle.y St., E. Exeter 235-1010 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen. Ont Auct on Sole Service that .s most eft c ent and courteous CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Mensal) 519, 262-5515 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROf3SON AUCTIONEERS 20 years experience of complete sole service Provn,c•olly '.tensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more to .ncure success of your sole or oppro Phone Collect 666-0833 666 1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER •ec E$/.c.ent .1'. • 0E ANY SIZE ANYWHERE .tie y ye, o",,olete sole cery (e PRO1 By E xPERIENCE Phone Celleci 235.1964EXETER People do read small ads You are! Realty EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages ' Life Insurance Trust Certificates SEE USFOR A,- Fuct�rr.�v#=v Office Supplies Furniture 8 • Equipment LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter or in The North End Plaza SIT CAR MEI. Income Tax ('entre' In, ,r, ,.• r is -Nur ',inhni h,rc t`.ij ,n t liy, rt ''t.;iitId R 5''kk`kr. prne ' i•r% Ire Phone 2.17 :1469 Vince IHVan It 1 II li :1 llavhwonil Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST,, EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 (;. 1H. WARD & PARTNERS 'eh arlered Accountants 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario - 235-0120 • Resident Partner AM; Read, C.A. Home Telephone 238-8075 Manager J.S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone 235-1734 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered .Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr . EXETER 235-0281 NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO (519) 235-0101 (519) 227.4455 J. A. NORRIS, C.A. Manger. S. W. HOMUTH, C.A. 4 SUITE 200 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO (519) 673.1421 L. D. GEE, C.A. RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Ch'roprachc '05 Ma r Stree' Exete' 235-1535 8y Apporr,tmer' Doily G. RANDALL PAUL Adm'n'strative Services `/ AIN ST LOCA'- PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 .TORIEPT[ I'. T)Ai21I.T�TC: , ty.11TIf ISD (:i‘611A11 .S.;Wr : TA`T - 4a•T' TFI IIsi-2.'In-44i • • TMS (HD TOVV,IN RAI Z. net M.•IN ..TRT.F,T f: ONTARIO NOM 'IRO CONSOLIDATED SIGN- & LIGHTING SERVICES INC. CREDITON PH 234-6721 Complete Sales, SERVICE & leasing We carry ()complete stock of signs lomps and ballasts eJeoxye r �' �‘4oare 4:AvlsepY �Sa� . . ".4461 147 MAIN STREET.. EXETER, ONTARIO, TELEPHONE (5191 235-2211 P.O. BOX 1600 NOM 190 HERE COME THE EGGS — Patron's night at Huron Country Playhouse proved to be a big success goers waiting for the renowned midnight breakfast. Serving Ken and Marion Larmer of Greenway are Barbra and James Murphy • 1 " ar HIDE -AND -GO -SEEK — Ken Pieger of St. Clair Shores. Michigan comes to Grand Bend to stroll on the beach with his metal detector Pieger says hes friends "razz" him for his strange hobby. but he says.he usually finds enough coins 4o make the walk worthwhile Best Interest We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to orronge for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. • subject to change AWF Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. EXETER GRAND BEND • 235-2420 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 We'll Do the Job Right :. . We've Moved Our Office we are now located at our Exeter shop 'Whatever the protect, toll on us for Ready -Mix Concrete RESIDENTIAL - • COMME-RCIAl • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) TREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 235-1969 with many theatre Russell Desjardine, T -A photo New sport on beach A new "sport" can be found on the beach at Grand Bend. Many tourists are bringing their metal detectors to the Bend and strolling up and down the beach searching for coins, watches,rings. Ken Pieger of St. Clair Shores has a metal detection unit which cost him about $300. Pieger waves a wand over the sand, and his machine makes a loud beeping noise whenever it detects a piece of metal. Usually he finds coins, but some days he has found valuable jewellery. His machine features- a discriminatory dial. He can set it to detect pop bottle tops, but unfortunately he cannot set it to reject pop can pull tabs or he misses dimes, too. Pleger has a set of ear- phones that he wears on days when the water is rough, and he has trouble hearing the beeps made by his detectoro: ver the sound of the waves. He has also.made his own shovel and sifter so that he can quickly scoop up sand and see his find. "Some guys go fishing, this is my hobby," Pieger says. The beach is particularly bus} with hobbyists and their metal detectors early on Monday mornings after a crowded weekend. Calf weaning takes dedication By STAN PAQUETTE Associate Agr. Rep Huron County Can you wean a 95 percent calf crop? Jim Love of R.R. 3 Parkhill did just that in 1978. He owns a Hereford herd; breeding first calf heifers to Aberdeen Angus. Cows are bred back to Angus. I questioned Jim as to how he did it. He said, "You have to be a dedicated . cow -calf man." He and his son alternate and regularly check the heifers and cows due to calve. Every four hours at night and every two hours during the day is their schedule. Other practices Jim follows are: An ADE injection four to six weeks prior to calving. ADE injectable. plus Vitamin E and selenium to the newborn calf. Navel treatment with tincture of iodine. Ear tagging. Implants with Ralgro at day old. Records treatment given. Makes notes of unusual calving problems. Early calves are born inside or in a dry lot hear the buildings. Later ones are born on grass. Calf hutches protect the young calves on cool evenings. Jim's 1978 weaning weights were not ex- ceptional. He plans to use a Charolais or Simmental bull on his cows this season. By bringing in exotic blood, he feels the cross will give him heavier weaning weights. It's important to be ready for calving as Jim is. The big secret is to be a D.C.C.M., i.e. dedicated cow -calf man, as he said; plus T.L.C., i.e. tender loving care. You can afford to ne more dedicated. Your reward will be more calves weaned this fall. At The •.�".. , Playhouse If you want to see some fupny stuff, catch The Owl and The Pussycat at Huron Country Playhouse. The lines are funny and the ac- ting is funny. In fact, if there's -anything wrong with this play it's that it's too funny, and doesn't get serious in the places it should. Gloria Gifford is excellent as Doris, the part-time hooker- Ms. Gifford came to Grand Bend from Los Angeles. She recently starred with Richard Pryor in Califorhia Suite. Sometimes her gestures and voice seems tone a cross between Rhoda Morganstern and Barbra Striesand, but for the most part she is in control of the flighty Doris. She makes good use of her long, red fingernails, and wears the bright clothes very well. - Tim Henry adds to the comedy with his crazy facial expressions; 'rolling and widening his eyes, and twitching his eyebrows. Both Henry and Mk. Gifford seem to do best with the funny lines. The humour in the play is created when Felix who thinks he's a real intellectual decides he must educate Doris who says she's a model and part-time prostitute. Doris decides that Felix could use a little educatioft'in her line. Each of them turns the other's world upside down. t. With Mary Alderson What might be considered X-rated, is redeemed by the humour in the play. Lines such as "I always feel so r selfish sleeping alone in a double bed when there are people in China sleeping on the ground," evoked laughter from the audience. Director Aileen Taylor - Smith seemed to want The OwI and the Pussycat to be mainly a comedy. Unfor- tunately, what should have been a serious, tender moment brought laughs from the audience. Felix reduces Doris to nothing better than a dog, and Doris, the girl who just a few minute before was bragging about her pride, lets him do it. When Felix realizes that she'll do anything to get his love, he runs and puts his arms around her. This scene should have been heart - wrenching, but instead the audience was laughing at Doris's puppy -like actions. The tenderness of the scene failed to come through. Once again the stage crew has come up with an, ex- cellent set. I'm sure any members of Qhe audience would recognize Felix's apartment as one of their first homes. The play ended effectively- -Felix admits to himself and to Doris that he's not a writer but a book store clerk, and Doris sees herself as not a model, but a receptionist. • avin S `11r (Highest Savings Account Rate Ever ! VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Sint t' I&-14 Contact our office: 425 Main Street Exeter 235.0530 Memte• :anode Deposrt Insurance Corporel'on Oat 4s••ra•• s-a•s•sa•s•a• 'oat* 11111, Ike • *WO >••*••lifts:g'-e' MON - TUES - WED - AUG 20, 21, 22 0`%N, 1 �,�orad".vor/• \\���rev 1 ''+� �or %� lttta���sig.r��sa/�r�% rt: 'I% in4b11%,.‘pasii ..1.!Ilierli: 017----:7111I11..-.. - - ' - 1k • 410 arsoall... 01111 oi \ II JI •1 Jet 1414-1,.1 11 %IA li NS Dime ke SUPER -VALUE $ 6.95 REG. 59 00 *Medium Potato Salad *Medium Coleslaw DWe ice FRIED CHICKEN ,&SEAFOOD 'Exeter 235-2`665 St. Marys 284.1240 ^t 41. d>,wt. GOOD PLAYHOUSE FOOD — While the performance of the OwI main attractipn for Patrons Night at the Huron Country Playhouse breakfast proved popular Enjoying their early eggs and tomatoes are and Mr and Mrs Clarke Kennedy. all of Grand Bend •sr••••••••••01000sora••••••••s•••A••••teefig s••••r Nr and Pussy Cat was the Monday, the midnight Mr and Mrs. Roy Flear T=A photo