HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-01, Page 21 (2)•
BAPTIST -BIBLE SCHOOL — The annual Exeter Baptist Church Bible School was' well attended this year. Above, Carol Prouls
T -A photo
and Lillian Johns accept registrdtions from Doug
Smith, Yvonne Zivkovic, Billy McGrath and Jonet Marquardt.
WHAT DO I HAVE HERE? — The Exeter United Church Bible school held this post week had 834pupils enrolled. In the
kindergarten division teachers Marion McCarter and Marilyn Johnson and students Kevin Robinson, David Negrijn, Becky
Morgan and Bridget Wroight go through a song which talks about the various parts of the body. T -A photo
Lutherans attend convention..
Continued from page BA
Nebraska, Minority,
Poverty -depressed area
Ministry, Navajo Indian
Ministry, and the Lay -
Ministry program.
Four offerings were taken
during the course of the
convention. The first at the
opening service raised over
$11,000 and will be used for
the League's mission
projects. The other offerings
are designated for World
Hunger, refugee reset-
tlement, and other mission
A "parade of blankets"
consisted of more than 3200
blankets or quilts brought by
delegates and guests for
Lutheran World Relief. Mrs.
Barz presented a quilt, hand
made and donated by Mrs.
Hilda Knarr, Tavistock,
especially for this occasion.
More than 6,500 persons
attended the opening ser -
If there son cnnrversory up ahead share an Anniver-
sary Smile - as you ve shored so many other good things,
A simple Spring bouquet . _ . or a sophisticated arrange-
ment We can suit whatever style you prefer. And we'll
deliver it wherever you like with a 100% Smile Guaran-
tee. Your Flower Valu Smile Shop –the first name in anni-
versary flowers. The last word in value.
Main St..
BIBLE SCHOOL FUN — Children of all ages spent on enjoyable week at the vacation Bible school at Exeter United Church. In
the grade four class Jennifer Hancock, Karen Schenk, Kim Crawford and Pamela Zanth worked on their wall plaques.
Thames Road family golfs
Congregation enjoys outdoors
The` Andrew Hodgert
family held its annual golf
tournament at the Exeter
golf course, Sunday July 22
with 28 golfers participating.
The group returned to the
home of Reg Hodgert for a
picnic supper on the lawn.
Prizes were presented by
Lillian Hodgert, assisted by
Reg Hodgert.
The trophy was won by a
team composed of Brenda
MacLean, Rick Parker,
Brenda Ffodgert and Lee
Ladies low gross was won
August, 1979.
To Kirkton TelephoneCusfomers:
On Saturday, August 18th, the Kirkton telephone exchange
will be cut -over to new electronic digital switching equipment.
'This new equipment plays an important part in our upgrading
program to provide private -line and two-party service for all
telephone users in the Kirkton exchange. This will also make
digit tone service available.
PLEASE NOTE: — Saturday, August 18th
(1) All Kirkton customers must dial all 7 numbers when placing
calls to Granton, St. Marys, and Exeter including local calls
within the Kirkton exchange.
(2) The nulrtber for Directory Assistance in exchanges served by
London - St. Thomas - Goderich Directory and. nwnbers in
you' teal calling area changes from -"0" to 411. For Directory
Assistance dial 411. Please make this change on Page 3 of
your Telephone Directory. -
13) Kirkton telephone users with private lines or two-party service
will no longer be asked "Your number please?" when dialing
long distance calls. The new system automatically identifies
the telephone number from which long distance calls are
made and will:
• Eliminate the need for you to give your telephone numbe'r
when dialing a long distance call.
. • Speed up the placing of your long distance dialed calls.
• Ensure that calls ate accurately charged to the telephone
number from which they are placed.
• Prohibit the fraudulent charging of calls to someone else's
number when dialing long distance calls.
We are pleased to announce these new additions to your
telephone service.
If you have any questions about these changes please call
our business office at 229-8933.
by_ Lillian Hodgert and the
low for men was a tie bet-
ween Gordon MacLean and
Eric Ellis. The most honest
golfers were Joanne Hodgert
and Scott Hodgert.
Golfers were present from
London, Seaforth, Welland,
Komoka, Exeter and
Thames Road.
Church Service & Picnic
Nearly 100 people attended
the annual Elimville and
Thames Road out door
church service Sunday
morning. Pastor Ross
Hargreaves was in charge of
the service, assisted by a
loud speaker from Don Jolly.
After the service everyone
sat down to a bountiful
dinner. The table committee
were Kathy Cooper. Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Lynn, Robert
Bray, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kellett and Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Stewart.
After dinner sports were
conducted by Joan Cooper,
Elaine Pym, Joyce Cun-
nington, Pat Hodgert, Connie
Jeffery and Pauline Pym.
Balloon Toss: Larry
Dawson, Lee Hodgert.
Guess jelly beans in jar
(243), Mrs. Ross Skinner who
guessed 246. Mystery Can:
sliced beets, Mrs. Gilbert
.Johns. Kick the Slipper -
Ladies, Donna Kerslake;
Men - Michael Grubb.
rDecorate your home
with beautiful
Choose the fabrics and the
styles you wont and Barb
Whiting will custom make
your drapes for you You con
also choose matching
bedspreads and pillow
yAain 5t. Exeter 235-19
Wheel Barrow Race: Doug
Cooper and Brent Dawson;
Scott Hodgert and Michael
Stewart. Three legged race,
Joyce Cunnington and
Connie Jeffery, Barb
Skinner and Joan Cooper.
Team 1 won the bean bag
toss and also tapioca in the
cup. The team consisted of
Robert Bray. Kathy Cooper.
John Pym. Mrs. George
Kellett, Dennis Pym,
Michael Grubb, Glen Grubb.
Andrew ' Grubb, Doug
Cooper, Donna Kerslake,
Donna Stewart and Dave
Van Allen.
The teams also played skin
the snake.
After the sports a friendly
ball game was played with
Elimville against Thames
The Thames Road people
are pleased to report that the
contractor will have the
church windows finished by
the time this paper is
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Flodger4,
Mr. and Mr,. Ross Hodgert
and Mr. and Mrs. Barry J.
Miller attended the 80 bir-
thday party for Mr. Gordon
Miller of Auburndale Florida
at the home of Mrs. Iva
Miller, Grand Bend, Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Bev
Alexander. Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Dawson. Larry and
Brent, Gerry McCarter
spent a few days at the
Dawson cottage at Lake
Timiskaming recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde.
Mitchell visited Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde.
Mrs. Lorne Passmore, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Par-
sons attended the Gunning
reunion at Riverview Park,
Exeter, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Hodgert. Jack. Joanne,
Laurel, Lee and Pat at-
tended the Gardiner reunion
at Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre Sunday.
Mr. and N1rs.Arnold Cann
accompanied Mr and Mrs.
Donald Bray to Ottawa,
Kingston and other points
east during the -past week.
Brenda Ballantyne and
Paul Stewart are attending
camp at Camp Menesetung
as counsellors this week.
Ron Stestart returned
home Saturday after touring
Europe for a month.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Ballantyne and Wendy spent
last week at Chesley Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rohde
and Karen. Exeter visited on
Sunday evening with Mr and
Mrs. William Rohde
Mr, Ross Hargreaves
attendedcampat Bimini last
week and helped teach
Christian Education,
- re:_-,:, , ,.
----,-----___ 1.; Afri"PreCent
grand opening draw.
Brian Veale, 'Box 1990, Exeter
A men's wit
Derry Boyle, Exeter
Biltmore Hat `
Gre Prout, RR 3 Exeter
- ,,.,,,if 1 trouser$
Mary Funk, Hensoll
A sweater
We thank everyone who participated in our
draw and all those who visited during our
grand opening. ,
,,,,A, saia,a4„.,„..
vice, where .they heard Dr.
Oswald Hoffmann, in-
ternational Lutheran Hour
speaker, expand oil the
convention theme "Sow the
Hoffman said, "The
LWML is the greatest
organization we have in the
whole church." Catching the
excitement of the opening
service, he said, "I don't
think we need a sermon,"
referring to the stirring
processional which featured
beautiful hand -made ban-
ners, depicting the theme as
interpreted by the LWML's
43 Districts, augmented by
banners from seven coun-
tries depicting League work
overseas --Brazil, Guate-
mala, Hong Kong, India,
Japan, Nigeria and the
Philippines. He said, "The
seed of God is doing its work
in the church --now. Whether
we live, or whether we die,
we are the Lord's. The seed
is sown. The crop is
Dr. - J.A.O,. Preus,
President of the Lutheran
Church -Missouri Synod, told
the delegates that their
prayers gifts and projects
are producing. He said, "The
Missouri Synod is a peculiar
thing --unlike any other
church in the world. When
the church decides to do
almost anything, it is on the
move. You, dear ladies, are
a very important ingredient
in that." This was greeted
with applause to which
Preus replied, "Don't ap-
plaud; I should be the one
applauding: I submit to you
there is no other church
body where women play a
more vital and important
A highlight Wednesday
morning was a surprise
appearance by the Vice
President of the United
States, Walter Mondale, who
commended the Leaguers
for their work in so many
worthwhile projects
throughout the country.
Mrs. Helen Morris,
Mankato, Minnesota, who
concluded a four-year term
as President of LWML, was
awarded a special
medallion, the "Crest of -
Christ" awarded by Con-
cordia Teachers' College,
Seward, Nebraska.
August 1, 1979 Pogo 9A
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis,
Ruth and Elmer visited
Viola Lewis in Strathroy
Hospital Sunday afternoon.
Recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Morley
were Mrs. Robert Hackney
of Sarnia, Mrs. Wayne
Hackney, ,Jayne and Scott,
Windsor and Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Harris, Thamesford.
There will be no church
service on Sunday August 5
in Brinsley United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed.,
Gackstetter, Exeter were
Sunday evening visitors with
Mrs. Violet Allison and
Kathleen Morley.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Maloney, Cambridge and
Mrs. and Mrs. Randy
Rob;taille and Amy of
Midland were Monday
visitors with Mrs. V.
Overholt and Pauline.
Ferguson Amities
80c Ib. in your own container
The flavour is predominately Basswood.
Week days 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Closed Sundays
On Hwy 84 3 miles west of Hensoll
Phone 236-4979
from the Imperial Oak Collection
The rich look and feel of solid oak
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the Imperial Oak Collection in'our
store...and we're sure you'll be just
as happy to have it in your home.
We offer o choice of occasional, dining and
bedroom pieces of well proportioned. custom -
styled furniture to please the tastes of people to-
day. Pieces may be purchased individually or in
These fine pieces are. on
display now in our store's. -
Come in and check the
master charge
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"Free Parking Behind Our Store"